How much do people use cash anymore?



  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    I think you're going to see a lot more people reverting to using cash more often once merchants start imposing fees for paying with debit/credit cards. Now that the big class action lawsuit against VISA & Mastercard has been settled merchants, for the first time ever, will be permitted to do so.

    My bank already charges me to use my debit card at a gas station. I quit using my card to fill up--simpler and quicker just to pay cash.

    I did hear that some merchants are reluctant to charge swipe fees--figured it would drive business away.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Cash is "free" money to me. I don't carry it unless my husband gives me some as a surprise to go shopping or something like that. I use my debit card all the time and it helps me keep track. I check it twice a day, online and pay most of my bills online. I only do checks if they can't take a debit card. Like today at the mechanics. Nothing worse than standing behind someone who writes out a check slow motion. IF I have to use my checkbook I pre-write it while in line so I just have to put in the amount and not keep everyone waiting.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Cash is "free" money to me. I don't carry it unless my husband gives me some as a surprise to go shopping or something like that. I use my debit card all the time and it helps me keep track. I check it twice a day, online and pay most of my bills online. I only do checks if they can't take a debit card. Like today at the mechanics. Nothing worse than standing behind someone who writes out a check slow motion. IF I have to use my checkbook I pre-write it while in line so I just have to put in the amount and not keep everyone waiting.

    Some people seem genuinely surprised after their purchases are rung up that they have to pay for them. I get aggravated standing behind someone who is startled when the cashier announces the total and only then starts to fumble around for a form of payment. I always think to myself "what did you think was going to happen?"
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    i hate using cash...rare exceptions: cabs and bars (
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I love cash!

    We budget EVERYTHING.

    Being debt free is awesome. We pay bills online, use direct deposit, and order stuff online with a card but it all gets tracked by a budgeting program. Otherwise I pay cash for groceries, entertainment, gas, gifts, personal money, hair salon, and miscellaneous extra cash. Plus change is so fun! It adds up. And it's so handy to have when you are stuck with a parking meter or just need to purchase something cheap. Coin jars are fun too.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    what is this "cash" of which you speak? is that something that happens in between direct deposit and little plastic card?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    We used to never carry cash and we don't have debt so we don't write checks for anything. But since we moved to south Texas, it seems we need cash for EVERYTHING. It's really weird and a hard habit for us to get into.

    We don't really have a preference, though. It just seemed like debit/credit card was easier to use.

    edited to comment:

    wow on the paranoia. I guess it never occurred to me. We don't use a bank, but a credit union and they are awesome. We don't have fees for anything, we get reimbursed for fees if we have to use an atm, and the fraud protection is tremendous. We did get a credit card recently to use while traveling, same credit union. We must be lucky.

    It's funny though, regarding the fear of government comments. Hubby and I ARE the government....lolol. We have nothing to
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I rarely have cash on me and also pay my bills on line. I do still balance my checkbook though via my online transactions.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    Every pay day my autopay bills come out, and I give myself an allowance of cash for the following two weeks. Nothing comes out of checking until the next paycheck. Whatever is left over at the end of the paycheck can be rolled into debt payoff or savings.

    Completely controls budget. Can't overspend. If the wallet is empty, you can't spend it!

    What happens when the power goes out? Cash still works. Highly suggest keeping a week or more worth of expenses in cash at your home.... Its rare, but )(&**()& does happen.

    Can't track buying patterns on a cash buyer the way CC buyers can be. (This is not a black helicopter thing, companys are already doing it, and getting more invasive every year.)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I use cash for things where my budget is very important to stick to, like groceries. Cash is more physical then credit or debit. As such, I can't spend "just a little more" if I physically do not have it. This helps me keep an eye on prices and reduce the number of extra items I throw into my cart.

    Otherwise, everything goes on my one CC and I pay it off monthly.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    what is this "cash" of which you speak? is that something that happens in between direct deposit and little plastic card?

    haha, this! It's pretty true, for me.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    in the small country town we live in, cash is king! old ppl don not rely on cards and our credit card machine breaks a lot up at my job so cash is always nice to have. i spend more when i have cash it seems but i like to count, play with it and then count my cash again lol. true story!! :D also, best in arcades!!!
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    I pay cash for everything except bills. I still write checks for the mortgage and utilities.

    I used to use credit but got in way too deep when I was younger. Once I payed off the debt, I started using cash and have not been in debt since with the exception of the mortgage.

    You can never get in trouble if you pay yourself first. Once the bills are paid, the cash in your pocket is all that's left until payday.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I only use my account for cashing my check and paying a couple bills - cash all the way! I also took off the automatic overdraft so that if my card is ever stolen, the thieves won't get anything except maybe $40 at the most. On the rare occasion I want to purchase something online I put the amount of cash needed in the account then buy whatever it is.

    As far as I know only the local gas stations charge an extra fee for using a card transaction. I just know that paying with a credit card costs the companies I shop at so I'd rather pay cash and do my part in keeping the cost of business down so that the cost of services doesn't go up.

    I don't really care about anyone tracking my spending. Cash is free to use at all times and doesn't require paying it back with interest so I stick with it.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    same here. the only time i carry cash is on tip day until its spent, and when i go to vegas or a strip club, or both. LOL
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Anytime I see someone hold up the check out line to write a check, it's like watching an Amish family go by in a horse-drawn carriage.

    the grocery store i worked in.. the person just had to sign the check.. no more holding up a line!

    i have 2 debit cards, my mom doesn't even have one! she uses cash still.
    i use debit cards for everything except fast food and when food gets delivered.

    i've learned to keep cash on hand for kids.. never know when something will popup and they need it for school.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    as more and more banks start charging for debit purchases, everyone will start carrying more cash
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    also, when i only have cash i tend to spend less.

    i never think of my balance when i use debit.. then i check online and i'm like holy shi i spent a lot today!
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    ICE 20$ and its been in my wallet probably a year
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I only use cash. My credit sucks so no checks or debit.