Trim for Turkey Day October page!

So here is our new page. This is where we will post and weigh in from now on. Tomorrow I am getting serious again!


  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Also the challenge for this week is the no late night snacks. You should try not to eat anything 3 hours prior to you going to bed. I am making my cut off time 7 pm. Good luck!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hi everyone!
    I just wanted to tag this for my topics. Good luck, everyone!!! :drinker:
  • becky444
    becky444 Posts: 145 Member
    I am paying my entry fee for the Turkey Trot 5K on Turkey day.

    Remotivated and with a goal!
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    What is this? Can I join?
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hi everyone!
    I just wanted to tag this for my topics. Good luck, everyone!!! :drinker:

    BUMP :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I don't know how I'm going to approach the no late night snacks since I've been eating a planned bowl of cereal every night at 8:30 and going to bed at 10:00 or 10:30. It's been working for me.

    I'm continuing with crunches and getting less forgetful about doing them. :bigsmile:

    I still keep track of my water every day and drink at least 64 ounces. :bigsmile:

    Happy October to all :heart: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Just posting to mark the page...
  • hgirl1021
    hgirl1021 Posts: 115
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    We started last month this is just our new page. Any new comers are welcome though. We all set a a goal that we wanted to be by Turkey day!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys

    the late night snack thing might be really difficult for me... im in college and have lots of night classes like 6-9pm and then i go to bed around 10:30 or 11 and i have to eat dinner in between there... maybe i will just make it "no food after dinner"?

    in other news, I JUST BOUGHT A CROCKPOT!!! i am trying it out today, but not sure how its going to go cause ill need to leave it on alllll day. regardless, very excited since i have NO TIME!! if anyone has amazing, healthy, relatively easy recipes - please post!

    have a good monday everyone :)
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    thanks EVERYDAY and SKYWALKER for the motivation to work out sat! :laugh: i did get up and ran/walk around my sub for about 40 mins and then some gardening around the house!

    yesterday and this morning was so hectic that I went to mcdonalds and got myself a mocha coffee as a treat! :blushing: i got a small with no-fat milk to make me feel a little better (i know, i know, i could have said no whip cream and chocolate syrup but then it wouldn't be a reward! :tongue: ) but it was still a whooping 240 calories!!!!! unbelievable!

    ok, so back to business today. my goal for this week is to work out everyday from Mon - Thurs! no late night snacking ,no problem!

    on a side note, I know we are doing this for thanksgiving thursday but i have to admit that weighing in on thursdays has been rough!! i feel like after weighing in i can slack off fri, sat, sun and then get back into gear on monday! seeing how i haven't lost any weigh in 3 weeks this is probably not working for me!! :laugh: . after this challenge i think i'm going to establish a monday weigh in which will keep me on track over the weekend!

    sorry for the long post! :flowerforyou: have fun today and good luck!!!:bigsmile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Hello All!:smile: So I did not do to hott this weekend. :grumble: I ate horrible on Sat. & Sun. I worked out on Saturday and played touch football with the family on Sunday but I couldn't avoid the sweets this weekend. Not feeling very motivated either. I think it's the weather it has started to cool off and feels so nice. I just want to cuddle under a blanket and watch movies or bake. The holidays make me want to bake and I need to avoid that, it's way to tempting to eat it when it's done. Still doing good with the water and working on the crunch challenge but I keep forgetting to do them lately. Looking forward to the no late night snaking for the next week my cut off time is going to be 8pm. I hope everyone else did good this weekend and had some self control. Good luck for Thursday's weigh in.
  • hgirl1021
    hgirl1021 Posts: 115
    :happy: hey everyone! happy monday!

    i hope everyone is doing well! i'm refusing to weigh in on thursday this week:noway: since i only have 9 lbs to go, i know its gonna be HARD. so i've reset my goals to reach a mini goal to lose 4 lbs first. that uppped my caloric intake from 1270-1520 calories per day. i feel like i'm eating like a cow!! but my workouts are pretty intense and i think i have an addiction to exercise! :laugh: i hope its a good thing lol. thanks to my new HRM i've been able to accurately track my calories burned, but after 600-1000 calories burned on my exercise days, i'm finding i feel like all these calories are gonna get me somehow. so i'm skipping this week and seeing how next week treats me for my new experiment. also, since i'm started using this site, my TOM is all screwed up and i haven't had one in over 6 WEEKS!!! no, i'm not pregnant, but my body is def having a hard time adjusting to this program of mine. so i feel bloated all the time. patience....i'm still getting my water in and on week 4 of the crunch challenge and its going well. i'll do my best with the not eating 3 hours prior to bed time, but i work until 730 pm and in bed at 9pm, so sometimes i have no choice.

    anyways, i hope that everyone is having a great week!! :happy:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm trying to stay positive about my TD goal after blowing my diet on beer and brats last week. I keep telling myself that there is plenty of time and I just have to stay focused. It is easier to get down on myself and give up - which is my usual MO. This time I'm trying to just pick myself up from a bad week and keep going.

    Hope everyone else is doing great this week.
  • Lose26LbsByXgiving
    Hey everyone!

    I'm trying to stay positive about my TD goal after blowing my diet on beer and brats last week. I keep telling myself that there is plenty of time and I just have to stay focused. It is easier to get down on myself and give up - which is my usual MO. This time I'm trying to just pick myself up from a bad week and keep going.

    Hope everyone else is doing great this week.
    We can't be perfect all the time. Just keep on going. I ate real bad since last sunday
    but today I get back to my diet sched. Tho I blamed it on PMS.
    2 more days before weight in. I 'm sure I can be good for 2 days and no more late nite snack!
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm trying to stay positive about my TD goal after blowing my diet on beer and brats last week. I keep telling myself that there is plenty of time and I just have to stay focused. It is easier to get down on myself and give up - which is my usual MO. This time I'm trying to just pick myself up from a bad week and keep going.

    Hope everyone else is doing great this week.

    There's plenty of time! We can do this!!! I just made myself work out after a totally exhausting day because weigh in is 2 days and I made a goal to work out everyday until weign in!! Arruuuggghhh! We can do this!!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I fell off the wagon but im back on track and would love to still be a part of the trim for turkey day challenge... Late night snacking is just what i need to give up! My cut off time is no more after 6pm i also was wondering are still weighing in on thursdays???
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I fell off the wagon but im back on track and would love to still be a part of the trim for turkey day challenge... Late night snacking is just what i need to give up! My cut off time is no more after 6pm i also was wondering are still weighing in on thursdays???

    Yes weigh in is still on Thursday. It's so hard sometimes to stay on that wagon but at least you didn't give up.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Well, I gained a little, but not too bad when you consider I was in Germany for Oktoberfest for a week. So, I still have time to make my goal. I'm keeping up with the water, no soda, and I don't snack at night. I think my plan is going to be to increase my cardio. I've been averaging about 4 days of exercise a week. My goal for this week is to add two more days of cardio.

    Good luck everyone!

    08/27/09 - 168.5 (starting)
    09/03/09 - 165.5 (-3 lbs)
    09/10/09 - 165.5 (-0-)
    09/17/09 - 165.0 (-.5 lbs)
    09/24/09 - 162.5 (-2.5 lbs)
    10/01/09 - 162.5 (-0-)
    10/08/09 - 164.0 (+1.5 lbs)
    11/26/09 - Thanksgiving

    TD Goal weight - 152
    Final Goal weight - 135
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys! down 1 lb, so now i am at 147.2!

    going home this weekend, so lots of eating out, etc. hoping just not to gain this next week, and then back to losing a pound a week before turkey day!

    good luck with weigh in everyone!
