Does your SO know how much you weigh?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, always has. And it's usually been about the same as him or 25lbs more than him when pregnant.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Nah and it's not that I'm not honest. He doesn't care, in a good way.

    Always says well done if I lose and always helps if I need t cut back more etc
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Yes, I've never had a problem sharing it, it's just a number to me. Without wanting to come across as harsh (that's not the intention) if you're overweight, a person can usually tell that just by looking at you, they don't need to hear the amount you weigh to realise that.

    Plus, the scale can be very deceiving. You could weigh a lot but still be slim. Or you could weigh not very much but look big / overweight. I can understand that not everyone would realise this and I'm sure there's some idiots out there that may say/think "you weigh HOW much?!" if you are overweight and decide to share. However, your partner (especially one you have been with for 8 years!!) it should not be a problem to tell them!
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    LMAO so is mine. WAY off
    no - he snuck a peak at my DL but that info is incorrect :happy:
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    I've been married 26 years. Yes, I have always told him my weight. I mean, we've been together since I was 14 years old. He has seen me skinny, fat, and every stage in between. We "grew" together... now we're shrinking together!

    Then again, I've never hidden my weight from anyone who asked. I mean, not like I had an invisibility/skinny cloak to wear...
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Your weight is just a number, it has no meaning whatsoever! I bet he can already see that you look awesome and he really doesn't care about what a couple of digits are. I've never encountered a guy that really wanted to know how much I weigh, but most of them do find out at some point. It's not something to be feared, it's just a silly number. He won't judge you! :smile:
  • Colie140
    Colie140 Posts: 27
    In 16 years of marriage, I have never told my husband. When I was pregnant and he would go to the Dr's office with me, I would make him stay away as they weighed me, then put down a number 50 lbs less than it actually was in the little book. He also says he doesn't care, but it bothers me. I MAY end up telling him when it's all gone, but certainly not now.
  • CaramelAngel247
    I tell my S.O my GENERAL weight. I didn't tell him exact numbers. He knows that I am over 200 and when I was 231lbs (my highest) he figured I was 10-15lbs lighter. When I was gainning I didn't want him to know even though he needs to lose about 80lbs himself.

    Smh. . . But now that I am losing weight he can look at the scale too if he wants too. After all he hears me singing and dancing around the house "I lost 9lbs. . . I lost 9lbs. . . OH YEAH. . . I lost 9lbs. . . " ISo if nothing else he probably knows I've lost 9lbs. The day I hit 199 he will hear me yelling it to the sky!!!!!
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    NOPE! He's asked, but I won't tell him. We got a new fangled digital exercise bike and he said he needed it to input in the bike or the workouts won't be accurate. I told him the workouts won't be accurate then!
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    yes he has always known my weight. i update him as i lose, not sure if he really cares.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Yes he knows, I tell him every week when I weigh in. Its exciting for me when I see progress, and surprising when I don't, and I'm a sharer! He really doesn't care though!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    My husband knows. I'm not ashamed of my highest weight and admitting it helped me stay on track. The way I see it is I'm doing something about it, what is there to be ashamed of?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    My wife used to guard her weight like it was top secret information.
    When I'd see her weighing in, sometimes I'd sneak up to get a peak, and she''d leap off the scale in a huff.
    Now, I just act as if I know, and say "wow! That much?"
    No big deal.
    It's just a number.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    I haven't told my husband. I've thought about it like when I went from the 230s to 220s but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. Perhaps one day. It's really personal preference though so there isn't a right or wrong answer. If you are nervous about it - just mark the calendar on your phone instead.
  • CaramelAngel247
    LMAO!!!!!!! Mine is so far off I'm embarrassed. But I figure I am okay so long as I dont get pulled over. I got a citation and realized it said I was 165lbs I remember thinking "OMG! Who weights 165?!?!?!" Then I remember that I was about 190 when I did that. . .
    LMAO so is mine. WAY off
    no - he snuck a peak at my DL but that info is incorrect :happy:
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    Yes. It's just a number. I like not having to censor myself when talking to him about everything. I also know how much he weighs, and know that when I weigh less than him will be a happy, happy day. Only 20lbs away!
  • photocolorful
    photocolorful Posts: 19 Member
    My spouse knew when I was pregnant with my first child at 275 pounds. He raised his eyebrows then, but has always been loving and supportive no matter what I weigh... He knows I weigh 194 now, and cheers me on. I am blessed to be loved no matter what and am not ashamed to tell him anymore because it makes me feel accountable, even though it doesn't really matter to him. He makes me feel special no matter what. :)
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    yes he has always known my weight. i update him as i lose, not sure if he really cares.

  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I'm married and my husband does NOT know, nor has he known since I've been pregnant. Hew knew I was a tight and fit 121 when we met, and 131 at marriage. But he does not currently know.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    When I first started exercising again (a month ago), I didn't tell my husband because I was embarrassed about how heavy I've gotten (like he wouldn't notice if I started to lose weight). Then I joined MFP and he noticed that I!was logging food. I finally told him, and now we are both tracking towards our goals, weighing in, and exercising together.