6 Things that Will STOP weight loss in its tracks!



  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    i disagree with these two. i have been on birth control almost 3 years (ortho tri cyclen and sprintec), and i also eat the crap out of gluten. see my ticker.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Birth control pills?! You know what will really make me put on weight? Having a baby because I didn't take my birth control pills. They will not stop weight loss, or make you put weight on. Just change your routine a bit rather than blaming something so many women take. We're not doomed to be bigger than we want. Jeeze. Don't boss people around so!

    lol. the only bc i know that have caused people weight gain was the shot, which apparently causes water retention in some girls. everyone else including myself on a pill havent seemed to have any weight gain problems or problems losing weight
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Am I the only one who finds posts from this user more spammy than anything else? This one in particular is full of outdated misinformation.

    Agree., I can't believe she said starvation mode, that has been proven wrong many yrs ago! No mention of being sedentary which is very big for weight gain and gluten free is only helpful to those who have gluten allergies! My hubby is celiac so I know all about this. Most gluten free foods are higher in sugar to make them taste better, so no......you will not lose weight by this alone!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

  • b3kah5
    b3kah5 Posts: 280 Member
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet.
    Too much salt only causes water retention. It will not halt fat loss

    2. Rid your diet of gluten.
    Um, No

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories.
    Um, No. There are negative effects of not getting enough nutrients but it won't stop weight loss. Laws of energy balance still apply.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index.
    Um, No.
    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.
    Um, No.

    6. Not drinking enough water.
    Um, No.

    Weight loss isn't linear and it's natural to see luls and high losses. Eating the same number of calories that you burn will cause a stall and eating more calories than you burn will cause weight gain. Temporary gains such as water are only temporary and are not fat gains.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Ladies, can any of you weigh in [no pun intended] on five? I'm on HRT..

    The normal pill - no issues (3 different kinds)
    The 3 month shot (not sure they do this anymore - was years ago I had it ) I gained 63 pounds just over 8 months on it with no change in diet. Stopped using it and lost it in less time than I gained again no change in diet so I guess this one depends on kind, person and lifestyle.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    Birth control pills do not cause weight gain. It is a myth. The only form of birth control associated with weight gain is depo-provera. I am a pharmacist, and this a widespread myth about birth control.
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    OH OK,,, I have to take them because my body doesn't produce ANY. Guess ill just give up now
  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    If I don't take my birth control I will most certainly gain weight! LOL.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I lkow right?!?!?!
  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    1. Too much salt in your diet.
    Too much salt only causes water retention. It will not halt fat loss

    2. Rid your diet of gluten.
    Um, No

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories.
    Um, No. There are negative effects of not getting enough nutrients but it won't stop weight loss. Laws of energy balance still apply.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index.
    Um, No.
    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.
    Um, No.

    6. Not drinking enough water.
    Um, No.

    Weight loss isn't linear and it's natural to see luls and high losses. Eating the same number of calories that you burn will cause a stall and eating more calories than you burn will cause weight gain. Temporary gains such as water are only temporary and are not fat gains.

    lol , Um, yes! to your post! lol
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    whats this about starvation mode with gluten,
    why are many coeliac suffers under weight...the weight gained my ppl who are gf is partly down to bad choices,very high fatty and sugar gf products,over eating and any other medical problems as many of us gf ppl have other conditions as well.

    And the eat more calories is only for those who are eating extremely low amounts of calories and exercise trying to get a quick weight loss which will not be sustained once they stop and think they can go back to eating more.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    I ate pizza, a cupcake, hot coco, ice cream today twix bar yesterday with Reese's peanut butter cups and oh a little Debbie snack cake and pancakes with syrup and taco bell. So I guess I should be fat ehh? Hehe. Maybe you should look up the dude who lost massive weight on the Twinkie diet. It's calories in and calories out baby. And lots of water if you like salt and I love it.

  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    About the birth control thing: it's the depo provera shot that causes weight gain. Don't know why, but most women who get the shot experience weight gain that they cannot prevent as long as their receiving the shot. Some other birth controls can contribute to weight gain, but not with the consistency of depo. Hormonal changes can drastically affect how and where women gain weight.

    I gained weight on depo, but I didn't try not to either, so I guess it's kinda null in my case.

    I was on depo twice once for 3 years and again for 6yrs ,3 yrs i put 28lbs on and 6 yrs i put on 49lbs .
    i found it made me really hungry and reaslised for the hormones was telling my body i was pregnant to stop becoming pregnant there for the reason periods stop and the eating like i did.
    6 yrs of a fake pregnancy,no wonder i gained 49lbs.
    never going on it again!!!!
    and the second time on it i tried to control my weight but found it impossible no matter what the nurses said. you can not control depo weight gain unless you never eat and never stop running about all day.
  • HikeThatMountain
    Very interesting, thank you for posting!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    It really bugs me when people post topics with titles that imply 'what i'm saying is most definitely and undoubtably FACT, LISTEN TO ME!' It's great to find something that works for you, but what works for you won't neccesarily work for everyone else. I appreciate people sharing their tips for success, but this approach is way too preachy, and i am about to disagree with several points in the post.

    Riding Your Diet of Gluten; Rid your diet of gluten if you are intolerant. I eat white bread EVERY DAY, sometimes have pizza for dinner, and still consistantly lose weight.

    Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills: BAH! Are you for real?! Biggest load of bull i've ever heard, speaking from experience. Sure, different pills can have different effects on different people, i swapped my old contraceptive pill for a different one as it was making me constantly bloated and looking like i had put on several pounds, but that was just bloating, not weight gain. It disappeared as soon as i changed my pill.

    Not drinking enough water: Again, total bull. I like to think i am quite an understanding person but even i fail to see the logic behind this. I don't drink 8 pints of water a day and i still lose weight.

    Sure, some things on this list may hinder weight loss, but it won't stop it in it's tracks.
  • franch71
    franch71 Posts: 60 Member
    What jdhoward said.