Does your SO CARE how much you weigh?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Following on from does your SO know how much you weigh, I was quite surprised how many people said "no secrets here". I wouldn't keep my weight a secret from my husband, but I can't imagine him caring for a millisecond what I weigh. I wouldn't interest him.

    So more importantly than does your SO KNOW what you weight? Does your SO CARE about that number?
    If he remembers, he knows. He happened to be standing next to me when I weighed myself a few months back and looked. But he doesn't really care much, so he probably forgot.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i doubt mine cares how much i weigh. to his credit he never stopped making me feel like he wanted me at my heaviest (138) and doesnt seem to want me any more or less now that i'm losing weight. i dont think men care as much as we ourselves care.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    My husband knows. I've been on this journey of becoming more healthy for a long time so he's been with me through it all. At first he was concerned when I started to lose. I was looking better and he worried that meant I was going to "get skinny and dump him". Well I'm not "skinny" (and never will be) but I'm much healthier and that's what he focuses on now. He doesn't care about the number, he just wants me healthy.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Nope, he doesn't care. And I'm so glad for that.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Well just because someone took a piss in your cherios this AM is no reason to take it out on me. I started a thread about it when it occurred on Friday. So just skip my posts if it matters. And obviously you don't care, that's why you have taken the time to point out how much you disapprove of the matter.
    I disapprove of hearing you continue to complain about an issue you won't take action on. Sure I can hide your posts but there's always another one of you doing the same thing.

    you must be mistaking me for another poster, because I haven't brought up the issue elsewhere. I have not complained about it anywhere else, and my first post IN THIS THREAD was an answer to this topic. So please stop trying to start something on a message board.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    When I was in a relationship, my SO didn't care what I weighed, in fact he said he didn't want me to lose weight! Thus why I had to branch out and do it on my own! I knew I was never going to be happy the size I was so I had to change that for me.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    He's not my Finace, but I am working on it, although he is the one that needs to sort through that issue.
    Oh god do you think I care if he's your fiance or boyfriend? Way to miss the point. If you can't see why it's your problem then fine, enjoy being treated like crap.

    well you have no idea what I have done about the situation but thanks for your advice.

    just being nosy, but what did you do? :D no judgements, just curious....

    I called him back when I was calmer, because i was far too tired to be yelling and told him that he may be able to be with someone he isn't physically attracted to, but I couldn't be with someone fi they weren't physically attracted to me. I told him I would never look the way that I did when I was 17, that was close to impossible, but I had my goal, and when i reach that goal, if he still thinks it's "too much" then he can find someone else that lives up to his standards, because that would not be me. I also listened to his reasoning and ended up talking about the stuff HE needs to work on.. And I also told him I would be taking some time to think things through some more, and haven't spoken to him since. Will be calling him tonight though.

    I hope it works out! interesting. communication is always a plus and there's always more underlying every surface issue. nice job!
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    My husband knows how much I weighed and he didn't care to an extent. He has always told me I was beautiful no matter what I weighed, but my weight was starting to affect my health and my self image - that is what he cared about.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    Well just because someone took a piss in your cherios this AM is no reason to take it out on me. I started a thread about it when it occurred on Friday. So just skip my posts if it matters. And obviously you don't care, that's why you have taken the time to point out how much you disapprove of the matter.
    I disapprove of hearing you continue to complain about an issue you won't take action on. Sure I can hide your posts but there's always another one of you doing the same thing.

    you must be mistaking me for another poster, because I haven't brought up the issue elsewhere. I have not complained about it anywhere else, and my first post IN THIS THREAD was an answer to this topic. So please stop trying to start something on a message board.

    AND in her defense, I did ask about it. It's a legit topic - related to the OP question too, I'm not seeing a problem. but ok.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Sort of? I think he gets a little overwhelmed with all my talk about calories and work outs, but I know he's proud of my progress, and tells me he admires my consistency. So. The number isn't significant to him, and he'd never say anything - but I can tell he thinks I'm lookin' real good once I hit a specific range. It's happened after every baby. I hit that number and he's all "how YOU doin'?" more often.
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    My SO does know how much I weight, but he didn't know for the longest time, because I wouldn't tell him. When he happened to catch me on the scale and saw how much I weighed his reaction was really?! He met me when I was overweight, he's never known me as skinny. He'd prefer if I lost weight, but isn't going to leave just because I'm the size I am. On that being said, he also encourages me to lose weight and asks what he can do to help me. He'd be happy if I only lost 60lbs, a small percentage of what I need to lose.
  • mikeelbr
    mikeelbr Posts: 1
    Alley. Shocked to see your face here. Yea buddy. Keep up the weight loss journey. Nice pics on FB the other day.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Mine knows and doesn't care as long as I don't go under 95 pounds.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member

    WTF! <3 I'm doing what you told me, trucking along and getting my butt moving!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    No, he really doesn't care. He says if I ever gain weight it will be "more cushion for the pushin'." haha. That said he's very supportive of me working towards my goals, especially since he's an MFPer now too. :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    My husband is constantly sneaking peeks at the scale when I'm on it. I've gotten to the point that I don't weigh myself when he's around because it's kind of intimidating.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Oc course my SO knows how much I weigh and he cares, in a good way. He knows my goals and he supports me unconditionally. He was just as concerned about how my weight was effecting my health as I was. A year ago, we discussed my health, I found a good weight loss doctor and started to lose weight. I also shared my goals with my BFF. With my SO and BFF both supporting me, I have lost 50 pounds so far.
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 285
    Yes he knows. No he doesn't care. He loved me at 330 and he loves me now at 280 and he will love me as I (hopefully) continue to get smaller.
  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think my current SO cares. He will ask if I went to the gym today only because its part of my routine when I close at work. He's never asked how much I weigh.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    My husband THINKS he knows what I weigh but he thinks I weigh less than I actually do - good or bad, I don't know. That being said, he doesn't care about the number as he does whether or not I'm healthy. He's a US Marine so by default he wants his wife to look good but most importantly be healthy and confident with myself. He knows I struggle with my weight so he doesn't push me about it, I do all my dieting and working out on my own and he's very proud of me as I am of myself :)