how many days a week do you work out?



  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I work out 7 days a week-sometimes twice a day. I'll go for a bike ride in the morning before work (so it's only 3-5 miles but enough to wake me up and feel good) then I'll jog or walk after work for an hour or so or I'll do it visa versa. When it's cold, rainy or winter time, I"ll go to the gym and use the treadmill Monday-Friday then sometime different on the weekends. I'm also looking into throwing in some kind of work out DVD (or yoga, not sure yet) into the mix at some point
  • Cgrnlaw
    Cgrnlaw Posts: 84 Member
    I workout 4-5 days a week.
  • Puddles0308
    6 constant. Then some weeks I will do 7.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I run 6 days a week. Aiming for 30 miles this week and increasing until I hit 40-45 mpw.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Walking is an excellent exercise that can be done every day. I say keep it up if you can.

    If it gets boring, try to up the ante and do some run/walk combo.
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    I work out every single day unless I am very ill or am somewhere where it is not feasible. I am pre-diabetic and my doctor told me that I need to exercise every day to keep my blood sugar under control. I walk at least 3 miles a day and try to do weights 2 times a week as well as some yoga classes and some biking. When I am not able to do those things, I generally try to keep active and also do some stretching exercises.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    A) if you want some chocolate- GO GET IT. Hershey's minis are nice, or DOVE is a lovely treat.

    B) I work out as much as I possibly can. Doing Butt Bible (find it on You Tube) 4 days/ week AND C25K also 3 days/ week.

    Sometimes I have a rest day on both programs, but it's hard for me to want to rest. I crave the workout and will go on a long walk if I have the energy still. I have found the need to take a couple of days off my routine (3 total I believe) because of an illness, or pure exhaustion. I don't get down on myself about that, I just go again the next day.

    Sometimes, we're afraid, cautious about pushing our bodies. Know your limits, but don't let mental exhaustion talk you into physical exhaustion.
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    I do weight training 3-4 times a week, and aerobics 5-6 times a week. My weight training targets muscular growth (squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows). My aerobic work is between 15-20 minute High Intensity Interval Training. So far so good I have been able to loose 2% Body Fat over last month and a half while maintaining muscular mass.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I workout 5-6 days a week. Mostly strength training with some cardio. I do have "off" weeks where I only get in 3-4 days. Take a rest day if you need it. :smile:
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I workout 7 days a week. 90 to 120 Mon-Fri Sat & Sun I try for 3-4 hours each day. I typically do pure upper sat and pure lower sun and the weekdays are a hard cardio mix of stair steppers, walking, biking, jogging, and I'll toss in some strength here and there if I feel I need it or forgot to hit a sport on the weekends. 10 weeks. Down 7 inches on the waist, 7% body fat so far. It's a good start for me. I haven't taken a rest day since the 4th of July.
  • vbmama2012
    vbmama2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I work out 6 days a week. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are Power 90 Sculpt AND C25K, and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are Power 90 Sweat/Ab Ripper. Sundays are my rest days.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred every's only about 27min (including warm up and cool down) so I feel ok doing it without rest days. I'm starting to incorporate extra cardio on the weekends for a workout that is about an hour or so. My plan is to continue the daily exercise since I have a very sedentary job and if I feel I need a rest day, I'll take one.
  • classictoaster
    Typically 6 days a week. I alternate doing C25K and strength training throughout the week. Sundays are rest days, though sometimes I'll go for the occasional swim.
  • tobirhae
    tobirhae Posts: 108 Member
    Right now I'm doing Insanity so I'm working out 6 days a week. Sometimes I'll throw something in on the 7th day just because I get antsy and sometimes a little grumpy when I don't get a workout of some sort. I do, though, try to take it easy on the 7th day if I do something.

    If you feel like you need a break, take one, it's not going to hurt anything. Just get back at it when you feel up to it.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I just started Insanity so I'm working out 6 days a week.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    A) if you want some chocolate- GO GET IT. Hershey's minis are nice, or DOVE is a lovely treat.

    B) I work out as much as I possibly can. Doing Butt Bible (find it on You Tube) 4 days/ week AND C25K also 3 days/ week.

    Sometimes I have a rest day on both programs, but it's hard for me to want to rest. I crave the workout and will go on a long walk if I have the energy still. I have found the need to take a couple of days off my routine (3 total I believe) because of an illness, or pure exhaustion. I don't get down on myself about that, I just go again the next day.

    Sometimes, we're afraid, cautious about pushing our bodies. Know your limits, but don't let mental exhaustion talk you into physical exhaustion.

    thank you :) I was hoping somebody would mention the chocolate. I haven't had chocolate for over 4 weeks now! YIKES I just really realized that. I feel like crap already today from not having the muscles are screaming to go for their walk. I may get the 30 day shred video out and see if I can manage to do any of that without needing at transfusion.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    3-4 times a week, 20-60 minutes each. Any more than that would not be sustainable with my lifestyle.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    5 or 6 days a week...sometimes 7 if I've been bad with my food or if I just feel like working out:tongue:
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    4 days a week for 90 minutes, mixed between couch to 5k and elliptical
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Every day, 7 days a week I workout in the evenings. 4 days are strength training, 2 days are running, 1 is yoga. Weekdays I also walk 30 minutes on my lunch break at work. If i'm ever not able to do my normal evening workout, I instead do Yoga or walk for an hour.