what started it all for you?



  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    It started after going on medication to lower my cholesterol .
  • Welshie_girl
    Welshie_girl Posts: 107 Member
    Everytime when weight topic came up at work and I said I am chubby people would say " you just had a baby" . My son is 21 months already .... That is not an excuse.... I was mad at myself that I gained 70 pounds during pregnancy. So few months after Jake was born I was 180.... Year or so later I was 170.... I started M P F at 163.... 16 pounds in 2 months....20 more to go I am so proud of myself
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    what a great thread. I realized that I've wasted the last 20 years of my life being miserable and too fat to do the things i really want to do and that my life is half over. this time i am actually losing the weight and am determined to do it slowly but as a permanent lifestyle. also, i see my daughter engaging in terrible eating behaviors and gaining weight (although she's actually doing it like her dad, sweets, sodas, unbalanced diet whereas i mostly just overate on healthy foods) and i want to be able to steer her the right way. my son is super-athletic and he was getting pretty frustrated with his fat mom. well, he was right, overeating and not excercising was definitely a choice that i was making. one thing that really got me exercising was when he made an off the cuff remark that i was incapaple of exercising consistently (he swims 6 days a week). well, that got me mad and i didn't want him to believe that about me even though it is true that i have never exercised consistently. so the bet was that i exercise 6 days a week (we started at 12 miles but he got tired of losing and so he keeps increasing it and this week's challenge is that i do 18 miles). Punishments were helpful in nature like he has to cook dinner all week or the week I lost i had to pick him up from his activities on time each day. so it's been an imperfect process but it is progress and this time I WILL get there!
  • AmberLeighD
    AmberLeighD Posts: 112
    2 1/2 years ago I stepped on the scale.. and read: 3 0 6 !!

    Add that with the fact I had a little girl looking up to me (my daughter is 8 next month)

    My dad died of diabetes in Aug/ 2006

    and a friend I cared about deeply died at the age of 44 due to obesity Aug of 2010

    That gave me the boost to get really serious.

    Aug of 2011 I weighed 226 lbs.

    Today I am down to 191 lbs. (lost 115 lbs! )

    I got myself out of my un-healthy marriage 2 1/2 years ago, woke up, made a life change, and now I am a healthy relationship where nutrition and staying active plays a big part of our lives. Nothing like watching my man, and daughter run a mile around the track. I am still at the jog/walk stage...I look forward to the day when all 3 of us can run around the track together.