Ladies: Best Way To Approach You In The Gym?



  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Guess I am the weird girl in the room because I don't mind at all if a guy comes up to talk to me at the gym. I like when they come to the machine next to me and just strike up conversation. To me it shows they are fearless. Sure you could wait till I leave the gym but to me that's creepy and I think you were too wussy to talk to me earlier.
    To prevent being rude just say "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your workout, but I saw you from across the room and you caught my eye. You look like you are going strong in your workout, but I would love to hear from you." Slip me your number and tada! Not only have you energized my workout by making me feel all good on the inside, but I will call/text you haha.


    If I wasn't married already, it would absolutely make my day if a guy came up to me at the gym!! Yes, when we are there, we don't look our best. But maybe that's a GOOD thing! The guy finds you sexy even with gross hair and sweat marks everywhere :happy:

    I definitely suggest the "I don't mean to interrupt your workout" preface!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    BUWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Getting a better ab workout laughing at this thread than I do at the gym! Seriouslly!!

  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Seriously, how sexist is it to call a woman a b**** for not wanting to get hit on at a gym?? There are clearly ways to send the message of "Don't talk to me" and that does not make someone at b****, it makes them shy, busy, preoccupied, short on time, etc. For example: avoiding eye contact, keeping 2 headphones in, giving 1-2 word answers when spoken to. If you are getting these messages from someone, leave them alone. You might not think that pressing your point is creepy, but it is.

    Now if someone is just as clearly sending you nonverbal signals that they are open to conversation, go for it. These include, if you somehow missed kindergarten and never learned these things, things like eye contact, smiling a lot, interacting openly with others, and not all out ignoring their surroundings.

    To the men on here that think that us women should always be flattered to get hit on, and that we should take advantage of our youth and beauty while it still holds your attention, get over yourselves. There is way more to any woman's life than attracting male attention. Not everyone wants it, and if you think that giving it is a favor, you need to deflate your ego.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Simple. And this goes for ANY social situation.

    Make eye contact and smile. If she smiles back, then go say hi and introduce yourself or whatever.

    If you can't make eye contact or if she doesn't smile back, don't approach her. She's either not available, didn't notice you, isn't interested, or maybe just isn't a friendly person.
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member



    Ditto. When I work out, I'm hot, sweaty and not in the mood to socialize because I probably look like crap. The gym is not a good place to meet women.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    "Excuse me but are you using that bench?"

    Or if she's doing a particularly hard workout just comment on it. Ex: this cute girl was doing a killer ab workout and my husband in a non creepy way told her it was pretty serious.

    Oh and if all else fails a small wave and a hi always works.:wink:

    THIS! a smile and a wave.

    if she is meeting your gaze and smiling (you know the look) 9 chances out of ten shes and wave...if she answers back..walk over and say hows your workout going tonight...nothing fancy just have something to come back with lol .....not everyone one is the same personality ....some like people to talk to when they work out and some mood changes with whatever my day brought on me lol but its always nice to have someone change the day :)
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    You run into her outside when you're both walking out, simply say "hey I'm .........I see you here a lot and wanted to introduce myself" exchange small talk, say have a good day/night and BAM, door is open to say more casually next time.

    Wouldn't appach in gym or during workout initially.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member



    Ditto. When I work out, I'm hot, sweaty and not in the mood to socialize because I probably look like crap. The gym is not a good place to meet women.

    I completely disagree. What better place to meet a person who shares your interests (if your interests include working out)? Much like if you really enjoy painting, an art class would be a great place to meet somebody who shares your hobby, right? So why is it such a bad idea, if you enjoy exercising and fitness is a major interest of yours, to show some interest in somebody at the gym? I just don't understand why ANY place (except maybe a funeral or something) is a "bad" place to meet women. Are there women there? Yes. So why is it a bad place to meet them? I just don't get it.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member

    Don't come off as "interested" just friendly because if she actually doesn't feel the same way or is involved it will be awkward......
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    It's the same as the difference between flirting and sexual harassment. If you are hot, it's flirting. If not, it's sexual harassment. I don't think anyone would mind a hot guy or girl hitting on them. Now the creepy looking guy who stares and has nothing clever to say...not so much. I also have this to add...if you aren't there to get hit on, stop dressing like you are!

    Maybe I sound like a conceited *kitten*, but I get hit on no matter what I'm wearing. I've gotten hit on with no makeup and sweats on, and I've been hit on in my cute matching work out clothes. It does not matter. Like I said before, nobody goes anywhere with the sole purpose of getting hit on, besides maybe girls night out at the bar or something. If you're polite and respectful, I see nothing wrong with being friendly and striking up a conversation, then letting chemistry go from there. And regardless of what a guy looks like, if he crosses the decency line, it's creepy.

    Also, I'm not too comfortable with the whole "if you aren't there to get hit on, stop dressing like you are" thing. That's the same logic people use when saying a rape victim "had it coming" because she was wearing a mini-skirt or something.

    I agree with you to a certain extent but I certainly wouldn't compare getting hit on with rape. I think some people have that "thing" that people find attractive and they get hit on no matter what because they are easily approachable. For example, I have a friend who is not stereotypically attractive but she has no problem getting hit on. I have another friend who is drop dead gorgeous and guys do nothing but stare at her...they hardly ever approach her. What I meant by my comment and should have stated better is that maybe girls shouldn't wear revealing clothes to the gym and then complain that the guys are leering at them. That is what irritates me. Don't put it out there and then complain about it. On the other hand, if you want to dress a certain way and don’t care about the rest, so be it. Just don’t complain about it. Believe me....I plan on wearing a thong and pasties to the gym when I am all cut up....but no complaining allowed. lol!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Wow... get over yourself ladies!! I can't believe some of these answers. Just remember as soon as you hit mid 50's you're screwed and your body will start deforming into something hardly human....

    Um, what? My mom is pushing 60 and has a better body than I do (she's a personal trainer). So, false.

    Right! My mom is 52 and looks way better than I do and does not work out at all. Wait, I take that back, she dances like a fool on ladies night to keep her figure. :laugh:
  • LauraRN88
    LauraRN88 Posts: 46



    Ditto. When I work out, I'm hot, sweaty and not in the mood to socialize because I probably look like crap. The gym is not a good place to meet women.

    but what if he was extremely hot!?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Just say hi, then if she wants anything to do with you you'll catch her checking you out. Don't force a conversation though, you'll wind up seeming creepy or something.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    The one pc of eye candy at my gym has been checkin me out for about the last year, I think. Anyway, not creepily either, pretty sure he's shy. Well, last week he broke a smile.....FINALLY!!!! Although I'm happily married, I'm sure that man has no idea what effect that smile had on me. I felt like a teenage girl in the hallway @ school and the cute jock just smiled....AT ME!!!!! Guys and gals, do ya see where I'm going with this????? Smile, it's ok to smile. That's how we humans interact whether it's at the gym, Walmart, Wegman's.......Just think ladies, if we were dogs these guys would be comin up and sniffing our what would you rather. Think about it. You decide. Me? I'll take that smile EVERYDAY :happy:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    huh! awww riiite
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    Guess I am the weird girl in the room because I don't mind at all if a guy comes up to talk to me at the gym. I like when they come to the machine next to me and just strike up conversation. To me it shows they are fearless. Sure you could wait till I leave the gym but to me that's creepy and I think you were too wussy to talk to me earlier.
    To prevent being rude just say "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your workout, but I saw you from across the room and you caught my eye. You look like you are going strong in your workout, but I would love to hear from you." Slip me your number and tada! Not only have you energized my workout by making me feel all good on the inside, but I will call/text you haha.
    Or "I heard you fart during your benchpress. That's some really good intensity."
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    Guess I am the weird girl in the room because I don't mind at all if a guy comes up to talk to me at the gym. I like when they come to the machine next to me and just strike up conversation. To me it shows they are fearless. Sure you could wait till I leave the gym but to me that's creepy and I think you were too wussy to talk to me earlier.
    To prevent being rude just say "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your workout, but I saw you from across the room and you caught my eye. You look like you are going strong in your workout, but I would love to hear from you." Slip me your number and tada! Not only have you energized my workout by making me feel all good on the inside, but I will call/text you haha.
    Or "I heard you fart during your benchpress. That's some really good intensity."
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    seriously, at this point in my life, i'd be grateful to have anyone talk to me ANYWHERE.

    I NEVER get hit on? I don't know where you ladies are from, or if you have beer flavoured nipples or WHAT, but I haven't been hit on in like.......7 years....(probably more, but i'm willing to lie to save face)
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    seriously, at this point in my life, i'd be grateful to have anyone talk to me ANYWHERE.

    I NEVER get hit on? I don't know where you ladies are from, or if you have beer flavoured nipples or WHAT, but I haven't been hit on in like.......7 years....(probably more, but i'm willing to lie to save face)
    I say LIES. Do you live in a cave? No men ever around?
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    I say leave them alone. I never go to the gym to "booty gaze" . I hate seeing men go there and sit on the equipment and just look at woman. Get your butt up and let me finish my workout.