Push up Buddies!!!



  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    aeswan: I did try to do a regular push up today and could only go halfway down but that's a start. I couldn't even do that before! I think my goal is to try & make it through doing the modified and then start over doing regular ones.

    I think I heard on TV on day if a woman could do 20 consecutive then she is doing good!

    Have a great weekend all!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159

    I'm really glad this thread is here, because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done day 2 on Wednesday if I didn't have it. Thanks! :smooched:

    Ditto! My arms (and everthing else) were aching when I did D3 yesterday. If I didn't feel accountable to our group, I might have given up. Thanks for being here!

    Good luck to everyone on Week 2! I think I will start tomorrow so I am back on track with everyone.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well I didn't pass the test after week 2 (you have to be able to do 16 consecutive to move up a week I did 13, hubby says that a 200% improvement) so another week of week 2 for me. But this time I'll be using the 2nd set for day 2.

    I did them but couldn't push through the max at the end and had to stop for a minute to get the last few in. My arms just wouldn't push me back up! And I am still doing girl push ups.

    Now off for a walk and then lovely housework for me Ugh!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Finally started my pushups challenge today! I've been doing 30 day shred lvl 1 which built up my arm strength so I was able to start in the 2nd column instead of in the 1st column like I was planning. :smile:

    So far so good -- I did my 6,6,4,4, and maxed out at 16 (the last 3 were pretty sloppy). Yay! :happy: Oh yeah, I'm doing girly pushups this time around.
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    It's been awhile since we've heard from some of you. I hope everyone is still working hard. If not, give yourself a little kick and get back to it! :bigsmile:

    Finished W2D1 yesterday. I decided to keep my Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule because it seems to work better with my Monday, Wednesday, Friday running.

    The start of week 2 was a lot easier than week 1. I hope this is a sign of good progress.

    Keep it up everybody! :heart:
  • leshawnturner
    HEEELLLLOOOO BBBBUUUUDDDDIIIIEEEESSSS!!!!!!!! :tongue: :happy: :laugh: :wink:

    I'm back from the wedding, it was beautiful!!! I'm a little off track but I'll make adjustments. I just did w2d1 today. I see someone mentioned doing the intial test again after w2?? :huh: I didn't know that...I'll do it at the end of the week. If I still can't do at least 16?? do I have to do week 2 over again??:huh:

    I hope everyone is having a great week!!!!! :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey, Leshawn:

    I wondered where you were. I'm glad you had a good time.

    You do another test after week 2 and if you still can't do 16 then you repeat week 2 over again.

    I just finished W2D2 but after doing the other test I had to move up to the middle row of push ups.

    I can do them until I get to set 5 which ends with 13. You should have heard me groaning! This is really really HARD! What were you thinking woman when you challenged us to this? (And I am chuckling here). My husband is loving doing them so I can't quit because he is encouraging me and doing them too.

    So girl you'd better not leave me! I don't want to be doing them by myself!

    And I'm wondering where everyone else is? I'm just saying if a 53 yr old can do this so can the rest of you who said you were going to do this challenge. Maybe I'll e-mail the rest of those who said they were in on this challenge.
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all,
    I, too, got a little off-track with traveling. It happens every time, no matter how good my intentions. :explode: We were visiting the in-laws, and my MIL is a really good cook--so I ate a lot, stayed up way too late, and did not exercise. :noway:
    I was going to continue with W2D1 yesterday after we got back, but I went to zumba class with a friend, and I was too tired afterwards! But I WILL do it before the end of today (so Leshawn, I'll be on the same schedule as you). I will check in after I do them.
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    OK, I just did W2D1--feeling like I lost a little momentum, but I got through it.
    Thanks for the motivation everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Finished W2D2 last night. I am really seeing an improvement. I have been doing the regular push ups, but haven't been able to do more than 2 full (ALL the way down). That number is increasing slwly but surely.

    I have been flexing in front of my husband a lot lately. He better notice soon or I'll take him to the gun show! :laugh:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Katie:

    Glad you got your push ups done.

    How long have you been married? Me, 28 years. Sometimes you just have to show them or tell them. My husband has been doing the push ups too and he keeps wanting me to feel his arms! They need all the encouragement they can get even after 28 yrs!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    It will be 2 years in May. But we have been together for 9 years - high school sweethearts :blushing:

    I will say things like "Hey, check out my arms. Can you see my muscles?" And then he will say "Oh yeah, I've noticed that.!" :tongue: I think he doesn't say anything because he thinks it's funny to watch me strut around. We don't really take ourselves very seriously.

    28 years is amazing! I can't wait to be able to say that. Although, we will definitely enjoy the wait.

    Our big, tough guys definitely need an ego boost too every now and again. I'm more than happy to help.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Katie, you just keep strutting your stuff!!!

    I just finished W2D3! I kept saying I don't think I can do this but I did it! Pretty good for a 53 yr old lady!

    It was hard but remember I started out at 4 and now I can breeze through 4. Now it's double that when I start having to push it. That last set of 13 were tough.

    Now I'm pretty sure the rest of you are younger than me and I expect you to excel and pass me up!

    Just Do It!

    Have a great day,

  • leshawnturner
    Hey Buddies!!!!

    Cindy and Katie you keep showing your hubbies up!!!! They know they noticed your big muscles comin they're just jealous!!! :tongue: :tongue: :laugh: :wink: I just finished W1D2 today. I think I'm going to cheat and do D3 tomorrow because I don't want to be sooo far off schedule. I've noticed some improvements. I'm trying to talk my dad into doing the challenge, I'll let you know how that goes!! :laugh:

    Everyone have a great weekend!!!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    I'm another day behind :embarassed: but I just did W2D2. Cindy, now I'm feeling what you were feeling last week--I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do 16 when I finish W2, so I probably will also be repeating W2, but in the 2nd column. That's OK, it's all progress!!

    One of the things I love about this challenge is that it only takes a few minutes (at least at my level :laugh: ). I just did my push-ups in my PJs. I have my yoga mat in my sewing room, and am working on my son's Halloween costume--I sew for a couple minutes in between sets of push ups :happy: :tongue:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Finished Week 2 last night. I'm pretty sure I will be redoing Week 2 from the second column as well. However, I am definitely seeing my progress. Woohoo!
  • leshawnturner
    Hey ladies!!!

    I got off this weekend :embarassed: so I just did W2D3 this morning and my max was 10, so I will also be doing W2 over again, but I'm okay with that!! I'm seeing real progress!! Yesterday I did the WW workout video and I was able to use the 5lb weights the whole video!!! YAY ME!!!! I definitely see my shoulders going down but the bicep/tricep area is still really big. Oh well, I'm working on it. hAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!!!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi folks - do you mind if I join your thread? I had been posting over on a different thread (started by msarro), but I seem to be just about the only one there anymore... :ohwell: I'm glad to see that there are still others around doing the challenge - it really helps to have the accountability and motivation from everyone else!

    Anyway, I've been doing this program on and off for a LONG time - I went all the way through once, but my form wasn't very good (I was on my toes, but only going about halfway down), so I started over again. Very different once I started going all the way down! :embarassed: Then I strained a muscle and had to stop for a while - but I am back at it. I jumped back in to week 3 last week, and am trying to move on to week 4 this week. We'll see how I do!

    Today was week 4, day 1, level 2 - and btw, I was resting way more than 60 seconds between sets:
    26 (min 25)

    Whew! You all are doing great - keep it up. :flowerforyou:
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Welcome cp005e! Glad to have you. I am also doing the regular push up, but only making it a little more than halfway down. I figure I will get through it this way (pushing myself further each time) and if I need to, starting over with full push ups.

    I will do W3D1 tonight after Zumba. Hopefully I will have the energy to make it through.

    (BTW, I am also doing the sit up and squat challenges - ouch! :laugh: )
  • leshawnturner
    Katie, you are a WARRIOR to do all of the challenges in addition to your regular workout stuff!! You go girl!!!

    Welcome cp005e!!! We are glad to have you hear!!!

    Well I did w2d3 yesterday so I'll do the test again today and see where I am, even though I believe I'll have to do week 2 again. But thats okay because I'm feeling stronger!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!