Push up Buddies!!!



  • leshawnturner
    I got in my push up today!! They were hard but I got through them. Have a great weekend!!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Finished W4D3 on Saturday. I'm going to push my self through the last two weeks and then start over. I may have to go through the challenge 3 times, but I WILL do 100 push ups. :tongue:

    Have a great week everyone!
  • leshawnturner

    I'm off again, but that's okay. I'm doing w4d3 now (I type on my rest breaks between sets) then I take the progress test tonight and see where I am. I've started doing the 30 day shred and I'm able to keep up with her 2 sets of pushups!!! I'm very excited!!! Its a really good workout and I recommend it to everyone to give it a try. Its only 30 mins and is very thorough!!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    I did W4D2 today--I was supposed to do it Saturday, but didn't quite have it in me... Does anyone else think W4 is a lot harder than the previous weeks?
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    I will do W5D1 tonight. I didn’t think Week 4 was so bad. However, I did Week 3 mornings and had no energy whatsoever. Week 4 I switched back to evenings and it made all the difference.

    I was talking to a friend at work yesterday about the push up challenge. He said he started in February and didn’t get to 100 until June. So, don’t be discouraged if you aren’t progressing as fast as you think you should. I knew going into this that it would definitely take me longer than 6 weeks to be able to do 100 consecutive push ups. At first, I thought I would just see how many I could do at the end of 6 weeks, but now I really want those 100. So, I’m going to stick with it as long as it takes. Who’s with me?
  • leshawnturner
    katie - thanks for saying that because I thought I was doing something wrong!! I was just thinking that I'm not going to be up to 100 push ups by the end of this thing. Not too mention that my progress tests tells me I need to do col 2 of w4 instead of going on to w5. But I'm with you until I can get up to 100!!!

    Hang in there ladies!!! I know that its getting tough and you're tired (me too)!! But we can do this!!! If it helps strut your new guns around some. So them off!!! It will give you a little more motivation.
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the pep talk Katie--I'm in until 100 also! I think part of my problem yesterday was that I did push ups after taking a walk with my 30-lb 2-1/2-year-old in a back carrier, so my back and shoulders were sore already (and still sore today, but not sure how much of that is from Enzo or the push ups). Anyway, I have also definitely noticed that I do better with that day off in between sets. So tomorrow will be W4D3 for me, then I'll have to do the exhaustion test Thursday--Leshawn, I'm guessing I'll probably be in W4 column 2 also, but I'm going to keep plugging along! It's too cold here to show my arms off much right now, but just think how good our arms will look when tank top season rolls around again next summer!
  • leshawnturner
    Okay I just did my exhaustion test and I could only do 23 so I'll be doing week 4 over again. I'll start w4d1 tomorrow in col 2. I don't feel like I'm as far as I'm supposed to be but I guess I should be happy because 4 weeks ago I'm sure I couldn't have done 23 push ups in a row. So hopefully it won't be this time next year and I'm still struggling to do 100 pushups!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm going to join the group here.

    I sprained my wrist the first time I tried the challenge. But last night I did 4 good push-ups with my son sitting on my back and there was no pain in my wrist. So tonight before I do dumb-bell flys, and press I'll do another initial test to see where I'm at, and update accordingly.

    Nothing has made my chest and arms more defined as when I was knocking out 500 (8 sets of 50)push-ups a DAY! But I was much younger then.
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Ok, I lied. :laugh: I am redoing Week 4 also (in Column 2).

    I was able to move on to Week 5 for the Sit Ups and Squats. - If you haven't deduced this already, I am very much pear-shaped. I have scrawny arms and what I like to think of as "powerful" thighs (they're getting there anyway).

    I will do Day 2 of each tonight after sushi with my mom. I should have plenty of energy. :happy:

    Welcome, iplay! Good luck with the test! Just to fill you in, so you don't think I am Superwoman or something ... I am doing manly-style push ups, but not quite full ones - almost there. I am also doing the 200 Sit Ups and 200 Squats challenges. While this group is mainly for the push ups, it helps me stay accountable to report on the other challenges too.
  • leshawnturner
    Katie you are to Superwoman!!! I can see your cape from here (Okla)!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Iplay - WELCOME!!! I'll admit we have been a group of women for all these weeks, but it's great to have you!!! I'm sorry about your wrist but I'm glad you are trying the challenge again.

    Alright folks I'm doing w4d1 col 2 today. My body doesn't want to do it, but my mind is saying "you have to"!! :laugh: It's an interesting argument to listen to (between my mind and body). :laugh: :happy: :laugh: :happy: I'll let you know who wins:wink:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Hello, So I can do 27 manly pushups in a row so i am in column 3 but I had to do column 2 to make it through. I also lift weights and things like that so i think thats what is effecting it. Anyone else have the same problem
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Katie, I am right there with you--much stronger lower body than upper! I just finished W4D3 (somehow managed to forget about it yesterday). It was a struggle, but I did it. I'm guessing I will also be repeating week 4. I don't know why I had so much more trouble with it than the previous 3... BUT I would like to point out that all 5 sets in column 1 add up to 80 total push ups. Not consecutive yet, but far closer to 100 push ups than when we started and I could barely do 2! :laugh:

    Welcome, iplay!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    I struggled last night with the second set for W4D2 Column 2, but I made it maxed out just fine. Go figure. I must have needed to warm up some more.

    I also struggled with maxing with the sit ups (W5D2 Column 2). Maybe I need to do the squats in between to give my abs a breather.

    I will do D3 tomorrow morning, and boy will I need to. Tomorrow is my cheat day. I am going to the Michigan vs. Ohio State football game and we are doing "Deep Fry Delight" for the tailgate. Plus, I will probably be having a few beers. I don't want to drink the beer :laugh:, but as I am a Michigan fan, I will need to to get through the game.

    Have a great weekend, all! :drinker:
  • leshawnturner
    Katie - I have heard about those Ohio State/Michigan games, I know you will have a great time!!! Enjoy the tailgating!!! That's always the best part of the game to me!!!:laugh:

    Man for some reason w4 col 2 seems really hard!!! I think I'm going to have to adjust the time of day when I do them because trying to do the after my workout is too much of a struggle.
  • brewwerks2
    My husband and I are going to start this challenge for pushups, squats and situps also. My question for situps......how far down to the floor do i need to lower myself to count it as a good one? I seem to go about halfway or a little more. Should I go really close to the floor to count?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Okay I just did my exhaustion test and I could only do 23 so I'll be doing week 4 over again. I'll start w4d1 tomorrow in col 2. I don't feel like I'm as far as I'm supposed to be but I guess I should be happy because 4 weeks ago I'm sure I couldn't have done 23 push ups in a row. So hopefully it won't be this time next year and I'm still struggling to do 100 pushups!!

    Hello all,

    I saw the push up challenge thread and wanted to inquiry about it. What exactly is the push up challenge and what is the "W4D1" that I hear people chat about. I'm all for challenging myself so depending on what it entails i may be willing to join.

    Thank and have a great weekend.
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Brew - If you go the the website (http://www.twohundredsitups.com/), they tell you what they consider a good-form sit up.

    Choco - W4D1 + Week 4, Day 1. This group is based on the 100 Push Up Challenge (http://www.hundredpushups.com/). Check it out. It is a program that guides you in increasing your upper body strength. At the end of the program, you should be able to do 100 consecutive push ups (for most of us, this means repeating weeks throughout the program). I am also doing the 200 Squats and 200 Sit Ups challenges. There are links to these challenges on the site for the push ups.

    Welcome, newcomers!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Have fun at the game Katie! Say hi to my father-in-law if you see him there :wink: , and Go Blue!! I'm not much of a football fan (although I did go to Michigan), but from what my husband tells me about how their season is going, you're definitely going to need that beer. :frown:

    I will do my post-week 4 exhaustion test tonight, most likely to prove to myself that I need to repeat it. :tongue:

    Have a good weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Good morning all! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Except for the the nauseating spectacle that was supposed to be a football game, mine was lovely. Tailgating was terrific and fatting! :sick: Now, back to the grind.

    It looks like I will be doing Week 4 once again for the push ups, moving on to Column 3.

    As for the squats and sit ups, I will repeat Week 5 in the next colimn.

    I am really seeing/feeling the difference in my right arm, but my left arm doesn't seem to be progressing at the same rate. I know it's because I am right-handed, but it is a little frustrating. :ohwell: