Push up Buddies!!!



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Push-ups today again...

    Week 1 day 3 column 3
    15 (barely)

    On to week 2!

    Choco, I have moved to what I hope remains an active push-up group. "Push-Up Challenge" You could join when you're ready! Keep up with all that boot-camp stuff!

    Hey Hoosiermomma,

    I saw your post in the push up challenge thread. I was thinking about joining but I really can't be consistent with it b/c boot camp has us doing push ups on a consistent basis. Our instructor just gave us a milestone challenge. She wants us to work on completing 30 consecutive standard push ups. I may have to start there and join this challenge when boot camp has ended.
  • Hello!!!

    Hoosiermomma - great job on your push ups!!! You'll be up to 100 in no time.

    Choco - I agree with hoosiermomma that your bootcamp activities are probably exhausting everything before you can do your push up for the challenge. I don't want you to hurt yourself and you can do this challenge anytime. I know you select the times that you participate in the bootcamp maybe on an off month from boot camp you can give this challenge another go. But I appreciate you participating anyway!!! Also, way to go on your sexy moments last week!!

    Well I am restarting week 4 day 1 col. 1 today. Being down last week really messed me up and I'm still a little sore from my fibro bout so I want to ease back into everything.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow!!!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Hey ladies!

    Just wanted to let you know that I am alive and well and doing my push ups. However, I think I'm going through a burn out period as far as the message boards go. I think I may need a little break from posting. I will think of you with every push up and will be sending my encouragement via long-distance brain waves. Keep it up and I will "see" you soon!
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