Trimming down thighs without putting on muscle?

What are the best exercises one can do that will ensure weight loss in the thigh area without replacing it with muscle?


  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Long distance running.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    :laugh: what he said...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Eat better.

    Weight loss happens with a good diet, now through exercise. As long as you are eating at a deficit you'll lose weight. Unfortunately you can't control how/where you lose it, but be patient and it will come off.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Long distance running.

    So if I'm netting 3500 cals a day, running will do the trick, huh?
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    1. Your thighs will slim down as the rest of your body does. You can't spot reduce.
    2. Why are you worried about putting on muscle? Muscle is good. I'm assuming you're a woman and your legs aren't going to get massive.

    Squats, deadlifts, leg press, lunges, etc. Lift like you think a man would and you'll see the results you want.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    +1 to the 3 posts abve mine and also you may think you don't want to add muscle now, but if you lose all the fat you may find you were mistaken.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Long distance running.

    So if I'm netting 3500 cals a day, running will do the trick, huh?

    No, Mr. Snarky. But with a good diet, running will give you a lean, trim look.
  • lobbyart
    lobbyart Posts: 24 Member
    I'd actually love to know what people like for toning legs... I can't run, unfortunately, due to a bum knee, but I've been hitting the stairmaster as my cardio to tone at the same time.
  • Why wouldn't you want to put on muscle!?
  • photocolorful
    photocolorful Posts: 19 Member
    Don't you want muscle?! If you are a woman you won't bulk up like crazy because you don't have the chemical make-up to do so. Weight training will give you a toned look and running is awesome too. Muscle burns fat.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm with the last two posters. I don't understand why you wouldn't want muscle. You want to be skin and bone?
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Running/jogging is the best way to trim them up...mine were always big in size.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Walking really tones the top of your thighs
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    1. Your thighs will slim down as the rest of your body does. You can't spot reduce.
    2. Why are you worried about putting on muscle? Muscle is good. I'm assuming you're a woman and your legs aren't going to get massive.

    Squats, deadlifts, leg press, lunges, etc. Lift like you think a man would and you'll see the results you want.
    so much sexism in one comment
  • lobbyart
    lobbyart Posts: 24 Member
    I think most women equate muscle with bulk... not with the long lean muscles we'll most likely build! Strong legs are sexy! (At least that's what I've been told...) :smile:
  • Killing_Perfection
    Killing_Perfection Posts: 79 Member
    Cardio of any kind that doesn't include too much resistance.

    But why even bother? You won't turn into the incredible hulk without (hormones and) mountains of protein and if you want it to 'stop jiggling' then you better put on that muscle. This also has the bonus of a well shaped behind, because training legs exclusively is unusual.

    But as I said, low-resistance cardio your butt off, get the result.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    DIET... get rid of the fat and the lean muscle with look more trim. You can't bulk up very much you're a girl.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Long distance running and yoga!!! If you belong to a gym I advise taking cycling classes or Zumba classes. Be aware thought that you cannot choose a certain area you want to lose the weight in. Also when do long distance running, zumba, cycling, dancing, or yoga, you will lose weight but doing one to two days of lifting/muscle building will help you maintain a healthy figure without getting extremely skinny
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    As a marathon runner I can state long distance running didn't slim my thighs, and I trained on approx 1200 calories a day. Any cardio should help, although you don't want muscle you'll probably want that area to be toned so try to incorporate strength moves to the legs
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Long distance running.

    So if I'm netting 3500 cals a day, running will do the trick, huh?

    No, Mr. Snarky. But with a good diet, running will give you a lean, trim look.

    That lean look you get comes from building muscle. I am a distance runner and I do not have a lack of leg muscle.