So whats your GYM like!?!?!? whats the eye candy level?

BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
I go to Planet fitness in Chicago NW side.................Its level of eye candy is a solid 9! Indeed a 9!

Lots of hot attractive Women....................damn!
So...How is your gym!?!?!?:devil:


  • willowdancer
    I workout at home so they eye candy is 100%; I was blessed with an attractive hubby :)
  • jly33403
    jly33403 Posts: 49
    I go to a smaller gym so our level is probably like a 5..
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    My gym in Los Angeles(24 hr fitness) was FILLED TO THE MAX with mouth watering but now that I'm in San Diego for the next few days the track I run at is filled with families and below average men. :(
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    YOKO IM SORRY! need some eye candy babycakes!!
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    This thread is exactly the reason I choose to work out at home. Yeesh.

    However, if it gets you to the gym, more power to ya.
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    YOKO IM SORRY! need some eye candy babycakes!!

    Lol I really do! Seems when gorgeous in shape men are around I workout yah shallow I know but whatever! Lol
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    My gym is in my basement. The only hottie I ever see in there is my wife!
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    D@mn double post! Sorry!
  • JessigirlJb
    JessigirlJb Posts: 656
    I go the The Front Room! My eye candy is me, my overweight not particularly attractive brother, and my handsome but chubby hunny.. So I come to mfp for eye candy :happy:
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I go to a Crossfit box and the eye candy factor is very, very high! : ) Lots of good looking men at Crossfit.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I work out at the local YMCA. Eye candy is a 3-4 at best. I feel blessed when I use the bathroom and don't have to see 3-4 60+ year old penises being boldly displayed.

    Seriously, I miss the A&M Rec Center in this reguard (but I'm married, so I don't look anymore:wink: )
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    YOKO IM SORRY! need some eye candy babycakes!!

    Lol I really do! Seems when gorgeous in shape men are around I workout yah shallow I know but whatever! Lol

    Bravo to you my dear for keeping it real!!! I myself find it curious how Whenever there is an attractive woman ont he treadmill next to me I try hard to keep up! :bigsmile:
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    YOKO IM SORRY! need some eye candy babycakes!!

    Lol I really do! Seems when gorgeous in shape men are around I workout yah shallow I know but whatever! Lol

    Bravo to you my dear for keeping it real!!! I myself find it curious how Whenever there is an attractive woman ont he treadmill next to me I try hard to keep up! :bigsmile:

    I think it's instinct to want to show off. Lol
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    I only see one hotty in the weightroom consistently on the days and time I am in there. But daaaayum she is a 9 easy.

    I try hard not to look over and check her out every 5 seconds but it is difficult. Atleast she wears normal shorts, if she wore yoga pants/spandex I might have a heart attack.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I only see one hotty in the weightroom consistently on the days and time I am in there. But daaaayum she is a 9 easy.

    I try hard not to look over and check her out every 5 seconds but it is difficult. Atleast she wears normal shorts, if she wore yoga pants/spandex I might have a heart attack.

    I definitely know what you mean broski! Theres a awesome blonde like athat at my gym!!!
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    Im in love with the receptionist at my gym and she is my missus......she just doesnt know it yet lol
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    My gym...has a bunch of swinging Ocar Myer weiners all over the place, and I take pride in that. Woman to man ratio is like 1:10. It also happens to have a 70 x 100 foot American Flag on the side of the basketball court, and those same gentlemen all over the place wear their uniforms proudly, they fight for our country. It smells, it's outdated, and I love it.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I work out at the local YMCA. Eye candy is a 3-4 at best. I feel blessed when I use the bathroom and don't have to see 3-4 60+ year old penises being boldly displayed.

    Seriously, I miss the A&M Rec Center in this reguard (but I'm married, so I don't look anymore:wink: )

    I'm a Y member too. Same thing... 3/4 except saggy lady bits getting into their swim wear.
    There are maybe 3 cute guys in the weight room at all times. That helps. One really hot girl but she doesnt actually ever work out. She hops around swaying her pony tail and snapping her gum.
  • nickmast78
    nickmast78 Posts: 65
    My gym is very diverse. Fit, fat, old, young, ripped, jiggly. Overall that makes for a very comfortable place to be! As far as eye candy level? I give it a 6.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    my planet fitness gets a 6. like nick said, weve got the good the bad and the ugly. I wonder if people are judging me while I sweat my butt off....