Women: How much do you lift?



  • DfantaBeneFIT
    I am 5'3 140lbs

    I bench press 185
    I deadlift 285
    i squat 185 (working on it)
    I can curl 45db's for reps
    Reverse grip bench 135

    working on my strength everyday!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I am 5'3 140lbs

    I bench press 185
    I deadlift 285
    i squat 185 (working on it)
    I can curl 45db's for reps
    Reverse grip bench 135

    working on my strength everyday!

    Wowza!! Seriously impressed! :flowerforyou:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Squats: 4X20 at 60-70 lbs

    20 squats a set??? I think I would cry lol.

    Haha - I had to work up to that. If I were lifting heavy like a lot of the other folks here, I'd be doing 5-8 reps with about 120-130 lbs.
  • DfantaBeneFIT
    I appreciate that. Thank you.
    I am 5'3 140lbs

    I bench press 185
    I deadlift 285
    i squat 185 (working on it)
    I can curl 45db's for reps
    Reverse grip bench 135

    working on my strength everyday!

    Wowza!! Seriously impressed! :flowerforyou:
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Deadlift 5x295, 1x 325
    bench press 1x 135
    Shoulder Press 1 x 100
    Back Squat 5x 195, 1x 225
    Front Squat 1x 185
    Overhead squat 1 RM 145
    Snatch 1 RM 125

    looking to destroy my snatch max in an hour and a half at my workout today (fingers crossed)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Bench -40lbs
    Leg press -200lbs
    Seated Row - 60lbs

    Legs are coming along nicely and my wimpy arms are getting there.
  • sarahmrimmer
    i started at less than 10lbs in february.. (10lbs was "omggg so heavy") but i now lift 45lbs for overhead and 55lbs for the 2 delt machines (one is for biceps and chest and 1 is triceps) and chest press i'm on like 35lbs but that's my latest machine.

    the thigh machines (hip abductor and the other one) i usually do 80-95lbs, i alternate between sets.

    I've only been lifting for 2 weeks and I use 10lb dumbbells. Good to know I won't be this weak for long :wink: I follow this... http://www.building-muscle101.com/dumbbell-workout-routine.html
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    115 lbs squats - should hit 120 by next Tuesday
    60 lbs overhead press
    70 lbs bench (likely going to 72.5 Sunday)
    120 deadlift (I've been going up slowly concerned about form because I hurt my back doing them wrong a couple years ago)
    70 lb barbell rows
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Dumbell Lunges- 60 (legs can def. do more but my child sized hands couldn't hold the weight the whole time.)

    Good to know I'm not the only one with this problem! My hands aren't small but long and skinny and they limit me in my lunges, deadlifts, and even my seated rows sometimes! I am hoping that they get stronger with the rest of me.

    Use your bare hands on your warm up sets and try to strengthen your grip and use wrist wraps for your working weight.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm sure I'll be fussed at because I don't know what every lift is called. I just try to mix up different things my trainer has shown me in the past and hit my biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and legs. I typically do 3 sets of 12 reps for each lift, and I do this 2X/week:

    Biceps: 15lbs each arm and 30lbs curls on the pulley machine thingie :ohwell:
    Triceps: 15lbs behind my head lifting up and 30lbs pulling down on the pulley machine thingie
    Chest press (?): 15lbs in each hand
    Back & Shoulders: 10lb bent rows (my back is weak, working on strengthening it), hands on top of the bar and then hands under the bar
    Legs: 55lbs extending my legs and 55lbs bending my legs, plus lots of lunges and squats just using body weight

    I really should get my trainer to tell me exactly what I'm doing, and I would love to get some advice!

    Biceps: they are both curls
    Triceps: Tricep overhead press and pull-down
    Dumbbell chest press
    Bent over rows sounds right
    Leg extension and hamstring curl
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Suuure but they aren't very impressive! But I'm still happy they are going up.

    Squats: 95lb
    Bench Press: 55lb
    Overhead Press: 45lb
    Bent-over Row: 60lb
    Deadlift: 100lb

    I am doing 3x5 on all of those except dead lift which I am only doing 1x5. And it's kinda funny that my deadlift and squats are almost the same lol. It's because I've been doing squats a lot longer than I've been doing deadlifts So I'm sure over time those numbers will... disperse more.

    Hey, don't be down on yourself! Putting 25 lb plates on the bar for the 95lb squat is a big deal! (at least I thought so!) :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I am SL now but previously I was repping the following on a 3-4 set with 6 reps:

    Dead lifts 185 (1 rm of 225)
    Bench 90
    Squat 125
    One arm bent over rows 45 lbs
    Skull crushers 50
    Tricep pull down 100
    Lat pull down 100
    Seated Rows 120

    I'm 5'8, 207 and about 27% body fat (I am cutting)....I started off at 267 post last baby.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I am wimpy wimpy wimpy and so I don't lift much that's heavy because I just can't, and I am trying to build lean muscle rather than builk. Everything I do, I do 4 sets of 20 reps. I do about 20lbs on tricep curls, 15lbs on bicep curls, 30lbs on leg extensions. I will try to add more weight when this gets too easy.

    This, haha. Only 3 sets of 15.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Bench Press- 140 lbs
    Dead lift-235 lbs
    Leg Press-410 Lbs
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am 5'3 140lbs

    I bench press 185
    I deadlift 285
    i squat 185 (working on it)
    I can curl 45db's for reps
    Reverse grip bench 135

    working on my strength everyday!

    You are my new role model girl! :drinker:

  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Deadlift -80kg (175lbs)
    Squats - 75kg (165lbs)
    OHP - 30kg (65lbs)
  • kimmers99
    kimmers99 Posts: 38
    I would like to start lifting weights. I have no idea where to start?? I do some at the gym but am not following any specific routine so it is kind of hit and miss. Any suggestions?
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Bench Press-65x5
    Pendlay Row-85x5

    I'm seeing some excellent numbers in here! Woot! Major inspiration.
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    You are all my heroes. I will be back to strength training once I get my gym membership back in two weeks and I can't wait to start hitting those numbers! The support for women lifting heavy on here is very empowering!!
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    Well, I started with a personal trainer 4 months ago. I am beginning to max out the machines. Have mixed feelings about that - and it's only happening I think on the leg machines.

    On the leg press, I can do 400 lbs, and 20 reps, but he usually has me do like 380 (the 400 was kind of a test to see if I could do it, but he's been working me up slowly so I think I'll hit the 400 soon - the machine at his site is broken now though :( )

    the Abductor and adductor - I believe I am already maxed out at the 280 lbs the machine does. I think I am maxed out on one of the arm machines but can't remember. I kind of stopped keeping track since the trainer logs it all for me.

    I know machines are easier than free weights - but that is where I am :) oh, and 30lbs on squat press dumbbell..