I'm so old...



  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    ...I had a crush on Pipi Longstocking pippi-longstocking-2.jpg
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    How Much things cost in 1964
    Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 874
    Average Cost of new house $13,050.00
    Average Income per year $6,000.00
    Gas per Gallon 30 cents
    Average Cost of a new car $3,500.00
    Loaf of bread 21 cents
    United States Postage Stamp 5 cents
    Average Monthly Rent $115.00
    Ticket to the movies $1.25
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    Drive-in movies. *sigh*
    There's one by us yet!!
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    Emergency break-throughs. LOL

    Hahaha!!!! My friends used to do that to me all of the time!!!!

    Our first microwave was a freakin' beast of a thing that took up the whole damn counter!
    HBO was a little box on top of your console, get up and change the damn channel, TV..
    MTV played music videos, and the VJ's were awesome!
    Vinyl!!! Listened to with HUGE headphones!
    Rotary phones only.
    Orange, Brown, and Yellow were THE colors in your sofa!
    Macrame hanging everywhere.
    Seeing the Beach Boys in concert every 4th of July
    Knocking on your friend's front doors to see if they could come out and play :D

    Ahhh...the good ol' days!!!!!!!! Thanks for this thread!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Being racist and a bigot was funny.... ie Archy Bunker in all in the family...

    Love to see a network try to pull that off now... oh man!!!
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I remember H.R. Puffenstuff and when Batman episodes said "In Color" in the opening titles.

    Oh, and I installed an 8-track stereo in my first vehicle.

    So did I. It had 4 speakers, and the car was a Gremlin X.

    I had a stereo that recorded on blank 8 tracks. Too cool for school!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm so old that I used to be my Dad's remote!
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Spring Chicken!!! Damn, you guys are all O-L-D!!! :bigsmile:
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I'm still pretty young, but I was raised on the Beatles and listened to vinyls. I still have a set of encyclopedias and a globe that has the USSR on it.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I am older than the microwave and the VCR.

    I know what a VCR is. I remember when you could rent them from Blockbuster.

    I know what Blockbuster is.

    I remember Beta vs VHS!

    I own The Breakfast Club, Johnny Dangerously and LIve Aid on Beta and still have the player in storage
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I remember our new console tv that weighed a mere 600lbs with the attached hi fi stereo including record player. Went over the top when our new cable box arrived and it had a turning knob no remote control with a whopping 35 stations!
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Knew Mohammad Ali as Cassius Clay

    The first Ford Mustang
  • akamatilda
    akamatilda Posts: 19
    Getting up to change the channels on the TV, and having to use pliers because the knob broke. LOL.

    Haha we owned the same tv.
    Aluminum foil on the antenna? My aunt had a cellophane sheet on her TV screen that was blue on top and green on the bottom
    "Color TV"
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The George Brett "Pine Tar Incident" was over 29 years ago!!!
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    Knew Mohammad Ali as Cassius Clay

    The first Ford Mustang
    My buddy has Cassius' autographed pic!
  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    HAVE MERCY! I clicked on this to join in but 98.9% is jibber ish to me. Lol *hangs head and exits post*

    Yup what she said! :ohwell:
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I watched 'Hockey Night In Canada' in black and white every Wednesday and Saturday. On my first trip to Maple Leaf Gardens in 1964 I saw the Toronto Maple Leafs play the Detroit Red Wings. The explosion of colour blew me away!
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    My family never owned a microwave or VCR when I was growing up. They hadn't been invented yet.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My brother and I would try to stay up until the tv stations signed off for the night
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    OMG i mentioned Y2K to my niece and she looked at me like i had grown horns…. until it dawned on me that she was born in '99 and honestly had NO clue what i was talking about… um yeah.