"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    My CW (as of this morning) 220.2. I'm down 4.6 since last Monday:drinker:
  • Ssirclesgirl
    Ssirclesgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning!
    Well I survived Halloween and didn't over do it.
    I did have a couple treats but a couple is 2!! Wahoo

    So I can't weigh in until Monday am at work so here goes.....I cannot believe I am posting this for all to see.....

    Starting weight 316
    10 lb challenge start 311
    Nov 1st goal 301

    Current weight 307

    so December 1st goal is 298
    I guess I have to kick it up a notch!!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to all!!!

    Doesn't it feel good being LOSERS :laugh:

    Any loss is something to celebrate I think!

    I started on 10/6 at and had a personal goal for myself to lose 10 pounds by 11/6. So, I am proud to say that I met my goal and had an extra pound gone ... 11 pounds gone!

    Thanks for being a great group, here's to next month challenge :drinker:
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Ok... It's Monday night/Tuesday morning here (about 2am, so technically Tuesday morning) - This means it should be sometime in the afternoon, Monday-like, for most folks.

    Here's the results I've gotten so far (some I plucked off the main thread, but most were messaged to me).

    Drum roll please, for the weight loss results for the Nov 1st, Sunday weigh in goal!

    haley4tn - SW 235, CW 224 - an awesome 11 pound loss!
    kpablo - SW 143, CW 135.5 - 7 pounds lost!
    Rob_in_wisc - CW 239.5 with a 12 pound loss!
    hajohnson24 SW 206.8, weight as of Oct 31 - 203.8 - says the goal was missed, but a weight plateau was finally pushed past!
    silvertears - SW 278, CW 275 - great job with a 3 pound loss!
    ontheskinnyroad - SW 224.8, CW 220.2 - awesome with a 4.6 pound loss!
    chunkylover - SW 311, CW 307 - another excellent 4 pound loss!
    selkieghost - SW 142, CW 139.5 - 2.5 pound loss! (I was at an even 139 on Sunday - but then we ate out that night and consuming a meal that was probably in the thousand calorie range jumped me back up to 139.5 Monday morning lol - alas, indian cuisine is my weakness and I was unable to say no to it).

    Great job to everyone! For anyone who was under on hitting their goals - why not talk about the whys - for everyone who was right on target - also good to talk about whys - both great ways to learn and plan for hitting the Dec 1st goals! :-)

    For me - I was pleasantly surprised to hit my goal of 2.5 pounds... the only time I really dropped weight and got in major shape, I'd not been actively trying to do so... I was just trying to train to be a better fighter (mixed martial arts)... this is actually my first successful attempt at dropping weight and getting in shape, just for the sake of doing so. For me.. really watching the calories and logging everything I ate or drank really helped - and even more so - exercise - I work out almost every day - and I use my Polar heart rate monitor for a more accurate idea of how much exactly, I'm burning. It actually motivates me to work out more, because I love seeing those calories burned add up! I don't do the crazy strenuous stuff like those P90X or Insanity workouts, or Jillian Michaels ones either... I actually have been doing this with the Wii My Fitness Coach -set at 30 minutes maximum, and some days 15 minutes... occasional use of Wii Fit for the free step option (using the board stacked on an aerobics step), and I also toss in workout DVDs... my current thing has been reviving my old Belly Dance workout DVDs, and remembering how fun they were. Oh - and I also bike to school on school nights (I'm doing the college thing and my classes are about 2 miles, maybe a little further, from where I live)... We meet in the classrooms 3 x a week (2 diff classes) - so for 3 nights of the week I burn about 200-240ish calories just for the commute).
    I even think I would have lost a little bit more weight had I not eaten out the couple times I did. My goal for this week is to not eat out at all, or gorge myself sick at dinner because I forget to snack through the day. I think if I do so for the whole month - I might break past 5 pounds and maybe lose a tad bit more... we'll see though!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I HIT MY OCTOBER GOAL!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!!!:bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:

    CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO LOST!!! Even if it wasn'y your goal it was a lose!!!!

    Starting Weight: 239
    MFP Starting Weight: 226
    November 1st Goal: 216 (Accomplished!!!!)
    December 1st Goal: 206
    January 1st Goal: 196
    FINAL GOAL: 150

    1st Weigh-in 10/11/09: 222.5
    2nd Weigh-in 11/2/09: 216
    Total Weightloss to Date: 23
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Hope everyone had a nice halloween/weekend

    congrats to everyone who lost weight and for the ones who didnt .... DONT GIVE UP

    I was 225 when i started MFP ..... i am now 196 YAY......i feel soooo much better and i will never be 200 again
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great job, everyone!!

    As Selkie mentioned, I did not hit my goal (shy by 3 lbs.) but I finally got past a plateau that lasted several weeks, which was a major plus.

    As for why...it would have to be that I do a bad job of watching my calories every other weekend (the weekends I'm with my boyfriend!). If I could improve in this area, which we've been doing slowly, I KNOW I can hit 10 lbs. lost in a month. Luckily, he's working on losing weight as well, so we're making improvements but need to do more.

    This weekend, all of my calorie overage was due to Halloween's beer drinking. It's amazing how fast those calories add up!

    Thanks to everyone here for being supportive. I'm hoping that I can actually lose 13 lbs. in November to get back on track.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Ok... It's Monday night/Tuesday morning here (about 2am, so technically Tuesday morning) - This means it should be sometime in the afternoon, Monday-like, for most folks.

    Here's the results I've gotten so far (some I plucked off the main thread, but most were messaged to me).

    Drum roll please, for the weight loss results for the Nov 1st, Sunday weigh in goal!

    haley4tn - SW 235, CW 224 - an awesome 11 pound loss!
    kpablo - SW 143, CW 135.5 - 7 pounds lost!
    Rob_in_wisc - CW 239.5 with a 12 pound loss!
    hajohnson24 SW 206.8, weight as of Oct 31 - 203.8 - says the goal was missed, but a weight plateau was finally pushed past!
    silvertears - SW 278, CW 275 - great job with a 3 pound loss!
    ontheskinnyroad - SW 224.8, CW 220.2 - awesome with a 4.6 pound loss!
    chunkylover - SW 311, CW 307 - another excellent 4 pound loss!
    selkieghost - SW 142, CW 139.5 - 2.5 pound loss! (I was at an even 139 on Sunday - but then we ate out that night and consuming a meal that was probably in the thousand calorie range jumped me back up to 139.5 Monday morning lol - alas, indian cuisine is my weakness and I was unable to say no to it).

    Great job to everyone! For anyone who was under on hitting their goals - why not talk about the whys - for everyone who was right on target - also good to talk about whys - both great ways to learn and plan for hitting the Dec 1st goals! :-)

    Great job everyone. I think my sucess this month is attributed to the following:

    Logging EVERYTHING.
    Eating small meals every 2-3 hours. Eating protien at every meal. My blood sugars were under much better control with this change in eating.
    Exercising everyday but Sunday.

    I am looking forward to being in the 220s in December.


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    dag nabit.......i missed my november goal by 1 pound...... i was aiming for 195 and i am 196....oh well gotta try harder for the month of November to be at 10 pounds by Dec. 1st... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    I think I did so great because well, honestly since I just recently started working out, the majority of it could have been water weight. I have been working out everyday and eating at or a little under my orginal calories.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    *blink blink* I just weighed myself this morning (Tuesday morning) - completely empty stomach, first thing in the morning, and after spending yesterday guzzling water like mad, but barely falling short on eating all my exercise calories -but I should be holding some water weight, right? My scale told me 138!! I'll see how the scale likes me tomorrow, just to see if this is for real... I'd be ecstatic if it waivered over to 138.5 even... but wow! Now I just want to work out even more!!
    Oooho... I could have been retaining water earlier - probably TMI - but I'm just now finishing up with that TOM thing lol... what if 138 -138.5 is what I am when not bloated??? hadn't even thought about that TOM messing up with my weigh in on Sunday... hmmm... well - I will report back on my number I get tomorrow, just to see!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Way to go everyone!!!! I'm off by 2.5lbs . . but as my weight had started to creep up, I'm happy to be back on track. I'm hoping to lose 12.5 for the month of November to keep me on track for my goal of 200lbs by December 1st.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!!!!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    dag nabit.......i missed my november goal by 1 pound...... i was aiming for 195 and i am 196....oh well gotta try harder for the month of November to be at 10 pounds by Dec. 1st... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    Yes we CAN!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I think I did so great because well, honestly since I just recently started working out, the majority of it could have been water weight. I have been working out everyday and eating at or a little under my orginal calories.

    Any Lose is great!!! YAY!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I agree that logging EVERYTHING is crucial in losing weight. I was amazed to see how many calories were in a few Werthers hard candies! Yikes!

    Last night, I spent two hours walking through deep mud in an attempt to catch my very stubborn horse. In the end, I gave up (even though I know I shouldn't have). It was dark except for the full moon, which may have contributed to her obstinate mood. The other horses were being annoying and every time I'd get so very close, the other horses would bite at her or run away, which caused her to pull back before I could get a rope around her. How frustrating! Anyway, I'm figuring that all of this counts toward a decent work out. Trying to see the positive...

    Today, I have all of my meals mapped out to help me stay within my calories and I'll be working out after Biggest Loser. I looked back at my exercise tracker and saw that I've worked out MORE every week since Biggest Loser started this season. Amazing how motivating they can be. I'm very motivated this week to get November off to a good start. I have a dress hanging in my closet that is just waiting for me and I only have 18 lbs. before I KNOW it will fit AND look good!

    Have a great day!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning!

    I agree that logging EVERYTHING is crucial in losing weight. I was amazed to see how many calories were in a few Werthers hard candies! Yikes!

    Last night, I spent two hours walking through deep mud in an attempt to catch my very stubborn horse. In the end, I gave up (even though I know I shouldn't have). It was dark except for the full moon, which may have contributed to her obstinate mood. The other horses were being annoying and every time I'd get so very close, the other horses would bite at her or run away, which caused her to pull back before I could get a rope around her. How frustrating! Anyway, I'm figuring that all of this counts toward a decent work out. Trying to see the positive...

    Today, I have all of my meals mapped out to help me stay within my calories and I'll be working out after Biggest Loser. I looked back at my exercise tracker and saw that I've worked out MORE every week since Biggest Loser started this season. Amazing how motivating they can be. I'm very motivated this week to get November off to a good start. I have a dress hanging in my closet that is just waiting for me and I only have 18 lbs. before I KNOW it will fit AND look good!

    Have a great day!

    I would say that was certainly a work out!!
    I also agree that logging food is at least 90% of the process!!! It is so amazing to see how many calories are in the foods we eat...another big one is sodium, lord was I shocked when I really started paying attention. I never looked before because my blood pressure was fine...I look now so I dont retain water. WOW!! prepackaged foods are notorious for really high sodium content.
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I think my biggest problem are days where I get really busy and haven't planned out the day ahead of time. If I don't have it all planned out, when I'm busy I end up making bad choices just out of habit.

    So I'm working on that :wink: It's a learning process...

    I'm ready for my body clock (and especially my kids' body clocks) to adjust to the time change and it being dark earlier. I also need to make myself get up and get to the gym in the mornings. It will help - I always am much more energetic throughout the day if I get my morning workout in.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Ok... time for another *blink blink* moment... I weighed myself this morning, to double check if my scale was being wonky by telling me 138 yesterday morning (by the end of the night it was up to 140 - normal waiver weight for a one day period).... this morning it told me 137! (I was expecting it to be back at 139 or something).
    I'm not going to update my weight on my tracker just yet, I think... I'll keep an eye on the scale and just record what Sunday gives me... but wow... It's very very very cool to see the scale drop when I get on expecting it to raise!
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    Good JOB!!!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey hey everyone! It's been so hectic at my house, I am at the point don't know if I should scratch my watch or wind my booty :laugh: Gotta LOVE life!

    I am proud to say I HAVE NOT HAD ANY OF THE HALLOWEEN CANDY! I look at it and think OMG CHOCOLATE, but then my split personality tells me the calorie numbers and to walk away.

    I have been working out the the Biggest Loser Wii after I put the kids to bed. It's easier, I don't have an audience. OMG still loving it! I get started on a routine and before I know it I have worked out for about 2 hours. It's addictive!

    I LOVE MFP! Have a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
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