"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    hello everyone,
    i was and still am very excieted about this challenge, i did not hit the 10 lb mark (only lost 2 lbs last month) but i love a challenge and will try it again this month, i am getting better with my food diary and know that its one of the reasons why i lost weight in the first place my buddy is helping me and when im done printing off my menu for the week i give it to her and she goes over it like the food police to show me how to make even better choices and its working, so far i have not missed a day at the gym nor have i used any excuese not to go, i feel so much better and have a lot more energy to walk places that i did not want to walk to,who knew 2 lbs could make such a difference.

    current weight 239
    goal weight 229

    i will make it this month you ALL can bet on it.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey all,

    this was a busy week for me...thank God it's Friday!

    i did 1 hour on the treadmill...it said i burned 515 calories....and walked/jogged for 3.70 miles....my speed was between 3.5 - 4.7. i am soar but i am still going to do biggest loser cardo max...

    i ate 2 carmal apples today...but i didn't go over my calores but i am afraid the scale will say something different...gain...ugh.

    everyone have a safe weekend!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Seem to be stuck at 139. Guess my first couple of weeks were shocker flukes on the weight loss. Will have to change up my routine, I'm thinking.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member

    Sorry to sound silly, but what does Bump mean? I have seen it all over the site! I am fairly new to the message boards!

    It's to "bump" the post back on the top of the list, because they feel that it's an important issue. :flowerforyou:

    Ohhhh! Thank you...good to know!! :happy:

    Thanks for explaining "bump" I'm new as well and was wondering what it meant. Sorry to be dumb:embarassed: but how do you bump an issue or recipe?
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I would love to join. I have to go buy a scale. Lol. :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    sorry i havent been around all week ........i am sick with what started out as a head cold which is now a chest cold and i have no voice........i am not logging my calories since all i am able to get down is green tea , water and soup ..... weighed myself wednesday with my other group and i am down 2 pounds ..... LW 196 CW 194...... havent excercised since last sunday :sad: i am missing it ..... but i am lucky if i can get off the couch or out of bed so i better behave and not try to overdo it ..... hope everyone else is doing good
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130

    Sorry to sound silly, but what does Bump mean? I have seen it all over the site! I am fairly new to the message boards!

    It's to "bump" the post back on the top of the list, because they feel that it's an important issue. :flowerforyou:

    Ohhhh! Thank you...good to know!! :happy:

    Thanks for explaining "bump" I'm new as well and was wondering what it meant. Sorry to be dumb:embarassed: but how do you bump an issue or recipe?

    The only way I knew was from another site, you just type "bump" as your post and it will make it a "Recent Posts", basically to bring it back up the list.
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    sorry i havent been around all week ........i am sick with what started out as a head cold which is now a chest cold and i have no voice........i am not logging my calories since all i am able to get down is green tea , water and soup ..... weighed myself wednesday with my other group and i am down 2 pounds ..... LW 196 CW 194...... havent excercised since last sunday :sad: i am missing it ..... but i am lucky if i can get off the couch or out of bed so i better behave and not try to overdo it ..... hope everyone else is doing good

    :flowerforyou: so sorry for you! Be careful being in your chest! On brightside, 2 pounds is still 2 pounds! Hope you feel better soon!!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    sorry i havent been around all week ........i am sick with what started out as a head cold which is now a chest cold and i have no voice........i am not logging my calories since all i am able to get down is green tea , water and soup ..... weighed myself wednesday with my other group and i am down 2 pounds ..... LW 196 CW 194...... havent excercised since last sunday :sad: i am missing it ..... but i am lucky if i can get off the couch or out of bed so i better behave and not try to overdo it ..... hope everyone else is doing good

    :flowerforyou: so sorry for you! Be careful being in your chest! On brightside, 2 pounds is still 2 pounds! Hope you feel better soon!!!
    thanks haley:wink:
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Ok... Sunday morning/afternoon.... Morning for me since I just woke up lol. Weighed in and the scale finally dropped down and told me 138 again. And - the trick between now and the past 2 days... I didn't exercise at all. Maybe my body needed recovery time? I'm wondering if I should start doing a 2 day rest period instead of just 1 or no days?
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Is it too late to join the challenge? I'm new to all this message boarding and don't know if I'll be able to keep up with a lot of contact since I'm not sure I can figure out how to get back to this particular topic. Sorry to be so stupid and naive about it.

    But, I need to join some type of challenge because I need the motivation and accountability. I also need advice. I'm at 184 now and want to get to about 145. I can't seem to lose weight. I exercise pretty regularly, doing about 2 miles of fast walking/jogging on a treadmill twice a week. I always tell people I don't eat much, and just to prove it, I joined this site and began keeping a food diary. I'm supposed to be eating about 1200 calories and have been under every day but today when I went to Culver's for dinner and had cheese curds. But, that only took my daily intake to about 1400 calories, so I didn't go over much anyway. But, wouldn't you think that I'd weigh like, NOTHING from eating less than 1200 calories and walking 2 miles a day??

    My doc gave me an appetite suppresant once, but that didn't do anything because I'm never really hungry. So, she gave me a prescription for what is now Ali, and that didn't do much because I don't really eat a lot of fat. She finally gave up and said she didn't know why I couldn't lose weight.

    Some people have suggested maybe I don't eat enough calories, which sounds nuts. But, if you assume that a body will go into survival mode when it's not getting enough, and begin to store fat, that makes sense. However, it's not like I'm dieting or anything. I eat like this all the time. I normally eat about 1200 calories a day. So, my metabolism should not be in any extreme mode, right?

  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I wrote I walk/jog on the treadmill twice a week, but I also do "intervals" on the treadmill 3 times a week. I read somewhere where that's supposed to be the latest great weight loss plan. I run real hard for about a minute, walk about a minute, then run hard again, etc. I still end up doing about 2 miles.

    Also, my anniversary is on New Year's Eve. I'd love to look like a knockout for my husband by then. What's a reasonable expectation for weight loss by then?
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I wrote I walk/jog on the treadmill twice a week, but I also do "intervals" on the treadmill 3 times a week. I read somewhere where that's supposed to be the latest great weight loss plan. I run real hard for about a minute, walk about a minute, then run hard again, etc. I still end up doing about 2 miles.

    Also, my anniversary is on New Year's Eve. I'd love to look like a knockout for my husband by then. What's a reasonable expectation for weight loss by then?

    Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Most of us are shooting for about 20 lbs total weight loss from the beginnig of November to the end of December. Recommended weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. I'm sure that your hubby will think you're a knockout no matter how much you lose, though. :bigsmile:

    I do think that you could be in starvation mode. They don't recommend that you go below 1200 calories PERIOD. Your body needs a certain amount to function properly and if it's not getting it, it will rebel and start being very stingy with your fat stores. It's just a survival tactic - when food is scarce, your body tries to make what it gets go farther. Go to the Tools Menu and use the BMR calculator and it will show you what you should consume to basiclaly maintain your weight. If you are eating less than 1200 calories AND working out (you need even more calories then), your body just isn't getting what it needs to function properly. I know it sounds counterproductive to eat more, but it just might be what you need to convince your body it's OK to let go of its fat stores. It might be worth a try... I just wouldn't recommend weighing for at least a week because you could actually gain a couple of pounds to begin with. There are several threads about this... I believe there are some "newbie" posts stuck at the top of the Nutrition forum that might help explain it better.

    Good luck and I hope you find what works for you :flowerforyou:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    I'm trying to be very careful this weekend about my food choices. The past few weekends, I've blown it. I did pretty well yesterday, only went over a little bit. But I didn't enter any exercise, and I was painting the living room - not a 300 cal workout, but I'm sure it gave me a little more leeway than being a couch potato. :laugh:

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • mildred61
    Hi, count me in.....

    Todays weight in is 213

    Dec. 1 Goal - 205

    Jan. 1 Goal -198

    Feb. 1 Goal - 190

    Ultimate Goal - 150
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I'll start by saying this has been a terrible eating weekend and I'm going to have to try to make up for some of it today. Yesterday, I was on the run all, which included a fundraiser dinner and a wedding reception. At least I didn't eat at both places, but drank a few calories, if you know what I mean.

    That being said, I was back up a few pounds this morning, but some of that may be the pizza I ate at 2am after drinking at the bar. SO naughty, but it was a great time.

    Hope you're all staying on track better than I am. Have a great day!

  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    sorry i havent been around all week ........i am sick with what started out as a head cold which is now a chest cold and i have no voice........i am not logging my calories since all i am able to get down is green tea , water and soup ..... weighed myself wednesday with my other group and i am down 2 pounds ..... LW 196 CW 194...... havent excercised since last sunday :sad: i am missing it ..... but i am lucky if i can get off the couch or out of bed so i better behave and not try to overdo it ..... hope everyone else is doing good

    I hope you feel better soon! My daughter was sick earlier this week and I was soooo worried with all this H1N1 going around! Get all the rest you need, your helth is number 1!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I weighed in this morning to montior progress and I was down another 2 lbs! I think this is excellent considering I only had the opportunity to work out once this week! I was sad about it but life got in the way. My daughter was home sick, I have several papers due for school and 2 midterms!! I felt like my head was spinning! I definitely logged my calories and tried my best to say with in them...I did fairly well! I enjoy working out because it gives you a little lee-way...so this week...come hell or high water I am working out!!!! Looks like I will be getting up at 430 to make that happen...but I don't mind because it is in my best interest!

    How is everyone one coming along? I am starting to here the comments now...wow your loosing or you look good dont loose anymore you'll be a stick! I love compliments but becasue I am tall my weight appears to be less than it actually is and with the inches I have been loosing people think I have dropped 40 lbs...and its not the case! I have only lost 25 lbs to date...and in the past this has been a major distraction for me...but I am trying so hard not to let the compliments get to my head, so I can stay focused on my goals and not fall off the wagon! Anyone experience this kind of thing? Its weird because compliments are supposed to make you happy not make you feel pressued but I am feeling a little pressured...lol! Silly I know, but that is why I feel this support group is good so I can get other peoples perception of what I am hearing...so tell me what do you all think????
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I understand! (sort of!)... When I announced my weight goal to some folks, a couple of them did the whole "you'll be anorexic!" and then I had to explain that having been at the weight goal before, that I'm aiming for - I'm most certainly not going to be anorexic.
    I guess because I'm not starting out at a heavier weight than the folks around me, most of them don't see the point in me losing weight, or being worried about "the few extra pounds"...
    Mostly I ignore the "anorexic" comments, but sometimes it really gets to me, and is a bit discouraging. Especially since I've been at my goal weight before, it makes me wonder "Did people think I looked bad? Did I look gross? It must be, or else I wouldn't get those comments discouraging me from dropping some body fat" - but - at the same time, I had people compliment me on the weight loss before, and the new, smaller size... so yeah... lol, I don't know..
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    It just seems like everyone will always have an opinion and I guess I have to take what they say with a grain of salt! YOU WOULD THINK any "friend" would be supportive BUT it is not always the case...sadly enough! I think people in general should be supportive of someones goal regardless of their personal opinion....I don't know either SelkieGhost....:ohwell: