"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Thanks for the information, Silvertears. You're so right that all that info seems counteractive. It does make some sense if I suddenly went on a diet and started eating so much less. I can see that my body would go into survival mode. But, I have tried to believe it, and have spent some periods of time (a week or so) eating a larger breakfast. From what I've heard, that's the meal to bulk up on if you're going to do it. And, guess what? I gained weight!

    It's so frustrating! And depressing. Maybe I have to double up on the workout. So, last night, since hubby wasn't home anyway, I did another 2 miles on the treadmill. Took it nice and slow while watching reruns on DVR. I could probably keep that up in the evenings, as long as it's nice and slow, since my morning workouts are so tough.

    Today is Sunday, the official sign in day, right? I weigh 185. I put on a pound, which I'm sure has something to do with all the Culver's cheese curds still sitting in my intestines. OK, THAT was a mistake ... but a tasty one! But, I believe those curds will stay until I eat a bit of roughage, so I had a chicken salad (made with no fat miracle whip) sandwich today on that double fiber bread. 12 grams of fiber in one sandwich! I ought to be getting rid of that cheese soon!
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Wahoo!! I finally had a weekend where I didn't go backwards! First one in a few weeks. I'm at 271... 4 lb loss since last Monday.

    I have to go to a work conference today. Lunch provided. Wish me luck... hopefully they have something decent I can work with.

    Everyone have a fabulous Monday :glasses:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Wahoo!! I finally had a weekend where I didn't go backwards! First one in a few weeks. I'm at 271... 4 lb loss since last Monday.

    I have to go to a work conference today. Lunch provided. Wish me luck... hopefully they have something decent I can work with.

    Everyone have a fabulous Monday :glasses:

    Good luck with that lunch!

    I haven't "lost" those stupid cheese curds yet! I won't be eating those again any time soon! It's so discouraging ... eating one little extra goodie and gaining! Grrr! :grumble:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Wahoo!! I finally had a weekend where I didn't go backwards! First one in a few weeks. I'm at 271... 4 lb loss since last Monday.

    I have to go to a work conference today. Lunch provided. Wish me luck... hopefully they have something decent I can work with.

    Everyone have a fabulous Monday :glasses:

    CONGRATS!!!! Good luck with lunch...I know how that is!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm frustrated because the scale was not nice to me this morning, but I can't argue with it because I was terrible with the eating. Between fundraisers, weddings and being on the go all weekend, I ate on the run, which ended up being WAY too many calories. BUT, I know I can get the weight back off this week. I just need to get some good workouts in and the damage will be undone.

    I printed off the Couch to 5K program and am considering giving it a try. I was training for a 5k earlier this year, but slacked off. Obviously, I have trouble being disciplined.

    This week, I have two motivators to think about. The first being that on Saturday night, I sat next to a friend who ate not one, but almost four full plates of food at the fundraiser I went to. She told me she's ALWAYS hungry and eats a ton all the time...and, of course, she's stick-thin. But, this is because she's a runner who has done several marathons. I decided that I should start running so I can eat more, since it is my favorite past-time. Haha.

    Secondly, on Saturday, I will see a good friend of mine who has lost 45 lbs. since June 13th and looks amazing. She did it on the Slimgenics/Slim4Life program, which is expensive but she is going to share the secrets with me this weekend.

    So, these two amazing women might be what I need to kick it into gear. Plus, my boyfriend will be out of town this weekend, which will help the eating. Why, oh why, do we like to eat out so much?? We're both addicted to boneless buffalo wings from Green Mill.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm frustrated because the scale was not nice to me this morning, but I can't argue with it because I was terrible with the eating. Between fundraisers, weddings and being on the go all weekend, I ate on the run, which ended up being WAY too many calories. BUT, I know I can get the weight back off this week. I just need to get some good workouts in and the damage will be undone.

    I printed off the Couch to 5K program and am considering giving it a try. I was training for a 5k earlier this year, but slacked off. Obviously, I have trouble being disciplined.

    This week, I have two motivators to think about. The first being that on Saturday night, I sat next to a friend who ate not one, but almost four full plates of food at the fundraiser I went to. She told me she's ALWAYS hungry and eats a ton all the time...and, of course, she's stick-thin. But, this is because she's a runner who has done several marathons. I decided that I should start running so I can eat more, since it is my favorite past-time. Haha.

    Secondly, on Saturday, I will see a good friend of mine who has lost 45 lbs. since June 13th and looks amazing. She did it on the Slimgenics/Slim4Life program, which is expensive but she is going to share the secrets with me this weekend.

    So, these two amazing women might be what I need to kick it into gear. Plus, my boyfriend will be out of town this weekend, which will help the eating. Why, oh why, do we like to eat out so much?? We're both addicted to boneless buffalo wings from Green Mill.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Inspiration is always helpful in this rollercoaster ride of a battle!! I just keep surrounding myself with those I aspire to be like and it is helpful, so good for you!!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    hahaha - I'm confused now. I've skipped workouts for several days now - since about Thursday I think - and have kept within my 1200 calorie range though(I've been participating in NaNoWriMo, so tend to spend all my spare time in front of the computer writing away on my book). Today my scale flashed 136.5 at me, upon waking up. The only thing I can think of to explain a scale drop that much without exercise, is maybe my heart rate monitor isn't being accurate with calories burned? Or.. actually.. I've been making fresh fruit and veggies more a part of my food intake (instead of things like pasta). Could be that.
    I really do need to start the workouts again though. It will be interesting to see what the scale shows next Sunday, that's for sure.

    I think I'm ready to start swapping up the workout - so that if I do workout 6 days a week, it's only 3 cardio and 3 strictly weight training days, alternating...
  • campbell59
    I would like to join, I love to compete.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I managed to get a second workout in this evening ... for a total of 575 calories burned today. My personal goal is to burn 500 calories a day on my treadmill ... even if it kills me! :mad:

    Tonight, I'm going to bed, closing my eyes, and programming my mind to dream about a new, thinner me .... :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up, I know for sure for sure I'll have lost SOMETHING! PLEASE! One little eensy weensy pound! Anything! Otherwise, really, why the heck keep burning those calories on that deadmill, I mean treadmill!

    And, as someone posted earlier, maybe I'll slack off a little on the treadmill one or two days a week, and do more strength training on those days. Any ideas?
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up, I know for sure for sure I'll have lost SOMETHING! PLEASE! One little eensy weensy pound! Anything!

    I couldn't help myself, and went ahead and weighed myself as soon as I got up this morning. At first, the scale couldn't decide between 183 and 184. It finally rested at 184. RATS. But, that means I got rid of the pound of cheese curds I ate this weekend, and almost another pound.

    So, back to the treadmill ...

    Have a great day, everyone, and keep up the good work! :ohwell:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey all, haven't been on much besides logging Food. Really been crazy at our house last week and this week we are getting ready to go out of town this weekend. When I get out of my comfort zone of controlled food I get nervous! We are going to a National Show in KY (oldest is showing a register heifer). Good news, the hotel we'll be staying in has a fitness room, bad news is the show is not going to have fruits and salads :grumble:. I going to have to make good choices when eating!

    I weighed myself on Friday and I was down to 220 - Woo Hoo. To get my kids to understand how much I lost I had them hold a bag of flour and then told them I lost 3 of those. So I am Proud to say that I have dropped 3 bags of Flour :laugh:

    Welcome newbies and everyone else keep up the hard work :drinker:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Hey all, haven't been on much besides logging Food. Really been crazy at our house last week and this week we are getting ready to go out of town this weekend. When I get out of my comfort zone of controlled food I get nervous! We are going to a National Show in KY (oldest is showing a register heifer). Good news, the hotel we'll be staying in has a fitness room, bad news is the show is not going to have fruits and salads :grumble:. I going to have to make good choices when eating!

    I weighed myself on Friday and I was down to 220 - Woo Hoo. To get my kids to understand how much I lost I had them hold a bag of flour and then told them I lost 3 of those. So I am Proud to say that I have dropped 3 bags of Flour :laugh:

    Welcome newbies and everyone else keep up the hard work :drinker:

    Way to go! Were your kids impressed? That was a great way to really show how much weight you've lost! But, were YOU amazed? Imagine carrying around all of that all the time! That is so cool that you've lost that much! Good luck with your out of town weekend! And, congrats to your oldest who's showing the heifer!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    The youngest came back with "Do you know how many cookies we could make with that?" You gotta love kids!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Last night, I did my first Couch to 5K workout and it was easy! I skipped the workouts for the first two weeks, knowing they would be a breeze. It felt great doing some running again, but I ended up adding another half mile of walking at a steep (12%) incline just to burn additional calories.

    As usual, I really need to work on the dieting, but tonight I have an appointment at Shake the Weight, a company that focuses on nutrition and they have a line of protein shakes that can be used as meal replacements. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say. I love gathering different health information and using the bits and pieces I like.

    It's Biggest Loser night, so I know I'll be getting a good workout in. I'll probably do the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt video, since the running program says to run 3x per week.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Just got done working out on the Biggest Loser Wii. Still loving it. I also walked on the treadmill tonight while I watched the Biggest Loser, sad to see Shay leave. She really needed to be there, but hopefully she took what she learned with her.

    Hope ya'll had a wonderful night or day.

    Head up and stay strong :flowerforyou:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All!

    I am so exhausted! Went to a concert last night and up early this morning...so I am wiped! Just thought I would stop in and see how everyone was doing! I am doing well but I really need to get to grocery store...I feel like I am there ALL THE TIME!! LOL! Well talk to you all tommorrow! :happy:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I had a very lazy day yesterday and haven't made the best food choices the past two days, so it's time to get focused today. You would think after having a 4 lb loss that I wouldn't do that. We're going camping this weekend so I have to sit down and really think about my food ahead of time or that could be totally disastrous. I hope everyone has a great day! And of course, it's cookie day at work, so I have to avoid the Otis Spunkmeyer peanut butter cookies. Ugh. I can do this :laugh:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning Everyone:

    I weighed in with my other group this morning .... LW 194 CW 191 loss 3 pounds ... total loss 34 pounds WOOOOOOHOOOOOO

    Happy hump day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    So, the good news is that I lost 1.2 lbs. since yesterday but I'm thinking it was water retention from bad food choices this weekend. Now, I need to make up for it.

    I had an Herbalife tea last night that made me jittery and had me tossing and turning last night. Then, it made me wide awake at 6am and I couldn't fall back asleep. So, I got up and hopped on the treadmill to complete my second Couch to 5k workout. Yay, me! At least I was productive as a result of too much caffeine.

    This morning started with a mocha protein shake to replace my usual coffee/cappuccino blend and I actually do not feel hungry yet, even though it's about time for my AM snack.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Good morning Everyone:

    I weighed in with my other group this morning .... LW 194 CW 191 loss 3 pounds ... total loss 34 pounds WOOOOOOHOOOOOO

    Happy hump day everyone :flowerforyou:

    Woo hooo! Super! Congratulations! If I can brag about myself a bit, I've lost a pound since Saturday! Not much, but, one pound at a time, right?

    The power of positive thinking .... .... I'll be a knockout for my husband for our anniversary on New Year's Eve. Thin, gorgeous, firm. OK, so, even if I lost 20 pounds by then, I still wouldn't be thin. But thinnER! Positive thinking ... positive thinking ... positive thinking ....