Why do people do this??



  • stefanie1208
    stefanie1208 Posts: 6 Member
    [This is kinda like the whole I am getting in my car thing..and the parking lot is FULL of spots..and I am trying to put 3 kids in car seats..and they want the spot right next to my car? :huh:

    and park RIGHT next to you!! I left someone a nasty note on their windshield once... something like "thanks for giving me the room to get my kids and the infant seat in the car you *****!

    Ha! I have twin daughters and am a single mom and someone did that to me too...ON BOTH SIDES! I was livid! Like what am I going to do, I can't very well just leave them in their stroller while I climb in the front over the console and move the car....I too left them a rather nasty note. it's like come on...parking in the middle of the 2 lines is not that complicated!
  • kerchki
    kerchki Posts: 63 Member
    This gets me too, I dont understand it. My finacee and I went to watch a movie in a big theater. We were the only ones in there and we sat in the back row. This couple came in before the movie started so it was light in there and sat directly in front of us in the next row. My finacee and I looked at each other and started laughing out loud. I mean come on!

    Back in high school, a friend and I went to see "Sleeping with the Enemy" (the movie dates me, doesn't it?) anyway, we did exactly that. There was one couple in the theater when we walked in, and we sat in the 2 seats right in front of them (this was before stadium seating too!) and we started chit chatting with each other. Then she turned around and said, "Just kidding" and we got up and moved. good times... good times :)
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I'm less patient with questionable qym etiquette I suppose cause that's a huge pet peeve of mine..I always try to space myself so that there's at least a chance the person that comes to the cardio machine will observe the one empty machine rule..especially when it's not busy but a lot of people these days weren't really taught how gym rules. So I just let it go unless they smell or the spend the whole time staring at me or my settings..If they wanna copy my settings and they're too new to know they shouldn't start that high that's on them..as long as they don't bug me I'm cool..

    Of course if he's hot and not stalkerish then yeah it's totally cool if he gets on the machine next to me..gotta have my priorities!!
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 163 Member
    [This is kinda like the whole I am getting in my car thing..and the parking lot is FULL of spots..and I am trying to put 3 kids in car seats..and they want the spot right next to my car? :huh:

    It's actually easier to park beside a car than to park with empty space around you. Whether it's forward or reverse parking. That I can understand. It's not necessary for treadmills or cinemas.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    I feel the same way in public restrooms. There are 10 stalls free. Why did you take the one right next to me?

  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I like my personal space as much as the next person but to me if you don't want someone you don't know next to you while you workout...workout at home.
    You only pay for one theatre seat, your gym membership entitles you to use one machine at a time. You really don't have a say over the other mchines, seats, or urinals for that matter.
    You may not like it, but if it really bothers you buy a treadmill and watch movies at home.
  • darnnells
    darnnells Posts: 37
    I hate when people do that too. I don't want to smell anyone but myself. Same with the ladies room. Why do women pick a stall that is right next to someone that is obviously taking care of business, if you know what I mean, if there are vacant ones down yonder?
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    If your watching TV or reading a book while doing cardio, your not working hard enough.

    Not necessarily true. That's your opinion of course, but everyones workouts are different. Lots of folks who work hard on a treadmill use the TV to take thier minds of the monotony of running in place. You can also read a book on a bike and still get a proper cardio workout.

    As for space on the treadmill.....either she thought your guy was attractive and since there was a machine between you that he may have been single or....it's much easier running with a partner, even if it's a stranger.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    I feel the same way in public restrooms. There are 10 stalls free. Why did you take the one right next to me?

    omgawd ^this. annoys the **** out of me.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I have a favorite elliptical at the gym. The strides on all of them are different, but there's one in particular I love.

    I will get on that thing regardless of where other people are (for example, there' s about 8 ellipticals in my gym - if you're on the one next to the one I like - and I'm the only other person in the gym - I'm getting on it - I don't care if I'm next to you).
  • hheater
    hheater Posts: 52 Member
    I'm surprised that no one had mentioned cultural proxemics yet! In the western world we all like to have our "bubble." If someone's too close or comes to sit (or workout) by us when there are other spots available, they're deemed as "creepy" or having an ulterior motive. But that's not the case in many other places around the world! Proxemics (space between people when interacting in different settings) changes from country to country and culture to culture. Perhaps this person was not originally American? I really don't like how people are assuming that she a.) doesn't know how to exercise, or b.) is checking out your pace, or c.) thinks that your fiancé is hot. We don't know these things. I also realize that we don't know her cultural background...but I think that in our globalized world, we need to be more open-minded about why people do the things they do. Not everyone is under the same cultural standard as you. Rant over.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    If your watching TV or reading a book while doing cardio, your not working hard enough.

    I don't know how anyone could read a book while doing cardio but watching TV is just a case of looking at the screen surely! I was watching a football game.

    Trust me, I was working hard - 35 mins at speed 9.9kmph when 4 weeks ago I could run more than a few yards!

    Actually, I can read while on the elliptical, but it's true - it's not as much of a burn.

    With TV though...I'm always watching TV while I'm on the elliptical, and I do HIIT and do it HARD. Last time, I burned 400 calories in 50 minutes which, for a small person like me, is a LOT.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    [This is kinda like the whole I am getting in my car thing..and the parking lot is FULL of spots..and I am trying to put 3 kids in car seats..and they want the spot right next to my car? :huh:

    It's actually easier to park beside a car than to park with empty space around you. Whether it's forward or reverse parking. That I can understand. It's not necessary for treadmills or cinemas.

    ha ha
    I like it when someone thinks they have a hot vehicle so they take up two spots parking diagonally across. Then I can't resist parking nice and close to them with my old car (staying within my lines of course)
  • Gloria_Torres
    Gloria_Torres Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Nicki,

    Lol...oh boy. Sounds like you picked the crazy shift to go to the gym. ;-P What a wierdo for that woman to not only pick the machine between U and your fiance but to compete with you! Oh boy!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Sounds like PMS.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I hope a newbie doesn't really take this thread to heart. Based on the wide variety of opinions, they'd be scared to death to go to the gym for fear of getting in someone's "personal space"....lol
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So there is a row that's conveniently right in front of the tvs, and since you were there first no one else gets to use to well placed machines? You say there are other tvs, but are they all on the same station?

    And it's normal human behavior to group up. Ever see how if 6 people are in one line while another line is empty, people will step in the long line first and assume there is something suspiciously wrong with the shorter line. Plus I'm not sure I want to live in a world full od sociopaths that always take the furthest, most stalkerific machine from me.

    You get one machine; every other machine is open for business.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Me and my son went to the gym the other day and there were 2 spots where there we 2 treadmills right together so the one we pick the girl next to us asks if we want her to move because she hasn't started yet. Weird - we're clearly only 2 people, so I told her no we were good. Anyway I went to fill my water bottle and by time I got back a couple seconds later she was long gone! I guess we looked scary?! (my son is 15 and looks older so I don't think it was the issue of being by a little annoying kid either...)

    Also at my gym there's 6 tvs - they play 3 different shows so it is: show A, show B, show C, show A, show B, show C - so times I might want to be closer to someone because their machine is closer to the show I want to watch...
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Same reason people park right next to you when there are 15 empty spaces, some more convenient than your spot.

    That made me laugh. I drive my bosses porsche and can't park that anywhere without someone in some old junker car sliding in next to me. I've taken to parking on top of 4 spaces, diagonal, and crooked, could it get more obvious!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Erm anti-social much?

    My boyfriend complained when I sat 1 row in front of a guy in the cinema when there were loads of chairs free. I wanted to sit bang in the middle and that was the best seat so I sat there.

    Don't know why people have such problems with personal space. Don't get me wrong I don't go about getting really near to people and getting all up in their face but it's nice to be friendly and social sometimes. it's how humans are made.

    It's not anti-social, it's called 'personal space'. Do you think I want to be near a random stranger? Do I know the person? Do I want them attempting to talk to me when I'm trying to focus on MY things or just the movie, and not have to listen to them give me their life story? If there are like 50 other seats, then there is no reason for that person to sit right smack in front of you or next to you UNLESS they have a reason, you do, yours being it's a good seat.

    I'm as friendly as the next person, but sometimes I just want to be left alone, don't we all? And I DO have social anxiety, so you should respect others people's opinions about things like this, I respect yours. I'm not saying that your wrong, I'm just saying, you know, some people DO have social problems. And some people, like my mom, just DON'T want to be near people ATM for whatever reason. Whether they're in a pissy mood or just don't want to be near someone.

    Is calling strangers "random" redundant? There is a reason for a person to sit right in front of you. And that reason is whatever they want it to be, no explanation needed. It's a public space. They have Redbox and Bowflex machines for people that need to be alone.

    I get to the movie theater very early because I'm really particular about my seat. VERY particular. But after I've secured my position, I could care less who sits around me. I've got mine so they are free to get there's.