Food Nazi?



  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    My concern is that he will get back to 210lbs.

    You guys are taking the 10lbs out of proportion. It is his LAST 10lbs. It's the 30+lbs that I am not wanting back in our life because of his eating habits.

    i don't think anyone is blowing this out of proportion. Because he's 10lbs overweight doesn't mean he's going to get back to 210lbs... I think you're being unfair and a bit ridiculous. I doubt his weight has anything to do with it, it sounds like you're making excuses. If you're doing well and being successful with your weight loss, and he doesn't take it as 'seriously' as you, it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing.
    If he was bribing you with sex and saying that you're 10lbs overweight and he's not attracted to you, how would you feel? Yeahh.