Were you treated differently after losing alot of weight?



  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for serving our country and you don't look geeky to me.

    I got a few geek pics around here some where. :P

    I know I got one on my Facebook. I lost most of my pics on there when I created a new account due to security issues.

    I am currently asking my parents and friends for old pics so I can create some before and after pics.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    Heck yea. I get a lot more looks from women. I also get the occasional coworker bs "Oh yeah, he can't mess with cupcakes.. he's on that lettuce and water ethiopian diet" .. wtf
  • doug4018
    doug4018 Posts: 130
    I was just thinking about this last week. I've had attention from 3 men and 2 women at the gym. People look at me more now, in passing in public. I think the other posters are right in that part of it is how you carry yourself after losing weight. Before I wanted to not be noticed, and now I don't mind the attention, although I'm very uncomfortable when I do get it, i'm just not used to it.

    It doesn't hurt to be 6'5" either, that certainly helps.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Yeah, for sure! I looked totally different (ugly) and the world was entirely different to me.

    The world truly became a different place when I changed from the ugly duckling that I was. I was never hit on or approached until I lost 65 pounds and when it started happening, I was in disbelief. It's a mind *kitten* because you are still the same person. I still felt the same inside and out, but the world treated me like an entirely different person. I went from being the girl with no boyfriend(s), to the heart-breaker girl that didn't need a boyfriend (like a lot of people seem to need) to the one that got away. Still not sure how that happened...

    I get more respect from people, more people want to talk to me or take an interest in me, I get more lewd (and unappreciated) gestures from piggish men (barf), and just more attention in general from most people. I lost the first 60lbs about 10 years ago, and to this day I still feel like the same person I was when I was fat (I mean, evolved and matured obviously), and I don't know if I'll ever get over the fact that I feel like I've lived in two different worlds.

    If you check my profile pics, you can see the difference and how much I changed. I actually had to get my driver's license changed cuz no one would let me into bars anymore, lol, seriously. Looking at old pictures of myself is hard, cuz it's like looking at a stranger who even I think is unattractive and I don't want to be like that again. I don't really think that's possible, but that girl still exists in my memories and dreams sometimes.

    It has made me sad at times, knowing how truly superficial the world is. I am appreciative that I'm on the other side of the fence now, and it's nice to not take things for granted. I try damn hard to keep the weight off, I actually failed once and didn't even realize it, so I lost 60+ pounds twice. Losing that much, and then failing yourself and gaining it all back, and going though the whole loss again will teach you some good lessons! The dedication and work makes me value the changes that I created.
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    I went from 232lbs (two years ago) to 149lbs today (and around that for the past year).
    I get some compliments but the odd rude, rather inconsiderate comments from those who need to mind their own knitting.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I don't think I was treated differently by anyone that means something to me. Everyone was really supportive. Sure I got the odd comment when I was an anal OCD about my calorie counting, etc. but at the end of the day people were envious I was doing it (You have no idea how many people I have got to join MFP).

    I would say that I get alot more stares than ever before. I am sure this is because of the weight loss BUT my self esteem and confidence has sky rocketed and it could also be becuase I walk with confidence and pride. I think that goes along ways.

    I have been using online dating in this process. When I met my now bf, I was about 25 lbs heavier. I didn't get alot of response, but I also didn't seak anyone out myself. He doesn't mind what weight I am... but if I find myself back to online dating at some point I can bet you $10 I will get alot more responses -- that's a given though.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Yeah, for sure! I looked totally different (ugly) and the world was entirely different to me.

    The world truly became a different place when I changed from the ugly duckling that I was. I was never hit on or approached until I lost 65 pounds and when it started happening, I was in disbelief. It's a mind *kitten* because you are still the same person. I still felt the same inside and out, but the world treated me like an entirely different person. I went from being the girl with no boyfriend(s), to the heart-breaker girl that didn't need a boyfriend (like a lot of people seem to need) to the one that got away. Still not sure how that happened...

    I get more respect from people, more people want to talk to me or take an interest in me, I get more lewd (and unappreciated) gestures from piggish men (barf), and just more attention in general from most people. I lost the first 60lbs about 10 years ago, and to this day I still feel like the same person I was when I was fat (I mean, evolved and matured obviously), and I don't know if I'll ever get over the fact that I feel like I've lived in two different worlds.

    If you check my profile pics, you can see the difference and how much I changed. I actually had to get my driver's license changed cuz no one would let me into bars anymore, lol, seriously. Looking at old pictures of myself is hard, cuz it's like looking at a stranger who even I think is unattractive and I don't want to be like that again. I don't really think that's possible, but that girl still exists in my memories and dreams sometimes.

    It has made me sad at times, knowing how truly superficial the world is. I am appreciative that I'm on the other side of the fence now, and it's nice to not take things for granted. I try damn hard to keep the weight off, I actually failed once and didn't even realize it, so I lost 60+ pounds twice. Losing that much, and then failing yourself and gaining it all back, and going though the whole loss again will teach you some good lessons! The dedication and work makes me value the changes that I created.

    I can relate to alot of what you said :) I have also yo-yo'd. I have NEVER lost this much weight so I hope this lifestyle change instead of a diet helps!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    What is really interesting is that at some point, it will turn again when people think you have lost too much weight and are too thin. Can anyone ever win?
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    I don't think I was treated differently by anyone that means something to me. Everyone was really supportive. Sure I got the odd comment when I was an anal OCD about my calorie counting, etc. but at the end of the day people were envious I was doing it (You have no idea how many people I have got to join MFP).

    I would say that I get alot more stares than ever before. I am sure this is because of the weight loss BUT my self esteem and confidence has sky rocketed and it could also be becuase I walk with confidence and pride. I think that goes along ways.

    I have been using online dating in this process. When I met my now bf, I was about 25 lbs heavier. I didn't get alot of response, but I also didn't seak anyone out myself. He doesn't mind what weight I am... but if I find myself back to online dating at some point I can bet you $10 I will get alot more responses -- that's a given though.

    Yep! Confidence goes a long way!

    I got heavy for football in high school (got up to 215lbs, on a 5'9" frame) so I was pretty chunky but a lot of it was muscle. I wish I still had pics from how bloated I looked at homecoming my senior year. I started to cut back down for wrestling season, I easily lost 30lbs over about a month to 3 month process and got a lot better attention from girls as well as I felt a lot better about myself. I wasn't as strong but who cares?
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Yes and so what I love it
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    I think most of it is because I act differently. I'm am more confident about myself and have no problem being assertive if I need to be. It's truly a mental change as well as phiscal for me. I walk a little taller, hold my head up and look like I am someone who is strong and confident!!!! :)
    This says it all. But I do also notice that I am taken more seriously than I was when I was heavier.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    Yes and so what I love it

    this! :drinker: haha
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I think most of it is because I act differently. I'm am more confident about myself and have no problem being assertive if I need to be. It's truly a mental change as well as phiscal for me. I walk a little taller, hold my head up and look like I am someone who is strong and confident!!!! :)

    This is very true. I too am feeling more confident not just in how I look but what I feel I can achieve in other areas in my life.
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71

    1. Did you get more stares?

    2. Did you get negative or jealous reactions fromn friends/family?

    I have lost 138lbs and yes to both the above.

    1. I get a lot of stares from the bigger friends that I have. 1 accuses me of using steroids. A lot just say that I have become a fanatic. My friend that I have known since 4th grade keeps cheering me on though and that is what I focus on. I also notice that yes, I do get stars from the females now as well. This time its not with the snide comments.

    2. Yes again. At a family reunion it was all about how sick i am now. I never knew that I was but apparently, Im anorexic and not right in the head. Apparently 5'11" and 165lbs is now too skinny.

    Generally, people like the new me a lot more. I find that my confidence and ability to be outgoing has gone way up. I like the new me a hell of a lot more. Its just the people that think I am sick that I can't stand.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes. I see lots of men checking me out now!! Sometimes obvious, sometimes I catch them.:) I love it!! I've even told my husband that I enjoy all the looks. By the way, he looks a lot more too!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I have gone from looking "obese" to looking "overweight" and with that I have been treated a lot differently. But I think a lot of that has to do with my own confidence being so boosted. I, too, feel like people are more willing to engage in conversation with me for longer, and I get smiles from males in businesses (like, if I go to a store) instead of them looking past me.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    For those of you that have lost a lot of weight tell me if people acted different towards you or if you noticed any other changes with yourself.

    Did you get more stares?

    Did you get negative or jealous reactions fromn friends/family?

    I do get a lot of stares, both from coworkers and strangers. I even catch family staring because they just can't get used this version of me that they've never even glimpsed before because I've ALWAYS been fat. I've noticed in public, the female stares don't tend to be friendly, but the male stares are pretty appreciative. Seems in my town, at least, a thick figure like mine is considered ideal!

    This morning at the grocery store, as the clerk I've seen many times over the years was falling all over himself to help me with my bags, it occurred to me how ironic it is that now that I am fit and strong enough to lift anything in the store, suddenly they act like I shouldn't lift a finger for myself. Funny, odd, and hard to get used to.

    Every single part of my life has changed.
  • Menoetius1
    Menoetius1 Posts: 18
    Bump for motivation
  • pedrogomezz
    When I turned 21 yrs old in Aug 1, 2010, I decided to go on a deadly starvation diet and lost more than 120 Ibs in 2 months. I went from 313 Ibs to 190 Ibs. I was stunned by how people were treating me so differently. Before the weight loss, I was invisible to everyone. After I got skinny, everyone in my college wanted to be my friend, many strangers were acknowledging my presence and guys/girls started hitting on me. It was a new experience because I was fat all my life and I was so used to being ignored. Needless to say, I didn't want to associate with these superficial people and so, I ignored everyone who were being friendly towards me. Since I am bisexual, I have a boyfriend now and his love is all that matters to me now.
  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    Being a southern boy and a geek at heart combined with being heavy has always given me negative attention the last decade. I was 6'4" at 250lbs with probably no muscle weight at one point about 5 years ago. Let's just say it was very hard to attract female attention and I didn't get much respect from others either.

    Now I am running at 220 lbs as of today. I also have a lot more muscle weight. However my stomach is still a bit ignorant so my pooch is till around though it is getting smaller at a snail's pace. At this point in my life, I am starting to receive a lot more feminine attention now which is still relatively new to me so I do not know how to take it sometimes. I also generally get a lot more respect from others. I attribute this to my fitness as well as the fact that being a geek at heart is starting to gain popularity with the modern world becoming so into technology.

    Funny how the world works....

    And/or you found your confidence :)