Diet Soda correlation to wt gain, diabetes, etc...



  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Thanks for this article! I (unlike most of my MFP brothers and sisters) agree 100%. All the nay-sayers should watch "Sweet Misery". It only takes a tiny bit of Aspartame to do a lot of damage....

    We're all individuals and we all have different experiences, but I totally agree with this ^^ Just one can of diet soda/day gave me terrible migraines and caused the glands in my neck to swell. I felt awful all the time and craved food like I hadn't eaten in days. It took me a LONG time to give up, because Diet Coke was my all time favorite beverage, but I feel SO much better now! I've done lots of research on it and I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, any time that you put artificial chemicals like this in your body, you are harming your body. However, I also believe that everyone has to do what they enjoy and if you enjoy drinking diet soda, that's your right and none of my concern. Happy drinking!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    This diet A&W I'm drinking right now is so good.

    If I were a lab rat prone to cancer, I might be more concerned.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I have drank much worse. bump
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member

    Why don't the studies against diet drinks state the diets of the people in their studies? I want to know what other crap they're ingesting along with the diet soda.

    I totally agree!! :drinker: These are the people I think that go to Wendy's and order a triple Baconater, with large fries, cheese sauce to dip them in, and a frosty for dessert, and then order a diet pepsi to ease their troubled souls a little. Who knows for sure whether aspartame really causes damage. What about Splenda? Isn't that derived from a natural sugar? There are some diet drinks that are now being made with Splenda instead, so maybe those are better options.

    I rarely drink diet pop, generally I stick to water. You also need to watch the amount of sodium and caffiene ingested through drinking pop.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Diet soda causing food cravings is no different than the smell of fresh doughnuts in the morning... SELF CONTROL wins.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Diet soda causing food cravings is no different than the smell of fresh doughnuts in the morning... SELF CONTROL wins.

    No kidding. My fiance loves baked goods. I take a huge whiff of whatever he's eating and that usually does it for me!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I had to give up my Diet Coke addiction (or any carbonated beverage) because of this migraine medication stuff I take and to be honest I have not noticed any change in cravings, weightloss, or anything really. Except I really miss it! So maybe I'm a freak that doesn't adhere to the rules of the OP's "scientific" studies.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    The "Sweet Misery" correlates the introduction to the aspartame to the main stream (I remember when this happened) to various neurological problems. Scary stuff. Worth the watch!.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I drink about 6 Diet Pepsis or Diet Sunkist sodas a day, easily. Lost 17 pounds so far. I don't crave sweets at all, actually, never have.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Well ... here (I think) is the truth:
    1)Weight gain ? from a 0 calorie product ? it speaks for itself
    2)Aspartame ? Do you know how much do you have to consume to even have a little side effect ?
    3)Increases the need for sweets ? Well yes and no... if you're "prone" to eating a lot of sweets maybe...

    Ok wheres the PhD? Please do research before posting a rediculous uneducated comment...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Well ... here (I think) is the truth:
    1)Weight gain ? from a 0 calorie product ? it speaks for itself
    2)Aspartame ? Do you know how much do you have to consume to even have a little side effect ?
    3)Increases the need for sweets ? Well yes and no... if you're "prone" to eating a lot of sweets maybe...

    Ok wheres the PhD? Please do research before posting a rediculous uneducated comment...

    Telling someone to do some research because they differ from your opinion is offensive and ignorant.

    I've done research on this. What part of the above post do you disagree with and what research do you have to back up this assertion?
  • jonnyrosko
    jonnyrosko Posts: 30 Member
    I love the people that say they don't crave sweets...yet drink more than one can of soda in a day.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    The "Sweet Misery" correlates the introduction to the aspartame to the main stream (I remember when this happened) to various neurological problems. Scary stuff. Worth the watch!.

    Makes me wonder what the heck else was happening in the human world at the same time.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Well then I must defy all logic because I drink 2-3 bottles of Diet Pepsi every single day and I am a Type 2 Diabetic with A1c averaging 5.3 now, I have No cravings for sweets from drinking my Diet Pepsi, and I have managed to lose 310 lbs. in the process so I won't be jumping on the bandwagon anytime soon... LOL

    Oh wow! That's amazing! 310 lbs?! Great job, how long did that take you??
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Lost 100 lbs drinking 4 cans of Cherry Coke Zero a day. I will say that I do try to choose sucralose over aspartame because aspartame DOES have negative side effects (yes I know most people have to consume alot, but a myriad of cancers run in both sides of my family, so I try to be extra careful) But the idea that diet soda makes you crave sweets??? Puh-lease. I haven't had diet soda in 2 weeks (I keep forgetting to pick some up, and I'm lazy) and I still want to eat half of Whole Foods Bakery at a moments notice.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Well ... here (I think) is the truth:
    1)Weight gain ? from a 0 calorie product ? it speaks for itself
    2)Aspartame ? Do you know how much do you have to consume to even have a little side effect ?
    3)Increases the need for sweets ? Well yes and no... if you're "prone" to eating a lot of sweets maybe...

    Ok wheres the PhD? Please do research before posting a rediculous uneducated comment..

    Speaking of uneducated, it's spelled ridiculous. Just an fyi. Oh and since the spelling police decided to show up, the grammar police would like to point out that it's where's. With an apostrophe. Just another fyi.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    You can pry my Diet Soda from my cold dead hands.

    Don't you touch my Diet Coke!!!!

  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    When I stopped drinking diet coke I got a massive headache for at least 3 days...

    I thought it was the caffine and then realised that it couldn't be because I my caffine intake was the same. What does diet coke have in it that can cause a withdrawal headache other than caffine? I replaced the diet coke with water can for can so it can't be dehydration.

    I'm not saying don't drink it if you want to...I don't care what anyone else does lol. But switching diet coke (or whatever) for water cant be unhealthy surely.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    The title says "Evidence shows diet soda is not a healthy weight loss product"

    When was the last time you saw diet soda marketed as a weight loss product? Me, I would have to say never. They aren't claiming it will make you lose weight. The commercials claim "Great flavor, no calories". While we might debate the first part of that statement, the latter is true. It has no calories and won't make you gain weight.

    Now, if you have zero self control and like to place blame on others shoulders when you pig out on chocolate or order a Big Mac and large fries with your supersized Diet Coke, then gain some weight, continue to do so but don't mind the rest of us laughing at you.

  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    For every study, hypothesis and theory there's always going to be exceptions.

    Example: the people i've known in my life who smoked cigarettes and are now in their late 70' or 80's and haven't developed the cancers or other issues that are related to smoking. It doesn't mean that smokings good for you!!

    Another example: The people i know who have drank large quantities of alcohol who are older and do not have liver diease or pancreatitis. Once again it doesnt mean that drinking every day is good for you.

    Another example: my grandfather was tall and thin all his life. He ate sweets on a daily basis...always kept a bowl of m&m's or peanut brittle by his chair and snacked on it frequently. He had icecream or a piece of pie for dessert every night (not the reduced fat kind of today) and he also ate bacon and eggs most mornings for breakfast. Sunday dinner was usually fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. The man never gained weight and was extremely active and rarely ever sick. He had perfect blood pressure and blood sugar in the normal range. He died from cancer at 61 which he had fought for five years. It started in his lungs and according to the docs was related to smoking even though he had quit 10 yrs before. My grandmother who was overweight, had high blood pressure and heart issues out lived him by 24 years. Who would have thought??

    The point is this: We have no way of knowing whether we will be the lucky ones or not when it comes to what we take into our bodies. I take the studys and info out there into consideration when i consume food so for me aspartame isnt worth the risk. Personally when it comes to beverages my rule is this..if it has no nutritional value why consume it? When it comes to sweetened drinks i prefer to put those calories to better use elsewhere in my diet. Also soda whether diet or not contains carbonation which causes me to feel bloated. Once again this is my experience and preference but may not be anyone elses!!