Diet Soda correlation to wt gain, diabetes, etc...



  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    :happy: Not agreeing with the load of waffle from the OP, there are studies which can 'prove' anything, but I quit the diet coke a couple of weeks ago and started drinking water and lost 3lbs. I have been stuck at 140 llbs for two months before this change. So like I said the waffle from the OP is a bit full on but quitting the diet pop worked for me
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    The Mayo clinic actually says there is not nothing wrong with having a couple of cans a day. The weight gain in those studies are because mentally some people believe that if you have a diet coke then you can have a Big Mac because you were good with your drink. Which is obviously wrong.

    THe diabetes correlation just comes from over weight people drinking the product and if you are overweight there is a higher likely hood that you will get the disease. ALSO some people who are diagnose with diabetes tend to switch to diet soda so they aren't chugging down so much sugar with regular soda.

    The cancer thing still hasn't been proven.

    Statistics and correlations can be twisted here and there to make anything sound the way you want it to.

    As for me I have lost over 40 lbs and I drink the product, when I get my blood tests done I have a clean bill of health.
  • winamb
    winamb Posts: 18 Member
    As long as I get my water in, I treat myself to a coke zero at night.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    ....unless you're literally consuming assloads of it daily.

    And, if you are, hopefully, you are sticking your straw into a different container.

  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I love when beach body coaches create random threads with "health facts" and always put "Add Me" in the first few lines... yeah that doesn't seem to shady... hmm let me put a random article about something I don't know much about so people think I know a lot about nutrition, and then I can sell them shakeology. You wouldn't think this many people would reply after all of her awesome articles on gluten.
  • surfingexec
    surfingexec Posts: 1 Member
    Assloads - I laughed out load.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I disagree as well. I used my diet coke vice to fill the void when I have cravings. It gives me a sweet fix and fills me up as well.

    Anyone can do a study to prove anything. The funny thing is if you can find who funded the study you will usually always find the study leans in favor of the company paying for it!

    I was going to say this, but she beat me to it. Documentaries are almost always biased. It's easy to angle a perspective and make it look tragic.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I love when beach body coaches create random threads with "health facts" and always put "Add Me" in the first few lines... yeah that doesn't seem to shady... hmm let me put a random article about something I don't know much about so people think I know a lot about nutrition, and then I can sell them shakeology. You wouldn't think this many people would reply after all of her awesome articles on gluten.

    I thought it was a pitiful attempt at subliminal messaging myself.

    Can we talk about all the unnecessary crap in the Shakeology that OP would like to sell us? I'm more weary if something that markets itself as a health supplement but has over 1/3 of the sugar in it that I'd eat all day than a diet pop with zero calories a bit of sodium.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Can someone tell me how you can stop drinking a caffeinated beverage.

    Get headaches associated with caffeine withdrawal.

    Say it can't be withdrawal from caffeine as caffeine intake is the same. Even though you've just said you've stopped drinking a caffeinated beverage?
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Drink water :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I love when beach body coaches create random threads with "health facts" and always put "Add Me" in the first few lines... yeah that doesn't seem to shady... hmm let me put a random article about something I don't know much about so people think I know a lot about nutrition, and then I can sell them shakeology. You wouldn't think this many people would reply after all of her awesome articles on gluten.

    I thought it was a pitiful attempt at subliminal messaging myself.

    Can we talk about all the unnecessary crap in the Shakeology that OP would like to sell us? I'm more weary if something that markets itself as a health supplement but has over 1/3 of the sugar in it that I'd eat all day than a diet pop with zero calories a bit of sodium.

    Ok, but after we need to talk about the fact that meal replacements in general do absolutely nothing to educate people in healthy eating or helpful in adapting to a healthy lifestyle.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member



    The most fun I ever had in a math class was doing statistical stuff like this to prove the whole correlation=/=causation thing.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I love when beach body coaches create random threads with "health facts" and always put "Add Me" in the first few lines... yeah that doesn't seem to shady... hmm let me put a random article about something I don't know much about so people think I know a lot about nutrition, and then I can sell them shakeology. You wouldn't think this many people would reply after all of her awesome articles on gluten.

    I thought it was a pitiful attempt at subliminal messaging myself.

    Can we talk about all the unnecessary crap in the Shakeology that OP would like to sell us? I'm more weary if something that markets itself as a health supplement but has over 1/3 of the sugar in it that I'd eat all day than a diet pop with zero calories a bit of sodium.

    Well I heard from the 18 friends I have on facebook that are BB coaches that they have an awesome new formula that has less sugar, and taste twice as crappy, so you have to add more food with calories in it to make it taste eddible! Though ti is only 140 calories!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Well then I must defy all logic because I drink 2-3 bottles of Diet Pepsi every single day and I am a Type 2 Diabetic with A1c averaging 5.3 now, I have No cravings for sweets from drinking my Diet Pepsi, and I have managed to lose 310 lbs. in the process so I won't be jumping on the bandwagon anytime soon... LOL

    Yea, I defy logic too. I didn't start drinking diet soda until after I got diabetes. That was 22 years ago. Drinking diet soda has never had any effect on my blood sugar (which I test regularly). I have also managed to lose weight while drinking diet soda.
  • badknees29
    badknees29 Posts: 23 Member
    are the cystal lights any better then soda? when you add the packet does it take away from what the pure value of water is? always wondered this as im type two diabetic.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Diet soda makes us crave sweets. So....yes, the logical correlation is that weight gain will result since we are all children and have no control over our cravings. I crave cheeseburgers. It doesnt mean i eat them. Stop blaming it on the freakin pop. If you (not the Op, generic you) cannot control the cravings created by ingesting aspartame, then you should not ingest it.


    Diet pepsi addict who has lost 23lbs while drinking a minimum of 4 cans of pop a day. :smile:

    I've been a borderline diabetic for over 10years, my siblings have diabetes so it runs in my family. I drink 2-3 diet cokes a day and have for years. Yet my diabetes hasn't progressed and I've managed to remain realivity thin with my highest weight ever being the 150lbs I started with last month when I joined this site.

    I actually reach for a diet coke when I'm craving sweets and drink that instead.
  • AimeeZingLife
    AimeeZingLife Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for this article! I (unlike most of my MFP brothers and sisters) agree 100%. All the nay-sayers should watch "Sweet Misery". It only takes a tiny bit of Aspartame to do a lot of damage....

    Love it....I have another whole article on the relationship of aspartame to cancer. I don't do anything with aspartame. It is ant poisoning.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Diet soda makes us crave sweets. So....yes, the logical correlation is that weight gain will result since we are all children and have no control over our cravings. I crave cheeseburgers. It doesnt mean i eat them. Stop blaming it on the freakin pop. If you (not the Op, generic you) cannot control the cravings created by ingesting aspartame, then you should not ingest it.


    Diet pepsi addict who has lost 23lbs while drinking a minimum of 4 cans of pop a day. :smile:

    I've been a borderline diabetic for over 10years, my siblings have diabetes so it runs in my family. I drink 2-3 diet cokes a day and have for years. Yet my diabetes hasn't progressed and I've managed to remain realivity thin with my highest weight ever being the 150lbs I started with last month when I joined this site.

    I actually reach for a diet coke when I'm craving sweets and drink that instead.

    Diet soda has never made me crave anything either. Everyone has different reactions to things. Some people start craving foods when they sit on their couch. It's ridiculous to draw a conclusion that because one person felt a craving everyone will get a craving.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I have lost 38 lbs and continue to drink diet soda. I don't drink near as much as I use to, have narrowed it down to 48 oz a day, and have eliminated caffeine. I drink over 100 oz of water daily. For me, the diet soda IS my sweet. It doesn't make me crave sweets, it's the thing that satisfies my sweet tooth. Granted, I'm more of a salt craver, but the little bit of sugar I do crave is easily satisfied with diet coke. Everyone is different.
    As far as the safety of diet drinks, there are chemicals in almost everything, someday they're going to research that diet food is bad for you. I just don't put a lot of stock into that. They are feeding tiny little mice enough aspertaime to affect and elephant, so I don't listen to stuff like that. Guess when I'm dead and they do my autopsy, maybe they'll conclude I died of over indulgence of diet coke, then they can have conclusive evidence that it kills. Till then, I'm indulging.