To the losers who yelled "fat a**" when running



  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    Sadly some people are just ar$eholes, but good way to vent it, look at the situation realistically :)

    It's a shame when people do it though as not everyone would spin it the way u have that could really hurt somebody and make them stop going out running and being healthy, such a stupid world sometimes.
  • JFae32
    JFae32 Posts: 15
    OMG! this is the sorta thing that makes me cackle....these LOSERS who yell **** are so pathetic. They have to yell from a moving car because they are too chicken to say it to your face. I had a kid once following behind me walking like the A&W bear making fun of me. Seriously? I am like 20+ years older then you. I once had someone yell "1-800-jenny f*cking craig (of course from a moving vehicle), would have been ok if I had a pen to jot the number down lol sadly, some people are real dumb a$$es, ignore them because you are doing awesome and even some "skinny" people cant run as many miles as you are.

    You Rock! :glasses:
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    It's a shame that people are still so ignorant. There was another similar story on here that I read yesterday. A girl had achieved her first bikini status and when she went to a lake two women behind her started saying how they'd never wear such a thing in public if they looked like that. She turned around and let them have it. Said how much weight she had lost, how proud of her self she was and pretty much told them to go pound sand. Continue your efforts and never let those who can't even run along side you discourage you.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Glad you've got such a good attitude about this. Bottom line is that in a matter of months, you will no longer be fat. That guy, however, will still be the pathetic loser that he is. You win.
  • LeisureRunner
    I applaud you for getting out there and getting it done! And thank you for raising money for breast cancer research, as my mother is a survivor :)

    Run on!
  • mandydanyele
    Congrats on all the weight you've lost, your attitude and all of your hard work! Forget that *kitten*. You can do something about your weight but he can do nothing about being a dumba$$
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Love your attitude OP - pay them no mind!

    I've gotten a "fat *kitten*" comment whilst running...but at the same weight a bunch of teens also yelled out "nice *kitten*." Who knows what goes through the heads of people who shout out insulting/crude/whatever comments to random strangers.

    BUT...I have to say, as a former super fit, regular runner: you seem to get all sorts of comments as a runner, no matter what you look like. Runners tend to inspire a certain vulgarity and anger in some people. Who knows why? I remember a running forum I used to haunt had numerous threads about the weird/scary/infuriating sorts of experiences various runners of various sizes encountered. I can't say I've had A LOT of comments either as a fit or fat runner, but it does seem to happen often enough that runners all seem to have a story.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    Cowards!!!!!!They will never say it to your face!!!!! I can lose weight......but can you gain courage?!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    First, great job on the running OP!! I'm always so inspired when I see larger people running because it reminds me that I'm not alone!!

    I'm kind of amazed that a guy would yell at another guy. I thought that was something the jerks only did to women...
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I vote for a T-shirt that has "I may be fat but you're an a**hole" written on the back of it. LOL But seriously, way to go, Dude. I need to get my fat*ss out there with you. Great job, keep it up!!!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Just think you won't always be a fat a--, but he'll always be an a--hole.

    Congrats on your great work!

  • Annecv
    Annecv Posts: 3 Member
    My jerk yelled "eat a salad". Which when you think about it was encouraging to eat MORE...considering I had already eaten lunch. Dope.

    I have close wonderful people in my life that have never struggled with their weight ever. They simply do not get it. They certainly do not yell out the window at anyone!... however, they have (in the past) said things inside the car to the effect of "why bother...your not running - that's just a bouncy walk". They don't say it anymore because I trash them! "Really? when is the last time you went running?" "Do you have any idea how much courage and motivation that takes? You'd be home on the couch." "Have you ever carried a couple of too heavy grocery bags in the house?... try carrying 4 or 5 of them around with your all the time!!!"

    Or, my sister who is overweight herself say "THAT is someone who should NOT be in a swimsuit - THAT is why I don't wear one" I quickly pointed out that she was sitting in the hot sun miserable and sweating while the person she was judging was swimming, laughing and having a great time... who would you rather be?

    In my lifetime I was once under 30 years old, slim, a lifeguard, swim instructor and worked out daily including lifting... and I never ever have been able to run 4 miles. If I were to see you running - I would be jealous!

    Thank you for this motivating post.
  • RunFatGuyRun
    RunFatGuyRun Posts: 64 Member
    He should have seen you 80lbs ago...What an ahole. Keep it up...great work so far.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    So I was doing my 5k run last night. I run around my neighborhood for 3.5 to 4 miles (3.10 miles and then a cool down). I am running and some car comes driving by and some guys sticks his head out the window and yells something about me being a "fat a**". Okay so a few points

    1. I already know I am fat but thanks for showing me you can see.
    2. I am sorry your life sucks so much you have to try to make other people feel bad while they are working out.
    3. You looked a bit chubby yourself, maybe you should come join me.
    4. Let's see you get out and run 3.5 to 4 miles 3 to 4 days a week.
    5. Okay so maybe you are running that many miles or more now let's see you do it with 120+ pounds of extra weight. I doubt you would even think about getting out there.
    6. I am not doing this to get your Approval and I am doing this for me, My son and Wife. Who the hell cares what you think.
    7. Go sit at home and do nothing since you seem to have nor form of entertainment. I am training for my next 5k's which will help women with Breast Cancer, Children hospitals, Diabates and many other diffrent places that will be raising money.
    8. When I am done with my run I will go hang out with my loving faimly as that is my entertainment.
    9. Go get a life and let me run in peace while I listen to my music, which was buffering at the time so I had to listen to your stupid comment.
    The point is, I know I am fat but I won't be for much longer and I will go enjoy my life while it seems you will need to search for something else to do because in 6 - 10 month's I won't be the "fat *kitten*" running because I won't be fat then.


    Don't worry about people like that. Haters gon Hate. Always remember that phrase.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I'd like to get my hands on them!! :mad:
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    If you were running in my neighborhood --- I'd join ya! Keep up the great work :smile:

    Wanted to add that the best revenge is going to be that you keep at it and everytime they drive by, you are going to be more and more fit and healthy!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I'm pretty sure I've had people yell things at me while I was running. Luckily my music is always loud so I cannot hear them. Haha. Also, I have gotten a lot of positive comments about my running by complete strangers so the occasional *kitten* doesn't bother me. Now, I don't have proof it's happened since I've never heard anyone chastise me for running but like I said, I'm sure there are some people who - if they didn't say anything like "fat *kitten*" they may have thought it. Most of my experiences with people passing by or whatever have been positive. I bet there are just as many people thinking "Good for him" than there are *kitten* who have big mouths.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's a relief to know that idiots like that can be found worldwide and not just in the UK. Sadly for them, the confidence that comes with losing weight and feeling so much fitter far outweighs any pitiful insult they can fling at you from the safety of their fleeing car.

    Shame you didn't get a chance to moon him!
  • bmxpop
    bmxpop Posts: 353 Member
    When I ride to work and I see someone on their bike struggling (skinny or fat), I ALWAYS give them a thumbs up or say "great job keep going".

    And for this, I say Thank You!! Just the other night, I was struggling to finish a long bike ride. I only had a few miles to go, but my legs were really burning. I passed an older couple coming the other way out on a leisurely ride of their own. It must have been obvious that I was struggling because the lady looked, gave me a thumbs up, and said "Way to go!! You're doing great!!" Just those few words of encouragement gave me an extra spring in my cadence and helped me to ride those last few miles at a decent pace.