To the losers who yelled "fat a**" when running



  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Let me just say...I wish you lived closer to me...I need an awesome running buddy!!! WONDERFUL job!!!!

    I hope I dont ramble too much- I passed a very large man running every morning as I went to work...he could barely move, and his "run" was nothing more than a modified walk, and a very slow walk at that...I passed him for MONTHS....and every time I passed him...I wanted to stop and tell him how incredibly proud I was of him for taking control over his life...( at this time...I was not doing ANY form of exercise at all...) He quietly, and without even knowing so, inspired me each time I saw him...he "ran" ipod...not radio...just doing his thing!

    I stopped seeing him for a long time...and wondered if he had given up...UNTIL...last month...I saw this VERY fit and very trim man running along the side of the road on my way home...IT WAS HIM....He must have dropped 200 pounds... I pulled over...and told him about all the times I had wanted to say thank you to inspiring he was...and how incredibly proud I was of his commitment! He teared up.... keep doing your thing!! For every suckish person out there...I bet you are inspiring 10 others!!!!

    Cheers to you for taking the time to say KUDOS to him. More of us should take the time to do that. You probably made his day (or week!). Just goes to prove you never know who is watching and who you unknowingly are influencing. I have had people tell me that my FB posts inspire them. I never even knew they were reading them because they don't comment.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You're a lot nicer than I am. I was carrying a pizza on the subway from my wife's favorite spot to go and have dinner with her and a guy started mocking me about my size and how the pizza wouldn't help. I punched him in the mouth. Actually got applause from some folks.

    Protip #1 for folks who want to mock people: If you're half someone's size, make sure BOTH their hands are occupied.
    Protip #2 for folks who want to mock people: It might be safer to stick with being an internet tough guy, fewer fat lips.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm not sure how anyone driving things the following:

    "hey there is a person running, whom i don't know. I think i will roll down my window and yell something mean to him. that will sure make my day!"

    Because there are some people who are so unhappy with their lives they either seek reasons to be offended by the little things or they attempt to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

    OP - good for you and your positive attitude.
  • BeingWiser
    Good Point Peter and even better attitude! WAY TO GO!
  • TheLittleKittie
    Awesome post. I hope you noted his reg number so you can print this off and shove it on his windshield. You're awesome and the charity work sounds great.

    I honestly dont know where people get off being such mindless idiots.
  • HelloSixty
    HelloSixty Posts: 20 Member
    So I was doing my 5k run last night. I run around my neighborhood for 3.5 to 4 miles (3.10 miles and then a cool down). I am running and some car comes driving by and some guys sticks his head out the window and yells something about me being a "fat a**". Okay so a few points

    1. I already know I am fat but thanks for showing me you can see.
    2. I am sorry your life sucks so much you have to try to make other people feel bad while they are working out.
    3. You looked a bit chubby yourself, maybe you should come join me.
    4. Let's see you get out and run 3.5 to 4 miles 3 to 4 days a week.
    5. Okay so maybe you are running that many miles or more now let's see you do it with 120+ pounds of extra weight. I doubt you would even think about getting out there.
    6. I am not doing this to get your Approval and I am doing this for me, My son and Wife. Who the hell cares what you think.
    7. Go sit at home and do nothing since you seem to have nor form of entertainment. I am training for my next 5k's which will help women with Breast Cancer, Children hospitals, Diabates and many other diffrent places that will be raising money.
    8. When I am done with my run I will go hang out with my loving faimly as that is my entertainment.
    9. Go get a life and let me run in peace while I listen to my music, which was buffering at the time so I had to listen to your stupid comment.
    The point is, I know I am fat but I won't be for much longer and I will go enjoy my life while it seems you will need to search for something else to do because in 6 - 10 month's I won't be the "fat *kitten*" running because I won't be fat then.


    Very witty and clever. Well done and keep up the great work.
  • BarbACona
    Touche'. I am sorry you had to endure that ignorant remark, but you definitely have it under control. Congrats and keep working. God Bless.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Wow that is pretty freaking ignorant of him. I mean, it's better than sitting down stuffing your face. At least you're trying to get healthy. You shouldn't be insulting someone's weight while they're working out. If you were just casually walking down the road chowing down on deep fried twinkies, I can see it, but even then, still pretty rude. Keep your head up and keep on running. I hope one day I can run 4 miles! :)
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    What a great attitude. People like that have such low self esteem that they have to bolster themselves by pointing out others flaws. This momentarily distracts them from their own flaws, but never provides the self-esteem that you have already achieved.
    Good for you. There are a few people imature 20 something who gigle and snicker as I walk my *kitten* off too. I can't wait to see them when they are 41.

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  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Clowns bro. F**k 'em. Ain't worth the thoughts or time your givin em
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    Just think you won't always be a fat a--, but he'll always be an a--hole.


    Keep up the great work :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Holy smokes -- those guys must have monster mileage on their car -- they were in my neighborhood last month!
    Maybe they are on a country-wide tour? And I wonder what their tour T-shirts say?
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    BRAVO!!! keep doing what you're doing man dont let anyone stop you. F%^k em and the ignorance they rode in on! you're doing great!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    A lot of thoughts running through my head right no particular order:

    People have no respect for anyone or anything these days. (as for why that is, it's a whole other thread worthy discussion)
    Anger that people actually can live with themselves after saying this kind of *kitten*.
    Regardless of size, seeing ANYONE out there running motivates me to do the same.
    We all started somewhere, (overweight or whatever). I didn't wake up one morning and say "Holy *kitten*, I lost 40lbs over night, time to go for a run.
    Glad you DID NOT give him the satisfaction of letting it bother you or slow you down.
    Glad you are on my FL

    (side note: Also glad you are a Dallas Stars fan and now stuck with Derek Roy :laugh: )

    Stuck with or found a good deal.... we will see :happy: :laugh:
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    lol I think it's funny. Sorry made me chuckle. There is a degree to it, just avoid it. Even at my heaviest I never had that said to me. I've always had honks and catcalls - maybe they have said it, but I've never heard. This is for me.
  • SerenityGrl85
    SerenityGrl85 Posts: 4 Member
    Way to go on pointing out ALL the positives in this situation! Just let it roll off your back. I had this same experience a few months ago while running and a long time ago I would have let that get to me but now because of my personal growth due to long distance running I can say that it doesn't bother me anymore.

    And for the record, you and I could kick their butts if they were to even attempt what we're doing. Another thing, in the running community I get more thumbs up, compliments, and encouragements from complete strangers than I get negative attitudes from others. Keep up the good work and way to go on your 5K runs!
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    How tragic to be the sort of person that gets their kicks from shouting at strangers in the street! I was about to say, "I used to do that when I was 11 years old" but, actually, I didn't - I was a pain in the *kitten* at 11 years old but I don't think it would have entered my head to shout like that at someone I didn't know. Good for you (OP) for knowing that you are so much better than that. I don't know you but you seem like a good-humoured, witty and happy person. Wonder if those losers will ever know how it feels to be that way?
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Holy smokes -- those guys must have monster mileage on their car -- they were in my neighborhood last month!
    Maybe they are on a country-wide tour? And I wonder what their tour T-shirts say?

    Haha - made me laugh esp at "monster mileage on their car" LOL
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    love your points, great attitude!!! ppl like that are small minded and have no concept of couth!
    lol they are the reason we have comebacks like
    'i may be fat but i can lose the weight, stupid is a career you seem to excel at.'
  • genuinelyfrans
    So I was doing my 5k run last night. I run around my neighborhood for 3.5 to 4 miles (3.10 miles and then a cool down). I am running and some car comes driving by and some guys sticks his head out the window and yells something about me being a "fat a**". Okay so a few points

    1. I already know I am fat but thanks for showing me you can see.
    2. I am sorry your life sucks so much you have to try to make other people feel bad while they are working out.
    3. You looked a bit chubby yourself, maybe you should come join me.
    4. Let's see you get out and run 3.5 to 4 miles 3 to 4 days a week.
    5. Okay so maybe you are running that many miles or more now let's see you do it with 120+ pounds of extra weight. I doubt you would even think about getting out there.
    6. I am not doing this to get your Approval and I am doing this for me, My son and Wife. Who the hell cares what you think.
    7. Go sit at home and do nothing since you seem to have nor form of entertainment. I am training for my next 5k's which will help women with Breast Cancer, Children hospitals, Diabates and many other diffrent places that will be raising money.
    8. When I am done with my run I will go hang out with my loving faimly as that is my entertainment.
    9. Go get a life and let me run in peace while I listen to my music, which was buffering at the time so I had to listen to your stupid comment.
    The point is, I know I am fat but I won't be for much longer and I will go enjoy my life while it seems you will need to search for something else to do because in 6 - 10 month's I won't be the "fat *kitten*" running because I won't be fat then.


    That is awful that someone said that to you :( It is sad that some people in this world can be so cruel! However, I really like the way you are handling this. You are living a healthier lifestyle and using this to help others :) Congrats on your weight loss as well!