August Ironman Challenge (open)

butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
Welcome new and returning triathletes!

The traditional challenge is to complete Ironman Triathlon mileage in the 31 days of August
--Swimming 2.4 Miles
--Biking 112 miles
--Running 26.2 miles

You may modify your mileage goals to suit your specific circumstances (e.g., distance changes, no pool access, goals, etc.) just set and declare those goals at the beginning of the month. It must still be a combination of running/walking, biking, and swimming we all love.

All skill levels welcome! We traditionally have some phenominal tri athletes here and some working toward their first sprint tri's. Feel free to Friend request those you find interesting, alot of support here goes on behind the scenes. Anyone may FR me.

We'll use this forum all month to log and report our mileage. You can log daily or weekly-- whatever keeps you motivated!

*****If you have any upcoming events in August, please list them with your goals, so we can cheer you on!*********

Love this group


  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    My goals
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Running 35 miles...........upping HM in Oct.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    My goals
    20 miles swimming
    400 miles cycling
    26.2 run/walk

    I'm entered in an Olympic distance triathlon on August 26th... Whether the plantar fasciitis lets me do it is up for debate.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    I'm in again....
    swimming last 2 classes, 3 open water swims(class) masters 2-3 times a week starting mid month
    bike 112
    run 26.2

    hope to make it running this month was a little short the past 2 months
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My goal - Ironman distance. 2.4 / 112 / 26.2

    Event - Total - Did - Left
    Swim - 2.4 - 0 - 2.4
    Bike - 112 - 0 - 112
    Run - 26.2 - 0 - 26.2
  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    I accept the challenge. Swim 2.4, Bike 112, Run 26.2

    8/1 swam 1500 meters = .93 miles
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    My Goal
    The Ironman no mods
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Running 26.2 miles
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    Alright, I'm in! The only tough part for me will be the bike but I can do it!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I'm in for the full:
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Running 26.2 miles

    Today, swimming. 2200m so 1.375 miles. Looks like I'll knock the swimming off by the end of this week - I have 2 open water swims this weekend. LOL!
  • AngelofMusic13
    AngelofMusic13 Posts: 105 Member
    Okay, so I'm bumping up running and swimming for the month!


    Run: 35
    Bike: 112
    Swim: 4
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Planning to be in, but first gotta test out the hamstring this weekend. Will set my goals after that.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My goal - Ironman distance. 2.4 / 112 / 26.2

    8/1 - Run 4.24

    Event - Total - Did - Left
    Swim - 2.4 - 0 - 2.4
    Bike - 112 - 0 - 112
    Run - 26.2 - 4.24 - 21.96
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    My goals for August:

    --Swimming 12 Miles
    --Biking 53.6 miles. This is intentionally low, I'll be on holidays without the bike
    --Hiking 75 miles. Side goals to climb over 3.000 meters (elevation gain) and post a few pics.

    This should probably take me about 40-42 hours.
  • jillystjohn
    I'm headed to Louisville for Ironman Kentucky in 3 wks so I accept the challenge and my plan is to knock it out in one day!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    This morning's brick: Bike 10, Run 3

    Event - Total - Did - Left
    Swim - 2.4 - 1.3- 1.1
    Bike - 112 - 10 - 102
    Run - 26.2 - 3.0 - 23.2

    After a week and a half of no running due to a pulled calf it felt WONDERFUL to put my shoes back on and hit the pavement!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Off the starting block:
    8-1 6 miles bike
    8-2 30.4 miles bike

    Totals to date
    --Swimming 0 (goal 2.4 Miles )
    --Biking 36.4 (goal 112 miles)
    --Running 0 (goal 35 miles)
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm headed to Louisville for Ironman Kentucky in 3 wks so I accept the challenge and my plan is to knock it out in one day!

    Awesomeness in action!

    Nerdie- yeah on your upcoming Oly!

    & Dinos- wow what a holiday -that sounds great!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My goal - Ironman distance. 2.4 / 112 / 26.2

    8/2 - Bike 12.75, Swim 0.63

    Event - Total - Did - Left
    Swim - 2.4 - 0.63 - 1.77
    Bike - 112 - 12.72 - 99.28
    Run - 26.2 - 4.24 - 21.96
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    Today is a (much needed) rest day before a long tough weekend of training. So I remain at:

    Event - Total - Did - Left
    Swim - 2.4 - 1.3 - 1.1
    Bike - 112 - 10 - 102
    Run - 26.2 - 3.0 - 23.2
  • ironmom77
    I'm in for the Ironman distance again. Also, I have a Sprint Tri coming up on 8/11. Hoping to beat last year's time.
  • ironmom77
    I'm headed to Louisville for Ironman Kentucky in 3 wks so I accept the challenge and my plan is to knock it out in one day!

    FANTASTIC!! I hope to compete in this one next year. How did you train? Please, please please let me know how it went!