Is Paleo the Answer?



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    On this forum you will always have two camps of eaters, those who think clean eating matters and those who think that as long as you stay under your calorie limit, any **** goes.

    You make up your own mind.

    And where would those of us that believe you eat at a deficit to lose weight and you eat healthy, whole, nutrient dense food for healthwithout eating paleo, fit it to your pigeonholed categories? I think you'd find there are more of those around here than you think. The world, and MFP, is not make up of only paleo dieter and those who think any **** goes as long as you stay under calories. Lot's of stops in between.
  • sonshinelady
    sonshinelady Posts: 16 Member
    Just recently read up on this myself. TRUE paleo is no rice, wheat, potatoes and much more...these plants were considered WEEDS in the beginning. up and decide. I have a cousin that was over 300 pounds last spring...didn't recognize him so obese. Earlier this year he delivered pizza to my door from nearby pizza place...and he was small like a young teenager again. (he's about 24 years old). I about fell over...asked him what he did to lose so much weight and look so buff in the past year. He said he ate ALL natural foods. NO processed. Simply fresh fruit, fresh veggies and meat. NO pop either. He said he lost weight so fast...and he began feeling good and then joined a gym after 60 pounds weight loss. He's gone from 312 pounds to 175 in less than a year. And he's buff to boot! .... Alll natural...similar to paleo. I'm sure there are some modifed versions of paleo out there. Research as you make your decision. It's healthy, I know that.
  • CMcD1445
    CMcD1445 Posts: 48 Member
    i have numerous friends who do the Paleo and OMG they have some amazing results! I use some Paleo recipes and i find them to be quite fulfilling

    I agree. I recently switched and I'm feeling pretty optimistic.
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    I think Paleo is the answer for people who are predisposed to gaining weight more easily in general. If you have people with insulin resistance, diabetes, or other hormonal disorders in your family thats often a sign. Carbs matter for some people more than others, but processed food isnt good for anyone. The difference between Paleo and just clean eating is grains. If you feel good when you eat sprouted whole grain bread, brown rice, or oats. Keep eating those things, but if they make you feel tired or keep the scale from moving, dump them. Basically its worth a shot, but some people see better results than others.

    Processed foods like cheetos, corn flakes, special K bars, are not good for anyone whether following a paleo lifestyle or not though. You dont have to go Paleo to go unprocessed.

    Thank you for this response is this is what I was thinking.

    I do have a history of diabetes in my family but I have dodged the bullet so far. I do tend to be predisposed to gaining weight. I was not over weight growing up and I was in what most would consider excellent shape in my twenties and early thirties but I had to bust my rear in terms of exercise to maintain.

    I have not had any issues eating whole grains and I am not suggesting that there is anything wrong with these foods but I am starting to think it would be a heck of a lot easier to meet my goals by cutting processed foods as much as possible and really cutting my carbs.
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member

    Here are some websites where you can read up on Paleoi/Primal so ypu can make an informed decision.

    Then, if you decide to make the switch and want some serious information:

    Loren Cordain “The Paleo Diet”
    Robb Wolf “The Paleo Solution”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint 21 day Total Body Transformation”
    Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”

    And now that you have received all the negative comments from people who probably have never tried it, go to the Paleo/Primal group on MFP. You will get direct answers to your questions from people that are living it.

    Thanks for all of the information I will check these site out. I already have Robb Wolf's book but I have only read a small portion of it so I will probably give it a read. I was just looking for what people have experienced and their opinions.

    I honestly never anticipated so much debate and emotion from such a basic question.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I just can not understand why the same people immediately jump on to bash paleo/primal as soon as someone posts a question. And, it's always the same people.


    Indeed. :yawn:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Here are some websites where you can read up on Paleoi/Primal so ypu can make an informed decision.

    Then, if you decide to make the switch and want some serious information:

    Loren Cordain “The Paleo Diet”
    Robb Wolf “The Paleo Solution”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint 21 day Total Body Transformation”
    Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”

    And now that you have received all the negative comments from people who probably have never tried it, go to the Paleo/Primal group on MFP. You will get direct answers to your questions from people that are living it.

    Thanks for all of the information I will check these site out. I already have Robb Wolf's book but I have only read a small portion of it so I will probably give it a read. I was just looking for what people have experienced and their opinions.

    I honestly never anticipated so much debate and emotion from such a basic question.

    Heck, this was tame as Paleo thread go!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's because they contain saccheride compounds that are not digestible by humans. They also contain phytic acid which inhibits the aborbtion of minerals in the gut. This is the primary rational for eliminting them on a paleo diet. That and they are a food that was not available in the paleo era supposedly.

    There are preparation tecniques that can minimize these effects. For example, soaking in water and slight solution of vinegar can leach out much of the phytates and help leach out some of the saccarides. Bottom line is occaisional intake is just fine

    I don't "bash" the Paleo diet. But I will bash nonsense like this.

    Because a food contains elements not digestible by humans does not make the food unheahlty Fiber, after all, is not digestible by humans.

    Phytic acid (also found in many nuts and seeds) does inhibit absorption of some microtnutrients. There is also evidence that it may lower the incidence of colon cancer and protect against other inflammatory bowel diseases. It also inhibits temporarily the enzyme amylase and therefore the conversion of starch to sugar and the rise of the blood glucose level can be significantly suppressed.

    Many healthy foods contain substances that inhibit absorption of necessary nutritients. Spinach, for example, contains oxalate which inhibits absorption of calcium.

    Botton line is there is plenty of scientific evidence that legumes are healthy. And there are very few, if any, foods available now that were available in the paleolithic era.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Here are some websites where you can read up on Paleoi/Primal so ypu can make an informed decision.

    Then, if you decide to make the switch and want some serious information:

    Loren Cordain “The Paleo Diet”
    Robb Wolf “The Paleo Solution”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint”
    Mark Sisson “The Primal Blueprint 21 day Total Body Transformation”
    Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”

    And now that you have received all the negative comments from people who probably have never tried it, go to the Paleo/Primal group on MFP. You will get direct answers to your questions from people that are living it.

    Thanks for all of the information I will check these site out. I already have Robb Wolf's book but I have only read a small portion of it so I will probably give it a read. I was just looking for what people have experienced and their opinions.

    I honestly never anticipated so much debate and emotion from such a basic question.

    Since you did ask for alternatives, I would also suggest checking out this website for an alternative evidence based approach to nutritious eating.

    Good luck on whatever choice you make. :flowerforyou:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    That's because they contain saccheride compounds that are not digestible by humans. They also contain phytic acid which inhibits the aborbtion of minerals in the gut. This is the primary rational for eliminting them on a paleo diet. That and they are a food that was not available in the paleo era supposedly.

    There are preparation tecniques that can minimize these effects. For example, soaking in water and slight solution of vinegar can leach out much of the phytates and help leach out some of the saccarides. Bottom line is occaisional intake is just fine

    I don't "bash" the Paleo diet. But I will bash nonsense like this.

    Because a food contains elements not digestible by humans does not make the food unheahlty Fiber, after all, is not digestible by humans.

    Phytic acid (also found in many nuts and seeds) does inhibit absorption of some microtnutrients. There is also evidence that it may lower the incidence of colon cancer and protect against other inflammatory bowel diseases. It also inhibits temporarily the enzyme amylase and therefore the conversion of starch to sugar and the rise of the blood glucose level can be significantly suppressed.

    Many healthy foods contain substances that inhibit absorption of necessary nutritients. Spinach, for example, contains oxalate which inhibits absorption of calcium.

    Botton line is there is plenty of scientific evidence that legumes are healthy. And there are very few, if any, foods available now that were available in the paleolithic era.

    And where did I say that they weren't? I'm neither defending nor "bashing" either legumes or a paleo diet. I was merely explaining why the poster I quoted said they got gas and why some advocates of a paleo exclude legumes. You might want to take a deep breath and settle your butt down there sparky.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's because they contain saccheride compounds that are not digestible by humans. They also contain phytic acid which inhibits the aborbtion of minerals in the gut. This is the primary rational for eliminting them on a paleo diet. That and they are a food that was not available in the paleo era supposedly.

    There are preparation tecniques that can minimize these effects. For example, soaking in water and slight solution of vinegar can leach out much of the phytates and help leach out some of the saccarides. Bottom line is occaisional intake is just fine

    I don't "bash" the Paleo diet. But I will bash nonsense like this.

    Because a food contains elements not digestible by humans does not make the food unheahlty Fiber, after all, is not digestible by humans.

    Phytic acid (also found in many nuts and seeds) does inhibit absorption of some microtnutrients. There is also evidence that it may lower the incidence of colon cancer and protect against other inflammatory bowel diseases. It also inhibits temporarily the enzyme amylase and therefore the conversion of starch to sugar and the rise of the blood glucose level can be significantly suppressed.

    Many healthy foods contain substances that inhibit absorption of necessary nutritients. Spinach, for example, contains oxalate which inhibits absorption of calcium.

    Botton line is there is plenty of scientific evidence that legumes are healthy. And there are very few, if any, foods available now that were available in the paleolithic era.

    And where did I say that they weren't? I'm neither defending nor "bashing" either legumes or a paleo diet. I was merely explaining why the poster I quoted said they got gas and why some advocates of a paleo exclude legumes. You might want to take a deep breath and settle your butt down there sparky.

    My butt gets fat when I let it settle down!
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I eat primal as I won't give up cheese, Greek yogurt and cream. My weight has plummeted, but I do home bake a lot and that doesn't help the calorie count - sadly. I don't have any milk at all, just cream. I am in the UK so perhaps the grass fed meat is easier to come by? I don't know, but all my fruit (berry's are the only fruit I eat) veg and meat is organic, and as I say my meat is grass fed,

    I can't understand why Paleo/primal diets cause stress are rows. I am going to read all this thread and see if that shines any light on the issue. Surely eating what we feel is right for us is no cause for fights? I avoid wheat, grain, milk and carbs because I feel better doing that, what's the issue?

    [edit to add] read all the thread now. I am not a paleo/primal zealot and I'm not going to tell you eating clean is best, I think we are all able to make up our own minds.

    I choose not to eat anything processed, but I have no issue with those who do. Enjoy your food whichever path you choose to walk.
  • iwillwin1313
    Before I started MFP, I was eating Primal (not paleo, due to my being an athlete and needing more calcium), I dropped 20 lbs. I felt awesome. Honestly, I can't see myself going back to eating so many carbs. On a hard workout day I'll make some low carb carrot cake or muffins or something, or eat some yams but that's it.
    I've decided though I have 10ish more pounds to lose, so I came on MFP to help me with that.
    All in all though, Primal/paleo is awesome. I feel so great.
    On the topic of buying meat- my family buys it by the whole cow. We have a big freezer and put it in there. Almost every meal we pull out a new chunk of frozen meat.
    My whole family's gone to Primal and we all feel great... Even my little 10 year old brother and his brattyness has gone down. No more blood sugar issues. :) Hope this helped a bit, any questions just ask. :P
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I eat primal as I won't give up cheese, Greek yogurt and cream. My weight has plummeted, but I do home bake a lot and that doesn't help the calorie count - sadly. I don't have any milk at all, just cream. I am in the UK so perhaps the grass fed meat is easier to come by? I don't know, but all my fruit (berry's are the only fruit I eat) veg and meat is organic, and as I say my meat is grass fed,

    I can't understand why Paleo/primal diets cause stress are rows. I am going to read all this thread and see if that shines any light on the issue. Surely eating what we feel is right for us is no cause for fights? I avoid wheat, grain, milk and carbs because I feel better doing that, what's the issue?

    [edit to add] read all the thread now. I am not a paleo/primal zealot and I'm not going to tell you eating clean is best, I think we are all able to make up our own minds.

    I choose not to eat anything processed, but I have no issue with those who do. Enjoy your food whichever path you choose to walk.

    yes and thank you!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    I think that whole point is to be healthy. Yes, people can lose weight eating the western diet, but it doesn't mean that they're healthy. I think that a traditional, whole foods diet is a better approach. I've done LC, paleo etc. and read all the info there is about it too. I've now introduced fermented foods into our diet to heal our guts.

    I think we've lost the traditional way of preparing foods and this is a big issue (Have a google of Western A. Price Foundation).

    I'm in for the "fermented foods"

    I love fermented foods - specifically grapes - red ones :laugh:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    If the question is "What causes every thread to turn into a pissing match?" then yes, Paleo is the answer.

  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I am new to paleo...3 weeks in. I am not a paleo nut and certainly do not think paleo is the only way to get fit. I can tell you it is working (fat loss, more energy, better sleep) for me, and it is really not difficult to stick with so far.

    Ditto. About 5 weeks in and it's great. I loosely follow Primal rather than purest Paleo.

    Over time I eliminated pasta & rice. Massively reduced bread & cereal. Don't add sugar to stuff. Stay clear from processed foods. Heaps of lean protein, lots of veg (except potatoes) and some fruit, and I can honestly say I never felt better.

    On this forum you will always have two camps of eaters, those who think clean eating matters and those who think that as long as you stay under your calorie limit, any **** goes.

    You make up your own mind.

    well said ^^^^^

    I am 4 weeks in, and it works for me...thats all that matters, my acne gone, my anxiety & depression are gone...and I not treating my body like a garbage disposal anymore :bigsmile:
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    If the question is "What causes every thread to turn into a pissing match?" then yes, Paleo is the answer.


    Processed foods aren't great for you, but you also aren't going to see a united front claiming paleo is the key.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am new to paleo...3 weeks in. I am not a paleo nut and certainly do not think paleo is the only way to get fit. I can tell you it is working (fat loss, more energy, better sleep) for me, and it is really not difficult to stick with so far.

    Ditto. About 5 weeks in and it's great. I loosely follow Primal rather than purest Paleo.

    Over time I eliminated pasta & rice. Massively reduced bread & cereal. Don't add sugar to stuff. Stay clear from processed foods. Heaps of lean protein, lots of veg (except potatoes) and some fruit, and I can honestly say I never felt better.

    On this forum you will always have two camps of eaters, those who think clean eating matters and those who think that as long as you stay under your calorie limit, any **** goes.

    You make up your own mind.

    well said ^^^^^

    I am 4 weeks in, and it works for me...thats all that matters, my acne gone, my anxiety & depression are gone...and I not treating my body like a garbage disposal anymore :bigsmile:

    I don't agree about the 2 camps. There is a whole middle ground where people believe you can eat what you want as long as it fits in your macros. But it only stands to reason that if you are going to hit accurate macro targets you are going to have to be eating nutrient dense, healthy foods the majority of the time. If you indulge sometimes, it is not the end of the world. I think most have the common sense to understand that if you are not eating whole nutrient dense foods, you are not getting all the micronutrients neccesary for health. Even the Primal guy Mark Sisson subscribes to the 80% nutrient dense/ 20% whatever you want theory.

    Battle lines often get drawn along the lines of "eating clean" (however that is defined) and IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). IIFYM get positioned by oponents as " long as you stay under your calorie limit, any **** goes." That is just not accurate.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    Botton line is there is plenty of scientific evidence that legumes are healthy. And there are very few, if any, foods available now that were available in the paleolithic era.
    Yes. This is my problem with so-called "Paleo". It's completely arbitrary. Some guy just made up a list.
    All these veggies paleo adherents happily chomp down didn't exist back then. They've been husbanded.
    I don't follow arbitrary logic. I do like to eat unprocessed foods as much as I can because they are healthier for my condition.