Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I would like to find some kind of workout video or something I can do at home on the days I don't make it to the gym if anyone has any suggestions. I tried p90x and I hated it, it was a long time ago. I may need to try it again but I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks in advance! And good luck to you all heading in to the weekend.

    Good morning set and welcome to the workout buddies group. We try to check in daily to post about how are day, workouts and eating is coming along, so, feel free to jump right in and post your little heart away. The more the merrier.

    Myself and Amk utilize Jillian Michael's and Biggest Loser dvds on days we don't make it to the gym. I tend to log the workouts in under circuit training and the generally last anywhere from 40 - 50 minutes (not including cool downs). I think they give a great cardio and strength training workout and they only cost about $10.00 at a Walmart or Target.

    Good luck and keep us posted.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    :Morning! Bootcamp is done for the day...and I am sooooo glad...she really pushed us today with weights. I snuck a peek on the scale this a.m.( I know I should only do it once a week) and it says I am down a pound! Woot Woot! Makes me feel better because of Monday's disappointment, Monday's weigh may have been the result of my idiotic decision to drink an entire bottle of wine to myself Saturday night:blushing: :laugh: Needless to say, there will not be a repeat of that anytime soon! I wil say though if any of you are wine drinkers, Trader Joes wine is very cheap and very good, great taste, and no headache Sunday morning!
    So it's Wednesday and the count down to the weekend has begun, at least for me it has....
    Welcome all Newbies, this is a great support group to be in!
    I can't offer much advice on not liking veggies, as I was raised in the country and we always had a garden. Sometimes all we would have for supper was veggies! I will say that maybe try them with different seasonings and such (low sodium of course) and that may help.
    Everyone have a fantastic day

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'm new here as well and I'd like to join. I'm so impressed with this site! It's actually helpful as opposed to the time consuming and frustrating food diary sites I've tried in the past.

    Anyway, I'm 29 and working on getting in shape. A year ago I was doing pretty well with my weight loss and then I was laid up after a surgery for a couple months and gained it all back. So, New Year's Resolution time again. But, this time, it definitely feels different. It feels like a journey, like a series of changes that will work.

    I am logging all my calories, eating lots of small meals, staying away from sweets, jogging, weight lifting, and walking a lot. It's all working, but it always works for a month or two. My downfall has always been sticking with it. Approaching the one month mark, though, and going strong. I realized today that I can get to my goal in under a year. Yeah! I thought it would take longer. I hope not. So, howdy and I look forward to having a support group. Go team.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I would like to announce that I completed the entire 58 minutes of the Plyometrics dvd of the P90X series and I AM VERY PROUD of myself. I was a bit intimidated about taking on the task b/c I have a bad right knee BUT I did what I could and modified anything that I thought was going to be to strenuous on the knee and I feel great. While I'm sure my quads will be mad at me tomorrow I feel absolutely great at the moment.

    I will continue reviewing all the dvds but I think I'm going to begin the entire P90X series next week. I'll start slow and w/lighter weights so that I don't overdo it and gradually build. When I think about it like that the program seems totally doable. Between my bad knee and arthritic lower back I'm sure I'll have to modify but I think i'm ready for the challenge.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, how many boot campers in this session and have the whiners gotten any better? I had a feeling you had a made some progress. Congrats and it looks like we might be meeting have way very soon....WooHoo....WooHoo.

    Welcome Carey, post your daily workouts, accomplishments and/or setbacks. This is a very supportive group and if we have any insight we will offer it but mostly it's nice to know you're not alone in this weight loss journey.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Choco- we have about 12 in our class, not everyone shows up every time (which to me is stupid because you are losing money when you dont come) The whiners have gotten better...or I have just gotten used to it I guess... lol :)
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning ladies! And what a dreary morning it is in TX. We might be getting some sleet & snow tomorrow and just this weekend we were wearing shorts!!! Crazyness!!

    It seems like our group is growing!! That's awesome!

    Congrats Choco on your video accomplishment and good luck with your plan for the P90X. I think I'm going to have to try this out since I never stop hearing about it! Congrats vrdz on another successful day at bootcamp! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for yesterday...
    I think I've been the most sedentary I've ever been at work this week. I feel like I've literally sat for 8-9 hours sometimes, just getting up for restroom breaks and to get food. I've got to stop it & get up to walk around more. Anyway...I did well with food yesterday, staying under my calories. I did Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and then 2 circuits from No More Trouble Zones (abs&thighs) for a total of 1 hour 11 mins and 517 calories!! Woo hoo...2 days in a row. I felt so awesome afterward but I was a little hungry after dinner and needed a snack. I haven't done that in a while.

    I think I might have pulled a muscle too sometime during the last two days. My left shin has been sore and last night it was throbbing all along my shin and into my knee after my workout. :cry: It wasn't killer pain, but I woke up with it sore again today. I'm debating taking tonight off to give it a break and this be my rest day for the week. It's a strange muscle to try and stretch to work it out too...any suggestions would be lovely!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! I'm off to eat my fav bfast...bananas & peanut butter on ww bread. YUMMY! :heart:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    AMK- its so funny that your weather reports can prepare me for what's to come in GA. Its sunny here today, but a little cold..but we are expected to have wintry mix on Friday...when you post about weather I know what you have then is coming my way for are like my own personal weather :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, my boot camp session had straglers too. You never knew who was going to show BUT I was there every single day. Now I do understand that things arise and you might have to miss a session here or there but when you're consistently missing it shows a lack of committment. Times are too hard on this end for me to waste $$$$ so if I pay then I know I'll be going....LOL

    I heard we are expecting a wintry mix Friday but really unsure what that's going to mean. I don't have any major plans so if that means I chill in the house the entire weekend it's cool w/me.

    Hope everyone's Wednesday is coming along well.

    I'm about to make a turkey burger w/2% pepperjack cheese on whole wheat bread and sweet potato fries.....YUMMY.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    :happy: LOL! Glad I could help with your weather forecast! My DF still brags that he predicted it was going to be a tough winter for us. Everytime it snows or threatens to snow he's like "who was right?" and proceeds to tell me the story of him predicting our winter weather and I want to knock him out. :laugh:

    So I've been meaning to brag about something I keep forgetting until I see vrdz's ticker. I've been smoke-free since Jan 2nd! :drinker: I've been in a few situations where my friends were smoking and I resisted, so props to me!! Almost a month strong so far. I was never a heavy smoker, just smoked when I drank or was hanging out with friends, or the occasional stressful day at work. But it feels so good to not have any at all and not even crave them anymore. Anyway...just thought I'd share.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Choco your lunch sounds yummie :drinker:

    OK I had a great gym day :happy: I burned 840 calories! I did 3 different cardio machines 10 mins each, an hour of weights, then 15 mins of cardio at the end! AND I got to sit in the sauna for the first time in a week. The one at the gym broke. They say people keep putting water on the rocks, but I've never been in there when someone has done this.

    I need to to this everytime I go to the gym! My husband has to lose just a few pounds and is already down 5 pounds with a flatter tummy in just one week :mad: I can't let him pass me up! :laugh: He does get to work out twice a day an hour and a half each time though :ohwell:

    I am up one pound to 135, I'm hoping I am just retaining some water! I'm going to add an extra cardio day on thursday. I will only have about 30 mins, but that's better than nothing. I may add an extra workout at the end of everyday also. I've seemed to hit a wall, but it better get ready because I'm going to knock it down.

    Everyone have a great week :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    :happy: LOL! Glad I could help with your weather forecast! My DF still brags that he predicted it was going to be a tough winter for us. Everytime it snows or threatens to snow he's like "who was right?" and proceeds to tell me the story of him predicting our winter weather and I want to knock him out. :laugh:

    So I've been meaning to brag about something I keep forgetting until I see vrdz's ticker. I've been smoke-free since Jan 2nd! :drinker: I've been in a few situations where my friends were smoking and I resisted, so props to me!! Almost a month strong so far. I was never a heavy smoker, just smoked when I drank or was hanging out with friends, or the occasional stressful day at work. But it feels so good to not have any at all and not even crave them anymore. Anyway...just thought I'd share.

    Smoke free for almost a month, that's a HUGE accomplishment b/c I know many ppl who've tried and failed. Kudos to you and how you're truly making 2010 a healthier and better year.

    The motto: Equpped to win in 2010
  • crmldlyte
    Bumpity bump!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Any advice on what to do tonight?.....
    I was going to have a rest day to give my sore shin a break, but I only have 320 cals left dinner :noway:
    What should I do to burn some calories that won't aggrevate my shin too much?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Any advice on what to do tonight?.....
    I was going to have a rest day to give my sore shin a break, but I only have 320 cals left dinner :noway:
    What should I do to burn some calories that won't aggrevate my shin too much?

    Do you have any Leslie Sansone walking dvds? I do those on my rest day b/c it is low impact and it shouldn't cause any problems to your shins?

    Are you not able to have a filling dinner w/320 calories? I'm having a Sargento bistro chicken salad for dinner tonight and tomorrow b/c I have a Friday weigh in and I don't want eat too many carbs at night. This dinner will be less than 320.

    Good luck w/figuring something out and keep us posted on what you decide.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Thanks for the advice Choco. I haven't tried the walking DVDs before but maybe I should check them out. I decided to take a rest day since the DF did too. It made the decision much easier! I planned on making a new recipe tonight and had food thawed out but while at work I wasn't sure the calories for it. It ended up being only 340 so I only went over by 20. So I can't beat myself up too much.

    If u guys are interested, it was an Eat Better America recipe for chicken parmesan with linguine. Yummy!!

    Anyway back to the grind tomorrow... The shin is feeling better already. Hope you guys had a great nite!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I just got my butt kicke in step aerobics today. They ran it in boot camp style. My legs and abs are killing me. Managed to burn 715 cals. So far this week I have burned 2450 cals. Might just do some circuits tomorrow of Jillian's No more trouble zones. Definately wont be doing any leg work, will rest them for Friday when I will do BL cario max, and BL power sculpt. Hope everyone had a good day.
  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    Thanks for the workout video suggestion choco! I will def have to check them out especially if they are only $10! Thats great! Congrats amk on the no smoking! thats a big deal! I'm struggling with quitting myself.

    I had a great day at the gym. I did 50 minutes on the elliptical and burned 592 calories and worked out for 30 minutes on the pilates reformer (which I <3) with my trainer. But I'm not sure how many calories I burned. I've been under my calories the last two days and hopefully tonight will go just as well. And I have an appointment with the trainer in the morning when I get off so I'm looking forward to that! I hope you all have a great night! I will be hard at work! :)
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning! Hope everyone is having a good day so far :) Had a yummy bkfast this a.m. of Puffins cereal, almond milk, and an organic egg..yum! Today is cardio with a little strength training after work with the DBF. Hoping to burn atleast 500 cals....I must admit I slipped last night and had a few too many chips with dinner (atleast they were Trader Joes all natural reduced guilt kind) but nothing to get tooooo upset over, I am just gonna cut a few cals today to make up for it!
    Congrats AMK on not smoking, and I must admit that I havent removed my ticker because I am ashamed of the fact that I started back smoking:blushing: :blushing: I have never been a chain smoker, but I have between 3-5 cigs a day, and Im a runner! I quit for about 2 months and started back because I thought I could just "have one" when I went out for drinks and it wouldnt hurt. I was WRONG! I started back and am disgusted about it. I have set a new quit date of February 15 and plan to stick to it this time. I am thinking of trying hypnosis or something cause the patch, gum and even Chantix did not work for me. Any one who has quit have suggestions for me?
    AMK-dont let my failure discourage you....let it be an inspiration and advice that you cant have "just one" they are like Lays potato chips:laugh: no one can have "just one"
    I will stop rattling on now....have a good day ya'll:heart::heart: :heart: :bigsmile:


  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Hello. I ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill and weight lifted 45 more. I kept to my small meals every 3 hours until dinner when I had a graduation celebration for a former student who always wants to go to fried chicken. But, I put in the chicken in the morning and stayed away from the beer, so I managed to avoid catastrophe. I ate a little more than I planned, but not too much and logged in my diary. All in all, it has been a good week. I hope to scale gods smile upon me on Saturday morning.

    I'm sticking to whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, beans, chicken, fish, and soy products. I'm really trying to eliminate sweets, but I somehow still have some thing small about every other day. I quit smoking Jan. 2 as well and I'm trying to cut down the coffee, but since black has so no calories I haven't been trying too hard.

    I am noticing progress as teh one month mark approaches. I need to measure myself so I can see the inches go away.