Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    well it was our first bootcamp and we did a variety....mountain climbers, burpies, jumping jacks, wall sits, walking lunges, bicycles and alot of ab work. I was scared at first, but it is really fun should do it! Spin class isnt hard either! you look like you are in decent shape and there are people in my class that have 100+ pounds to lose that get out there and do it! If they can do it, you can do it! Just sign up and there is no turning back or you will lose your money, you will be glad that you did it!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm posting late today b/c I was extremely busy at work and am finally at a point were I can take a quick break. I did 45 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones" dvd and once I get off work I will walk around the park again since GA is experiencing another warm day. Yesterday my friend and I walked for an 75 minutes at about 3.0 mph so that was a pretty good workout. I'm hoping to do the same today.

    Since I haven't had a moment to read other's post today I hope to do it later if I'm able to check back in.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Amk, great job with the workouts and staying pretty much on target w/food and congrats on the 2 lb loss. The hard work is beginning to pay off, keep up the great work. While my boot camp instructor switched up each session they pretty much involved a lot of the same things that Vrdz spoke of. If you can do Jillian Michael's dvd's you can definitely do boot camp. The camps I have been to offer modified versions to accommodate everyone's fitness level. While they want you to give it your all you should always listen to your body and go at your own pace. I say GO FOR IT!!!!! I have had my best weight loss/body transformation w/boot camps and personal trainers.

    Vrdz, I'm glad you're already enjoying boot camp. I can't wait to hear more of your stories. I absolutely loved the last two sessions I took and am trying to find a way to return in the spring.

    Ladies we are definitely working it out and I'M SO PROUD!!!!!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi All, been a little vacant on this forum this week. Have been working out everyday but Saturday. Started goal on Friday to burn 3500 cals, still have 1400 to go in 2 days. Been doing BL boot camp, and uped it to level 2 for 2 days. Or I do 30 min, 2miles on treadmill. Just ordered 3 more BL dvds that should be here next week, so I will have more variety.

    Sounds like everyone is doing really well. Keep up the good work.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my workout buddies, I would like to report that today's workout is complete. I did Kenpo X of the P90X series for the first time and was pleasantly surprised that it was not as brutal as I had expected. I was able to hang w/the entire 58 minutes and would definitely do it again. I've not done anything from the P90X series and have just begun reading the information that comes along w/the dvds. My plan is to watch all the dvds to determine which ones I can complete and which may pose a problem. My right knee gives me problems on occassion so I don't want to put to much pressure on the joints. The exercises that I can perform safely I will others I will modify and just try to get the best workout possible.

    If anyone has tried/completed the P90X series and can offer some advice please feel free to share.
  • Fluffington

    I'm new to all of this but would love to join you in this post!! I go to the gym but am just getting back into to regularity of it again! I went last night and done 30 minutes on the treadmill (a mixture of walking and running), 5 minutes on the stepper and 5 minutes on the rowing machine. Because I go after work I find myself getting hungry but always feel that if I've done the treadmill then I'm all good! I do need to try and make more effort and get down there at weekends so I can spend longer. I will be down there tonight again for one of my short, sharp workouts and will keep it in my head that I must get up on Saturday and go and have a proper session!!

    Be back later to let you know how I've done!!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning ladies! Thanks for the advice on boot camp. My fiance and I have been looking into signing up for one at the rec center. Thye have an evening session every Tuesday & Thursday that might work well with our schedule.

    Checking in for yesterday....did well with eating, but didn't workout. :grumble: We had our carpet cleaned and when I got home it was still wet and took and me over and hour and a half to get everything situated back to normal. After that I was tired :yawn: cranky :frown: and starving!!! So I wimped out and took yesterday as a rest day. I just have to crank it up the rest of the week to make up for it!

    I started taking Jillian's fat burner pills on Monday and I think they are making me more hungry. I've noticed I have more energy, but they don't make my heart race or anything. But after I take them, a little while later, I get more hungry than usual. Gotta figure out what's going on with that.

    So, my plan today is to eat well...trying out another new recipe tonight for dinner. And get a good workout tonight. Possibly hitting the treadmill at the gym and then a video afterward. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. It's rainy and gloomy in TX but I'm trying to ignore it. :tongue: Keep up the good work.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    I'm new to all of this but would love to join you in this post!! I go to the gym but am just getting back into to regularity of it again! I went last night and done 30 minutes on the treadmill (a mixture of walking and running), 5 minutes on the stepper and 5 minutes on the rowing machine. Because I go after work I find myself getting hungry but always feel that if I've done the treadmill then I'm all good! I do need to try and make more effort and get down there at weekends so I can spend longer. I will be down there tonight again for one of my short, sharp workouts and will keep it in my head that I must get up on Saturday and go and have a proper session!!

    Be back later to let you know how I've done!!

    Welcome fluff. This is a nice group of ladies that offer one another support and encouragement as we all begin/continue our weight loss journey. Check in daily to let us know how your day is going (good or bad) and whether you've been able to workout and remain w/in your allotted calories.

    Keep up the good work.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    ::MOrning! I rocked it in bootcamp this morning and burned 409 cals. We did a lot of weight training mixed with cardio today. Our instructor told us after we were done that we pretty much did a P90X workout. I loved it! I am not a workout DVD kind of person(I find it to easy to cheat) but I may have to give the P90X a whirl once I finish bootcamp. I am sad to say that we have 2 whiners in our class and they are already getting on my nerves....and it was only the second workout! Seriously no one is making them be there, they actually paid to do it so get over it and give it your all! I was tired too but I did not make that known to the world and start whining at the instructor who is only trying to do her job! GRRRRRRRRR....I can tell there may be a confrontation before 12 weeks is over, I hope I can hold my composure for that :) congrats and kudos to all who rocked it out this a.m! I plan on going to gym with DBF tonite to do some xtra cardio...I am going to be the BIGGEST LOSER and win $500 bucks!
    Have a great day ya'll:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, don't you feel such a sense of accomplishment when you've rocked it out at boot camp. My boot camp experience was wonderful and it sure sounds like yours is getting off in the right direction, despite the whiners. I know it's difficult to see ppl not giving their all AND complaining when they willingly paid their money but try not to let it damper your spirits. Look at it like this, with them whining and not giving 100% it puts you at the front of the pack to win the $$$$$. $500.00 is HUGE and would be such a motivator for me. You better be glad I don't reside in N. GA b/c I would be at the gym with you trying to take that money from you.....nothing like some friendly competition.....LOL I'm kidding, but do wish you the best. 12 weeks will be here before you know it and not only will you be $500.00 richer but you will be slimmer and trimmer.

    Keep us updated about the workouts.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    You girls have me all motivated to sign up for boot camp and now try out this P90X stuff! I better get on it before you leave me in the dust! :happy:

    Choco-forgot to give you props earlier for trying out a new video! I've heard so much about P90X but haven't tried it out. I guess I feel a sense of loyalty to Bob & Jillian still. LOL!

    vrdz- way to go at boot camp today! Don't get discouraged by the whiners! I would do the same though and want to turn around and pop them in the face. :laugh: Use your frustration with them to fuel your workout.

    Congrats ladies---you've given me motivation to kick it up a notch tonight! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    You girls have me all motivated to sign up for boot camp and now try out this P90X stuff! I better get on it before you leave me in the dust! :happy:

    Choco-forgot to give you props earlier for trying out a new video! I've heard so much about P90X but haven't tried it out. I guess I feel a sense of loyalty to Bob & Jillian still. LOL!

    vrdz- way to go at boot camp today! Don't get discouraged by the whiners! I would do the same though and want to turn around and pop them in the face. :laugh: Use your frustration with them to fuel your workout.

    Congrats ladies---you've given me motivation to kick it up a notch tonight! :flowerforyou:

    AMK, you should check out boot camp. The workouts are usuallly intense and if you really give it your all I'm sure you'll see some results. I've found that ppl get the best results when the boot camp offers at least 3 sessions per week and the instructor monitors your food log. In my case, I knew the instructor would check my food log (I printed weekly reports from MFP) so I very seldom if ever cheating out of fear she would get all up in my tail.....LOL

    We would never leave you in the dust but I will encourage you to keep up.....LOL
  • Fluffington
    Wooo, after nearly skipping the gym (friend may have been coming round), I went and burnt over 300 calories. This does however mean that when I take it away from what I've eaten today, my net is 910 calories!!! Better to be under than over though I say and I know I just need to get used to it all and getting the calories right!!

    Well done all you ladies who have done it today :o)
  • NickiRae
    Hello!! I need workout buddies (motivators!!) I cant seem to get up in the morning and do my workouts and I'm am just way too tired after work... So my only option IS the morning, but the alarm goes off and I get outta bed - then reset the alarm! I need to stop this!!

    I need to be held accountable for working out! I need someone to be on my @$$!! I started the year off great but I have seemed to get lazy. My husband says I look fine so he's not pushing me to work!

    Who wants to be my buddy!!!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Hello everyone (Hi Choco :laugh: Thanks for the reminder) I've been working out everyday! I'm doing alot more weights because I'm a puney puney chick :blushing: My abs also need tons of work! I've cut my cardio to 30 mins and now do 30 mins of weights at the gym. My biggest downfall in my diet is drinking alcohol :tongue: Yep I admit it, I love to drink! I'm keeping it within my calories, but just something I'm not giving up.

    Everyone have a gerat night, I will be weighing in next friday. I plan to only weigh in every two weeks (offically) I weigh almost every morning.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Ang, I'm glad you came by to give us an update. I'm not much of a drinker so I have no clue how it impacts weight loss but I know it is empty calories. If you're still happy w/the weight loss process then I guess I see no reason to give it up.

    Keep up the great work at the gym before you know it you'll see muscle in places that use to be puney. It is a nice feeling to look at your body and see where muscles are beginning to get defined. I can see it a little in my quads and feel them in my hamstrings and my lil bicep muscle.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good Evening, hope all is well. Just got back from step aerobics and burnt 734 cals. Hubby gone to hockey and kids are in bed. Going to curl up and watch a movie, with my apple pieces and a 35cal yogurt. Still have 708 cals to burn tomorrow to get to my goal of 3500, not quite sure if I will be able to do it or not. Ordered 3 more Biggest Loser DVDs last night, should have them next week, I am pretty excited for some variety. Will check back in tomorrow.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my workout buddies. I hope everyone's day has gotten off to a great start. I've not been sleeping well but was able to get some decent sleep last night so getting up this morning wasn't too painful.

    I've completed today's workout. I did Jillian's "Blast Fat & Boost Metabolism" dvd. Weigh in is tomorrow and I really hope I can lose 1.5 lbs so I can be at my goal weight. In all honesty I could make my current weight my goal weight b/c I'm clearly in the healthy range for my weight/height and bmi and my clothes are fitting fine. I'm going to seriously consider it if there's no weight loss. I kind of came up w/the goal weight b/c it sounded nice....125 lbs sounds cool but 126 or 126.5 might sound just as nice if I can't get these last few pounds off.

    I'll see what the scale shows tomorrow and go from there.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %? My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning all!!! I did not go to the gym this morning as planned because I was going to do Body Pump and my @$$ is soo sore from bootcamp yesterday along with other muscles, I did not think it was a good idea. So I am making today my rest day because I have bootcamp in the morning and a 5K race on Saturday morning. I will do some cardio and abs on Sunday, weigh in is on Monday and im hoping for good numbers. I have an issue with being extremely hungry all the time since I started adding the extra workouts. Atleast twice a week I do bootcamp in the a.m. and cardio at night with DBF(burn anywhere from 700 to 1000 a day on those days) I am going to reevaluate and try to eat more filling foods, and hope this helps.
    I have been thinking about trying the Healthe trim that they keep pitching on Q100 Bert Show every day.....its suppossed to be all natural...and help curb your appetite with no jitters. Has anyone else on the board heard about Healthe trim or tried it? I have tried a loooooootttt of supplements over the years and the only one that seemed to help me was RedLine by VPX but I really don't want to take it again because it made my face breakout...weird huh? I know there is no magic pill and believe me I am willing to do the work, I love to workout and want to get my personal trainer certificate soon, just wanting something to help me with hunger (and believe me I am eating a looootttt of food!) So anyway I am open for suggestions.
    Everyone keep at it and hope that ya'll have a great day! Its rainy and nasty here in GA so hopefully its sunny where you are!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
