Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, I totally know what you mean about the on-call rotation. I was a supervisor in my last position and we were on call every 6 weeks and at least 2 holidays and while that is nothing to complain about I swear 6 weeks arrives fast (at least to me it did). Hopefully you won't get called or at least not a lot so you and your bf can spend some quality time. Are you going to take a vacay anytime soon?

    My cousin arrives tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to chill out w/fam. Since her drive is 9-10 hours long and she's doing it alone I don't have plans for tomorrow evening but Saturday we will hit the gym for kickboxing class, shower and head to exotic dance class and then go to the gourmet burger joint in the Atlanta area. I want to burn as many calories as possible so when I eat this burger, fries and milkshake I won't feel too bad. Saturday night we might go check out a live band and have appetizers. Sunday is up in the air. I told my cousin whatever she wanted to do we could so we'll see what/if anything she's up for.

    I don't have any vacations planned til Memorial day weekend. I tend to travel a decent amount in the summer months but not so much during the colder months.

    I have less than 2 hours til this work day comes to an end and believe me the countdown has begun....LOL
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning to my work out buddies! I am soooo disapointed in myself because I planned on going to the gym before work but when the alarm went off I just couldn't get up:blushing: :cry: I thought to myself while half asleep in my warm bed...Ill just go this afternoon after work, hit the alarm to off, and rolled over. I had totally forgot that I have an eye doc appt this afternoon and have dinner plans at 630. I will not be able to squeeze a workout in...:sad: but I plan on gettin on it tommorrow morning and then bootcamp starts Monday, so I guess this is my mini break before I get down to business on Monday!
    Choco-sounds like you have an awesome weekend ahead! I love it when friends come in from out of town, its almost like having a mini vacay! we are planning on going to a cabin in the mountains for a weekend with some friends soon (we won the trip at a benefit we had for our friend who has cancer) but other than that no vacay's planned. Memorial day is my Bday so we may be going somewhere for that, and we usually go to bike week in Myrtle Beach every summer. I just can't wait til its warm again so I can start my long runs and such...
    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

    P.S. I just weighed and I lost a pound this week! woot woot!!!! :happy:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Happy Friday Ladies! It's been a looooooong week for sure!!

    Way to go vrdz on your pound lost!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for yesterday..... I did really good with food and stayed under my calories for the day. It seems to be getting easier as they days go on. I worked late last night and was super tired (TOM on the way) so I decided to use yesterday as my rest day. It was nice because my muscles are still a little sore from all the workouts this week. Since I didn't work out I just had a small salad at home last night and stayed right at 1200 calories.

    I woke up this morning with another banging headache! Argh!! I'm getting really annoyed with them. So I took some medicine, on an empty stomach and felt sick. So, I stopped at McDonalds and got a sausage biscuit to put something in my stomach, along with me Friday treat...a Starbucks nonfat mocha. Bless it......a 600+ calorie bfast! I'm so mad at myself. Usually on Friday's I just have my treat and a little 100 cal oatmeal. Not starting off good for a Friday! :embarassed:

    My plan this weekend is to be as good as possible with food & get exercise in Fri, Sat, Sun. I don't want to regret my weekend come Monday morning, like I did last weekend. I've done so well all week and don't want to blow it. I'm going to a get together on Saturday night and it's Mexican themed with salsa, quac, queso, chips, enchiladas, beans, rice, etc. And I'm in charge of dessert. So, I know Sat I'm going to go over and not eat as well as I'd like to, but I hope to make up for it with some good exercise! And my plan is to not drink, but who knows if I'll stick to it. I've got a real test on my hands this weekend!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend! Choco have fun with your cousin and let us know how the exotic dance class goes. Everyone keep up the good work...we're all doing great! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon my workout buddies, sorry for such a delayed posting but it's been a busy work morning. I'm looking and feeling good this sunny afternoon. I got my hair and nails done last night and I've worked out every day since last Friday, having remained within my calories all week and have drank at least 11 glasses of water daily and it is reflected in my .5 lb pound loss this week.

    Vrdz, I didn't want to work out today but b/c i'm participating in another thread where you earn points for doing some type of exercise everyday (intensity determined by participant) I decided to climb my tail out the bed and get a workout in. I completed 40 minutes of my "Core Rhythms" dvd and feel satisfied w/the effort put forth

    Vrdz, congrats on that 1 lb loss, I see you're rockin it out.

    Amk, 600 calories for breakfast is not such a great start BUT you can finish strong just stay focused.

    Everyone have a great day and an even better weekend.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Day one of my first real day of using weights! I worked triceps last Sunday and they just were able to move again today! I had a great workout at the gym with my husband and I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow!

    Great suprise! My husband is going to start watching what he eats and going to the gym with me on weekends! He said he's noticed he's gained alittle weight and wants to start eatting better. Not that he ate awful before, just alot of red meat and pork. I'm happy we are eatting the same meal tonight!!!

    I did change my goals to go down to 120 pounds instead of 115. I do have an athletic build when I maintain it and looked great at 120. After talking with my husband and looking at some old pictures, 115 does look a little un healthy on me. Well, I'm looking forward to a relaxing night and morning at the gym tomorrow :drinker: <--- I should drink more water, but I'm going to have some brandy after dinner :wink:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Where are my weekend workout gal pals :laugh: Well, worked out again today! I weighed myself this morning, I've lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks :happy: I think I am going to add 25 calories a week to my goal till I get to 1300 aday. I do eat my exercise calories, but I really think 1200 isn't enough for me. 5 days a week at the gym one and a half to two hours each day. I know MFP adds calories for those days, but I'm starting to feel "weak" in my workouts.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My day didn't start too well b/c my cousin and I headed to my local gym so that we could participate in the kickboxing class and the guess pass the gym told me to print offline was apparently not good b/c she is from out of town and they wanted her to pay $15.00 for one class. Now in my opinion, $15.00 is way tooo expense for one class so I told them thank but no thank I'll be working out from home today and politely walked out the door. I mean dang, I pay $29.00 for a month and they want her to pay half that just for an hour. They really had me confused for someone else. I proceeded to drive to the nearest Target and purchased a Taebo dvd for $10.00 and went home and got my kickboxing on.

    My workout is complete for today. I did 45 minutes of the Taebo dvd and then my cousin and I along w/three girlfriends took an exotic dance class and had A BLAST!!! I think we are going to go back and take the lapdance class that they are offering for Valentines's Day.

    After exotic dance class we all went to a gourment burger joint called Flip Burger Boutique. If anyone ever watched the Top Chef reality show the owner of Flip was a finalist on that show. The food was EXCELLENT since we had a late start and talked so much afterwards that meal will have to account for a.m. snack, p.m. snack and dinner since we are just returning to the house. I tried to account for the calories the best way I knew how since the restaurants nutritional information is not posted. Based on what I ate (Turkery burger w/avacado, alfafa sprouts & tomato, hand cut fries and a nutella milkshake) I estimated that I consumed about 1300 calories on that meal. Since I ate a light breakfast (boiled egg and turkey sausage w/1 slice of whole wheat bread) and burned calories from the kickboxing I DID NOT go over my calories....YiPPEE, YIPPEE!!!!

    Despite the rainy and dreary weather in Georgia I had a WONDERFUL DAY W/FAMILY AND FRIENDS!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, another Sunday workout complete....YIPPEE...YIPPEE....YIPPEE.

    I got up early to get the workout in and over so my day of relaxation can begin. I completed a 10 minute circuit training dvd called "Melt It Off" and then I completed 20 minutes a dance exercise dvd called "Core Rhythm".

    Since my cousin decided to get on the road a day early I have the rest of today to chill out and watch FOOTBALL!

    I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Just checking in to say good morning :) I've been doing well this week and have managed to work out every day but one! Hope everybody is having a good weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Tattoo: great job w/the workouts. Keep up the great work and you'll be at your goal weight before you know it. Stay strong and focused.
  • jgodino
    I'm new here, and I'm totally in!!!! I need some serious workout advice, such excersises, and workout dvds that I can do at home. I honestly can't afford a gym now. I'm hoping to lose about 100 pounds, hopefully by some time in 2011. Right now, I mainly just walk, and try to eat healthy. I'm hoping this time I stick to my diet. I've tried before, but given up.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning workout buddies! Checking in after a long, nice weekend! (too bad it's over)

    Friday I ran some errands after work but still managed to workout, so I was very impressed with myself. I did Jillian's Last Chance Workout for an hour and burned 485 calories. I stayed within my calories too.

    Saturday was a busy day, running from bball game to errands, to my mom's, so I didn't manage to get a workout in :grumble:. I went to a party Sat night but didn't go overboard with eating...maybe just a little too many chips & quacamole. :embarassed:

    Sunday I watched the Cowboy game :mad: , went grocery shopping, made some homemade beef stew (yum!) and did the main part of Jillian's Last Chance Workout DVD for 42 minutes, burning 322 calories.

    So I had a very good week last week, working out 5 out of 7 days and only cheating a little with food on Saturday. I'm very proud of myself and hope to keep it up this week.

    I talked myself into buying a week's worth of Jillian's fat burner pills to try. I know they aren't "weightloss in a bottle" but I've heard they increase your energy, which will hopefully help with my workouts.Just thought I'd try them out. The weather is nice today so I'm hoping to go for a walk after work, outdoors. It's been a while and I'm missing it. Then I'll probably do a video...No More Trouble Zones, maybe.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is starting the week off right!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all! It's amazing how one day you feel like you can take on the world and you get up w/o a problem and rock out the exercise routine and the very next day you don't want to get out of bed at all, never mind trying to workout. Well that's how I felt this morning. I did not feel like moving from my bed and I could have cared less about working out. It's a holiday and I felt like having a lazy day. HOWEVER, I did not allow that negative attitude to win out and I got my lazy tail out the bed and was at the gym by 8 a.m. and rocked it out for a little over an hour. I then spent 10 minutes in the sauna but it was not as enjoyable as usual b/c there was a woman in there talking on her cell phone.....REALLY, I mean the space is small enough and who really wants to hear your damn conversation. I played my Ipod a little louder than normal in order to drown out her damn voice and attempt to lose myself in the words of my favorite artist, Ms. Mary J. Blige. My day did however improve when I purchased my favorite banana/strawberry protein shake b/c it was DELICIOUS!! I spent another 1 1/5 walking around the grocery store so i'm sure I burnt a few more calories doing that (but I won't claim them)

    All in all it has been a productive morning and I'm so glad I made myself go to the gym. Since it's a nice day here in GA a friend and I will probably walk around the park a little later.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    AMK, great job w/working out the majority of the weekend and monitoring yourself regarding your food intake at the party. It's called baby steps and it looks like you're taking them. Before you know it the weekends will not pose a problem for you at all.

    Great job, keep it up!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Afternoon ya'll! I have had a fabulous day so far!! Got up and went to my first bootcamp workout this a.m. at 530 am. With it being a holiday i was not excited about getting up that early but I did it anyway! I rocked out at bootcamp and then came home and took a nap. it is such a gorgeous day in GA today so I went for a four mile run after lunch! it was awesome!!! I have burned a total of 1200 cals today, but Im only counting what i burned at boot camp towards eating. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, great job, you really did rock it out. I can't even imagine burning 1200 calories from a workout. The 350 - 550 calories that I burn have me exhausted. It is a beautiful day in GA so I'm about to head out to the park for a walk. I wish I knew how many miles the path that we walk is but whatever the case my friend and I usually walk for 45 minutes to an hour.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    the cal burn was from both workouts combined..i waited several hours after bootcamp before going for my run...but its still a crazy amount for me!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey Ladies! Another pretty day for you guys? It's supposed to be in the 70's today here in TX...woo hoo!!

    Way to go Choco and vrdz on your workouts yesterday!! Great job!!! :happy:

    I had a great day yesterday! Did well with eating and tried out a new recipe for dinner last night. The boys loved it and it was a healthy meal! Only thing negative with my eating is I had a little dessert left from the party Sat night so I had some after dinner. It's now gone though, so I should have any more temptations.

    I went for a walk / jog on the trail for 50 mins and then did 4 circuits of Jillian's No More Trouble Zones, for a total of an hour and 25 minutes and 600 calories! It felt so good to be outside in nice weather.

    I plan to stay on track today and get a good workout in. We are having our carpets cleaned, so I'm hoping everything is dry when I get home in order to do a video and put everything back in it's place. If not, I'll hit the gym and do some jogging, while praying the machines don't crash and piss me off again....wish me luck! Hope everyone has a great day--keep up the good work buddies!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Forgot to mention I weighed in this morning and lost 2 pounds! Last time I weighed in was 14 days ago so it looks like I lost a pound a week!! :bigsmile:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Afternoon yall! wtg AMK for your 2 pound loss! Woo Hoo! I am having a good day except for the fact that my butt is soooo sore from yesterdays bootcamp! I know it is working though and that is all that really matters! I went to spin class this a.m. and burned 305 cals. Got bootcamp again in the a.m. and Im looking forward to it, bring the pain!!! lol :0
    I watched a Biggest Loser marathon yesterday and wanting to ask if Jillian Michaels scares anyone else? She just looks like insanely mean! I now am excited about watching BL every week, it is so inspiring, I cried like 5 times while watching it!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    I :heart: Biggest Loser and am addicted to watching it! Jillian is quite scary but a good scary! Like get the job done scary! I always wonder when watching, if I were there and she was yelling at me...would I break down and cry? Or get pissed and want to punch her?? LOL!! I cried the first episode, hearing their stories. So sad! But it is motivating and I LOVE IT!!

    vrdz--I wanted to ask you what kind of exercises you do at boot camp. I meant to ask Choco a while back too. I am thinking of signing up for one in Feb but I want to get an idea of what all it entails because I am SCARED!! :noway: Way to go on spin class! I'm scared of those too! :tongue: