Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Way to go everyone on this week's workouts! I love logging in and seeing all the posts from our Workout Buddies! :love:

    Choco- good luck on losing that last 1.5 lbs! 125 does sound awesome, but 126.5 sounds good too! I'd love to be down in that range...what I weighed after high school! Good question on what to do once you've reached your goal weight. I don't have a clue, but my only guess would be to increase your calories eaten so it's not as much of a deficit, but continue working out to build up your muscles. I'd love to hear what you find out! I hope these last 10 pouinds or so come off soon to be at my goal weight too.

    vrdz- I've noticed my appetite increasing lately since I've been working out harder and need a solution too. I started Jillan's fat burner pills and thought about getting the calorie control pills too. They are supposed to help curb your appetite so you'll eat less at meals. I need to read u pon them though. The only pill I've tried that has worked for me is Hydroxycut. It was recalled last year and they changed it up a bit to keep in on the shelves, but it used to help keep me from being so hungry and I really ate less and lost weight. Good luck on your 5k this weekend! I am doing my 2nd 5k on Valentine's day and I'm super excited. I'm hoping to do better at this one since I've been working out a lot and "training" on my jogging.

    Checking in for yesterday...
    I went home last night and did Jillian's Last Chance Workout burning 450 calories. I increased my weights during part of the video from 3 to 5 lbs because 3 was just getting too easy. No extra calories burned even though it felt like I was working harder. And weird...I just looked and the last 2x I did the same video I burned in the 480s and now 450??? IRK! I did well all day with eating, but after an irritating evening (with kid's homework) I had to have some chocolate. It's "that time" so it was definitely needed!!

    Hope you all enjoy your day! I'm planning on doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism tonight and giving my muscles a break from the weights. Keep up the good work ladies!! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, you're a workout machine.....boot camp 3 days a week and a 5k race on Saturday....YOU GO GIRL!. I really wished I loved working out like I hear so many ppl say BUT I consider working out as a necessary evil. I don't like to do it BUT I know it has to be done so I suck it up and get it done. All the benefits that ppl talk about I've not seen.....more energy, better sleep, stress release. I don't know why I have to be the odd person out when it comes to working out. That in part is probably why I struggle with weight gain. ENOUGH OF MY RANTING......GREAT JOB, Ms lady, keep it up.

    AMK, you make a lot of sense when it comes to adding muscle and not losing weight. If I continue working out but eating more I'm sure I won't gain and I'll probably see some muscle toning. I'm going to have to do a little more research b/c I'm almost at the maintenance phase and I don't want to lose momentum.

    Amk, I see you've stepped up your workout game. You've been pretty consistent w/doing what's necessary to lose the weight so i'm sure you'll see the lbs come off. How often do you weigh yourself.

    It seems like our thread as dwindled again but I sure look forward to seeing what you and Vrdz are up to.

    Great job ladies.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Another 0.5 lb loss this week and officially 1 lb away from my goal weight. If I don't hit it next week I'm seriously considering have 126 lbs be my goal weight.

    My day has not gotten off to a great start but i'm hopeful it will get better. I did not sleep well and my lower back is killing me. I did however make it to the gym and completed 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I burned a total of 475 calories.

    I actually had to come into the office today so I won't be able to check in as regularly but I hope everyone has a great day!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    WTG Choco! don't let one little pound get you down! its awesome that you are so close to your goal, I am so proud!!!:heart::heart: :drinker: :drinker: :smokin:
    I completed bootcamp this morning and burned 600 cals! She kicked my butt again and I :heart: it! Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep it up! my weigh in is on Monday and I am hoping for good be continued!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I worked out last night, today I'm just beat! I've been to the gym almost 17 days in a row and the few day's I didn't go I worked out at home. I'm taking a rest day today :love: I may do some yoga, but I may not? We will see. I stayed up late last night and I just don't feel like I have any pep today!

    OK I got a wrist HRM, VRDZ I know you said the one with a strap is better, but I honestly don't think I would want to wear it. The only bad thing about the HRM I got is you have to update your heart rate by pushing this button on the watch for it tell you the calories you burned. I mainly wanted it for weight lifting so I guess I'll upday between sets. I bought sportsline 910 for $49.99. I could have shopped around more, but I wanted it now :laugh: So last night after my workout I went to the PX and picked one up :wink:

    Well, that's it for now, I'm going to enjoy my lazy day. Tomorrow I have to hit the gym hard hard hard, it's our friends birthday so we are going out for Mexican food. I'm going to be the DD so not drinking booze will cut my calories :happy:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning ladies! HaPpY FrIdAy!!! :smooched:

    Choco-- way to go on your weight are almost there!! Don't get discouraged and keep up the hard work! :flowerforyou: So I've read several times that you have a problem sleeping at night. I was windering if you've ever tired any tea to help? I've been drinking some before bed and so has my fiance (who gets up throughout the night always) and we both love it. I've tried two different kinds....Celestial Sleepy Time tea and Yogi Bedtime tea. It's inexpensive...under $5 and it really helps you sleep all night without giving you that groggy feeling in the morning. I would definitely try it if you haven't already.

    Good job vrdz and rockin it out at boot camp this morning! You are off to a good start for the weekend!
    Cognrats Ang on 17 days of straight exercise!
    You guys are motivating me like crazy!! :love:

    I had a great day yesterday! I got home early enough to go on a walk/jog before it got dark. For some reason I had a lot of energy and the jogging intervals didn't kick my butt like they usually do. I felt like I could run forever! Afterward I came home and did the last half of Jillian's No More Trouble Zones which focuses on abs, core, and lower body. My abs are already sore today but it felt so good last night. I worked out for a total of 1hour 25 mins burning 485 calories. Seems like that's my average cal burn these days. I need to find a better way to burn more without adding a whole lot more time.

    So, I don't have too busy of a weekend, so I plan to workout everyday this weekend. I might take off on Sunday as my rest day and just enjoy but I'll wait and see. Hope everyone has great weekend! Good luck on your 5k tomorrow vrdz! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz & AMK, thank you so much for the continued support and encouragement. You know how you're so close you can taste it so I want that 1 lbs YESTERDAY but I know it will come so I'm going to try to be patient.

    Amk, thank you for the suggestion regarding the tea, I'll check it out. I like tea but I don't drink it often. I need something b/c this not sleeping is getting real old.

    Happy Friday all, what are the weekend plans?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I worked out last night, today I'm just beat! I've been to the gym almost 17 days in a row and the few day's I didn't go I worked out at home. I'm taking a rest day today :love: I may do some yoga, but I may not? We will see. I stayed up late last night and I just don't feel like I have any pep today!

    OK I got a wrist HRM, VRDZ I know you said the one with a strap is better, but I honestly don't think I would want to wear it. The only bad thing about the HRM I got is you have to update your heart rate by pushing this button on the watch for it tell you the calories you burned. I mainly wanted it for weight lifting so I guess I'll upday between sets. I bought sportsline 910 for $49.99. I could have shopped around more, but I wanted it now :laugh: So last night after my workout I went to the PX and picked one up :wink:

    Well, that's it for now, I'm going to enjoy my lazy day. Tomorrow I have to hit the gym hard hard hard, it's our friends birthday so we are going out for Mexican food. I'm going to be the DD so not drinking booze will cut my calories :happy:

    Congrats on working out 17 days in a row. The wrist watch HRM may work for you, but everyone I kno that got one wound up returning theirs and getting a new one with chest strap. Chest strap is not uncomfy, and I got used to it after a couple days i forgot i was wearing :) I hope the one you got works great for ya~! It is a diff brand than the one me and friends had, we got a hopefully yours will work just fine!!

    Weekend plans: 5K in the a.m. (thanks for the good luck amk!) Party on saturday night (friends bday), this will be my true test b/c I am not going to let myself have any alcohol, well...may be one drink....but not going overboard.. Sunday: lunch with my bestie that I havent seen in a looong time!
    What about everyone else???
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning ladies! Well, afternoon I guess! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. My weigh-in was today and I am down another 2 pounds :) I'm deciding what workout to do for today, though my little baby is chirping up in her crib and might be up already!

    I bought a HRM at Walmart that was a total waste of money. It is the wristwatch kind, and I mainly wanted it for cals while I am working out. Well, I don't think it tracks it right. I think it thinks if you move you took a step walking and calculates the calories based on that. I walked one day for 40 minutes and it said 161 Calories, and walked another day for an hour and 40 minutes and it said 266. So I think it's junk. I'd really like to buy a Bodybugg but just can't afford it!

    Choco, you just want to make sure you are eating the recommended amount of cals to maintain your weight for your activity level, and then of course anything you burn off working out. As long as there's no deficit, you won't lose any more weight.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    My weekend plans...
    Tonight just a normal night, walk/jog after work and maybe a video. Cooking dinner at home and watching a Mavs game.

    Tomorrow my son has 2 basketball games so I'll be running around throughout the day. My plan is to workout in the morning...after I get to sleep in a bit. :yawn: (Ah...can't wait!) We might take the kids out tomorrow night. I'm going to try to be good, but it will be hard!

    Sunday I'm meeting up with some friends to put together a diaper cake for another friends' baby shower. Arts & Crafts day! It hopefully won't take all day so I plan to workout and go grocery shopping afterward!

    It's such a beautiful day in TX! I wish I were outside.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Weekend plans: Tentatively meeting a guy for drinks tonight, details still have to be firmed up. Saturday, I'm heading to the gym for my kickboxing class and may check out a movie w/some girlfriends. Sunday, I will get in a morning workout and then chill the remainder of the day.

    Vrdz, good luck w/the 5k race tomorrow.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, once again i'm late logging in b/c I had such a busy morning. My day started w/a trip to the gym. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and completed a 45 minute kickboxing class. My back felt pretty good this morning but I think I over did it b/c it's beginning to ache now. After the gym I head to various locations trying to complete all of the days errands so that once I returned home I could relax. All the errands have been completed so now I can either watch a movie or begin reading my new book......decisions......decisions......decisions.

    BTW, even though weigh in days are on Fridays I decided to step on the scale this morning out of curiosity and to my surprised I had dropped another pound which puts me at my goal weight....WOOHOO....WOOHOO....WOOHOO. I won't record the weight until this week's weigh-in but it feels great knowing that with some hard work and dedication I have reached my goal. Let the maintenance phase begin.........

    Anyhow, I hope everyone's day is progressing well.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Choco, yey, that's great :flowerforyou: !!!!

    Ok I went to the gym today after my crazy steak craving last night, I needed it :laugh: Well, I love love love the HRM I bought! Very basic, you don't have to put in your weight or age. It calculates calories burned by your heat rate. You do have to push a button often to keep up with this, but it wasn't annoying like I thought I would be. I updated my heart rate every 30-60 seconds on the eliptical. AND NO WONDER I'VE BEEN SOOO FREAKIN' HUNGRY! The machine at the gym (also you don't put in your stats and it doesn't use heart rate to tell calories burned) said I was burning 220 calories after 30 mins. My HRM said 399! For the past 3 weeks I've been going by the one at the gym. I think this is the reason I haven't lost weight (haven't gained either) this week. I'm going by the HRM for the next few weeks and see if it makes a differance. I'm at the gym about one and a half hours 5-6 times a week. I know I must be burning more than what I've been entering with out a HRM! Today with weight lifting and cardio the HRM says 568 calories burned. I did pause the calorie count between moving from machines and rest times in the weights.

    I hope this clears up my huge need for food! I was just never full! Last night I ate a one poound rib eye all to my self, and was still hungry after! I think because I was entering calories that were way under what I actually may have been burning, I was starving myself! I'll try this out for a few weeks and see how it goes :wink:
  • CrystalAHS
    Hi! I am new to posting on these message boards and your group caught my eye. I was wondering if you had room for me to join?

    A little about myself. I am a 32 year old mom of three. I have an 11 year old, an 8 year old, and a 16 month old. I work four days a week as an RN. I have struggled with weight my entire life. I FINALLY feel as though I have the eating part under control. After having the baby and my grandma's death my weight ballooned to 216.5 (maybe even more). I half-heartedly tried losing the weight and in 10 months I had lost 20 pounds. In November I finally found my resolve and have lost 18 pounds since REALLY trying.

    What I need help with: Exercise! I was doing really well lifting weights and cardio but the holidays and family visiting got me off track. I need to be accountable to someone and you ladies look like a great group. I hope that this isn't intruding and that we can all do this together.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning all! and welcome newbies! Yesterday I ran my 5K in 27:50 which is a decent time considering i havent been running lately due to the cold was the biggest race I have ever been to, over 2000 runners! I also found the greatest store EVER , Trader Joes....I loooovvvveee that food so cheap! Gonna try and hit the gym later on...still tired from late night last nite...weigh in is tommorrow, hope for good numbers! have a great Sunday all!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Vrdz, great job on your run :drinker: I'm not a runner and I admire people who can do it. (kills my knees)

    Well, I went to the gym today, tomorrow is a rest day. I didn't push weights that hard today because I did yesterday. I'm still hungry after luch, so I'm off to find something to fill my demanding tummy :laugh: Have a geat sunday everyone.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all! I hope everyone's weekend was wonderful and there were no major setbacks. My weekend started well and ended alright so I won't do too much complaining. Despite my back hurting (I have arthritis in my lower left back) throughout the weekend and even into today I manage to workout everyday. Saturday I probably over did it but yesterday and today I think I took it a little easier. Today, I completed 4 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd w/5 lb weights for a total of 50 minutes. The workout is done now the rest of the day can begin.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Bootcamp is done for the day.. I have to say that I am disappointed because I did not lose this week at all...WTF????? The machine did say that I have lost 0.5% body fat this week though, but no pounds. O well, I feel better and I feel like my pants are a little looser so that is al that matters. I talked to my instructor and we are of agreement that since I dont have much to lose and am already in good shape, the weight is going to come off slllooooowwwwwllllyyy.....but its cool, I am down with that. Anyways, weekend was great, now its back to the grindstone. Everyone have an awesome day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Bootcamp is done for the day.. I have to say that I am disappointed because I did not lose this week at all...WTF????? The machine did say that I have lost 0.5% body fat this week though, but no pounds. O well, I feel better and I feel like my pants are a little looser so that is al that matters. I talked to my instructor and we are of agreement that since I dont have much to lose and am already in good shape, the weight is going to come off slllooooowwwwwllllyyy.....but its cool, I am down with that. Anyways, weekend was great, now its back to the grindstone. Everyone have an awesome day!

    Vrdz, It took me approximately 11 weeks to lose 11 lbs. I began boot camp on Nov. 4 and hit my goal weight on Jan. 23 so you're probably right about it being a slow process. I had a big initial loss (7 lbs in 2 wks) and then I stalled and even gained a pound or two before reaching my goal. I'm glad you're not letting it deter you b/c I must admit I was frustrated initially.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Thanks for the encouragement Choco and I will admit that I am frustrated, but not giving up and still determined. I think my prob is that I was eating most all my exercise cals back which results in slower weight loss. I am going to just go with eating when I am hungry and stopping when I am full rather than worrying so much about "starvation mode". I have also started to pay more attention to my sodium and sugar intake which I feel will definately help me in the long run. I feel like my stomach looks and feels leaner than it was last week and since the begining of Jan I have lost 3.5 pounds which is around a pound a week. In actuality I really just want to tone up and get rid of the fat around my stomach and hip area. I know it will be a long journey to get where I want to be because I have set myself to such a high standard. Also if I did not congratulate you already...congrats on achieving your goal! When I hit mine we ought to meet half way for a drink,:smokin: your continued support has really helped and been an inspiration to me as well! Thanks again:heart: