women 40+ would like to share progress



  • Kathy1966
    Kathy1966 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new to all of this... Well not the weight gain and lose then gain more back. So I am giving this a try.
    I am not very good with computers but I am learning.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good evening Ladies, Boy do I feel behind...way to many parties, but lots of good laughs ( I hope that burns calories...I know it's the best medicine:laugh: )with family and friends. I haven't counted calories all weekend:sad: and the exercise has just been clearing the path to the car:laugh: , well, I did have a little fun dancing with the grandkids and playing some pool and shuffle board with my son, today I got lazy and we watched movies. First thing tomorrow, it's a tough, kick my butt workout and If I don't post about it sometime....please someone get after me!!:bigsmile:

    Itsbella...way to go , throw out those cookies and beat the boy!!:laugh: :laugh: ....my husband didn't have a chance to train for our 5k and he got a little cocky, the day of the race saying he "could probably just walk fast and keep up with me", he meant it in good fun, I let it slide but I had a big ole smile on my face when he was complaining of calf cramps on Saturday.....hmmm, maybe he should of at least stretched when I asked him to, before and after the race?!? :bigsmile:

    Pinbot, when you posted your snack mix before I tried it...great idea and I love the freedom of choosing my favorites...you had me take another look at some that I was buying, you were so right about the salt. I need to be careful about that!

    Welcome Fran and Kathy, looking forward to getting to know you both!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi gals,

    We spent the day skiing and it was terrific, fabulous, wondrous, BLISS! Any questions? ha ha Tomorrow is church in the AM and another Christmas gathering in the PM. I'll be checking in on Monday. Take Care.
    Snowflakes...sounds like such a good time, all this talk about skiing and snowshoeing....I'm going to have to try one of those activities, I have never done either! Something else to schedule that sounds fun and still a serious workout!
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Well ladies I made it:drinker: :drinker: . I got everything cooked:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: , it was all great. We made it through the party. Then we went to go to the graduation and the traffic was so backed up we were 20 min. late:grumble: :grumble: . But we made it anyway. Of course she had to be their an hour early thank goodness. We came in during the American Anthom. But it was great, I didn't know I was going to cry:cry: , but I did. When they called my baby girls name for Department of Public Administration, Bachelor of Science in Emergency Administration and Planning I just started crying:cry::cry: . I was so Happy:cry::happy: :cry: . Now she's trying to go in the Army, for geospace something or going onto Masters school in OK. She made a 93 on her test for Armed Services but she has to get a waiver for her eyes. So we'll see, her recrewter told her she might have to go National Guard for 6 months then transfer over to the Army. Like I said we'll see. I gained a few pounds again, but I'll lose it again. Not to worried I'm still in the 160's.

    Welcome to all new and even those who may just read our post. Someday maybe you'll join in too. I'm so proud of eveyone.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . Just remember we have each other and yes we are strong, and we will continue to be strong together.:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Oh yeah and I think I will finally be able to start working out again. I think all thats got me down:sick: :sick: :sick: in the last couple of weeks is about gone. Good I've been sick in some form since Thanksgining. But I am going to take it slow and build back up. But I can hardly wait. I did try the elliptical last week and made it through about 5 min. before I coughed up a lung or two. But I think I'm about to be over it all. AND YES I DID PUT THAT NOTE ON MY DOOR. ALL WHO ARE SICK DO NOT ENTER I DONT WANT ANYMORE. ha ha ha
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    This morning, I am at 156.2.... I did have to empty myself without eating and with clear drinks yesterday because of a medical exam this morning. I wonder if the 156 will stick... I guess not with Christmas just around the corner :wink:

    I don't think I will do much exercise today, then again, I could surprise myself :tongue: We will see how it goes :wink:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Lady Power!

    We had a GREAT weekend around here.

    Missou: hope all is well today. I understand the remedy to clear you out is a dandy, does the job like non other.:noway: :huh: Enjoy the lighter feeling, hopefully it will stay.:bigsmile:

    booboogroom: Congratulations on your daughters graduation, what a wonderful moment to be the proud mother!:flowerforyou:
    Love that you posted a sign on your door. Really some people... :grumble: anyway, I work hard at trying NOT to get sick. Wishing you good health!:heart:

    fransfit and Kathy1966: Welcome! You will find some fun banter in this group and great support for your personal goals. Wishing you well in your journey.:happy:

    itsbella: Way to be DETERMIMEND. You are doing great. And for your man it is good for them to eat a little 'humble pie' don't you think.:wink: You show him girl. It feels like there will be some serious competition with a bit of butt kickin' victory in your camp. Thanks for your inspiration.:drinker:

    I enjoyed the first Christmas treats last night of some yummy breads. I was over 200 calories at the end of tallying the day. To me this is a huge accomplishment from what my serving would have been even 6 months ago. With Christmas being Friday I feel very confident that I will continue to loss through the New Years. My original plan when I started logging in September was that I hope to maintain and not gain through the holidays. And here I have lost! That goal weight is coming by August 2010!:bigsmile:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Wow!!! a lot has been said since my post on Saturday morning!! Since I was a little out of it, I did not take the time to read nor to respond to anything. My colonoscopy and my gastroscopy gave me very setisfying results. Nothing is wrong so far!!!

    After the exam, I had a burger made with lean meat and a lot of veggies. For dinner, I had some pasta. I am now at 158.8... I have a feeling that the weight is going to stay down if I start doing my training again. For that reason and since I feel my energy coming back, I will go do some bicycling after this message.

    I would like to welcome Fransfit and Kathy to our beautifull family. Make yourselves at home. We are here to help each other acquire a new lifestyle!!!

    Way to go on the cookies Itsbella!!! I wish you all the success possible with your man!

    Unlike you Boubou, I haven't even started my Christmas cooking. I will have to get into it tomorrow, I'll try to make healthy appetisers and healthy desserts if that is possible :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    It is my turn to get into the Christmas feeling... Our tree is not even decorated!!! :noway: :noway:

    The next week, I will be quite busy with the last minute cooking and the parties. My daughters are coming home on the 24th for the evening and on the 26th for a brunch. On the 25th, it will be my in-laws' Christmas party and on the 27th, my mother is having us over for a lunch party. During the next week, probably on January 2nd, I will have a diner party with some friends and on the 1st, my in-laws are having another fiesta... If we can call it a fiesta :laugh: :laugh:

    I will come and see you from time to time. Take care and have fun during this festive time!!!

    Cheers!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I have been busy working and packing. We leave in the morning. I am not sure how often I will get to check-in while we are out of town. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Very merry Christmas Pinbot!!!!! Have a joyous time!!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I am back from my training room... I did 3 miles in 15 minutes and a few seconds!!! My thighs were crying out STOP!!!! But I didn't! I wanted to do as much as I could in 15 minutes. When I saw that I had done 1 mile in 5 minutes or so, I decided to do 3 miles as fast as I could. I am so proud of myself!! Now Hubby will have some quads relaxing to do when he comes back from his music practice :wink:

    Good night everyone :flowerforyou:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Pinbotchick: wishing you a Merry Christmas! Safe travels.

    Missou: So glad that everything checked out fine with your test. Good job on exercising, you certainly had a good reason not to.

    Today was busy and I am under on my calories and water. I will pay closer attention tomorrow. Spent the day cleaning and laundry and such, I am exhausted tonight! Glad that it is close to bedtime. Take Care.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I have decided to start a new countdown, I find they are very helpful!! There are 9 days left in 2009 and I will work on doing a 9/9 by then. Today, I want to go on the rowing-cycling exerciseur, on the Gazelle, on the AKP, and in the stairs.

    After that, I will go to the market to get what I need to prepare my holiday's treats. I also have to decorate the Christmas tree and to clean up the house. I will have a busy, busy day!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey Everyone...Just a quick note to send everyone Cristmas wishes...I have been so busy, I knew it would get this way, too many Christmas parties, but lots of laughs. I bet your all in the same boat! Grandkids are coming over tomorrow and I have 2 dinners to plan and shop for, then I have 1 more gift to buy for my son, and I can start to enjoy the season. I need to get groceries in the house today, or my kids say they'll starve:laugh: :laugh: , yea, right!
    I did get off my butt :laugh: and got some exercise in yesterday, but I have been bad about logging the calories, I hope I'm not in for a surprise when I weigh in. Not sure if I'll weigh in Friday...or give it another week....
    Missou, glad things went well and I'm glad you like your new cycle!
    Merry Christmas everyone, I'll check in when I can, hope everyone makes time for themselves to break a sweat...You so deserve it!

    I bought myself an early Christmas gift, a new sony walkman mp3 player, I busted my old mp3, back in September when I ran that 5K and I just can't run without tunes...:laugh: :laugh: ,Santa knows...I've been a good girl...LOL
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I have decided to start a new countdown, I find they are very helpful!! There are 9 days left in 2009 and I will work on doing a 9/9 by then. Today, I want to go on the rowing-cycling exerciseur, on the Gazelle, on the AKP, and in the stairs.

    After that, I will go to the market to get what I need to prepare my holiday's treats. I will have a busy, busy day!!!

    You always inspire me....I'll join you...but I better get off of here if I am to get day one done:laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck!!:bigsmile:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I have decided to start a new countdown, I find they are very helpful!! There are 9 days left in 2009 and I will work on doing a 9/9 by then. Today, I want to go on the rowing-cycling exerciseur, on the Gazelle, on the AKP, and in the stairs.

    After that, I will go to the market to get what I need to prepare my holiday's treats. I will have a busy, busy day!!!

    You always inspire me....I'll join you...but I better get off of here if I am to get day one done:laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck!!:bigsmile:

    Great!! I don't want to beat you, I am us both to obtain 9/9!!!
  • melhealthy
    melhealthy Posts: 5 Member
    I am 42 and just starting on MFP. I have tried working out and watching what I eat over the years but really going to put the effort behind it now!. I am working out finally. Just need support to continue to do it consistantly!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • fransfit
    Hi Gang!
    Was at a meeting last night and didn't get back home until after 10pm. That's just too late.

    Had a great day, though. Planned my foods ahead of time, brought "safe" snackies with me so I wouldn't be tempted by holiday carb-porn. I made sure I got on the elliptical in the AM, so I had no excuse later in the day. Good thing too!

    Today is a split day for me at work, so I wanted to check in to say I'm liking this site more and more and this forum is a lot of fun! I really like the thing that tells you after you've logged in your food, "kkep this up and you'll be ## by whatever date'. Nifty information there, and a good positive reinforcement.

    Have a great day, powerful people. I'll try to check back later.

  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello Melhealthy, welcome in out family.

    Good for you Fran, working out in the morning is a great idea!!! Keep it up!!

    I just finished my training so I am at 1/9!! It is now shower time, then grocery shopping and cooking time. I'll do some cleaning up with Hubby tonight. I started out late, but I'll be on time for Christmas!!!

    Later :flowerforyou:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    melhealthy: Welcome! This is a great group of ladies. Using the food diary faithfully has helped me a lot, seeing in black and white the numbers compared to so much guesstimating. Also drink the recommended amount of water, continue your exercise and you will see results. Looking forward to getting to know you.:flowerforyou:

    fransfit: Good job on planning ahead. :flowerforyou:

    I am finding that the sweets are not tempting me too much, I can have just a taste and that is enough. Sure hope that this sticks. I am doing better at saying 'no thank you' and not even attempting an explanation. This is huge for more. I LOVE food,:heart::blushing: :noway: all kinds, and never in the past did I turn any away. I'm always eager to try something new. :huh: In my journey I am really watching portion size and being more selective on the food I get my calories from. We can do this! We are here to help each other. Itsbella said it best the other day that we are STRONG women.