Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 1



  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening sixers. Just wanted to put in a quick post. And say HI, had a good day food and excercise wise. Off to bed. Later.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi Sixers ... thank you all for the comments on the picture of my baby girl and the love of her life. She truly is happy ... they've known each other since kindergarten ... I have a picture of them together back then ... they became an item at prom when they shared their first kiss ... that was 7 years ago. Isn't that the most mushy story you ever heard ... but it's true ... they're best friends and truly in love. I've loved him like my own son since they were little kids and now he really will be my son. I'm way to excited. Their wedding will be in August of 2010.

    On a weight loss note ... I actually stayed within my calories today and drank my water and got some walking in. It's been quite some time since that's happened. It must be all the positive vibes from all the newbies - thanks for that my friends. All in all it was a good day. Now I'm pooped so I'm off to bed.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I did well today too, I did not drink my normal 64oz. of h2o cuz I was filling in Fed Ex and I drive in rural areas with NO bathroom but I did drink 48oz. along with lot's of coffee!! I NEVER have a problem with exercise, it is staying in the limited calorie range! I did awesome with both today!! If ALL days were like today I would be a smaller person!! Best wishes to you LOSERS!!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Maggie - Your daughter's pic is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I nearly started crying when I read your post about her story. Kindergarten??? That is amazing!!! Best wishes to them both and to the mother of the bride!!

    Hello everyone else!! Unfortunately I have two phone interviews to prepare for tomorrow so I can't write much (I guess that is really "fortunately" since they are interviews after all!)

    Have a good night all!!!
  • marci_r2010
    marci_r2010 Posts: 61 Member
    Go sixers!

    Maggie.. your daughter's pic is gorgeous and that story is too stinking cute! Thanks for sharing!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning all....

    boy this has been a long week. and it's only thursday. can't wait for that extra hour sunday.
    i did pretty good yesterday. had a few extra bites here and there. today will be better.
    todays to on table cloth, study, get my coupon list ready for sat. shopping.

    i hope everyone has a great day.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Amy ... just want to say Good Luck with the interviews ... how very exciting. Keep us posted.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Maggie - Your daughter and her fiance look so happy. They really do have a story book romance. Congratulations!

    Amy - Good luck with your interviews!

    I've got another busy day today, and then I'm back to my easy pace tomorrow. Even though I haven't found a full-time job yet, I just started training last night for a really good part-time job, and I've gotten some freelance legal research lately. I'm finishing up one of those projects this morning.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hello Sixers!

    Yesterday was my off day for exercise and I really didn't eat so well either. :grumble: Today though I have started out well and plan to continue the good eating. Then it is back to the treadmill tonight for my run! I wish I could run every day, but I am not that fit yet. I still some time in between my jogs.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Ali, I use flavoring packets in my water too. I drink kool aid at night (sugar free). Trying to drink more plain water, but if I can't manage that, I'll go back to my flavored water.

    Maggie, I forgot to look at your daughter's photo last night. I can't see it at work. I must remember to look tonight!!! Congrats on a good day with calories and exercise!

    Cathy, I'm clipping coupons today. I'm down to no money.... and that is AFTER my payday tomorrow. :frown:

    Kel, I hope she waits until she finds a good one!!

    Dr.Tamm, I love you!! Good job with the water drinking. I've gotten all mine in for 2 days running now. Here's to a third day of us getting in our fluids!! :drinker:

    Shanell. yay for a good day!!!!

    Verda, I bet you got in your exercise running packages. Sounds like a cool job actually.

    AmyLou, good luck with those interviews!!!!

    Marci, hi!!! :flowerforyou:

    Erin, wish I could run every day too. I love the feeling of running. NEVER thought I'd be a runner, EVER in my life! I haven't run in a while and need to build back up my stamina but it's such a great rush. So free.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I haven't done so well the last couple of days with eating or exercise, but I've been getting more water than usual. I'm not up yet to my 8 cups a day, but I've been getting in 6 which is twice what I've been doing! :happy: I use Crystal Light a lot too. My favorite is the raspberry green tea.

    Maggie - I love the pic of your daughter & her fiance. They look so happy! :happy:

    Amy - Good luck on the interviews!
  • Colie
    Colie Posts: 12
    Hi everyone, just wanted to check in and so far so good. I was able to drink my 10 cups of water Tuesday and yesterday so I'm happy about that. Just got back from my run and I pushed out 3.75 miles today, I started a marathon training plan on Monday and so far it's easy. We'll see how I feel when they want me to run 10 miles!! :laugh:

    Maggie the pic of you daughter and fiance is awesome
    Amy hope the interviews go well!!

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Is it Friday at 5pm yet? :huh:

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    It's raining and that makes me want comfort food!!!!!:sad:

    However I've planned and we're having a good veggie soup for dinner but my mind is thinking of things like homemade mac and cheese....chicken and get my drift????:noway:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had a work breakfast this morning. Being new in the group, I felt pressured to eat, you know? I had orange juice, coffee, half a sausage biscuit, half a crumb cake muffin, and a piece of chocolate cake. I don't usually skip meals but I am skipping lunch today (because I'm not hungry after stuffing 1000 cals at breakfast!!! :noway: ) and having a string cheese for my afternoon snack, then a reasonable dinner (probably a tuna melt).

    I hope we don't have anymore work breakfasts or lunches soon. They are gonna make me not fit into my clothes anymore!!!! :noway:

    ALTHOUGH, it's nice to bring one small item and get a meal in return. :wink:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I had a work breakfast this morning. Being new in the group, I felt pressured to eat, you know? I had orange juice, coffee, half a sausage biscuit, half a crumb cake muffin, and a piece of chocolate cake. I don't usually skip meals but I am skipping lunch today (because I'm not hungry after stuffing 1000 cals at breakfast!!! :noway: ) and having a string cheese for my afternoon snack, then a reasonable dinner (probably a tuna melt).

    I hope we don't have anymore work breakfasts or lunches soon. They are gonna make me not fit into my clothes anymore!!!! :noway:

    ALTHOUGH, it's nice to bring one small item and get a meal in return. :wink:

    I know what you mean, your afraid of offending someone if you don't eat what was brought.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i got my EXAMINATION ELIGIBILITY letter today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    i will call tomorrow and schedule my day and time and pay my $65 fee. i am thinking monday or tuesday gives me the weekend to study hard.

    than i have to take another class (8 hours) to get the "R" for realtor. to join the board. it's not a must, but, it's important. more money to fork out. luckily my broker pays it for you and you pay him back in payments, plus he is the teacher for the classes.

    finished my bread making, sewing tablecloth, still need to finish my list for shopping. spent some time reading.

    have a great rest of the day all....
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hello everyone. I want to apologize for being late to add my name to the list. But I have been working so much this week. EXAMPLE: I just worked 30 hours straight. and I PROMISE I'm not exaggerating ONE bit. :noway:

    My name is Tiffani, 24 years old now.. :-D DrTAMM is my sister. I'm a 3rd year medical student... We are working 80 hour weeks. but my health is a priority to me and I REFUSE to lose control and get out of shape/depressed while caring for others 80 hrs a week. In the past week I have not worked out once really b/c I dislocated my hip. Oh I take that back I did run one day this week and I walk in the hospital but no REAL workouts... AND I'm below 145 now! GO ME!

    Cathy(chipper)....................SW 231.0 lbs / GW 220 lbs / CW 231 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lb
    Lorna (iftcheiaf)..................SW 143.4 lbs/ GW 130 lbs / CW 143.4 lb
    Maggie (magglett) .............SW 174/GW 170/CW 174 PROGRESS +/- lb
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising). SW 152.0 lbs/GW 148 lbs/CW 152.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- lb
    T (datenshi) ........................SW 208.6 / GW 198.0 / CW 208.6 PROGRESS: -/+ lbs
    Margaret (elephantmeg) ..SW 128/GW 123/CW 128 PROGRESS: -/+ lbs
    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 194.5/ GW 182.5/ CW 194.5lbs Progress- Olbs
    Melanie(mello) ...................SW 306/GW 291/CW 306 PROGRESS- 0lbs
    Sandy ...................................SW 234.5 / GW 225/ CW 234.5 PROGRESS - 0
    Shanell (nellienell12) .......SW 220.0/GW 215.0/CW 220.0 PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Patti (pattitricia85) .............SW 150 / GW 144 / CW 150 Progress 0
    Nicole (nicolee516) ..........SW178/GW 170/ CW 178 Progress -/+ lb (Adjusted)
    Amy (amypyr) .....................SW 151.8 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151.8 lbs PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Tammy (TERVIN) ..............SW 241 lbs / GW 229 / CW 241 lbs PROGRESS -\+ lbs
    Erin (gogoleaner) ..............SW 161.0/ GW 155.0/ CW 161.0 PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)...........SW196.5lbs/ GW 192lbs/ CW 196.5lbsPROGRESS -0.0lbs
    Nicole(Colie) ......................SW 212/ GW 200/ CW 212 PROGRESS -/+ 0lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman).........SW 157 / GW 152 / CW 157 PROGRESS -/+lbs
    Susan (slightingscale)......SW 157 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 157 lbs / PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Jessica (raincloud)............SW 222 lbs/ GW 210 lbs/ CW 222 lbs/ PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...........SW 215.2 lbs/ GW 205 lbs / CW 215.2 lbs / PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Alison (ali258).....................SW 233 lbs / GW 224 lbs / CW 233 lbs / PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)...........SW 153.4/GW 147/CW 153.4 PROGRESS +1/-lbs
    Verda (vhuber).....................SW 150.2 / GW 145 / CW 150.2 PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Jenn (fairy28).......................SW 212 / GW 200/ CW 212 PROGRESS -0
    Marci (mdogg09).................SW 305/GW 263 /CW 275 PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tami (tigersgirl)...................SW231.00 lbs/ GW 215/ CW 231lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)........................SW145.0 lbs/GW 135/ CW 144.4
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Yay Tiff! So good to see you and hear you are doing well! How has your hip been doing?
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    i got my EXAMINATION ELIGIBILITY letter today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    i will call tomorrow and schedule my day and time and pay my $65 fee. i am thinking monday or tuesday gives me the weekend to study hard.

    than i have to take another class (8 hours) to get the "R" for realtor. to join the board. it's not a must, but, it's important. more money to fork out. luckily my broker pays it for you and you pay him back in payments, plus he is the teacher for the classes.

    finished my bread making, sewing tablecloth, still need to finish my list for shopping. spent some time reading.

    have a great rest of the day all....

    Wow, I like the sound of that day! Congratulations on your examination eligibility!