
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    My Wed wish this week is for a friend. His 6 year old was recently diagnosed with leukemia. If you believe in prayer, I would appreciate it if you would keep this little guy in yours.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    My Wed wish this week is for a friend. His 6 year old was recently diagnosed with leukemia. If you believe in prayer, I would appreciate it if you would keep this little guy in yours.

    Sending up a prayer now. :)
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    My Wed wish this week is for a friend. His 6 year old was recently diagnosed with leukemia. If you believe in prayer, I would appreciate it if you would keep this little guy in yours.

  • vanimelda
    vanimelda Posts: 20 Member
    so i know that i posted today already but i feel like i need to do more. since today is wish day i wish that i didnt get the phone call that my dad has cancer yet again. wont know till he has the surgery to knwo how bad how much where it started or anything. we only know he needs the surgery asap. so needless to say not the greatest food day but it wasnt that bad either. im emotionally drained right now and i just felt the need that i needed to share with someone else that isnt so close to the situation. sorry for the rant but thank you for allowing me to do it.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    When I first got back I saw no change in my weight but after two days of being home and not eating salty restaurant food. I lost about 2.5 pounds of water weight, so the trip was good for my weightloss. I actually broke through a long plateau and I also tightened up my upper arms some more. It was also good for my attitude. Working with people who have lost their homes makes you appreciate what you have. It is hard to believe that a year after the flood almost 8% of the residents of Minot are living in FEMA trailers. If you or your church are looking for an missionary/service project I recommend checking out Hope Village in Minot ND. My wish today is that the family whose house I worked on gets their wish of being in their home by Christmas.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tina - you're a dear to go to your friends side to care for her. Hoping her hip surgery goes well.

    Vinson - interesting story about your sister. There is still time to ask the doc to order PT for her. It would definitely help her continue to improve and teach her proper movement.

    Skinny - Aaarughh! :huh: more paperwork, huh? you've got every right to complain!

    Susan - here's hoping your house in Atlanta sells!

    Laurie - take care of those sinuses. Get out the chicken soup! :drinker:

    Mom2cubs - that cortisone shot is a kneesaver - glad you can ambulate again!

    Nichols - I know what you mean about getting a weeks worth of veggies when its only you in the house - its quite frustrating. I rely a lot on frozen steamer products, and get 2 servings out of them.

    Annie - way to run - that's terrific!

    Heather - exercise hurts me. I have to take a day off and take ibuprofen inbetween the days I exercise. I am assured that this will change the more I exercise. Its just our in-experienced muscles getting used to the idea of working out.

    Lizmil - no need to apologize for using a phone - lots of people can't message for long - and thats OK. Hugs :flowerforyou:

    Believe - here are some low cal alcoholic drinks that might be good for your BBQ = Bud Light Select 55 (55 cal/bottle) and Walmart sells a pre-mixed Margarita that is marked LIGHT that has 1/2 the calories of a regular margarita. I've tried it and its not bad at all. :laugh: Sorry I can't remember its name.

    Tina - yes, will pray for the child with leukemia.

    Vanimelda - I am praying for you and your father and hoping his surgery goes well. We are behind you.:flowerforyou:

    Angelika - what a wonderful, charitable service you performed in Minot. I'm sure many people are grateful for the time and effort you gave. And you lost weight and firmed up your arms in the process. Your picture looks amazing! What a change - what a waist line! You are a beautiful person - inside and out. :heart:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    I am feeling much better today! YAY! :bigsmile: I went to my therapist today and was telling her how men are like Oreos to me now... The sweetness may be tempting, but you don't really know what's in that filling, do you? AND right after you have either, the satisfaction is gone, and you are left with only an empty cookie box. :wink: (disclaimer: I did say this, but was mostly joking. In defense of the male species, I have a way of attracting the duds:tongue: )

    @MyM0wM0w - I am sorry you are in a funk- but you have a WONDERFUL attitude about it, that you should be proud of yourself for. Also- I have to say I LOVE SODIUM!! Because it is the thing that keeps me from eating a bunch of prepared food. We should be grateful for the evils of sodium, eh? :wink: Feel better!!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Tina - OUCH... I will wish right along with you, for your friend to get through and heal quickly!

    @Aug - I hear ya! Pain is dumb. :grumble: I hope you feel better soon!

    @alleykat69 - EXCELLENT job teaching your son by example :drinker:

    @Skinnyjeanz- GRRR :angry: Tell them to stuff it! :noway: Woops. Probably not the advice you need... :flowerforyou: I hope they can compromise on the new policy.

    @Annie219 - WAY TO GO!!! Run girl!!! :happy:

    @HeatheraRyan - GREAT job pushing through it!!! Everyday, it will get a little bit easier. One day soon, you will look back at your strength and determination to succeed, with pride in yourself. You CAN do it!:drinker:

    @Jana- LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :drinker:

    @tbrp - wow. My Wednesday wish is for your friend's child. Hugs and prayers.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    K so i just went out and took my walk and I now have another wed wish. I wish I could walk more then 10 min without my lower back turning into a giant knot. :ohwell:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--thanks, it just pisses me off that I have to start the year off fighting with admin.:explode:

    @angelika--I second robin's kudos to you for the volunteer work you did! :flowerforyou: And you are so right about how such an act helps you appreciate what you have. I've never done missionary work, but I've volunteered for Habitat for Humanity--it was hard work, but very gratifying to help people in need.

    @vanimelda--so sorry to hear about your father diagnoses! :flowerforyou: Sending hugs and well wishes to you and your family.

    @tonia--how terrible--also keeping your friend and his family in my thoughts.

    @believe--any spirit (rum, vodka, gin, whiskey, tequila) is about 60 calories/ounce, so if you mix that with something low or no-cal it's not so bad. My fav is Captain Morgan and diet coke, but I've also done some of the flavored rums or vodkas with plain soda water. Stoli Blueberry Vodka with soda water is delicious!! :drinker:

    @jana--loved your share!

    @heather--if you're right eye dominant, I believe that means you're right brained (rare for a right hander). Right brained people tend to be creative; left brained people tend to be logical. Of course, whether you're left or right brained in only a small factor in creativity, logic, etc. Your environment has a big impact on that--I'm left brained but b/c my parents and teachers assumed (as a left hander) that I was right brained, they really pushed me to be creative. The result is I'm a logical, analytical English teacher--love to pick apart and analyze the creativity of others, but I'm not creative enough to write my own works of literature. :wink:
  • LNZimmer
    LNZimmer Posts: 94
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    -I set a goal last week to work out for 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. For me, that is a challenge (or so I thought) due to a 45+/- hour work week, a 3 year old and a home to take care of. BUT happy to say I have already accomplished that this week, and it is already Wednesday! I actually forgot how much I enjoy going to the gym. :)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    -wishes...well, I wish getting healthy was easy. it is more than frustrating knowing how hard it is ONLY because I have been here before. I lost over 130 pounds 4-5 years ago. Of course now, being 32, working full time and after having a baby, my body doesn't lose it as easy. It is a battle to keep my chin up.

    I wonder if anyone else has done this before too? (losing 100+ pounds)? How do you stay motivated knowing the battle that lies ahead?

    I understand that I didn't put this weight back on overnight :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I wonder if anyone else has done this before too? (losing 100+ pounds)? How do you stay motivated knowing the battle that lies ahead?

    This may sounds cliche but I'm enjoying the journey. I'm having a blast with all the little NSVs like when I realized my belly wasn't touching my steering wheel. Or when I can pull some smaller clothes out of the closet and they fit. The first time I walked into Kohl's and could buy off the rack instead of just following friends around and watching them shop.

    I'm having a blast juggling BMR vs calories vs exercise calories. It's a freakish level of control that I'm really enjoying in my otherwise stressful life. Juggling protein, fiber, carbs, and sodium to try and hit the exact combo that I need to feel my best has been challenging and fun.

    Try not to think of it as a really awful thing that you have 'get done' but a journey to learn how to live a healthy and clean life.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jt--I'm sure you will build endurance quickly if you just keep at it. Walking is really good for your entire core, which is why you are feeling it after just 10 minutes. If you're not already doing so, I would recommend that you do some light, gentle stretching immediately after each walk (while your muscles are still nice and warm).

    @naceto--glad you are feeling better today!

    @believe--you said something about wishing you could clone yourself to get more done--I bet many of us have had that thought, but it leads me to a fun conversation topic--I hope others will join in:

    Assuming cloning were perfected and you could clone yourself with no medical risks, would you do so? Would you want a baby who is a perfect genetic replica of you?

    I will start: YES!! I would absolutely clone myself; I think it would be so awesome to watch a biological replica of me grow up! I know it would be a challenge to not have certain expectations of her, but I still think I would do it. I mean, don't all parents have to be careful not to pressure their kids to be like them, even though they aren't clones?

    I know this makes me sound really conceited, but other than being overweight, I really like my physical self.

    PS--I realize some people might have religious arguments against cloning; I am in no way trying to start a philosophical/religious debate in this. So let's assume, for the purposes of this discussion, that there are no moral conflicts in this "perfected" cloning process. Remember, this is just for fun! :smile:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    To Skinnyjeanz's question: Assuming cloning were perfected and you could clone yourself with no medical risks, would you do so? Would you want a baby who is a perfect genetic replica of you?

    I would not clone myself, but I would clone my child... He is 14 and so kind, generous, and loving. He is also incredibly intuitive... He saved his dad's life more than once- Once, when Anthony was about 9, he called me at work and said he was worried about his dad... (Dad had chronic renal failure, and had been on dialysis for many years before he passed away) I asked to speak with his dad, who told me that he felt fine, but if Anthony was that worried, he would let him call 911. It turned out that my husband had a "small" stroke. After the paramedics got there, he started having seizures- he was diagnosed with an abscess on his brain, which had to be surgically removed.

    My kiddo pushes me to be better than my best. He is my biggest cheerleader, and greatest accomplishment.

    Long story answer- sorry. I wouldn't clone me. I like me a lot, and I have good stuff to offer, but my child... he will do amazing things. I guess everyone feels that way about their children, eh?
  • @ skinnyjean LOL I think if I could clone myself I would if I could start at a adult and be the person i am now. That said I made a
    mistakes that I wouldnt want to do again. Im finally the person that I want to be Im happy in my skin. I know what I want in life
    it just took 33 yrs. Opps!!!! I wouldnt want my clone to go through the hard ships that i have went through. But it would be nice to
    have a extra hand around here. Like now my fiancee wants me to clean his stuff off the bed and we both have worked he is
    spoiled so much, LOL!!! So I guess the answer to that ? would be NO unless I could have the options.
    I have to try to get to bed cause I have a meeting at 7am and I plan on walking afterwards. Since tomorrow is my last nite off then I work one then off for three more unless I pick up but I kinda like my days off. Well ill talk to everyone tomorrow afternoon!!! NITE!!!!:yawn:
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Amen to the house cleaning wish!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Well I just lost my well thought out post. So here goes the short version.

    Enjoying all the comments, praying for many of you.

    Wish - magically packed and moved apartment. Actually drinking the water on my desk.

    Cloning - sci fiction fan in me says "Run away! Run away!"
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Quick 5 day catch up.
    Saturday- I didn't have the chance to weigh in (Day 21/ Week 3: -9.2lbs/ 242 lbs) I had some family friends up from Virginia and almost blew the diet a few times. My mom also had emergency surgery Saturday so I didn't have much time to pay attention to what went into my mouth and basically went off track thru Monday night.

    Tuesday was a bit of a pain trying to refocus myself on getting back to the diet. I admit to junking out and vegging infront of the TV most of the day as well as sleeping.
    Wednesday/(Today-ish) I was still in that slump. I chomped down nearly half a costco package of ravioli for lunch, a whole steak for dinner and decided that Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Froyo was a meal on it own.

    Only thing i need to get off my chest so far for Thursday is that,
    I didn't really feel guilty about eating that whole pint of froyo, and I'm not sure why.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Super quick checkin. Just spent scads of money on travel for a conference and Thanksgiving, so Wednesday Wish is that all goes well with those plans. :smile:

    Skinnyjeanz, I don't think I'd clone me. Mostly because I have a fairly strong personality, and I'd be a challenge for me to raise. Or for anyone. And I don't think I could avoid the expectation problem. My hubby, on the other hand? Yes.

    Can't recall who was about to go low-carb, but I can tell you from experience that the first 2 weeks are tough (craving central), but then it's much easier. Hard to eat out, but the cravings die down.

    And for the person with a "50 lbs in 90 days" goal: tht's about 1.5 lb per day, or 10-11 per week. Which is beyond merely ambitious, and I worry about the safety of it. And the longevity. I hope you've got medical clearance & supervision for something like that. And if the weight doesn't come off that fast, I also hope there's a reasonable Plan B. Because one of the best ways to self-sabotage is to set high (and unrealistic) expectations and then quit when those expectations aren't met. Please take good care of yourself.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    This may sounds cliche but I'm enjoying the journey. I'm having a blast with all the little NSVs like when I realized my belly wasn't touching my steering wheel. Or when I can pull some smaller clothes out of the closet and they fit. The first time I walked into Kohl's and could buy off the rack instead of just following friends around and watching them shop.

    That is soooo my goal. I can't wait to be able to by clothes off the rack]
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Thursday Truth - I have had a horrible (eating wise) last 2 days (Yep - I ate that pizza with Dr. P and 3 cookies for dinner last night). I don't even want to think about those calories! I haven't done my diary log in 3 days. I started back this morning and am back on track. I don't want to beat myself up too bad. The journey is too important and the road too long to focus too much on the bumps. I know it won't all be smooth sailing, but it is definitely worth it. I am worth it.

    Thanks for the support everyonje. Seeing others going through the same thing and making it work really helps.

    To those with family and friends recently diagnosed with cancer. My prayers go out to you and them.