

  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    -I set a goal last week to work out for 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. For me, that is a challenge (or so I thought) due to a 45+/- hour work week, a 3 year old and a home to take care of. BUT happy to say I have already accomplished that this week, and it is already Wednesday! I actually forgot how much I enjoy going to the gym. :)

    Way to go!!! That's terrific!! :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth: I really really really love french's horrendous how much I love them :embarassed: But I'm working on getting out of that toxic relationship :wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I'm headed home today after a few days on the road. I've been dedicated to my exercise and food logging this trip, so I'm going to keep this going from now on. If I can do it on the road, I have no reason I can't do it when I'm home.

    Cheers! :drinker:

  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    @lizmil - Good luck on that new computer. I hope you do get it soon!

    @nicholsvj - An orthopedic surgeon told me the same thing about the effect of excess weight on your knees. It certainly makes me want to lose weight even more because I don't want to ever have to go through the pain of knee replacement surgery someday.

    @Annie - I :heart: LOVE :heart: french fries, too! Why do they have to be so tasty??? And congrats on the 25 min run. I hope to be there some day.

    @Believe - Sorry about your computer, too. I hate shelling out $ for a new computer but I had to do it recently myself.

    @tbrp - Prayers for your friend's son. :heart:

    @vanimelda - So sorry about your dad. :cry:

    @naceto - That is the most true thing I've ever heard about men!

    @Robin - Thanks for all you do! :flowerforyou:

    Delayed Wednesday Wish - To not eat too much at the baby shower I'm going to tonight. It's at a great restaurant and I'm really looking forward to getting out with friends.

    Thursday Truth - My trainer told me to do cardio either Tues or Wed on my own but I didn't. I just had too many things going on this week. I'm not going to tell him I skipped it though because he'll just go on and on about it for the entire hour we're together today and I just don't want to hear it.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Truth Thursday: I tend to beat myself up when I don't reach the goals I set for myself, and in turn it leads me to back track or fall back into bad habits.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth::: I finally updated my weight. It just hasn't gone back down to where my lowest weight was. It's all my fault. I have NOT been good in the least lately. So I have gained 6lbs...still not sure how accurate that is. But it is what it is and I WILL start losing again.

    Today my little princess starts preschool! I was unable to take her but my Mom did so hopefully she got lots of pictures.

    My friends surgery went well she is still in pain but she made it through. Leaving today around 12 to go help her. 4hr drive just me and my daughter I'm a bit nervous! But I'll be fine.

    If I'm not on much it's because I am busy helping her!

    So have a wonderful weekend.

  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Thursday truth...I miss teaching color guard. I feel like a failure for dropping out of college. I feel like no matter what I do I have disappointed my family. I want to go back to school now that I know what I want to do and not do what my family is trying to make me do.

    I am neither right nor left eye dominant and I am neither right nor left brained. I'm decently ambidextrous and I love math and math based sciences and being logical but I am also creative. I love artsy things.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I am having a crazy day so far and it is only 7:20 am. I want to look up some of information on left and right brains and left or right handed and left or right eyed correlations. I just did not get the chance. Work has been real busy which I guess is a good thing:smile: I'll be back.
    I also wish apologize to all the English Teachers for my grammar.:blushing:
  • Cia_Clayton
    Cia_Clayton Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all. I have to admit I panicked when i saw the closed forum message today. I'd wondered if Id somehow missed it before in my eagerness to join. :) Then I saw Robins welcome to me and breathed a sigh of relief. Just made it by the skin of my teeth it seems.

    Thurs Truth- I want to return to school for my RN, and have started the process of hoop jumping that involves. While its always been my intent to return and pursue this, life really got in the way, you know? Now all of a sudden Ive looked up and my son is in college....and I still haven't returned.

    Suddenly I feel very old. A first for me :( Normally I subscribe to the adage you are as old as you feel....all of those young people at the college staring at me like -whose MOM is that?- and me with my classes that are so old they had to use a special formula to convert quarter credits to semester credit hours.

    Im standing here.....older than the girl behind the counter helping me and I swear I felt like running out of the Registrars office screaming. Where the heck did the time go? When did I become the mother of a college aged boy? I know they say its never to late, but man it sure feels like that ship had sailed without me. I want a do over!

    @Mom2Cubs I smile every time I get into my van and buckle up, there was a time where the seat belt was more like an alien torture device....chocking me and biting into my skin. Now Ive got tons of room and Im reminded of how far Ive come evertyime I hop in the car :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    I've just read through all the posts since yesterday and my heart is breaking for everyone with health issues---either their own or the problems of family or friends. Prayers for better health and relief from pain. That sort of stops me in my tracks and anything I have to say seems trite now.

    I'll stop back later.

  • onefournine
    I had my very first non scale victory last night. I was frustrated after yesterday's weigh in, thinking I should have weighed less than I did, so I started working on cleaning out my closet. I had some old workout track suits that I couldn't fit in any more, and several pairs of brand new jeans that I had purchased on sale, thinking "someday I will lose enough weight to wear these." Yes, guys do that too sometimes. :)

    I tried on the track suits, and surprisingly they not only fit, but were a bit baggy. I can wear them this winter then I will have to replace them. Cool. So I tried on everything in my closet. I had to donate to goodwill a whole, large garbage bag full of clothes! Many of the pairs of pants I had never worn looked like MC Hammer pants on me. I had a brand new, black wool pea coat that I found on clearance one time for $25, that I was unable to button at my previous weight. I had all but forgotten about it until last night, so I whipped it on. It buttons with ease, and my wife thinks I look sexy in it. WOOHOO! I guess that's my winter coat this year.

    I have enough clothes to make it through the winter, but then I will have to buy all new clothes next spring. I am so motivated to work hard through the winter now, so next spring I can buy clothes from the fashionable stores and not the big and tall men's section.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Thursday truth - I don't have time right now to read through your posts because I'm under the gun for a project I've been procrastinating on for about a month, oops. Another truth, when I was a young pup my buddies and I would go to the gym just before we went out. We'd get the muscles all big and swollen from lifting weights and then take the 'gun show' on the road. Make the girlies wanna scream, lol. I started messing with my better half about the 'gun show' this morning after my workout, thought I'd share.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Your husband is alright by me, a car guy with a minor in barbequology, sounds like good people to me. :)

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    so i know that i posted today already but i feel like i need to do more. since today is wish day i wish that i didnt get the phone call that my dad has cancer yet again. wont know till he has the surgery to knwo how bad how much where it started or anything. we only know he needs the surgery asap. so needless to say not the greatest food day but it wasnt that bad either. im emotionally drained right now and i just felt the need that i needed to share with someone else that isnt so close to the situation. sorry for the rant but thank you for allowing me to do it.

    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I am praying the Lord will be with him during the surgery and God will give the surgeons wisdom and skill. Praying strength, courage and hope for your Dad and your whole family.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    When I first got back I saw no change in my weight but after two days of being home and not eating salty restaurant food. I lost about 2.5 pounds of water weight, so the trip was good for my weightloss. I actually broke through a long plateau and I also tightened up my upper arms some more. It was also good for my attitude. Working with people who have lost their homes makes you appreciate what you have. It is hard to believe that a year after the flood almost 8% of the residents of Minot are living in FEMA trailers. If you or your church are looking for an missionary/service project I recommend checking out Hope Village in Minot ND. My wish today is that the family whose house I worked on gets their wish of being in their home by Christmas.

    Praise God for angels like you who help others in their time of need. Bless you.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    -I set a goal last week to work out for 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. For me, that is a challenge (or so I thought) due to a 45+/- hour work week, a 3 year old and a home to take care of. BUT happy to say I have already accomplished that this week, and it is already Wednesday! I actually forgot how much I enjoy going to the gym. :)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    -wishes...well, I wish getting healthy was easy. it is more than frustrating knowing how hard it is ONLY because I have been here before. I lost over 130 pounds 4-5 years ago. Of course now, being 32, working full time and after having a baby, my body doesn't lose it as easy. It is a battle to keep my chin up.

    I wonder if anyone else has done this before too? (losing 100+ pounds)? How do you stay motivated knowing the battle that lies ahead?

    I understand that I didn't put this weight back on overnight :)

    I've actually done it a couple of times, and lost 80 to 90 lbs numerous times, didn't learn a thing any of those times about needing to keep a healthy lifestyle for keeps. This time I'm viewing this journey as a life-long way of eating and not something that is going to be done at a certain time and I can go back to eating junk again. It has only taken me 62 years to figure this out:laugh:
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    So I really need to vent about something work-related (yes, we are not even back in session and there's ALREADY drama!). My assistant principal sent out an email to the entire school letting us know that there are now new procedures for showing an R-rated movie in class. In the past, we just sent permission slips home with the kids. Now, we have to submit that permission slip along with the curricular objectives and lesson plan to him and our dept. chair.

    Honestly, I'm ok with that--I mean it shows a lack of trust toward the teachers, but that's nothing new. :ohwell: And I'm sure there are some teachers who aren't sending home permission slips or doing anything very constructive while showing said movies. However, those few teachers will now just switch to showing PG rated movies to avoid the extra work--this new procedure isn't going to make them better teachers (I wish school administraors would learn that implementing procedures doesn't make bad teachers good, it only bogs down good teachers in more paperwork).

    The part I'm angry about is when I opend the attached form we will now need to submit, it said we also have to attach an alternate activity for those students whose parents object to their watching the movie. Now in all of the years I've been teaching, I've never had a parent refuse to let a child watch a movie in my classes, and I always collect the permission slips with several days to spare, just in case I do need to plan an alternate. I emailed the asst. principal and explained this to him and asked that we not be required to waste valuable time planning activities, that in all likelyhood, will never be used. He said he will discuss it with the dept. chairs, but I'm not holding out high hopes that they will change it. He framed his response in a way that makes it clear he still wants these alternate activities ahead of time--we'll see. I hate the admin. at my school! :mad: They just don't get that all of these little additions add up and take away from time I could be using to grade or work on lessons. If you got this far, thanks for listening to my rant. :smile:

    I guess I am shocked that you are showing R rated movies in school at all, I, as a parent, would not like that, I don't even watch R rated movies. I am sorry about all the requirements and I agree that making more policies does not make better teachers but only makes more work for great teachers. Government is the same way, make more laws to try to get around the fraud but they are always ahead and it just makes it more difficult for the law abiding people.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday!!

    Thursday Truth- I haven't worked out all week a calorie buring pace for me. I have done a ton of walking around the mall and home depot but not outside around the lake.
    A personal truth I am tired of waiting to hear if my house offer was accepted. Most people hear with in a day or so it has been 4 days now.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi all, I got my walk with Belle in this morning despite the muscle cramps I have been having since early am. Guess I need some bananas. I plan on walking her again tonight. Last night was hard walking due to high humidity which makes breathing really hard for me even with the oxygen. But I did it!!! I am excited because my DIL told me they are planning a trip to the zoo the last weekend in September and I am invited to go along. I am going to start taking longer walks to get ready for it. Last time I went my son had to push me in a wheelchair and this time I am determined to walk through it myself!

    Psyching myself up for a trip to a pizza buffet with a friend. I am determined to fill up on salad and only have 1 piece of pizza. This is really going to be tough as pizza is one of my very favorite things. Well, if it is a little slice, maybe 2 (oh no the rationalizing me is coming out already!) Lord give me strength to resist that 2nd slice.

    Augi, loved the story about the guns:laugh:

    Praying blessings on all of you today.

  • OperationNormal
    OperationNormal Posts: 10 Member
    Thursday Truth -- my goal for yesterday was to play Wii with my son, but instead we watched TV. :frown: And ate ice cream. :embarassed: Later in the evening he came into the kitchen to kiss me good-night and I noticed how thick his waist is now. He's only 8 and that thicking of his waist is my fault. I don't want to forget how bad that made me feel. I want to get my own butt in gear so that his weight gain returns to normal for a child and he grows up healthy and active. So tonight, we are going roller skating (Cub Scout activity). I can't skate with him (physical limitation), but it's a start for him and I will get in some walking while he's on the floor.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    So I really need to vent about something work-related (yes, we are not even back in session and there's ALREADY drama!). My assistant principal sent out an email to the entire school letting us know that there are now new procedures for showing an R-rated movie in class. In the past, we just sent permission slips home with the kids. Now, we have to submit that permission slip along with the curricular objectives and lesson plan to him and our dept. chair.

    Honestly, I'm ok with that--I mean it shows a lack of trust toward the teachers, but that's nothing new. :ohwell: And I'm sure there are some teachers who aren't sending home permission slips or doing anything very constructive while showing said movies. However, those few teachers will now just switch to showing PG rated movies to avoid the extra work--this new procedure isn't going to make them better teachers (I wish school administraors would learn that implementing procedures doesn't make bad teachers good, it only bogs down good teachers in more paperwork).

    The part I'm angry about is when I opend the attached form we will now need to submit, it said we also have to attach an alternate activity for those students whose parents object to their watching the movie. Now in all of the years I've been teaching, I've never had a parent refuse to let a child watch a movie in my classes, and I always collect the permission slips with several days to spare, just in case I do need to plan an alternate. I emailed the asst. principal and explained this to him and asked that we not be required to waste valuable time planning activities, that in all likelyhood, will never be used. He said he will discuss it with the dept. chairs, but I'm not holding out high hopes that they will change it. He framed his response in a way that makes it clear he still wants these alternate activities ahead of time--we'll see. I hate the admin. at my school! :mad: They just don't get that all of these little additions add up and take away from time I could be using to grade or work on lessons. If you got this far, thanks for listening to my rant. :smile:

    I guess I am shocked that you are showing R rated movies in school at all, I, as a parent, would not like that, I don't even watch R rated movies. I am sorry about all the requirements and I agree that making more policies does not make better teachers but only makes more work for great teachers. Government is the same way, make more laws to try to get around the fraud but they are always ahead and it just makes it more difficult for the law abiding people.


    My son is in an urban high school in MN. In my experiences there are some teachers who never send home the permission slips and still show the movies. I will say I am not shocked at the Rating like others maybe being I live in the inner city. My shock is more on how does the latest cool movie relate to the history lesson in school. My son has always watched a lot of stuff on National Geographic Channel and History where those things are not rated but should be for sure.
    I understand your frustration though but maybe the school has to look out for the best interest of everyone not just the teachers.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday Truth - I've been working so much lately that I'm completely exhausted by the time I get home and I haven't been working out as much as I should be.
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Wed Wish: For produce to be cheaper and easier to keep fresh. Having just 1 person to shop/cook for makes it hard to get a weeks worth of produce.

    This is why I went to get a to go salad at a salad bar and only got the extra veggies, so I could have a variety to do what I want with, that are already partially usable and not too much. My produce always ruined before I could use it up. I get the mixed spring mix at the store and then add stuff for salads or use it to cook with to add to omelets, etc.
