

  • AuntieVaVa
    @clynch1968 - I must agree with skinnyjeanzbo - your profile picture ROCKS! It's the funniest thing I've seen all week and it's funny because it is so true:laugh:

    @AngelikaLumie - congrats on the removal of the "obese" classification from your medical file! Beautiful!:flowerforyou:

    I had the strangest craving for pineapple juice while I was driving home from work tonight. Not pineapple itself, just the juice. Peculiar, huh?

    Wishing you all a good, rejuvenating, peaceful night's rest...
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Prayers out to those with health concerns.

    Ok, let me blow the topic up. I am thinking about getting a fitbit? Yes or no and why? :tongue:


    I am a complete fan of my fitbit (it's a bit of an addiction to hit those daily goals!)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Thursday truth - I didn't win the lottery. BUT I did complete a jewelry commission, and that was a nice little boost of cash.

    @Cia_Clayton - when I went to nursing school (after being a lot of other things for many years), I was the oldest person in the class. That was 20 years ago, and nursing has been quite successful/rewarding.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    First regarding cloning, no way. I have so many health issues I see no reason to make a copy of this mess. :grumble:

    Thursday Truth: I have gotten my 10,000 steps a day in the last 4 days (and I'll hit it today unless I break my leg or get hit by a bus). HOWEVER, the truth is what should be a doable thing, a thing recommended by so many health experts, a thing that so many people do each and every day without trying that hard...............this is something my head is telling me is really beyond my physical capabilities at this point in my life. After the first day my back started to hurt, then my feet, and yesterday add the hip to the pain stew. I just did some quiet crying yesterday because I felt I just could not finish it. Yeah, I did finish but it was getting up and doing it 100 steps at a time. It was insane and beyond the pain I am able to deal with on a daily basis. I was just feeling happy the other day that getting around on a daily basis was on the upswing since some pounds disappeared and I can't willingly put myself back into that mess again.

    I'll do it when I can. That's the truth.

    Once again I've shared TMI. Moving on....back to :drinker: :drinker: Need to drink a lot this afternoon, I had an overwhelming urge for cottage cheese and OMG the darn stuff is so sodium laden that I've just about doubled my intake for the day by having one 1/2 c serving. Garp.......


    I'm gonna have to agree with Robin on this one. Especially since you have fibro. You need to start slow. Jumping from a few steps to 10,000 to fast will cause more pain that good. You need to increase your steps very slowly...i'm talking 500-1000 a week. Most Rheumatologists I know will tell you that exercise is the best treatment for fibro, but you need to go slow. Some people that may just mean walking from one end of the house to the other. Don't worry. You'll get to 10,000 a day with no pain - and it will be faster than you think if you go slow and steady and give your body rest time!
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @skinnyjeanz: I have to admit. I had no desire to read 50 Shades of Grey - until I found out libraries and such were banning it. Then I was like, that's it I have to read it now. So I did. It was horrible - but for the reasons that you would think. Then about a month later my 19 year old niece messages me asking if I read it. She was so pissed at the book and we were able to have a healthy discussion about healthy vs unhealthy relationships. So I guess banning books is a good thing ;)
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Robin good for you on the swimming. It is so good. I truly enjoy the water good for you.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Posting from my phone today, so no personal replies. Our wireless network has been giving my husband fits today.

    Thursday truth: I have not been doing great on my carb goal recently. Several 200+ days. Today I kicked butt, though (121g!), and it was leg workout day, which I love. So am feeling pretty good today.

    ETA. And I greatly overused the word "today" today. LOL
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @skinnyjeanz: I have to admit. I had no desire to read 50 Shades of Grey - until I found out libraries and such were banning it. Then I was like, that's it I have to read it now. So I did. It was horrible - but for the reasons that you would think. Then about a month later my 19 year old niece messages me asking if I read it. She was so pissed at the book and we were able to have a healthy discussion about healthy vs unhealthy relationships. So I guess banning books is a good thing ;)

    Yes, from an English teacher's perspective, I agree! There's nothing like telling a room full of teenagers "Such and such district's school board is considering banning this book we are about to read" to get them interested and motivated. It also helps them to really think about the author's underlying message "why does Twain use the N word so frequently in Huck Finn?" or "why so much promiscuous sex and orgies in Brave New World?" Ultimately, they are smart enough to come to the conclusion that the authors are trying to point out the evils of racism, lack of love in relationships, etc.

    PS--I have NOT read 50 Shades and probably never will--not my kind of book and I have such limited time to pick and choose my leisure reading b/c I have so many texts to read/re-read for the courses I teach.
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Geez you miss 2 days and there 10 pages already!

    Sorry I haven't even been on the computer for 2 days So I'll do both.

    Wed-wishes: I wish that I could see the stars more often. It's always too cloudy even when it's not raining. Also I wish I could've had the courage to have lost the weight sooner, like after high school. If it had been before high school I don't think I would be the same person I am today but, after high school I think it wouldn't have really mattered too much.

    Thur-Truth: I was kinda excited to see the back of Wal-Mart (the employee section, you know behind the double doors) and what it looked like. Also, I'm a little afraid of messing up on my new job. I'm kinda intimidated by the amount of things I have to do and even though I know I'll catch on eventually it's quite a bit to learn. Need to spend the weekend training online so I am more prepared on Monday when I go back for more in store training.

    I wish I could catch up on some of your blogs but, I just saw that I got my tuition money in (happy dance!!!) so I gotta go order my books. Hope to be able to have sometime this weekend to catch up.

    Stay strong and keep chuggin' along everyone.
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Thursday Truth: I guess I'm still so new that everything is on track. Tomorrow is my second week weigh in. I've been doing everything almost perfect so not too much to get off my shoulder. My true hatred of the scale is probably the only thing I can think of. I've been so addicted to that stupid little box. I did take a challenge this week to not weigh myself every day. I haven't weighed in 3 days and it's gnawing at me, but tomorrow is the official weigh in. I get so worked up when the scale doesn't move. Excited when it goes down and soooo frustrated when it stays the same or goes up (of course). I will NOT let the scale dictate my mood.

    I find that I can't weigh everyday either. It's to discouraging, cause you can fluctuate so much throughout the week.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Friday fitness- bummer. I'm being forced to take it easy for a bit. My dog tore the back of my knee open pretty good and it hurts to bend my leg- much less walk so I'm gonna have to find something other than what I've been doing to keep the calorie burn up. :/ Problem is, the things I can do... I can't do for nearly as long as I can dance.
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry to hear that, Raven.

    Friday fitness: keep being active. I've noticed the more active I am, the more active I want to be, and that things don't hurt where they used to. Hopefully, I can get intervals in tomorrow before the weekend kicks off with visiting friends.
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Thursday truth: I don't like my job... :sad: I used to love it (been here over 5 years) but they started piling the work of several people onto me, and there is harassment and bullying going on here that makes it difficult to push through. I wish I could just go to school. I love school. Here's to school! :drinker:

    I am so incredibly happy before I get to work and after I get home... the in between stinks! :tongue:

    On a brighter note- I LOVE my life. I feel terrific physically and spiritually! :happy: My kiddo is happier too!

    I was in a similar situation: the 8 hours a day that I spent at my previous job were the worst 8 hours of my day. There are a lot of details that go into those horrid 8 hours, but I'll spare you that. I'd nearly quit one day because I just couldn't take it anymore. And I didn't get paid a whole lot which made all the horrible things about that job that much more horrible. But, since I'm it for household income (and it for household), I couldn't afford to up and quit. So, I job hunted and posted my resume and within 6 months I was recruited to a new job, in a new city, in a new state making twice as much money. If you're able to job search, I recommend doing it. You never know what opportunities may present themselves :smile:
    Good luck to you!

    Friday Fitness: 5k is next week (Saturday) and I have a professional certification exam tomorrow. So, I'm planning on studying all day today and going for a run tonight (goal is 30 minute-run...maybe I'll push it to 35 minutes...I'll see how I feel). I really like cardio; all the sweat that collects in the neck of my t-shirt motivates me and makes me feel like an athlete. But I need to incorporate strentgh training. It's getting darker earlier here (I run outside at a nature trail), so I think I'll start a Y membership here pretty soon (in the next month).

    Happy Friday!! Let's have a great, don't-beat-ourselves-up, stay focused weekend!!

    Annie :heart:
  • Cia_Clayton
    Cia_Clayton Posts: 8 Member
    My fitness routine consisted mostly of walking at first. Then I plateaued and lost nothing for two I added weights to the mix, nothing fancy, just 10 pound dumbbells, 30 reps every other day. My fitness level has increased enough for me to use my treadmill on the fatburn program, and my tread climber for about 30 minutes or so. So even though change is coming slowly, it IS coming.
    The hard part for me are the days when I just dont feel like moving. Thats when I draw encouragement from others going through the same thing as me. I cant thank you all enough for simply sharing. You'd be surprised at how much knowing I'm not in this boat alone helps get me moving.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Happy Weekend to All.....

    Since I think I beat the topic of fitness to death yesterday, I'l just say steady as she goes. :blushing:

    As far as preparing for eating this weekend, I have no special plans. I'll just keep on with what I'm doing. I'm content.

    Lin :drinker: :drinker:
  • sweet_basil
    Friday: I'm stuck at work in an office all day but luckily I have a standing desk so I am ditching the barstool I have at it. Going to stand/walk around all day.

    For food options this weekend, I'm going to make healthy grilled shrimp kabobs with a small side of rice and a salad for dinner tonight.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Wed Wish: For produce to be cheaper and easier to keep fresh. Having just 1 person to shop/cook for makes it hard to get a weeks worth of produce.

    This is why I went to get a to go salad at a salad bar and only got the extra veggies, so I could have a variety to do what I want with, that are already partially usable and not too much. My produce always ruined before I could use it up. I get the mixed spring mix at the store and then add stuff for salads or use it to cook with to add to omelets, etc.


    that is a great idea. Sadly the groceries stores in my area don't do that :( Whole Foods has a great healthy salad bar, but it is 45 minutes way out of the way from where I live and work. I miss having a Hy-Vee to shop at! Who would have thought I would say that!

    Just my 2 cents, though I do want change back. My mudder lives in an area where fresh produce is 25 miles away. There is, however, a decent restaurant that has a salad bar. She will go to the restaurant and fill up a container with a few days worth of fruits and vegetables for about 7 dollars. If you're not trying to fill a 5 gallon bucket with salad bar fixins I can't imagine any restaurant manager complaining.

    As far as single shopping, it takes some work to keep fresh produce in the house - there are 2 of us but it's the same idea. I shop twice a week, but the biggest thing is planning. I plan meals and snacks based on what produce I find cheap. Right now plums, strawberries, blueberries, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and peaches are in season but none of them will keep for more than a couple days (there are other things in season but those are the cheapest ones right now). I don't buy more of these items than we can eat in a few days. If I buy peaches then I won't buy strawberries until the peaches are gone. Peppers and tomatoes go well together in a thousand different ways, but I don't buy asparagus, peppers, and tomatoes all at once. Also, there are cheap fruits and vegetables that keep longer too. In my house there are almost always lemons, limes, apples, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, onions, potatoes, and celery.

    Friday fitness - I still going to the gym, so I win Friday fitness.

  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Have not had the chance to check in for the past two weeks. I was either at work or at the church all of last week and earlier this week, I was too sick to do anything or eat much to be honest. I had some kind of stomach bug but I heard they don't come with high fevers.

    Not sure what that was all about.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Friday Fitness:
    So it's my last weekend before school starts and I have it packed with fun! Today I'm going to the festival in the neighborhood of Chicago where I grew up. Am visiting my parents (who still live there), meeting an old friend for an early dinner, then meeting up with lots of friends. Will be having a couple of cocktails, but will also be walking around a lot and dancing so it will probably cancel out the calories.

    Tomorrow, I'm heading up to Milwaukee for Irishfest. More drinking, more walking, more dancing.

    I plan to hit the gym today. I'm a little worried I will break my running streak tomorrow, but will try really hard not to let that happen==I'm gonna try to get in a quick run before heading to WI.

    I would do personals, but I need to hit the grocery before the gym and if I spend any more time on MFP, I won't make it.
  • trmjnnmln
    trmjnnmln Posts: 4 Member
    Friday fitness:

    I haven't posted all week because i have had a 30 page paper due so I've been working on that. However I am on day 10 of this journey and I have lost 8 lbs. I am pretty excited about that which makes me just want to go to the gym more. I weigh myself just about everyday it helps me to see where I am and reminds me of what I'm doing.

    So for today I am going to the gym. I have started strength trainin with my cardio and boy am I sore, a good sore but sore non the less. I am going to add some minutes to my cardio and a new machine. This weekend I am going to continue with my water. (i can't believe I have been drinking all my water daily, that is ALWAYS my downfall) I would like to get exercise in at least one day this weekend. Weekend exercise is never my strong suit, but that is my goal.

    Everyone is doing a GREAT JOB. Keep up the good work and keep moving this weekend!!!!!