

  • mjsylva
    mjsylva Posts: 4 Member
    Today is Friday and the beginning of what for me is always hard. It seems that the weekends are my downfall. why? I have no idea. I get bored and I catch myself eating things that I know I shouldnt, so that means I am going to have to come on line a little more starting today to keep from slipping backwards. Lets see what happens
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Friday fitness... I'm most likely going to my boyfriends this weekend so I will either go to the beach or the pool for some swimming and I will be walking the seawall. If I don't I'll be on my treadmill and exercise bike. I really can not wait til our cabinets are done. So close but not quite there yet. My uncle came in this weekend to help but he is so gung ho about it that in his hurry to stain the cabinets he didn't fine sand them first which means that the doors and frames will look different.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Friday Fitness - I've been averaging about 6500 steps a day. I want to bump that up to 10,000. Also want to start back up my pilates but keep putting it off cause I'm so tired.

    Today will be easy to hit 10,000 because it's a big shopping day for a special occasion I'm coordinating.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Friday fitness - I just went grocery shopping and stuck to healthy foods. The only junk foods I bought were individual bags of (baked) chips for my kids lunches. i am stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies, so there is no excuse. My exercise goal for the weekend is to build up to 100 steps on the mountain climber (stepper with arms).:wink:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    It is already the weekend and I didn't take the time to give everyone a weekend pep talk. DARN!

    Well you are all responsible for you own judgement how the weekend goes - you can blow it badly or you can continue to monitor your calories and your activities and treat the weekend as if it is NOT an excuse to go off your diet. Remember who is in control!

    There are always more temptations around - we see more of families and friends - we enjoy special activities - movies - time with children - sports events - shopping - calories lurk at all these events.

    Try to sacrifice a few hundred calories from a lunch meal to save for the expenditure at these events and have a happy and healthy weekend! :heart:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy TGIF! Of course to one who doesn't work, its not quite the same as the days just kind of flow together. I am excited that I have actually completed 1 whole week of walking Belle twice a day every day. My next goal is to make it to the mail box 5 days next week (mail box is about 3 blocks from my apartment) besides walking Belle. I'm going to get on Craig's list today to see if I can find a used Fitbit. I get my social security next week and would like to get 1 when I have the money.

    Augie your advise was well worth the 2 cents so you don't get any change back.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend of course I'll probably be back on before the end of the day so this really isn't good-bye.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I have a quick question about our closed group. Does that mean that everyone else on MFP can't access it at all? Can't read our posts or that they can't post on here? How is it set up so only our group can see/contribute?
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Friday! With all the hours I've been logging in at work, I might actually be able to leave early today and hit the pool. I haven't been swimming since we got back from vacation in June.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Just starting Today!!! Yeah just got married with him for 9 yrs and our honeymoon is in PDC Cancun....Needless to say it is time to become happy with my self. I have a long journey ahead of me 300+ pounds and want to be in the 200's by my honeymoon. You are all an inspirations and i can't wait to start seeing some results. "How do you Quote?"

    I have been reading all the messages and the support system is amazing!! You GUYS ROCK :)

    Congrads to you. :smile: to quote, just click on the quote on the bottom of each message.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I promise this will be the last time today I get on here, but I have a Thursday truth and that is I ate 3 small pieces of pizza instead of the 1 piece I had. Didn't eat all the crust and still came in under calories, but disappointed in my lack of discipline.:sad:


    To me this is a great accomplishment, you are very aware of your eating habits! Sad is not what you should be, you are changing and learning! This is exciting.

    Thurs truth: I have changed but seem to have stalled in my weight lost, I have stop gaining which I have done slowly for the last 25 years so time to regroup and continue on the path. Thanks for all being there with me and keep up the good work.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 272 Member
    Congrads for making it through another week. :wink: It is so wonderful to find out what the problem is. :smile: It feels like having the world lifted off the shoulders.

    Friday fitness- to workout on the weekends as well. This is something I haven't done much of. I leave the workouts for the weekdays and take a break on the weekends. Not a good thing to do. Well time to get moving and go for a walk.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Fitness Friday- I'm working out more to get fitter! I got my kinect hooked up to play your shape fitness, even though I'm in a tiny apartment I'm making the most of it. I also bought a tennis racket for me and my boyfriend bought one for him. We're planning to hit the high school tennis court and try that for a weekend date rather than going out to eat somewhere we shouldn't.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Already did my workout at the gym at 6:00 a.m. before work. I was a little sore, but still did 60 minutes. I'm trying to build my cardio up a bit before meeting with a trainer. Next week will be my 3rd week of consistent work outs. I'm going to set up my initial meeting with the trainer (oh boy).

    Weekend plans will be pretty quiet (thank goodness). I'll probably hit Costco to load up on fruit/veggies. Whole Foods for some natural chocolate peanut butter. Definitely spend most of it with my son playing board games, swimming, walking the dog, etc. . . Saturday AM is our small group for church at the park then church that night. Sunday will be quiet. Life is good.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    It is already the weekend and I didn't take the time to give everyone a weekend pep talk. DARN!

    Well you are all responsible for you own judgement how the weekend goes - you can blow it badly or you can continue to monitor your calories and your activities and treat the weekend as if it is NOT an excuse to go off your diet. Remember who is in control!

    There are always more temptations around - we see more of families and friends - we enjoy special activities - movies - time with children - sports events - shopping - calories lurk at all these events.

    Try to sacrifice a few hundred calories from a lunch meal to save for the expenditure at these events and have a happy and healthy weekend! :heart:

    Well said, Robin! You are a rock star! :drinker:

    I read somewhere, "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change". I find this to be very true. We don't always have a choice in what happens "to" us, but we do have the choice in how we respond. I'm not sure who said this either... “If you do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.” Personally, I want something new and better, every single day!

    Friday fitness- My hip is still keeping me down, but it is starting to feel better. Tomorrow, we are going to see my husband's aunt. We will walk Alki beach, which should be some good exercise after a few days of very little walking, and then we will have lunch. Hopefully, it is not all fish & chips or burgers. :tongue: AND I am counting on my hip being on it's best behavior. :wink:

    On a said note: In 7 weeks, I have lost 16 pounds... about 2.29 lbs a week is the average, if I don't count that I gained and lost 6 of those pounds somewhere in the middle. I know "why" I'm losing weight, but I am worried that it may be too fast. Any thoughts on that?

    Everybody keep up the great work! Stay strong and make healthy choices! YOU CAN DO IT! :drinker:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ya'll... Been busy, busy, this week...and still have lots to do..have to take my son shopping ( daughter already done) I can't believe he is starting HS....time really does fly! I also seem to be "lacking" on the weekends, as RobinsEgg said, I think it is the "I'm off" mentality that we carry from school/work... So I will be logging all weekend as well...since my running log has been "so & so has logged in for 5 Days" really...? Been on here since August of last year.....:noway:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I have a quick question about our closed group. Does that mean that everyone else on MFP can't access it at all? Can't read our posts or that they can't post on here? How is it set up so only our group can see/contribute?

    MyMowmow - good question. Let me explain. Everyone else on MFP can access the Forum and can read our posts and darn it , CAN slip a post on here. The only means to stop people from posting is the Message on Page One that says this is a closed group. Also I am trying to catch the brand new people who slip on and post anyway and I P.M. them and ask them to please read the Message on Page One, and I include a message that I am so sorry the Forum is closed and etc etc etc. I try to be gentle, but I am firm in steering them to a different Forum than this one.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    and it's so much nicer to not miss one day and come back to seven pages passed. :laugh:

    friday fitness, i am still working on moving and i'm amping up how many boxes and stuff i move because i need to make it my only work out. i HAVE to pack and as of right now i HAVE to get this requested full done for an agent (read:i need to finish a book in the next three weeks or i'm shooting myself in the career foot) and that takes about all the time i've got so i have to multitask and make the stuff i've GOT to do work for me.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @ Robin - Thank you for clearing that up for me. I understand now.

    Fitness Friday - To be honest, I haven't worked out all week and frankly I just want to get through this week in one piece. Thank GOODNESS it's Friday and I have two whole days without worrying about work on top of the rest of my stress. Bring on the weekend and the LONG naps! :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    karen- I understand completely about not wanting to go back to school next week. I am also in the same boat. Usually by this time I am ready to go back but not this year. I am going zip lining this weekend so that should be exciting and fun. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. I am also worried about staying motivated once school starts again.

    Robin- I must admit your comment about my food selection making you laugh made me laugh as well. I do like to put some crazy things together. Thanks for the laugh.

    Fitness- nothing new to report- will rock climb tonight so that should be fun. Workout with my trainer tomorrow so that should be good. Then zip lining on Sunday that will involve some climbing as well.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ya'll... Been busy, busy, this week...and still have lots to do..have to take my son shopping ( daughter already done) I can't believe he is starting HS....time really does fly! I also seem to be "lacking" on the weekends, as RobinsEgg said, I think it is the "I'm off" mentality that we carry from school/work... So I will be logging all weekend as well...since my running log has been "so & so has logged in for 5 Days" really...? Been on here since August of last year.....:noway:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:

    @patty-- My son is starting high school in a couple weeks also! I took him yesterday for the football meeting at the school, and almost cried. They grow up so fast, don't they? :sad: