I absolutely HATE dieting/exercise...



  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
    SaltWarrior - That's probably the most inspirational thing I've ever read. Thank you for posting. Truly.

    It is my experience, strength, and hope. I still eat for pleasure but maybe only once per week. The rest of the time I am eating for fuel. It may not taste good but I choke it down and go to the gym.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have no one to do these things with. Which is depressing and UN motivating.

    Have you considered taking a class so you can meet people who exercise?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    As harsh as it sounds, if you feel like that you are probably going to fail. Being in the right place psychologically is one of the most important parts to sticking to a diet/exercise regime and if you are just feeling like you hate it all the time then you will find excuses not to exercise and to go off track with your food.

    I don't generally enjoy exercise but I've been doing 30DS and now Ripped in 30 and find them perfect for me because its only 20 mins a day, and because I can see and feel the results. I'm only 9lbs down since 3rd June but I am so much more toned and I actually have arm muscles now!! Plus doing that exercise means I can have a little bit more food and fit treats in.

    If you love steak then have it, just have it with salad or vegetables not unhealthy sides like fries. Have treats you like, just have less of them. Eating healthier doesn't mean you have to give everything you like up, you just have to think about what else you are having and weigh up whether its worth having a lower calorie lunch/dinner or doing some exercise to fit those treats in.
  • cwag_afw
    cwag_afw Posts: 45 Member
    I feel your pain!! I don't mind the diet part as much as I do the exercise. I get up at 5am because I don't have a lot of free time any other time. I don't know if I hate the 5am or the exercise part more. I don't feel energized and I don't enjoy it like everyone said I would. But, I keep on keeping on! I also live an hour from civilization so I'm pretty much stuck with exercise videos!! Hang in there!
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 129 Member
    I use to feel the same way as you... Now I don't look at it as diet & exercising... I see it as a life change. I can't sit still anymore & when I do I get up & go do something. I try to do things to burn calories. I have lost 60 lbs in 5 months. And I still have 40-45 to go. And I still eat all the foods I want & I still drink but I work my butt off EVERY day to enjoy life. And I know it's not a punishment it's a reward I give myself for doing what I am doing.
  • jsdean87
    jsdean87 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree that you have to find something you like to do. I NEVER thought I could work out to DVDs but tried Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack. The great thing is that it is 30-35 minutes! My core has gotten so much stronger. I just finished her 90 body revolution and my arms have not looked like this in YEARS! I am not saying Jillian is the answer, but keep trying something different until it sticks. Plus you have to change your thinking away from punishment. I remember Oprah saying she didn't like exercise either, but you do what you have to do to get what you want. Good luck!
  • cwag_afw
    cwag_afw Posts: 45 Member
    I used to wonder why in the heck do these people seem to be enjoying eating right and exercising. This SUCKS!

    Then one day I was reading some stuff. We do healthy things because we love ourselves. I obviously wasn't loving myself too much when I weighed 350lbs and would stop at Popeye's for a 10 piece and eat the whole thing and chase it with some Ben and Jerry's. So I prayed that I would love myself more and enough to enjoying doing healthy things. I started going to the gym with a different attitude. It's not I GOT to work out it is that I GET to work out. This shift in attitude has made all the difference in the world to me. It was a gradual process over the last three years but today I enjoyed my healthy breakfast and gym time.

    "to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance"
    -Oscar Wilde

    Thank you for posting this!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Wow you got to figure out a way to reprogram your brain with respect to how you feel about working out.

    Try rewarding yourself with something sweet after the workout.

    Eventually the workout alone will become rewarding.
  • albrown44
    Thanks, I needed that !!!!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Sure cheese balls and ranch aren't going to help you lose weight, but why can't you eat steak? I never get why people give up good tasting meat and keep eating chicken and turkey, those really aren't any better for you.

    I hate exercise too. It's easier if you just find something you like that will keep you moving. Most of my exercise is just biking to work and other places I need to go.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    To everyone who has offered positive/motivating/all-around-helpful comments, I thank you. So VERY much. It's a big relief just not feeling alone anymore.

    But to those of you who want to make negative comments. How dare you. I'm only asking for help, and damn it I'm trying! I'm not educated at this. Cut me some slack!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Who says you can't have steak? Work your day around it and have a leaner cut in a smaller size. Have cheeseballs and ranch, but try the light ranch and share the order instead of having it all. Find an exercise you like. If you hate what you're doing, change it.

    This isn't easy and everyone has felt what you are feeling right now :)
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    I hate when people say at least you don't have walk/hunt for your food. REALLY?! Does that in any way relate to the ease of getting all the really bad for you things? Fast food the healthier the more expensive! Vending machines filled with chips (my biggest weakness-salty things).
    Sure at least it's not forever-ago-BC and I'm a hunter and gatherer, because being in my twenties in Midwest America I can really grasp that concept.
    By all means be blunt but be realistic!

    I do have Netflix. I do try to do the Yoga/Pilates stuff. But without someone there to watch my form, I'm afraid I'm not actually doing it right.

    I have Kettlebells & Jillian Michaels.

    You don't have FITNESS CLASSES at your gym? Weird.

    I go to Curves. I do not have a gym membership because from past experience there are rude jerks there that make comments like "just getting around to your New Year's resolution"? Or "hey how about you run to McDonald's and let us get our real workouts in". So NO I don't have "Fitness Classes" I have circuit weight training. Yeah... really weird...
  • tlfoulk
    tlfoulk Posts: 5 Member
    It helps me to find a girlfriend to exercise with...which is not always easy in this busy world of ours.... Keep it up...after a couple of weeks, even before you lose any weight per say, you will start to feel more fit. Like your muscles are tighter and that can be a rewarding feeling. Hang in there!!!!
  • nataliexxxx
    I used to hate exercise now I don't mind it, eating healthy most of the time does get boring but when I see the results it makes it all worth it, you can still eat the foods which you were eating before and the foods that you want to eat just cut down the portions and make sure you stay in your allowance :)
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I hate the gym myself so I don't do it. I do bootcamp classes twice a week and it was enough for me to reach my goal.

    What you can't give up on is healthy eating. After a while, the cravings for bad food will diminish. I used to crave the McD cheese burger but the day I fit it in my calorie allotment after months of MFP, I found it tasted disgusting. I am glad I don't crave it anymore.

    Good luck!
  • attcute
    attcute Posts: 37 Member
    I used to feel the same way...I mean I absolutely HATED working out until someone told me to bring my ipod and listen to music while working out...and OMG, listening to music helps tremendously...I actually cannot workout without the music..if I forget my ipod I really have to go back home to get it. It makes a huge difference...and actually I must say I LOVE WORKING OUT NOW...feel free to add me as friend if you'd like.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I hate when people say at least you don't have walk/hunt for your food. REALLY?! Does that in any way relate to the ease of getting all the really bad for you things? Fast food the healthier the more expensive! Vending machines filled with chips (my biggest weakness-salty things).
    Sure at least it's not forever-ago-BC and I'm a hunter and gatherer, because being in my twenties in Midwest America I can really grasp that concept.
    By all means be blunt but be realistic!

    I do have Netflix. I do try to do the Yoga/Pilates stuff. But without someone there to watch my form, I'm afraid I'm not actually doing it right.

    I have Kettlebells & Jillian Michaels.

    I have the Zumba 8 CD pack with weights.

    I do not have a bike.

    I have bad hips so I am working on strengthening them so it doesn't pain me for days after a mile walk, and I hope to eventually build up enough strength to run again. But again, being realistic. I'm looking at November before I can start building up to running (pending my stick-to-it-ness).

    I have no one to do these things with. Which is depressing and UN motivating.

    Sounds like you want a magic pill.
    So, blunt but realistic. Suck it up already. Or don't. Lose weight and be more fit. Or don't. It's your life. Is the cheeseball worth how crappy you feel and potential medical problems or not? How about a cheeseball once and while or a bunch whenever you feel like it? Why do you feel like it? Maybe you need to think about the root of your weight issue. I mean that genuinely. If you fill a void with food, you will keep wanting too until you figure out why. I read "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth ...which, I didn't think was very well written, but it did get my brain moving in the right direction.

    You know what else you'll probably hate? Feeling overweight and unhealthy. I know I didn't like it.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    What does eating clean mean to you? I've noticed quite a few processed foods in your diary.

    I have done Curves before. It's mind-numbingly torturous for me so I don't go anymore. I workout at home or I swim at my parent's pool.

    One of the things that has helped me keep going on the fitness train is to join challenges that people post here at MFP. It's much like working out with friends even though they aren't there at the same time. We post our results in our team page though and see how everyone is doing. It's a great way to feel solidarity with others plus you don't want to be the weak link of the team so you do what you have to do to keep from letting the others down. We're on our last week of our second challenge and there is supposed to be another one starting soon after. Send me a message if you are interested and we'll get you added in on the next one.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    I was under the impression that "clean" eating was eating things as close to their natural state as possible. I know I haven't been super strict about it. But believe me I'm eating MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier than my usual meat/potato breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yes, It's something I need to work on. But again I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this.

    I am NEW to this people.