Ketosis diet



  • Peg5678
    Peg5678 Posts: 15
    Yes, I know it's water - I read that it would happen and have been expecting it. It helped to further confirm that I've got some level of ketosis happening!
  • Galaxygirl23
    I just wanted to say that there is so much mis information about the Keto ( diet)...I am glad you spoke up !!
    I am on a GI diet now...meaning ( slow carbs)...carbs that do not spike up your blood sugar ...but if eaten enough of the Low GI foods a person can have a stable blood sugar all day ! This means no craving and wanting to eat all the time. I feel so satisfied with my meals and get full fast. Sometimes I don't even feel want to eat a meal so I just have a snack instead. I listen to my body tell me what it needs. I also noticed when ever I look up anything online about the GI diet.....stuff about the Low carb diet shows up ?? They are different ! I eat lots of vegetables only they are low GI..they still have carbs only slower carbs and do not spike my blood sugar. I love this diet ! I used to do the Low fat, low calorie diet alone and it made me hungry all the time and I would give in a eat alot ( carbs )...after and hour or so I still felt cravings and hunger and thought of food !! I am on the GI diet and I have NO craving for anything...just feel satisfied all the time ! The meals I make on my own are so delicious and satisfying. I am pretty creative inventing recipes on my own. I have been on it only a few days now ( 4 )....I feel somewhat tired at times...but I get in a cardio workout 7 day a week...when my energy get a bit better I will start my weight training ( I do not want to get big muscles...just firm, tight muscles) I eat proteins but normal portions at meals and I eat fat...but healthy fats and in moderation and I eat my low GI fruits and veges. I feel healthy and if the first bit of weight loss is some water ..this is normal ..but I am losing fat with that also...and I am not much losing muscle as I get my protein and fat and will be doing my weight training once again soon......I really think the slight tired feeling is my body adjusting. One more thing..I test for Ketones ( as a guide only) so I can make sure I do not go to high on the results. I am about medium now. This GI diet is safe...the very low carbs are only in the beginning of this diet..( getting you started and switching your body to fat burn mode only) after this you increase your LOW GI foods in your diet slowly............... this diet is SAFE if you do it right and listen to your body. Moderation and common sense is the key. Also exercise is you want to lose weight...who wants to be thinner and flabby anyway ?? I want to be slim but fit , toned and
    strong !! We need more accurate info on this diet and not speculations. Personal stories and experiences are the best.....they are very keep sharing !! Good luck to everyone who is trying to get fit and loose the extra weight !!!!!
  • sarahmichelle876
    Low carb is fine, but in any microbiology class we are taught that ketosis is not good for you. Sure you can lose weight with it, and pretty quickly too, but it's bad for your body and its really easy to gain weight back. If you're going to do the low carb thing, I suggest you at least have one day where you include carbs.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member

    When y'all say the weight comes off fast.... How fast are you talking about? I have the last 10-20 to lose and am 24% Body fat right now... Wasn't sure how "fast" it'd come off if I did ketosis.
  • sonisoni
    sonisoni Posts: 8 Member
    These posts are from a few weeks back, would love to hear any good updates on weight loss here as well. How fast is it - can someone also give an example of 50g of carb a day. silly question I know

    On holidays end of this month for 6 weeks, if I start this now, I can try to maintain it when I am away as it means eating well, not starving yourself but avoiding carbs..

    I have never in my life dieted before. I would like to try this one. Am on a mission to shift this post pregnancy fat. So far all the weight loss has been through nursing, tasks and healthy eating. Now before holidays need to get things moving faster..
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    These posts are from a few weeks back, would love to hear any good updates on weight loss here as well. How fast is it - can someone also give an example of 50g of carb a day. silly question I know

    On holidays end of this month for 6 weeks, if I start this now, I can try to maintain it when I am away as it means eating well, not starving yourself but avoiding carbs..

    I have never in my life dieted before. I would like to try this one. Am on a mission to shift this post pregnancy fat. So far all the weight loss has been through nursing, tasks and healthy eating. Now before holidays need to get things moving faster..

    I would highly recommend that you try low carb if you're serious about making permanent changes. If you plan on going back to pasta and potatoes every day after you get to your goal, it most likely won't be sustainable.

    Not to say you shouldn't try it out, though. I started this to lose weight (and it has worked for me before) but a couple of weeks in, my body just felt like it was working "normally." That's what has kept me on it. I don't feel bloated, tired, and gross anymore. I do feel I lost a lot of weight quickly (water, of course) but 6 months into this dietary change and I've slowed down quite a bit. I don't really care that much because I feel great!

    You can check out my diary for what I eat every day (I hover between 15-30g daily) and friend me for support.