Overweight and obese children!!!



  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member

    let me think on it...I'm going to go feed her some doughnuts first.

    dont forget the soda in the baby bottle!

    thanks for the tip.... it's cute how you think I'm serious.

    p.s. my baby is breastfed. But you'll probably find something wrong with that too.

    Oh I didn't doubt this for a second.

    no idea what you're even trying to say here...
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member

    let me think on it...I'm going to go feed her some doughnuts first.

    dont forget the soda in the baby bottle!

    thanks for the tip.... it's cute how you think I'm serious.

    p.s. my baby is breastfed. But you'll probably find something wrong with that too.

    Your daughter is gorgeous by the way.

    thanks! She's a little sweetie!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    thanks for the tip.... it's cute how you think I'm serious.

    p.s. my baby is breastfed. But you'll probably find something wrong with that too.

    you arent exactly clear in what you are saying but i didnt really think you were going to feed her doughnuts.

    and how could anyone have a problem with breastfeeding? thats the healthiest thing you can feed your child. just dont be one of those people that are still doing it when they are 10. :D
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Since when is it the government's problem (CPS) what we feed our kids? That is just absurd!

    I think its more on the side of making our children unhealthy. Keeping them in an unheathy environment that causes then to develop health issues that could be easily avoided. If your child is addicted to anything you should be held responsible for fixing the issue.
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    child protective services should get involved with obese children. let doctors and schools report them.

    I work in child protection.

    Trust me, we have more important things to deal with.

    I agree that it shouldnt go to child protection because there are worse things going on with kids these days but I do think parents should look at their parenting and educate themselves. Maybe schools should provide education to parents?

    I can only speak for my organisation - but we do provide this. Obviously not within CP, but as part of our parenting programmes. The resourses are there for people who want them, but it's what's described as early intervention - designed to educate parents before the problem takes hold, or help them reverse developing problems before they get serious.

    Having said that - according to the government (and I should clarify I'm from the UK) early intervention is not statutory. We can't force people to attend. All we can do is offer help to those that ask for it.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?

  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?


    I think there is a line that a doctor should take into consideration when it comes to abuse, but you cant go chasing fat kids parents down :laugh:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?


    Malnourished, yes. Obese...I'm on the fence, really. I'm a libertarian so I have a hard time with the government being involved too much but when it comes to chidlren (that have no voice), it's not so easy.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?


    Malnourished, yes. Obese...I'm on the fence, really. I'm a libertarian so I have a hard time with the government being involved too much but when it comes to chidlren (that have no voice), it's not so easy.

    ETA - fat is one thing, I"m talking about debilitatingly obese.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?


    I think there is a line that a doctor should take into consideration when it comes to abuse, but you cant go chasing fat kids parents down :laugh:

    I say this because I am 5'6''1/2 and weigh 132 and my body fat is 33%! I am skinny fat but in a size 4. Some people are way bigger but have a smaller body fat %. You cant be the judge, its not your call. But a doctor is in the position to make that call.
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    It's so sad to see families at the grocery store/market with their carts filled up with nothing but junk food (chips, pop, boxed frozen foods, sugared cereals, etc etc)...where are the fruits, where are the veggies?? I've heard excuses such as "it costs way too much to eat healthy", I've got to completely disagree......

    I have a relative that I have seen spiral down with her health, and now she's passing it on to both her daughters. She used to be healthy, had 2 child,ren, and gets no exercise, eats fast food & junk all the time, and has gained an incredible amount of weight. She called me 6 weeks ago telling me she was fed up...wanted help...wanted suggestions on what she could do. After giving her suggestions such as walking, etc., she choose to do the Biggest Loser exercise vid..great!! (Day 1 done..great, she complained of soreness.....DAy 2 done, great, she again said she was sore, which is natural....Day 3 done....then she quit...she didn't like it....she said she had no time to do it....after talking with her, she doesn't want to do anything right now and got offended. I guess the "time" comes in your life when "YOU" have to have enough and will decide to change. I will always be there to help however I can, but I can't do the workouts for her...I can't do the cooking healthy for her....and whats sad, she's 2 years younger than me...25...but complains about pains, etc like she's 90....I pray she wakes up before something seriously goes wrong with her healthy.....

    OH YEA, and then she tells me 'why do you rollar blade and run..you don't need to do that stuff all the time......yes I do, it's become a part of my daily routine..I must have exercise....I only wish she would give it a try for more than 3 days before giving up :cry:
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    so all you people against intervention really dont think someone should get involved with a malnourished or obese child?

    just let the parent keep making that kids health worse and worse?


    Yes if there is a clear case of neglect but there are normally more signs than an overweight/underweight child but how can you judge from one glance that a child is being abused because of their weight.

    I'm glad society does not go out reporting every underweight/overweight as I could never leave the house. As I have said before I know that many children who are obese are so because of poor diet or lack of exercise but we should not be so quick to judge.

    Do you know how hard it is to leave the house with a child who has behavioural problems - its hard enough knowing that we are judged on how they act but to also be judged on how they look - might as well though away the keys now.
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    If the malnourishment or obesity was severe enough that a legal team could make a case for neglect, then yes. Though it would take an extreme case for that even to be discussed.

    But please, please try to understand - we do not have the resources to intervene to that degree. Do you have any idea what is required to FORCEFULLY intervene in how a parent raises their child?

    CP is a department that is notorious for being overworked and understaffed. I work in a team that struggles daily to provide the necessary support for children with far, far more serious issues. It would be impossible to start up child protection plans for every child that was clinically overweight.
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    I get sooooo upset with rude comments about overweight children as its a subject close to my heart . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    As you can all see I am not fat but have previously been fat. I have worked sooo hard, eat well and exercise nearly everyday setting my family a good example.

    My 11 year old son is a whole other kettle of fish.

    I introduce to you my 11 year old son, well my whole family in fact.


    He is over weight and nomatter what we seem to do I cant seem to get him to loose weight . . . . . . . .

    1) we take him to play at the park, ice skating, badminton etc regularly.
    2) he eats what we eat
    3) we limit treats to just one per day, be it a packet of crisps, a buscuit or chocolate. Not one of each, just one of the selection.

    The problems . . . . . . . . . .

    1) he has behavoiral and socialising problems
    2) getting him out the house can take two hours of arguing
    3) in new activities he will just cause problems/refuse to join in/ruin it for all, if it something he doesnt want to do like when we have tried many physical activities such as kung fu irregardless of harsh punishment
    4) I think he is sneaking down stairs and sneaking food. Not crisps or chocolates because they are very limited in the house but bread and sauces and bowls of cerals etc . . . . . .
    5) because he has no friends he has no one to play out with extra to the phyical activities we take him to do.

    I find it sooo difficult with him, I try so hard to get him to move, feed him good and healthy foods (nothing fried, no take aways, all home cooked from scratch), limit treats and set a very good example. He is under a specialist and on medication, which makes his weight matters worse.

    I wish people would stop taring the parents of overwweight children with the same brush.

    Rant over. Sorry.
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    I saw a 3 year old girl at the water park who was so fat she could barely climb the stairs to the water element. The parents were also quite large. How can this not be their fault? All the other kids were running from her, so sad. Another issue with pre packaged and fast foods though, my mother in law is raising her daughters 4 kids, all are normal weight but the 9 and 11 yr old have high cholesteral! How horrible is that. So just because a child is not over weight does not mean an un healthy diet is not affecting your health.
    Absolutely agree with you there!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I get sooooo upset with rude comments about overweight children as its a subject close to my heart . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    As you can all see I am not fat but have previously been fat. I have worked sooo hard, eat well and exercise nearly everyday setting my family a good example.

    My 11 year old son is a whole other kettle of fish.

    I introduce to you my 11 year old son, well my whole family in fact.

    for the record when i am talking about obese kids i am envisioning kids much heavier than yours. as with malnourished...im talking about kids who are signficantly underweight.
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    I get sooooo upset with rude comments about overweight children as its a subject close to my heart . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    As you can all see I am not fat but have previously been fat. I have worked sooo hard, eat well and exercise nearly everyday setting my family a good example.

    My 11 year old son is a whole other kettle of fish.

    I introduce to you my 11 year old son, well my whole family in fact.

    for the record when i am talking about obese kids i am envisioning kids much heavier than yours. as with malnourished...im talking about kids who are signficantly underweight.

    Technically my son for his height and weight is obese. He has a chest to rival mine and love handles. Buying clothes to fit him is extremely difficult and often need altering. Perhaps his suit is discuising his weight problem.

    I understand and agree that there are children much larger then my own, however he is obese and his weight is my responsabilty. I put in so much hard work and effort to keep his weight under control, and perhaps my efforts are stopping him from getting much larger then he already is.

    BUT when people are rude about over weight children and their parents they seem to assume that the parents are neglecting/not caring about their child!!

    This is as far removed from the actual situation with me and my family and I resent being bracketed with the parents who actually dont give a crap / would give anything to their child to shut them up / are lazy.

    Once again sorry for the rant, it justs make me mad as I care very much.
  • orthetiger
    orthetiger Posts: 22 Member
    I didn't read through this entire thread, but I'm really disheartened and upset but how judgmental and just generally mean people can be in a place where I would think people would have some basic human empathy.

    First of all, obesity - in adults and children - is VERY closely linked with poverty. We have a government that subsidizes the least healthy foods, funneling tax dollars into protecting the industries that made foods which are unhealthy and arguably physically addictive. Marketing companies target children direction. Stop assuming everybody's circumstances are the same as your own. They are not.

    Also, CALLING KIDS FAT - in a forum where they can see it or not - DOES NOT MAKE THEM THINNER. It makes their food problems worse. I was not an overweight child and I can pinpoint the moment that my eating disorders started. I remember being weighed in class as a soul-crushing experience in the 4th grade, I remember being called "fat" as an insult amount children even though I was not, and I believed it. I had bulimia by high school. I was not an anomaly. Everyone in my generation has a terrible relationship with food.

    We need to teach our children to be active and to eat healthy plant-based foods. Absolutely. But if you cloak this in the language of bad parenting, the language of judgements, the language of SHAME for people's bodies, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Step back. If you REALLY want to address this problem, go to your local school and volunteer to run an athletics group for kids who feel uncomfortable in traditional athletics. Get these kids moving. Donate HEALTHY FOODS to a local food back, not your leftover ramen noodles.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    There are soooooooooooo many fat kids now a days. I saw a boy at the beach yesterday with bigger boobs than me!! (I'm like a D so I ain't small) and so many parents just don't care.

    You go to the grocery store and I've seen people with carts full of junkfood.....not a veggie in sight yet everyone in the family is obese. Lets not mention the all you can eat buffets......I saw this mom, dad and kid and I bet combined they weighed 1000lbs.

    It's one of the reasons I try so hard now to make sure my kids don't get like that by trying to get them to be active everyday and make sure I always have healthy food around.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    it's child abuse, plain and simple.