Overweight and obese children!!!



  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I couch in my local sports club, and some of the childs, who are under 12, would struggle to run 50metres.
  • moneill33
    Having struggled with my own weight now for about 5 years I just feel very sad when I see overweight children. I have two girls 12 and 5 and they are both scrawny, yet never stop eating! My 12 yr old literally eats 3 x the amount of food I eat but is tall and very slim. But the fact is they are never still, I took them swimming yesterday, walking, playing on the beach and to the park (I'm on holiday until september) so I guess they counter what they eat. Generally their food is healthy, all meals are always healthy choices with the exception of the occasional pizza but they do have snacks every day. Sometimes they chomp threw a box of grapes or blueberries like they're sweets and other times they'll be munching on rubbish but I do believe that this is ok as long as it is moderated by me!! I'm the parent so their weight and food consumption stops with me, I'm the one responsible.

    I must admit I sometimes wonder what big kids must eat if my children eat all they do and are so skinny ;-)
  • misskatibear
    misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
    I wish when I was younger I was restricted more. I clearly have genes/genetics whatever it is, that causes me to put weight on easily and when I was a child I was allowed to get biscuits from the barrell (granted I'd only take 3 but it's not the point)

    I also used to go over my friends house almost daily after school and her mother would buy us 3 chocolate bars EACH.

    I really wish that had not happened and a different kind of lifestyle was created for me from the start. I was only until I got older, wiser, and actually started putting on more weight I realised why.

    I do think kids are made a bit more aware now, as I literally had no clue back then about health, diet or anything. This was like 16 years ago give or take, so it was less of a concern with children as it is now - as I used to go out and play and run A LOT. Didn't use the internet or play video games (much) back then!

    So, mothers/fathers/siblings please tell your children/sibling and make them aware they may thank you for it in the future! (I don't mean on this forum I mean in general, and in a total non offensive way - I just wish my mother had told me!)
    I see my nephews mum feed him crap everyday, and it makes me sad, and cringe.

    If I ever become a mother, I'm not saying I'm going to feed them ALL HEALTHY ALL DAY EVERYDAY, because that is NO fun for children and they can burn things off easier than adults BUT, I definitely am going to make right choices, and let them have KID food now and then!

    Pretty sure I wouldn't be such a chocolate fiend if I hadn't of been fed so much as a child.
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    It really is sad to see! I feel its a combination of things and people do not realise the risks to health of being overweight. Educating children will hopefully lead to a healthier lifestyle!
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Slightly off topic... but speaking of bad parenting. I was working in Stockport, England about a decade ago for a while. While on a lunch break walking around the town with a work colleague we heard a mother shout at her young 4-5 year old kid 'Bradley, will you ever stop f$%^ing cursing'. We were in stitches laughing at the irony of it. at the same time saying OMFG... that kid has just got no hope with a mother like that!

    I'm not making that up either (well except about the kids name - not sure what that was), though I wouldn't blame yeah if you don't believe it!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I blame the pikeys

    They just seem to be taking over
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    Having struggled with my own weight now for about 5 years I just feel very sad when I see overweight children. I have two girls 12 and 5 and they are both scrawny, yet never stop eating! My 12 yr old literally eats 3 x the amount of food I eat but is tall and very slim. But the fact is they are never still, I took them swimming yesterday, walking, playing on the beach and to the park (I'm on holiday until september) so I guess they counter what they eat. Generally their food is healthy, all meals are always healthy choices with the exception of the occasional pizza but they do have snacks every day. Sometimes they chomp threw a box of grapes or blueberries like they're sweets and other times they'll be munching on rubbish but I do believe that this is ok as long as it is moderated by me!! I'm the parent so their weight and food consumption stops with me, I'm the one responsible.

    I must admit I sometimes wonder what big kids must eat if my children eat all they do and are so skinny ;-)

    You've hit the nail right on the head there, :smile: .
  • misskatibear
    misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
    When I was a kid, " mam, I don't like this dinner, reply, smack, theres people starving, eat it or go hungry"
    Problem solved.

    No lock on the firdge in my house when I was a kid. If you wanted something you asked, if you were told no that was the end of it

    Parents nowadays think there kids are special and need to be treated and waited on hand and foot.

    So so so so true. I used to HATE mushy peas when I was little. I honestly thought my parents had been taken over by aliens when they fed them to me, since they knew how much I hated them. Ahh, childrens imagination. BUT I STILL had to eat them.

    And I completely agree on the 'Parents nowadays think there kids are special and need to be treated and waited on hand and foot.' What happened to adults being adults and kids being kids? Seriously, kids run their parents around these days.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Its there behaviour as well

    I was told, sit there be quiet or else. Now kids run around restaurants, trains, planes and parents just smile as if its okay

    If you are not going to look after them, stop sh*tting them out
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    I blame the pikeys

    They just seem to be taking over

    No it's the Chavs
  • misskatibear
    misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
    I live on a council estate, I see and hear crap like that everyday.

    There is a school near me, and a class went out around this street litter picking as a lesson I guess...I overheard one teacher say "Don't pick up the beer cans though". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    My parents-in-law seem to have an obsession with feeding the kids ice cream! Balanced diet is what I say! Yesterday they gave them the choice of ice cream or candy floss! There access to their grand kids is restricted!!!
    I cook my own food from scratch most of the time!
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    I blame the pikeys

    They just seem to be taking over

    No it's the Chavs
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I don't think the odd Greggs sausage roll here or there does any harm and kids need more fat % wise than adults but a completely bad diet is lack of control by the parents.

    My very skinny kids (they never seemed to be full and yet always stayed very thin like all the kids in our family) were allowed sausage rolls as a treat straight from the shop if we were in town around lunch time (so no more than one or two days a week) but in the house we controlled the three main mains and the snacks until they reached older teens. So a chocolate biscuit would be in their lunch box along with fruit/salad and sandwiches.

    I really do think it is parent control that is the issue. If your kids have a weight problem and are old enough to reach into the cupboard/fridge, DONT BUY unhealthy food for them to snack on. Far better than locking cupboards. Have large bowls of fruit and mini snacks like fish sticks etc around, give them packed lunches (including at grandma's) and don't allow them money to spend in shops on junk. By locking things in the cupboard you are increasing the interest of the child in the junk food so don't have anything in the house. Get the grandparents on board too or make alternative childcare arrangements.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I do agree that many children are overweight due to lack of exercise/ diet. I'm very lucky that my kids are active and when its good weather they are pushed outside and told go and play. I also restrict their snacks etc and they always ask before they take.

    However please dont always judge the parents. I know of children who are very large for their weight and it would be very easy to blame their diet but actually have medical issues. I also know how hard it can get some children to eat healthily especially as I have two children on the autism spectrum and YES they would starve if you did not give them what they would only eat - one of my ending up the dietitians at 18 months as very underweight as she would only eat certain foods. We got told that although it was not the best diet it is better than her starving herself. I know cases of children that have ended up in hospital due to malnourishment due to sensory issues. I know most kids dont fit into this category and thankfully my children do eat a more varied diet but it has taken many years to get to that point but I was that mum feeding my daughter greggs as she was going through only eating suasage rolls stage.
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    i agree. i have to say i have been overweight from about the the age of 4. iwhen i was younger i went to a babysitter. they fed me dinner and also fed me their son's leftovers from his plate and then i would go hom my mom would make my dinner (unaware ) that i had already eaten. it started then so from the age of 4 i have ben over weight. andno my parents never encouraged me to go out an play. i actually wans't allowed to go out and play unless it was in our back yard but that was only when mom would come out and watch me. so not very often (my whole family is over weight)

    i have never been taught to eat properly (im trying to teach myself) yes i know im 31 and should have taken control of this along time ago. ) i still live at home with mom and dad. and yeah she still feeds us all abslute crap. i jsut dont' eat it anymore. i have to say when i graduated high school i was around 250 pounds. at my highest i hit 319.
    my younger brother though i dont' know if he has ever stepped on a scale is at least 250-270..and all he does is sit and play video games and play on the computer and watch tv.

    i just cringe when i se young children now who are over weight as i know exactly what they are going through. alwaays teased and bullied as a chile and i have to say it destroys their self esteem. i really wish parents would "smarten" up and realize what they are doing to their children.
    wow that was longer then i thougth it was going to be. sorry
  • astraldream
    astraldream Posts: 39 Member
    I look back to my childhood and i wouldn't go back for any amount of money. Being a child is hard, children can be cruel and when you are growing you have so many hormones flowing through your body it makes things so much worse.

    It must be so much harder now at school, kids seem much more advanced. Why would a parent allow their child to become fat and have that additional burden going to school?

    My parents were not interested, i used to stay up all night watching tv it would get to 6.00am in the morning and i would sneak out to the paper shop any buy (no joke) about 5 bars of chocolate, 10 packs of crisp and eat them in the morning then go to sleep all day. I was 13 and a size18-20. I lost all the weight in later teen years but why did my parents not realise? Same as most parents these days with kids that run riot, they simply are not interested.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    thinking of myself, as a pre-teen I was really scrawny: I was short and thin and I liked books, all I would ever hear was that I had to eat more and go outside more. But mostly eat more. I particularly remember my grandmother practically forcing me to eat every 2 hours even though I was full from the last time. I suppose part of that may be because she grew up during the war (and aftermath), so she desperately wanted to provide that which she herself lacked as a kid: food. Things were not paricularly improved by the fact that although I was pretty ok with all veggies, I refused to eat any red meat (i.e. I only ate fish, chicken and rabbit), and that was seen as difficult because I wouldn't get enough nutrients. That's resolved now, I eat everything... though I still prefer fish or chicken to pork or beef.

    However, there is no excuse whatsoever for the parents of today. They have never lacked food (quite the opposite, really) , they KNOW the risks associated with too much weight, and if they're overweight as well, they know the social difficulties an overweight child faces.

    Usually though, I have encountered overweight children with overweight parents, it's a habit/lifestyle thing. So this makes me wonder if the kid in the Opening Post maybe has another problem that she's dealing with via food. Maybe she's being bullied in school or she's worried about her grades or she could go faster in school and is bored, or (heaven forbid) she was molested... Does she have any hobbies that you know of? Maybe if she could focus here energies somewhere other than food, she could work out her problems that way instead of eating them.

    Though maybe I'm projecting myself to this kid, I used to - totally subconsciously btw, only realized it once I started counting calories - eat when I was anxcious or worried. Which is bizarre because I grew increasingly worried about my weight, and therefore ate more.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I was always a skinny little thing and while I wasn't as active as my brothers, who were always out on their bikes while I preferred to have my nose in a book, if I think about it, I was rarely still either. My mum didn't drive, so we walked to and from school (which involved huge hills most of the time) and the block of flats we lived in also had a kiddies playground, so we were often told to go outside and play there. We rarely ate out (my mum couldn't afford it often anyway) and we weren't allowed to have sweets and fizzy drinks whenever we like. I could seriously put some food away, but I was never allowed to eat for the sake of it. It makes me really sad when I see overweight children, not only because - as a trainee teacher - I know how mean other kids can be, but because it's no quality of life for them.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    This makes me terribly sad. I was in the city centre yesterday and was just amazed at how many fat children there were (the adults and late teens are a separate issue!). Kids being left to nurse a Greggs sausage roll or a Happy Meal, and judging by the size of them you knew it wasn't a treat.

    Personally, I know my parents meant well but weren't the best in terms of controlling what I ate. There was also an element of good cop/bad cop in that Dad would be quite strict (he was a runner), and then Mum would give me what he'd denied me anyway. I've binged since I was 11, and they were both aware of that and never did anything. I'll never understand why they didn't intervene.