Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 2



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I weighed in with the same # as tues. I'll take it. I feel like I'm retaining water. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by Tues :) I have an apple pie in the oven-the only sweet I don't like so here's to a good weekend-DH and the kids will be thrilled and I won't eat it! :)
    Margaret, I agree. Apple is not my favorite pie flavor. Now, a blackberry pie is a different story.
    However, my huge weakness is salty, crunchy snacks. I can't have any within a mile of my house.
    Is your son back at school after his illness?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I forgot to unofficially weigh in today.
    I weighed in, but I don't want to talk about it. It's my birthday week.

    Happy Birthday Susan!!!! :flowerforyou:
    No weighing in on birthday weeks :wink:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan- Happy birthday week and enjoy! You will be back to it soon!!

    Tiff- Keep your sanity. LOL. I remember being so busy. Stay focused girlie

    Amy lou- Glad you are still doing well.

    Lauryn- Enjoy your weekend!

    Cathy- How is your day going?

    Well ladies.... I just returned from being out of town to find out that my post man decided to mail my mail back to the senders as unclaimed. I check my mail every two weeks bc i usually don't get much mail. I have never lived somewhere where they take the mail from you and not hold it at the office for you or something. this is outrageous. SO Lets just say I'm not happy about it. My passport was mailed back and they called me and will rush it to me. THANK GOD I answered my phone. I'm definitely not happy about it.

    Sorry about the rant!

    Take care,

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I forgot to unofficially weigh in today.
    I weighed in, but I don't want to talk about it. It's my birthday week.

    Happy Birthday Susan!!!! :flowerforyou:
    No weighing in on birthday weeks :wink:
    No weigh in? Awesome.
    Thanks for the birthday wish! :heart:
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    yep DS is all better (but he's only 3 so not in school yet!). Everyone said the pie was great, and I ran 3 miles straight (30 min at 6 mph!) and had enough calories left for 1/2 c real ice cream! I cover it in low cal whipped topping (you know the 5 cal a serving stuff) and it feels like a huge treat!
  • pdxmomof2
    Sorry ladies! The new puppy has me so busy. And with so many people in the group it is hard to keep up with personals!

    Amy- I am so sorry for your loss:cry:

    I am the same weight today that I was on Tuesday. I dont mind that. Not a gain!

    Any of you watch the show Diet Tribe on Lifetime Network. I love it. It is motivating to see those ladies work together as friends to achieve a common goal!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!:drinker: (water, that is water)
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Any of you watch the show Diet Tribe on Lifetime Network. I love it. It is motivating to see those ladies work together as friends to achieve a common goal!

    I love Diet Tribe! I'm watching tonight's episode that I recorded earlier. I also love Biggest Loser, but Diet Tribe is nice because other than having a personal trainer, they aren't in any sort of non-real-world situation. It makes me feel like I can do it too.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Susan- Happy birthday week and enjoy! You will be back to it soon!!

    Tiff- Keep your sanity. LOL. I remember being so busy. Stay focused girlie

    Amy lou- Glad you are still doing well.

    Lauryn- Enjoy your weekend!

    Cathy- How is your day going?

    Well ladies.... I just returned from being out of town to find out that my post man decided to mail my mail back to the senders as unclaimed. I check my mail every two weeks bc i usually don't get much mail. I have never lived somewhere where they take the mail from you and not hold it at the office for you or something. this is outrageous. SO Lets just say I'm not happy about it. My passport was mailed back and they called me and will rush it to me. THANK GOD I answered my phone. I'm definitely not happy about it.

    Sorry about the rant!

    Take care,


    Tamm, Thanks for the birthday wish! :heart: I hope your mail problems get sorted out. I didn't know that the post man could do that without a notice that you no longer live there. I'm amazed that he/she could make that decision on their own, with letting you know first (and opportunity to respond). Crazy!
    :huh: connie_25.gif:huh:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Hey Girls.

    How is everyone? Seem like lots have been going on.

    Lauryn Have the time of your life this weekend:drinker: :drinker: And forget about the X Just have a good time dancing, laughing and being the wonderful person you are.:flowerforyou:

    Susan Happy Birthday My Dear:flowerforyou:

    Amy I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I will pray for the family too.:flowerforyou:

    Meg I close my eyes and I can smell the pie baking YUM:drinker:

    Tamm Things are going quite well these days. Thanks for asking.:flowerforyou:

    Cathy How do you think you did on the test? I am sure you past it with flying colors.:flowerforyou:

    Well the five days .....Five workouts:huh: Yes five workouts complete. I even worked out with a hang over this morning. It was my punishment for drinking last night (The Shred) LoL

    Any way I just wanted to check in so much going on with everyone its hard to keep up. I have to scoot on out of here. I need to take my puppy dog to the vets this morning. She has a foxtail in here side and its absest. Thank god I do the vets yard so I get a break on the cost.

    Will check in later. Have a great Saturday everyone.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    test was in 2 parts, i passed one FAILED the other by 1. will retake. sick now. be back sometime. having pity party.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    test was in 2 parts, i passed one FAILED the other by 1. will retake. sick now. be back sometime. having pity party.
    Remember "failure" makes us smarter & stronger!!! Chin up, it isn't something only you have done!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I officially weighed in as 143 lbs!

    Hope everyone is doing well... gonna work on doing personals! going through a lot. Broke up with BF of 2 years and it has been rough. But all is well :-) and I have plenty of other reasons to smile. So I'm going to focus on the good! :laugh:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Sixers!!! I'm so glad to see post during the weekend. Gives me something to look forward to!

    Amy- Sorry for your loss and I'm praying for your family. Take care!

    Amy and Alison- I'll have to try to watch Diet Tribe, I don't watch much t.v., weird huh... unless its law and order or csi. LOL, I would have never imagined that from my teenage years.

    Kel- Glad things are going wonderfully. YAY!!

    Susan- EXACTLY. I was sooooo heated when I talked to the manager who was like well if you don't check it we can send it back but he said I should have received a notice. Which I didn't so I'll complain formally on Monday. Either way let this serve as a warning.... just check it daily. :flowerforyou: Susan... what is your workout schedule? Are you having any challenges bc of the winter?

    Meg- 6 miles an hr... only in my dreams. Great job!!!!

    Cathy- I have confidence you will do great next time. I didn't completely pass my first set of boards and I had to do a partial test again but success comes to those who try again. You can do it!!!

    Lauryn- Are you having a wonderful weekend? Hows the water drinking going?

    Tiff- HEY I'm glad you are focusing on the positive. How about that shopping therapy we did today! Great seeing you sis and do stay happy. All things happen for a reason! Love ya!

    Well............. I did walk away the pounds two mile challenge for abs. It was great and I took it light on fitness this week.... along with some heavier eating. Funny how that works out. I will own up to my wrong doings on tues. :laugh: I am sooooo ready to focus on my goals and make some changes to my weight on that scale. YAY..... I'm ready to work HARD!!!! So that means I'm about to start jogging again. Its funny but when I jog I start dropping pounds.

    I hope all my sixer friends are doing well and take care,

  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    test was in 2 parts, i passed one FAILED the other by 1. will retake. sick now. be back sometime. having pity party.

    hugs Cathy, hang in there!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening everyone. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Did yard work today, will probably finish tomorrow. Trying to wrap it up for the season.

    Mom, it's OK, remember it took me 4 times to pass for my drivers test and I drive better then Kenny, like Tamm said you'll better as long as you keep trying.:flowerforyou:

    Amy, sorry to hear about your friend. You and her family and friends are in my prayers.

    Tamm, I'm soooo jealous of that little pampering you got, man it must be nice.

    Lauryn, have fun at your reunion. At least you look hot, mine was 2yrs ago and I was 75 lbs bigger than when I graduated, but then again so wasn't everyone else. :laugh:

    Everyone else, I'm still learning everyone. So many people.

    Have a great night, later girlies.:happy:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    test was in 2 parts, i passed one FAILED the other by 1. will retake. sick now. be back sometime. having pity party.

    Well, that's too bad! You will pass it next time! I've always been the kind of kid who got all A's and loved school, and when I went to go take my written test to get my license (when I was 15), I finished the test, saw on the screen that I had failed it, told my mom (who laughed because she thought I was joking), and then had to wait for the lady at the counter to explain to my mom that I really did fail it. Looking back on it now, I think it's pretty funny, but I definitely didn't think so then.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I forgot to unofficially weigh in today.
    I weighed in, but I don't want to talk about it. It's my birthday week.

    Happy Birthday! I think you get an automatic free pass during your birthday. :flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Well ladies.... I just returned from being out of town to find out that my post man decided to mail my mail back to the senders as unclaimed. I check my mail every two weeks bc i usually don't get much mail. I have never lived somewhere where they take the mail from you and not hold it at the office for you or something. this is outrageous. SO Lets just say I'm not happy about it. My passport was mailed back and they called me and will rush it to me. THANK GOD I answered my phone. I'm definitely not happy about it.

    I can't believe they took your mail! I've moved into places before and when I checked the mailbox the first time, there has been old mail from the last people who lived at the address. I guess your postal workers are a little more eager than the ones I've had. Good luck getting it all straightened back out!

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    test was in 2 parts, i passed one FAILED the other by 1. will retake. sick now. be back sometime. having pity party.

    Cathy Hang in there that is not an easy test. You will do better on the retake. I hope you will be back to your ole "Chipper" self soon. Sending big hugs your way:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hey Girls....
    Susan Happy Birthday My Dear:flowerforyou:

    Well the five days .....Five workouts:huh: Yes five workouts complete. I even worked out with a hang over this morning. It was my punishment for drinking last night (The Shred) LoL
    .... I need to take my puppy dog to the vets this morning. She has a foxtail in here side and its absest. Thank god I do the vets yard so I get a break on the cost.
    Will check in later. Have a great Saturday everyone.
    Kel, thanks for the sweet birthday wishes. I had a great birthday. I'm very happy with being 51. It's a really nice time of my life, where a lot of the bad stuff has either been discarded, or sorted out.

    Congratulations on the five days of completed shred! Did you see your shred image on a previous page? Your work is awesome. 150 is coming fast!
    How is your puppy? Is the infection clearing up yet?