What are you supposed to call...



  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    This has been running through my head the entire time I've been reading the OPs two threads.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I'm fat.
    Too much peanut butter.
  • live2runnj
    live2runnj Posts: 157
    We are such a society of pus*ies!!!! C'mon people, toughen up a little would ya?

    Life it tough, not fair, and kicks you smack in the face when you're down. Before you get back up, it does it again. Learn to get up anyway instead of falling back on your *kitten* and crying about how unfair and mean "words" are.

    What do we do as a society today? Piss and moan about everything! Get offended about EVERYTHING! Teach kids that EVERYONE is a winner. Guess what??? NOT EVERYONE IS A WINNER!

    Ughhhhhhh... I'm done now.

  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    We are such a society of pus*ies!!!! C'mon people, toughen up a little would ya?

    Life it tough, not fair, and kicks you smack in the face when you're down. Before you get back up, it does it again. Learn to get up anyway instead of falling back on your *kitten* and crying about how unfair and mean "words" are.

    What do we do as a society today? Piss and moan about everything! Get offended about EVERYTHING!


  • live2runnj
    live2runnj Posts: 157
    We are such a society of pus*ies!!!! C'mon people, toughen up a little would ya?

    Life it tough, not fair, and kicks you smack in the face when you're down. Before you get back up, it does it again. Learn to get up anyway instead of falling back on your *kitten* and crying about how unfair and mean "words" are.

    What do we do as a society today? Piss and moan about everything! Get offended about EVERYTHING!

    LIke I care? Offended? Tough!

  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    We are such a society of pus*ies!!!! C'mon people, toughen up a little would ya?

    Life it tough, not fair, and kicks you smack in the face when you're down. Before you get back up, it does it again. Learn to get up anyway instead of falling back on your *kitten* and crying about how unfair and mean "words" are.

    What do we do as a society today? Piss and moan about everything! Get offended about EVERYTHING!

    LIke I care? Offended? Tough!

  • live2runnj
    live2runnj Posts: 157
    We are such a society of pus*ies!!!! C'mon people, toughen up a little would ya?

    Life it tough, not fair, and kicks you smack in the face when you're down. Before you get back up, it does it again. Learn to get up anyway instead of falling back on your *kitten* and crying about how unfair and mean "words" are.

    What do we do as a society today? Piss and moan about everything! Get offended about EVERYTHING! Teach kids that EVERYONE is a winner. Guess what??? NOT EVERYONE IS A WINNER!

    Ughhhhhhh... I'm done now.

    Sorry... Edited!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    How would you feel if your 3 year old daughter called YOU fat, or her sibling? Or ANYBODY for that matter. It's simply not appropriate, it's not now decent people talk. The fact you think coming on a fitness website and trying to pass telling your daughter she is going to get fat is a good thing, simply baffles.

    Aren't we all on this fitness website to try and avoid becomming fat? Or to stop being fat?

    I'm on this site because I've spent my life struggling to find a good and healthy relationship with food . . . this struggle has taken many forms including ana and bul, then the other side of things with out of control portions (and maintaining the binging). Some people are here because they are over weight, some are here because they are under weight, some are here because their weight is fine but their health and or fitness are off the mark or not balanced the way they want them to be. Fact is, the we all have various things that brought us here, but most of us the root is an unhealthy relationship with food (causing us to be either over or under weight) and a serious lack of life balance.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Your poor children. They don't stand a chance.


    What's interesting about your comment is that it's not true. My mother was visiting the other day and she commented, your children are so rich in love. I've made a lot of sacrifices and took a lot of heat in order to go against culture and give my children a better chance. My harshest critics have all come around, because they see the results. God has shown me. I can't take any credit. I'm not a perfect parent, and Ive struggled like any other mother does with the huge job of training a child to become adults that will be a positive influence and positive impact on others. I believe in training children for adulthood, cuddling, not coddling. I don't insult them, but rather encourage them to do right and discipline them when they do wrong. And tell them the truth.

    I'm not saying you are a crappy mother at all, but I unfortunately see this exact same thing on facebook all of the time from crappy parents trying to defend themselves from somebody calling out their crappy parenting. And I wen to highschool with a lot of drama filled crappy parents so I see it a lot.
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    You shouldn't be eating proper amounts because you don't want to be fat... you should be eating proper amounts because you want to be healthy. At least, that's what it is for a good portion of people out there. That is what I will teach my children.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    She did not see her child overeating. And you don't teach a child to eat healthy with threats.

    remind me to nominate you for the perfect parent award...................
    Thank you. I think I did a dam fine job, actually.

    And the threat of "you'll get fat" is a far cry from "you"ll get a spanking." If you don't know the difference, I can't help you.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    There aint nothing like a parent to ruin a child...SMH
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    It's one thing to discuss and debate child-rearing strategies.

    It's another to make the discussion personal, and to directly insult other posters.

    There's a fair mix of both type of post in here, but it doesn't seem worth the effort to weed out the insults, since they're only bound to continue after a clean-up and un-lock.

    I recommend moving this discussion to a group ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups ) if it feels there's any value in continuing the conversation.
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    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

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