Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 3



  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    .... I sent the rest of them to my fiance's work since I couldn't stay out of them. For my day off this week, I didn't make anything to keep at home. I just went out, enjoyed some good food, and didn't bring home any leftovers.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, and getting ready for some great weigh-ins!


    Alison, :heart: fiance :heart: ? Tell us more. Do you have a wedding date set? Congratulations!

    I don't have a day off anymore, because I can't handle it. I guess I have to keep to a 12-Step Food Anonymous mentality! I also love Tuesday weigh ins, because my weekend used to be a free-for-all. I allow myself treats within my daily calories. I like it better this way. I admire that you're able to pull it back together after your day off.

    Susan, no wedding date or anything. We've been together almost 5 years - we're just in "practically married" mode. "Fiance" is just the most technically correct word I've got. Roommate seems a little cold. :wink: We could just never split up because our little dogs are so in love with each other - we figured out the hard way that when we put them in a cage at home or when we board them, they have to be together or they are miserable and crazy. It's adorable when they snuggle.

    I notice that when I'm enjoying what I'm eating, I can have a meal or day off and get back on track pretty easily. When I feel like the food I'm eating the rest of the week isn't very enjoyable, I have a hard time getting back to eating right. Lately, I've really been enjoying all of the fresh vegetables I've been buying and eating.

    I made some great broccoli salad this weekend, and it's almost gone. It took a lot of substitutions and reductions on my mom's recipe, but it turned out pretty well. It's just fresh broccoli and then as much as you want of raisins, red onion, sunflower seeds (I left these out), and bacon (I used lower sodium turkey bacon) and then tossed in a dressing of 1 c. mayo, 2 T sugar and 2 T vinegar. For my recipe with about 4 cups of broccoli, 1/4 c. raisins, and 4 slices of chopped bacon, I used 1/4 c. miracle whip, one packet of Splenda, and about 4 T vinegar. I know it sounds pretty weird, but it is so good. I'm thinking of making some of the reduced calorie broccoli salad for Thanksgiving as a food I can eat a lot of to balance out the other stuff.

    Happy Monday! :flowerforyou:

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Alison, that broccoli salad sounds delicious. I sub with Miracle Whip all the time now.

    I had a weekend full of good tasting food, cooked in straight up butter. :noway: I didn't drink all my water, and all the hiking in the world couldn't make up for the home cooked buttery goodness of what I ate. I gained a couple pounds. Need to focus and get back on the weight LOSS wagon.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just finished my first round of delivering mail at work and I'm taking a little break. Thought I'd jump in here and give a quick update. I had my assessment done at the gym yesterday and all in all it wasn't too bad. No real surprises ... I need to work on my upper body strength but overall I'm of average fitness ... not too shabby ... thought I was in the less then average fitness level :happy: I did get one surprise yesterday that made me love my trainer ... all my life I haven't been able to do a sit up. She told me it's because of my apple body shape ... she had me lie down with my knees up and I tried to do the sit up but it just wasn't happening ... then she handed me a 10 lb. ball to hold in my hands over my head and told me to try again. I thought she was crazy, if I can't do it with no weight in my hands how can I do it with 10 extra pounds??? Well it's all in the momentum ... my torso was too heavy compared to my arms and once I added extra weight to my arms the sit ups happened ... I was so excited I did 10 of them with ease!!!! Why didn't anyone show me this before? Autumn (my trainer) said it's because she's the best trainer in the world ... frankly ... I agree. This picture shows what I did except I had my feet on the floor.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    ... I made some great broccoli salad this weekend, and it's almost gone. It took a lot of substitutions and reductions on my mom's recipe, but it turned out pretty well. It's just fresh broccoli and then as much as you want of raisins, red onion, sunflower seeds (I left these out), and bacon (I used lower sodium turkey bacon) and then tossed in a dressing of 1 c. mayo, 2 T sugar and 2 T vinegar. For my recipe with about 4 cups of broccoli, 1/4 c. raisins, and 4 slices of chopped bacon, I used 1/4 c. miracle whip, one packet of Splenda, and about 4 T vinegar. I know it sounds pretty weird, but it is so good. I'm thinking of making some of the reduced calorie broccoli salad for Thanksgiving as a food I can eat a lot of to balance out the other stuff.

    Happy Monday! :flowerforyou:

    I have that same recipe and I love it. Miracle Whip is a better choice, but I have been able to cut back my regular mayo to canola mayo (Best Foods/Hellmann's = half the calories, and more than half the fat of regular), since I'm not a Miracle Whip fan.

    Maggie, who would have thought? Add weight to sit up? I wish you every success! And I love your graphics. They make me smile. :happy:

    Have a great week everybody.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls! many new people! And I probably will just browse the posts for now, but am planning on joining the next 6 week challenge! Hope you are all well!!!

    And sorry I haven't been on. Still fitting into the mommy role. But, now I'm back at work so will be on more often!

    Update: Kadence is doing well! A little over two months now! She is full of smiles and coos and squeals! I couldn't love anything more! When I have a chance, I'll get some recent photos on here!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi girls! many new people! And I probably will just browse the posts for now, but am planning on joining the next 6 week challenge! Hope you are all well!!!

    And sorry I haven't been on. Still fitting into the mommy role. But, now I'm back at work so will be on more often!

    Update: Kadence is doing well! A little over two months now! She is full of smiles and coos and squeals! I couldn't love anything more! When I have a chance, I'll get some recent photos on here!

    Kristin ... hi there girl ... its so nice to hear from you.

  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Hi Emmie, Pumpkin Squares sound good. Are they made with cream cheese? DH and I love cauliflower, but I'm not sure about everyone else (unless it's saturated with cheese sauce). They will eat roasted broccoli, however. Easy and yummy.
    My four daughters are all very thin, so they want their favorites at Thanksgiving. So, I've asked each one of them to finish this sentence:
    "Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without ___________________."
    Their answers are helping me cut out those foods that people won't miss. The other menu items, I'll try to put on a low-fat diet.

    Hi Susan - The pumpkin squares don't have cream cheese in them, but they have cake mix in the crust then the pumpkin mixture and the top is cake mix crumbled with butter and sugar, I think. Haven't made it in a long time. I'm not crazy about cauliflower, but whipping them....they just taste different. I think there is light whipping cream in the recipe too. For me...I have to have stuffing and candied yams on Thanksgiving - but this year I'm doing plain yams and I think I'll make my stuffing with a lot more veggies in it - less bread. I guess if I do better on the dinner then I can have a small piece of pumpkin squares. :wink:

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Holy lots of new Sixers! A girl blows off the site for more than a few weeks, and look how the group grew! Maybe I should stay away, lol....

    Anyways, just got lazy about coming on here. I put on almost 10 pounds after the cruise. Wasn't feeling good, and ate a lot of comfort foods. Finally went back to the ENT, and told him I couldn't stand the pain any more. It had been almost 3 years to the day since he told me my ears weren't infected and the pain was probably due to alergies and to come back when I couldn't handle the pain. Needless to say, I went in for surgery last week. I had a tube put in my left ear, a lingual tonsil (I guess they are like your regular tonsils sort of, but way down your tongue in your throat), and they fixed a deviated septum.

    I'm doing ok... I went all day yesterday until 7 pm without any pain meds. Tomorrow I get the splints and packing taken out. Ooooh, I'm sure that will feel great! Am hoping that this takes care of the issues I was having, although I am due to start allergy testing in December. Because my throat is sore to swallow, I have lost about half the weight I put on, lol. Small small pleasures. It's a wonder I've lost anything, because I have a frosty every day for lunch. Oatmeal for breakfast, with enough milk added after it's done cooking that it could be drunk through a straw. Frosty for lunch. A smoothie made with spinach juice, strawberries, banana, kiwi, and yogurt as a snack. And soup for dinner. I made homemade chicken noodle the day I went for surgery and have been having that mostly, although I did make a yummy creamed asparagus soup last night. Oh, and one day, I ate a half a can of spaghettios. And a couple of days, I had a pudding pack. One night I tried tortellini, thinking they were soft, but they went down hard. So... sticking mostly to the soups and frosties. LOL.

    Anyways, I'll probably skulk around a bit and read posts here and there. Maybe make a post or two of my own. I'll try to get back on track and join in on the next challenge.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Kristin! Great to hear from you! I was RIGHT! I think I was the only one who guessed you were having a girl!!! (YAY! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: )

    Pettmybunny I agree the group has grown so!! I feel like an outsider now :happy: that's what I get for running away and studying all the time!

    OH SIXERS I meant to tell you all I did GREAT on that exam I was studying for. Thank God for that. I had a pretty rough May - Novmber.... BUT all is well that ends well.

    My weight has been good but I need to get back on the healthy eating tip so I can keep the weight moving in a downward direction. I can feel bad habits calling me and I want to be in the 130's by the end of November! :-D

    I hope you are all doing well! Ali Thanks for responding to the Winter post! I agree that it is hard to get motivated during the cold months

    ... the secret, I have found is once you start seeing results you want to see more results and sooner or later you look up and realize you L-O-V-E that body you see in the mirror! I am finally getting to the place where I LOVE my body again. Sure I have more weight to lose but I'm not nearly as out of shape as I had become when I was super stressed last year. :bigsmile:

    and since I feel like I'm making progress now I can add in more fun exercises and try fighting the rest of this battle with LOVE not FORCE! lol... sounds strange I guess, but I finally figured out beating myself up about mistakes does NOT prevent them from happening. I am human, we are all human. When we make mistakes, overeat, stop working out... the best we can do is recognize our error, figure outwhy we did it, and do better next time! Oh and the hip feels great! but still have to do the MRI... and I chose to eat the lasagna I brought from home over eating Chickfila

    I'm on call= working 30 hours straight... so I had time for a long post! :laugh: hope to hear from you all!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan- Hope you are having a great week. :)

    Lauryn- Hows it going girlie! I hope great

    Kristin- Glad you are doing well and enjoy the time with your baby girl and husband. Take care girl.

    Robin- We miss you and I definitely struggle with comfort foods. I feel you. Hope you heal from the surgery well. Praying for you! :)

    Ali- I love those walking dvds. I know you are proud to be a morning workoutter ..... LOL. I want to be there too. I think it might be my only tool to avoid a winter bulge.

    Tiff- Glad you are doing well sis. You are definitely busy. Keep up the good work and thanks for the encourgaging words. Sometimes we do forget we are but HUMANS. Love ya

    As for me ladies.......................I worked out this morning for 35 mins at the gym and I walked at lunch with a coworker. Back to it ladies..... just trying to make the fitness work for me. However currently I'm struggling with an erge FOR CHICK-FIL-A but I'm gonna be good. As my sister stated I'll be eating lasagna that our mom made and a salad...WHEW. Anyway.... I hope everyone is doing well and keep up your spirits ladies. Do you know christmas is like 39 days away. HUH....

    take care,
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi Tiff, I totally agree with you that success is addictive. The last time I looked at the scale, I cried - in a good way. It is so rewarding to experience success! Best of luck to you on yet another 30 hour shift. JC_see_stars.gif

    Tamm, every time I come upon a mail carrier emoticon, I think of you! Here's my latest: Laie_13.gif That's the guy trying to give your mail away to the next person that happens to be walking by your place! I hope that is all sorted out by now. Fantastic work on the workouts. You make me want to hit the treadmill right now, and I've already done my workout today.

    See you girls tomorrow with bells on. Unless there's some water thwarting my efforts, I should be a loser.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi Tiff, I totally agree with you that success is addictive. The last time I looked at the scale, I cried - in a good way. It is so rewarding to experience success! Best of luck to you on yet another 30 hour shift. JC_see_stars.gif

    Tamm, every time I come upon a mail carrier emoticon, I think of you! Here's my latest: Laie_13.gif That's the guy trying to give your mail away to the next person that happens to be walking by your place! I hope that is all sorted out by now. Fantastic work on the workouts. You make me want to hit the treadmill right now, and I've already done my workout today.

    See you girls tomorrow with bells on. Unless there's some water thwarting my efforts, I should be a loser.

    Just wanted to let you know that I have stolen that little mail carrier icon for my signature of my work e-mail. I'm the mail clerk for regional headquarters and I think its just too cute. Thanks :happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Here is the thread for week 4 ... YIKES ... WEEK FOUR ALREADY!!!