40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!!
    I really didn't drop off the face of the earth, things have just been crazy since Thanksgiving. :frown: :frown:
    I've been swamped here at work and trying to get Christmas stuff up at the house by myself, which is not fun. I've threatened to just leave the tree as is; lights, garland and about 6 ornaments on it. My youngest said it looks nice now, so why should I go thru the hassle of putting all those ornaments on it??:laugh: Have done a little internet shopping, but just not in the mood yet, even with the 10+ inches of snow we got Tuesday :laugh: :laugh: It's a balmy -4° now, but at least we have sunshine and it's supposed to start warming up. I feel so bad about leaving the dog out in this weather, but she can't spend 10-11 hours in the kennel in the house either!! I spent $75 last night on a heat pad for her dog house - I hope she appreciates it!!!

    Gotta get back to the grind............these darn vacancy searches have interviews scheduled for all of next week, so MAYBE I'll be able to finish up with them by Christmas!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Hi everybody!

    singfree, I'm really sorry to hear about the family situation. Hopefully things will clear up somewhat over the next couple of weeks to allow you to spend some time with your grandson over the holidays. And, yes, a couple weeks of eating better will make a big difference. Trust me.

    I say that because here is my Friday check-in. I've eaten clean for the past 12 days (no cheats)....and I'm back where I was before the move!!!!!! :drinker: Okay, my weight is still a couple pounds higher (99.8 this morning), but my measurements are where they were, and that's what is more important to me. Now I just have to maintain this over the next three weeks! :laugh:

    My back is feeling better. I've been doing some form of exercise each day with alot of stretching, and feel almost back to normal. I tried a little higher impact workout this morning (Insanity's Interval Sports Training) and did pretty well with that. I'm not jumping as high as normal, but alot of that is because I'm testing how my back is feeling. I think I'll be back on the program by Sunday/Monday. But my body has enjoyed the break from all that high impact.

    I had my hardest temptation so far yesterday when I attended a cookie exchange. Not only were there plenty of cookies to eat, but there was an incredible display of appetizers and these mini-cheesecakes that looked SO good. But I ate veggies and one mini roasted veggie party sandwich. It wasn't easy. I've been baking alot at home as well, but, so far, I'm staying away from trying any more than one small bite of anything I'm baking (and that's only on new recipes....I don't try to tried and true recipes anymore). Next week is going to be tough because I've got something going on each day for pretty much all day....and a couple of evening parties on top of that. But I have a plan in place and will try to stick with it. Since I'm pretty much down to where I want to be again with my weight, I'm going to slowly increase my calories a bit to get back to maintenance, so I'll have a little more wiggle room with my food by the end of the week. But my goal even then is to keep the calories clean!

    Swissmiss....fried bison burgers? I have to agree with you that there are much better ways of cooking a bison burger than with oil. Can you make suggestions to your husband about cooking or does he take it personally? Because maybe you can find a recipe that mixes something in the meat so it doesn't stick. That's what I do with my turkey burgers (I mix salsa in them because I like the flavor of a salsa/turkey burger). It's just a suggestion. I've never really cooked with bison (though I've had the burgers) so I don't know if that would work. If you find something, you wouldn't have to suggest it as a healthy alternative as much as you wanting to try a different taste (not better....just different).

    mk....so good to see you!! :flowerforyou: I imagine this is a really busy time with you, especially since your husband is gone. I've been thinking about you alot this season and hope you find some time to enjoy it with your family. And I'm all for the simplicity of an undecorated tree. :wink: Of course, that's easy for me to say since I don't even have a tree. :ohwell: Stay warm!

    I hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi MK!!! Good to hear from you as well. Hang in there!!! Don't let that stress get to you. :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, wow, 12 days no cheats, amazing!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You are truly the Queen of Willpower. I confess I had some chocolate cake today at work. We were celebrating a co-workers birthday. I worked it in within my calories, well, estimating it, because I did not measure the piece I had but it wasnt huge. But the rest of my meals were clean so I can say I followed my rules, to at least eat clean 80% of the time.

    Weigh in tomorrow, we'll see. I am planning on doing the shred video tomorrow but will not overdo it, my leg feels good again. Oh, Stiring, you had asked me about doing the shred video after doing ChaLean and P90X. Well, it is really a piece of cake for me, of course I am modifying. I am doing it right now so I add variety until I start ChaLean in Jan and teaching my zumba classes.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, you are such an inspiration for all of us. You are so tiny. My very pettite daughter even weighs more than you. Little tiny people run in our family. (Not me, however:mad: ) When my oldest daughter got married she bought a size 0 gown and then had it taken it.:laugh: Unfortunately, she had put on a lot of weight. She had two babies, went through a divorce and re-married a man who loves to cook.

    Speaking of men who love to cook....yes I have tried to talk to my husband about cooking healthier. He does not listen. Even if I am the one cooking, he feels that he has to come along and add to the pot.:mad: He over-spices and my girls will not eat something like that. But, yes he will add fats to my cooking when I am not looking. Maybe he is trying to sabatage me.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Friday Check In: That horrible scale is up 4 lbs this morning but I'm not really stressing it too much. TOM and the fact that I've been drinking diet cola this week probably accounts for most of it. I know when I originally gave up diet coke I dropped about 5 lbs. I usually don't keep diet coke in the house for that very reason but had some left over from daughter slumber party.

    I have enjoyed having husband home the last few days -today we are heading to the mall to get some shopping done and hopefully stay warm - it is about 8 degrees here with the wind chill. Son and I have decided not to do the 5K run tomorrow morning. I've done it in 20degree temp before but anything below 10degrees is just too cold for me.

    MK: Here is my Christmas tip - last year we didn't take any of the decorations off our tree just wrapped a big sheet around it and carried up to attic. Ta Da - this year tree was decorated and ready to go.

    Stiring - So proud of you and all your clean eating - I'm more on ALF's bandwagon 80% and I'm feeling pretty good.

    Sing: I hope all works out for you and your grandson. I deal with those kind of situations quite often through my court work and they generally stink for everyone involved.

    Have a great, safe, and warm weekend to one and all.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Duffy, that BAD scale!!!! BAD BAD BAD!!!!:laugh: :laugh: Hang in there. It is probably water retention.

    I have been able to do 100% clean eating before but it usually only lasts for a few days and then it is between 80-95% so I feel pretty good about that. I am afraid today is going to be pretty challenging. My husband and I are both off work and going to lunch and shopping. Then tonight to a Christmas party with our son. I did all 3 leves of the shred plus a little bit of stationary cycling so I burned 532 cals. I should be able to stay within my calorie requirement but I know it will not be all clean. :laugh:

    Got on scale this morning, 124lbs, so still under my limit. This time is definitely not good for losing but I have managed to maintain. Oh Lord, just help me during the cruise!!!! :grumble: :noway: :laugh: That is going to be a challenge!!! Next year I plan to work hard to lose another 5 lbs. I think I can do it and that it is manageable to maintain.

    Sing, missed your morning check in. Where are you?

    Have a wonderful day!!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Daughter is on her way home from Austin now. She will keep us in line with our eating while she is home. She and I are going to water aerobics tonight if I can manage to get home in time.

    Sorry it is so cold for everyone. It is supposed to be in the 70's in north Texas tomorrow.

    Alf and Stiring: What willpower! My downfall is the big bins of pop corn. I am very sensitive to sodium EXCEPT in nasty popcorn? There is a big bin in the break room. I am getting my water from an alternate place so I won't go near the bin.

    We have a tree with lights but no ornaments yet. Take care all.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA but as you all know its the crazy time of the year... We had about 2 feet of snow fall the other night. I'm hoping it melts soon because right after it got bitterly cold and turned to ice. Nothing like driving on solid sheets of ice on the roads. Took me 2 days to get the xmas lights up outside. Its much harder when you have to do it alone. But I received a lot of complements. I didn't put out all the stuff this year but oh well.... Almost done with all my xmas shopping just have two more people to shop for so thats not too bad. With the economy being the way it is the kiddos aren't getting as much this year but thankfully two out of the three are adults so it was time to cut back anyway. Other than that I've just been helping out the parents, the in laws car is broken down and my mother has never experienced snow so a lot of their errands I have to either do or take them to do it. Also my son has been sick so thats not good and my migraines seem worse than ever. Tis the season huh?....

    You all sound like your doing terrific. Hopefully January 1st will get here soon so I can get caught back up with my favorite group here. Take care of yourselves and keep up on all the hard work. I am very proud of all of you for doing such a great job!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Remember me?

    Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I took a vacation day to do some much-needed errands. I had to travel 75 miles to pick up my replacement TV. Our 5 month old TV was kuput, but it was under warranty, so they sent us a new one. The delivery company could not deliver it until next week so we drove up to the warehouse and got it ourselves. We then did some shopping and visited my mom. You know how it goes!

    Not much to report this week except my failure to eat a totally healthy diet. I will do better next week I promise.

    Alf, thanks for asking about me! We are having dinner guests tonight, but out meal is fairly healthy. A nice pumpkin bisque for starters, salad, oven baked chicken breast, root vegetables and a light dessert. There's plenty...you're all welcome!

    Have a wonderful weekend
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I saw my doctor yesterday. She tells me to eat more veggies and fruits !!!! And get more exercise. She tells me this without asking about my lifestyle first.:laugh: She did get me to thinking....I have been slack on watching my portions. I am now measuring and weighing everything. Our eyes get confused after a few years. What may look like one ounce may be two or three.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello, everyone.

    I am doing much better today than I usually do on the weekends. I am doing the cooking and my girls are not home. My breakfast was sort of large but healthy. I had scrambled eggs with green peppers, onions and mushrooms. I added low fat cheese. I didn't use any fats, just cooking spray. My husband has asked me to Swiss a round steak for dinner tonight. I am thinking of how to make it healthier. I normally flour and fry it, then put tomatoes, green peppers and onions over it and let it simmer. I don't want to fry it but it gets a lot of yummy flavor that way. Also, I am wanting to eat less red meat. I guess I will keep my portion very small.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was good, but busy for me. On Friday we picked up our replacement TV, it finally works! Sorry about not posting, when I am not at work I tend to forget about these things! On Saturday we had guests for dinner which went quite well. Yesterday morning there was a lot of freezing rain, which made traveling very difficult. On the way to Church I actually slid through a red light. It's a good thing the truck at the light saw it happening and waited for me to skate by. Talk about HPF (high pucker factor)!!!

    Today we are having a seminar on our 401k program by a rep from T. Rowe Price. This will take up most of the day. I'm already 2 days behind on my work since I was off on Friday. Tonight is our last dress rehearsal with the Susquehanna Chorale inn Harrisburg. This weekend we give 3 concerts at 3 different area Churches. Should be a busy weekend coming up!

    Just a thought: Since Christmas & New Year's Days falls on our Friday reporting days, do you think we should report on Thursday the 24th & 31st??? At least that is what I am planning, otherwise I will probably forget!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, so glad that you may it through the slide. I have done this myself. Usually people will be watching out the that sort of thing happening when it gets icy.

    I did well over the weekend...or at least better than I usually do. Had all my meals at home with the exception of my daughter's birthday meal on Friday. I ordered healthy. No baked potato with butter and sour cream. I chose the veggies instead. I didn't miss the potato one bit.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!! Happy Monday!! Well, I am home all day with a sick child. He went to respite camp this weekend and just looked miserable yesterday when we picked him up. Then while eating dinner he threw up all over the place. He also had a fever. He seems to be better today but we are keeping him home. I am hoping to catch up with some cleaning and practicing my Zumba routine today.

    The weekend was not as bad as I expected. I did not eat clean though. On Friday my husband and I went to the mall for a few hrs and succumbed to some of the goodies/temptations at the mall. :laugh: Dinner at the Christmas party was not too bad but not the best choices. I did some dancing with my son. :smooched: On Sat my husband and I went out dancing and I was the designated driver so I only had a drink with my dinner and water the rest of the night. This week looks very promising as far as temptations go. I only have the Christmas party at work on Friday. I saw the list and no one, including myself, is bringing any healthy options so that will be my cheat for the week. :laugh: I have no plans for the weekend so I don't foresee any problems there.

    How is everyone doing?? Take care!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday Gang:

    Today, I'm trying to get my life back under control. Tomorrow, my husband goes back to work from his operation, my brother is home from his operation, so I don't really have my nerves as an excuse anymore!

    I hope everyone is well!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Zebras, glad that life is getting back to normal for you.

    :flowerforyou: alf, I have our company lunch coming up this Friday. It is a carry-in so I can bring something healthy if I choose to. Probably not. We will have a lot to pick from and there are always lots of salads.
    On Thursday we are taking a co-worker out for her birthday. She picks the restaurant. Probably pizza and they have a salad bar there.:smile:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Hi all. I'm glad to hear everybody had a good weekend. singfree, that frozen rain situation sounds horrible! I'm glad you made it through safely.

    I had a very good and very busy weekend here, and the week ahead is absolutely packed. I had a couple of treats this weekend (two peanut butter/chocolate bars I made), but other than that, I did well. In other words, I'm passing up way more temptations than I'm giving in to right now, so that's good. I'm hoping that holds steady through what will be a pretty stressful week around here. We have two big parties this weekend--one we are attending and one we are hosting. I don't plan on eating clean through both, but I hope to keep my portions under control and enjoy...but in some form of moderation.

    I'm still keeping up with the workouts as well. I started my next-to-last week of Insanity on Sunday. It's hard to believe I'm almost done with this program. My back is normal again, so I'm trying to hit it as hard as I was before my little injury....but I must admit to being a little bit more hesitant on some of the moves than I normally am. But I'll get my confidence back soon, no doubt. These workouts are still hard, though, even with some hesitancy!

    zebras, good to see you! I'm happy to hear your husband is well enough to return to work.

    alf, I hope your son feels better soon. You sound like you are doing great throughout these holidays!

    singfree, I hope you're finding time to take care of yourself with the busy schedule you have.

    Swissmiss, I totally agree with you that it is important to measure things every now and again. I know one of my biggest problems is and has always been portion control. I don't measure everything, but I do take time to measure something out every now and again to remind myself what a proper serving is. It's funny how I can convince myself that 2 tablespoons of peanut butter is about the size of a tennis ball. :laugh: So, yeah, pulling in the reins every now and again is necessary.

    tron, it was great to see you check in here last week!

    TxMs, hope you are enjoying time with your daughter.

    Hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day. :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!!
    Got weighed and measured tonight at Curves........down 3 lbs from last month, lost 2" overall and 1.8% body fat, so I'm on the right track! Work pants are a little looser around the waist and I'm gonna have to get a belt for me jeans!:laugh: :laugh: I REFUSE to buy any new jeans until I get back into the ones I was wearing when the hubby got back from Iraq in Aug 08..:noway: :noway:

    Got the tree decorated this weekend and put the greenery and stockings on the fireplace. I don't really feel like going all out, so there's several bins of decorations that are just going back into the basement. They'll be fine for next year. Got about half of my shopping done; I'll be hitting Amazon.com and a few other web sites tonight to complete most of the rest. I just don't want to fight the crowds.....yesterday was AWFUL!!! I will say that Best Buy was very crowded on Saturday night, but I got awesome advice and help from 3 different sales guys there! Went to buy my Christmas present - a new digital camera cuz the old one won't download pics to the computer anymore:mad: :mad: . So.........upgraded to a new Canon with 12 MP and great zoom. So, now I can FINALLY take some scary pictures of me in a bathing suit to keep me motivated!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Alf, I hope your son feels better soon! No matter how old they are you always feel bad for them when they're sick:heart::heart:
    Sing...........hope things settle down in your neck of the woods; amazing how the holiday season can bring out the family stress and bad behavior.
    Stiring........I hope you're enjoying Korea! Eat a yakimandu for me; those and bulkogi are the two things I miss the most. I've figured out how to make the bulkogi, but yakimandu is beyond my talents.
    Swiss.........hang in there..........trying to control how things are cooked is SO FRUSTRATING when the other person who lives with you doesn't always support what you're doing. Just tell him it's for his health also and you don't want to be a young widow!!!

    OK, dinner's done, so gonna run.
    Enjoy..............and don't let the stress of the season get to you!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congratulatons Marla. Keep this up and you will soon be in those jeans you wore in '08.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I discovered that I love peanut butter. I eat the natural one and it has to be crunchy. I manage to eat only 1 T and I put it on an apple.

    I most certainly am not going to meet my year end goal. But, I am holding steady. I am down to the last remaining pounds (and I thought that the earlier ones were hard to lose:grumble: ). These last ones are resisting any effort I make to get rid of them.:mad:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    A very busy day yesterday from the time I woke at 4:30 am until I got home from my rehearsal in Harrisburg at 11 pm. What I really need is some "me" time. I was actually under my calories for the day due to being so busy. I will try better today. Tonight I will do a good workout: A combination of Insanity & P90X. That should be a good stress buster.

    I've been quickly reading eveyone's posts. forgive me if I cannot address each one now. I'm still trying to get caught up at work.

    Keep up the good work, my dear friends--and have a great day!