40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everybody!

    I've had a great weekend so far but a horrible weekend when it comes to eating. Oh, well. I actually got through the dinner all right on Wednesday night, but then the dinner turned into a party. And the party meant wine. And, well, things went south after that because, of course, with wine (at least for me) comes cravings and.....so on. So another three days of really bad eating, but I'm done with that now and, once again, back on track. I haven't weighed myself, and I'm not going to for a few days. I know what I need to do and don't feel like beating myself up over a number on the scale right now.

    My plan is to eat cleaner until Christmas Eve (which should get me through the worst of the Christmas Season) and then enjoy Christmas as much as I want. My Mom surprised me when I talked with her on Thanksgiving, and she is sending me my favorite cookies this year. I haven't had any since we moved away from Denver in 1992 (I don't have the right kitchen stuff to make them and have always had limited kitchen space since we've lived overseas so much since then), and her telling me she was going to do that for me brought tears to my eyes. :cry: In other words, I think I'm a tad homesick right now. :laugh: So I will enjoy that taste of home over the next couple of weeks but I'll also fit them into my calorie allowance while I do (so they'll be part of my 'clean eating' :bigsmile: )

    I'm supposed to be taking a week off Insanity this week, but I think I'm going to start Round 2 today and not take the break week. We'll see how my body reacts, and if I'm too tired/sore, I'll re-think my position. I was going to go to the gym for this break week and start back with weights, but it is quite the walk from the house, and it is cold outside (and raining today)!!! So I know my motivation for doing that this week is going to be nonexistent, and I will be finding every excuse in the book not to workout. :tongue: So I figure it's best to do what I can here at the house, at least until we get our car in (I have my fingers crossed that will be soon).

    tron, good to see you! I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

    swissmiss, like you, I need to drink my water. I didn't drink hardly any all day on Thursday (we were out serving airmen, which was a wonderful experience but didn't lend itself to water drinking) and I have felt swollen ever since. So my goal today......drink lots of water!!

    alf, I hope your being able to dance means you are feeling better! I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving, and it sounds like you are right back on track. Good for you!

    hoosier, I need to implement your plan and talk my way through parties. :laugh: Sadly, though, while I can't eat and talk at the same time, I can, very unfortunately, drink and talk at the same time.....which is what got me in trouble on Wednesday! :wink: I'll have to work on that.

    singfree, happy to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed NYC and have fun with your friends on Sunday.

    I hope everybody enjoys the rest of their weekend.
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    I am just trying to figure this all out
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Ok I admit it, I have been absent way to long!!! :blushing: I love my life and kids but I seem to be lost in the middle somewhere. What is so sad, my arm is sore from just cleaning the stove top.....that tells me I have been absent from the gym a way to long too! So I am just checking in, with 2 pounds lost (before Thanksgiving) so I am not posting it until I can weigh in on Monday.

    I saw one post about "No sugar until Christmas" and the first thing that ran through my mind was ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!?!?! :noway: I work in a nursing home and the families are always bringing in some type of goodie or another so no sugar, I am afraid is out of the question, at least at home it won't be so bad!:wink:
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    "I am just trying to figure this all out "

    Hang in there it will all come about, anyone will be more than glad to help! And welcome to MFP!:flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hello all!

    We just got back from NYC. We had a very good time. When we got to Penn Station in NYC, we immediately went to Macy's to see the outside windows and the inside decorations. Spectacular! The theme was "Miracle On 34th Street." It looked like an old fashioned Christmas. We then went to Lord & Taylor on 5th Ave. Another winner with the windows. We then went to Grand Central Station to pick up the subway uptown to see our son's firehouse (he is a firefighter with FDNY).

    We ate lunch at "Heidelberg", a German restaurant run by a German family. VERY authentic and good food. I had a nice German dark beer with my schnitzel...yum! We then went to a dance performance at the Joyce theater downtown. I'm not a real fan of dance, but it was really good. The dancers are so very fit and athletic! They gave me a push to get in shape.

    Speaking of shape, Stiring, may I join you on the journey to Christmas? Starting on Monday, I am going to get back on the wagon (I really mean it this time). Stiring, why not go back to the 1st month of Insanity, which is easier, so you don't get burned out? You will get your Insanity "fix" and your body will not begin to break down.

    Swiss, you are right about the wine, but, I'm drinking it for medicinal purposes (does anyone believe that)?

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Happy Monday everybody! I hope everybody enjoyed the rest of the long weekend.

    twin2, good to see you. I hope you can figure out a way of taking time for yourself. It does seem like alot of parents (mothers in particular) get lost in their role in the family, so I hope you can carve out a few hours a week just for you. It's so important to do that. Great job on the weight loss!

    singfree, of course you can join me on my 'cleaner eating until Christmas' journey. I've made it two days so far. Only 24 more to go! :laugh:

    So I started the second month of Insanity. Thanks for the recommendation on going back to month one, singfree. I may just do that because I'm not so certain my body is going to be up for a full month of this. Yowza! The two 'max' workouts I've done so far are the plyo and interval circuits, and all I can say is.....wow. Those are some tough workouts. I can definitely feel them in my legs right now. But I'm going to try to get through two weeks (unless my body says 'no' of course) before taking a break. I didn't like the max plyo workout at all (the first Insanity workout I haven't loved), so if I get too tired during the next couple of weeks, I may go back to the non-max plyo workout (from the first month) which I enjoy immensely. If I can finish up this Insanity rotation, I have no doubt I'll be in the best cardio conditioning of my life. It is just whether this 44 year old body is up to the impact. :tongue:

    I hope everybody has a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sing, I am trying to conjure up a medical condition. No luck.

    I have had a back ache since Thursday morning. I did do some work with five pound weights later in the day. My back seems to be getting worse. Not sure if I will be able to go to my strength class tonight. I ate well this weekend until last night when I had some candy that I had made. I brought in a salad to work today. Three cups of lettuce with three ounces of turkey. I had 1/2 grapefruit and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for breakfast. Will probably have fish with vegetables tonight. I have been drinking extra water and no wine.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Almost December!! :noway: :drinker: :laugh:

    Stiring, good to hear from you. And from everyone!!! Glad everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

    I am still not back to where I was before my injury. I've been doing my stretches but not daily. I vowed to do that this week and maybe try doing the shred video starting next week until the cruise. I have done two upper body strength trng workouts, doing my third one today. The hip muscle hurts sometimes, usually after the stretches. :noway: so I know I still have to take it easy.

    This week I am signing both contracts to teach Zumba at two different fitness facilities...:noway: what am I getting into?? :laugh: I am a little nervous about it, I hope it works out. I would start the first week in Jan. I still have the whole month of Dec to get my music, routine ready so I feel better prepared. Unfortunately I have not been able to co-teach somewhere to get a feel for it. It was fun doing it on Thanksgiving day with people I knew but they also knew I was improvising and modifiying.

    Swiss, where does it hurt? Be careful!! Maybe rest your back for a couple of days and see how you feel. :flowerforyou:
    Hoosier, you party girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nonstop!!! :laugh:
    Sing, glad you had a great time in NYC!! One of these days I will go during the Holidays.
    Stiring and Sing, I want to join you on your cleaner eating until Christmas!! How strict is it?? :laugh: When you eat clean Stiring what do you avoid the most??

    Have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday - Sorry don't have time to read all the posts just wanted to check-in and say Hey!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, I sure do wish that I lived close enough to go to your Zumba classes. I really think that my back pain is due to not working. I am back at it this morning and feeling much better.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to work in exercise classes during the holidays? I have begun to miss some of them and I don't want to get out of the habit of going. Actually, a lot of the scheduling problems are due to my daughters' schedules. They are involved in so much and they seem to have to be somewhere at the same time as one of my classes. Now with the holidays coming up there is even less time in my days.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    "Hey" back to you duff. I understand not being able to read all the thread. Have a great day!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Morning!

    December1...the push is officially on to get motivated to lose the bulge before Christmas. Alf & I are joining Stiring as we (attempt) to eat clean until Christmas. Everyone has his or her idea of what that is. For me, it's a matter of making good & healthy choices, limiting my carb intake a bit, upping protein a bit and just saying NO to desserts and sweets for a few weeks. NO beer or wine during the week and limiting it on weekends. I will try to exercise daily, either with Insanity or P90X or both!

    I am convinced that by just thinking about the choices BEFORE I put them in my mouth is half the battle. It is sooooo easy to eat a 500 +cal sweet treat that is gone in 2 minutes! Insanity indeed!!!

    We got through the Thanksgiving weekend ok. We now have 3+ weeks until Christmas. This is plenty of time to get control of ourselves.

    Let's focus and get it done. Don't let another day slip by without doing something positive for yourself. We are in this together!!!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Thanks so much for the encourageing words, sing. I entered a challenge where I was to lose 15 pounds by the end of the year and right now it looks like it is not going to happen. I think that I have been eating "clean" all along from what you posted. I was gong to change my plan but feel that I should stick with what I am doing now. At least I like the foods that I have been eating.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy December!

    I agree with ALF and Sing I'm going to try to eat clean now through Christmas. I'm reading more of the Eat to Live which I plan to start in the new year and I think I'm going to slowly start increasing my fruits and veggies this month to prepare. Because quite frankly, I can't imagine what my digestive tract would be like if i just immediately starting eating 1 lb of salad, unlimited raw veggies, 1 cup of beans and 4 fruits a day:blushing: Sweets were not a problem for me of the long weekend I actually realized this morning I did not eat any dessert except for a couple bite of squash pie. Now wine and beer:drinker: See I will always choose a nice glass (or 2) of red with some cheese and crackers over desert.

    My husband has decided to give up his gym membership this year ( he transferred jobs and now has to drive 20 minutes past our exit to get to the gym). This is actually great news for me because we have decided to sink that money into more equipment for our home gym. Which is great because I think I've narrowed down the problems with my neck to push-ups and planks Obviously I have a fat head:laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: duffyzmom, I feel the same way. I will take something savory or something sweet every time. My biggest no no is salt. I love anything salty.

    I am getting back to exercising tonight. I have been missing too much lately.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi everybody!

    duffy, I'm happy to hear you've narrowed down the problems on you neck....and that it isn't running!! While planks and push-ups are great, in my opinion, they can be easier substituted with other exercises than something like running can be.

    alf, my answer to your question about what I consider eating cleaner during this time pretty much mirrors singfree's answer (since singfree and I seem to be twins separated at birth.....and a few years in age!! :laugh: ) I'm trying to focus on eating more protein (though I still need to keep the carbs somewhat high because of Insanity), and limiting alcohol (my goal is to have a glassof wine only on those evenings when we are attending Christmas functions). Regarding sweets, I'm going to have a couple of cookies/brownies that my family is sending to me when I get them in and put the rest in the freezer to be enjoyed starting on Christmas Eve. We have a few parties to attend between now and Christmas, and my goal is to choose only healthy food options and not give myself the excuse 'Well, it's Christmas' and eat everything in sight.

    For the week of Christmas (Christmas thru New Years), my plan is to eat the sweets sent by family members and to enjoy a couple bottles of Korean red wine gifted to us by new Korean friends at Thanksgiving. I love baking and thought about making something special and sweet for that week. But I figure I can bake anytime of the year, and since we are already going to have sweets around, I should opt for baking some other time of the year when I won't be adding my baking to stuff I already have.

    I will admit that this plan is going to take all of the willpower, strength and determination I have. I'm feeling a tad blue right now being so far away from my family. Living in an empty house doesn't help (at all!). Good thing I'm enjoying Korea or else I probably would be buried in a bag of peanut butter cups right now! :tongue: But right now I keep telling myself that I will feel so much better in January if I don't give in to these emotions and serve them food. My goal last January was to make it the very last January in which I needed to diet. And that's a strong motivator for me right now.

    So I've made it through three days of the second month of Insanity. Boy, my legs are fried!!! Today is a 'recovery' day, which I need right now. I'm enjoying it, though not as much as the first month. While the workouts are harder, they don't seem to flow as well for me as those during the first month. That being said, they are effective. I'm really beginning to notice the difference in my cardio conditioning. I'm also trying to fit in P90X workouts when I get a chance to keep my upper body in some sort of condition (with tubing, not weights). I've lost alot of my muscle tone over the past month, but I'm sure if I keep eating healthy and keep my weight down that it will come back quickly when I do start lifting weights again.

    So....off to do my recovery workout. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day. My day (Wednesday) is just starting now!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Everyone ~

    Haven’t had a chance to catch up on all of the posts but had a moment at work & thought I would let you know I’m thinking of you all and hoping you had a great Thanksgiving! :smile: We just returned last night and it was back to work and thank goodness the workouts too! Talk about craving a good cardio workout! :tongue: This is my recovery week but want to get in some good cardio.

    Count me in on the “clean eating” until Christmas forsure! I try to eat very clean but definitely with holiday distractions, etc. it can be tougher this time of year. I did find out we will be having family to our house for Christmas. Which to me is a blessing in disguise. It is easier to create “treats” and meals that are cleaner than if you are going to your parents/in-laws house!

    Next week I will be on a trip to Vegas with friends – this will be more of a challenge to find “good clean foods” :noway: so if anyone has ideas please feel free to let me know. I am also going to look to see if there is a gym in our hotel.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far! :flowerforyou:
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Happy Monday everybody! I hope everybody enjoyed the rest of the long weekend.

    twin2, good to see you. I hope you can figure out a way of taking time for yourself. It does seem like alot of parents (mothers in particular) get lost in their role in the family, so I hope you can carve out a few hours a week just for you. It's so important to do that. Great job on the weight loss!

    I hope everybody has a great day!

    Thanks! I have been trying to figure that out but........ I thought I might get in a trip or two to the gym this week but no, with regular things going on we know we have Christmas "stuff" to do too. I will try to keep in better touch though. I did keep the two pounds off so I am very thankful for that!
    I hope every one has a great week!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Boy, you guys can post!!! :noway: :laugh:

    I have been thinking about the challenge. It is going to be tough!! :noway: Things going on this week: Friday, two Holiday social events at work. One at lunch time and another one in the evening. On Saturday my husband and I are also going out while my son is in a teens event. Monday a farewell Happy Hour party at Dave and Busters for a co-worker. Next Friday another Holiday event. Sat 12 Dec, going out with hubby and friends to celebrate his recent promotion. 17 Dec Annual Holiday get together (lunch) with a bunch of friends/former coworkers. Christmas Eve at friends/family's house, then on to our week long cruise. :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: I need some motivation here to stay in control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I still cannot burn mega calories working out due to my injury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad to hear everyone is doing very well. We are all pretty much very aware of our weaknesses and what to do about it. We have been preparing for this all year long but it is sooooooooo hard, isnt it? I might sound very negative but I feel better prepared this year to succeed this year. As you mentioned Stiring, I vowed for 2010 to be the year when I do not have to have the "I need to lose weight" resolution. If I gain 2-3 lbs would be a great accomplishment for me. And I could not accomplish this without all your support and motivation. :love:

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Evening!

    No rest for the weary...back on night shift for a few nights filling in for another supervisor. Plus I have to do some lab work since the lab guys don't work night shift. I was in the quality control lab for 13 years before I was promoted (??) to this job. I sometimes feel that it doesn't pay to know too much! On the bright side, when I am on night shift I tend to eat a bit better and naturally no wine at night. The downside is that I am ALWAYS tired and don't really feel like exercising. I will really try to at least get some exercise in daily.

    Alf, I sympathize with your dilemma. You want to enjoy these outings, but wind up dreading them because they are not very good for the waistline. I know the feeling! Just remember to do everything in moderation. You will survive this!!! If you load up on carbs at the get-togethers, just cut back a bit and increase your protein during the non-party days. Drink plenty of water to flush the sodium out of your system. I think sodium is as big a problem as total calories...it is for me. Good luck!

    Have a good night friends,

    Your Night Watchman