40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, yes they put you under (thank God!!!) for this procedure. I had it done two years ago. Since I had some polyps removed, the Dr. wanted to check again to make sure everything is ok. I will check with the Dr. to see if having a cold is ok. Last time, when they wheeled me in for the procedure, I saw just how BIG those hoses were!!! Maybe they were for a Shop Vac. :laugh:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: Thanks Sing for a nice afternoon chuckle - I'm glad I stopped by to log my lunch. I had been doing really good at planning my meals for the day but today just didn't get a chance. Thanks also to Sing and Swiss for ideas on protein. Swiss I agree with you about protein helping with the weight gain. Right now I'm eating too many carbs which is fine when I'm training for longer distance runs but right now I'm in my "off season' - Which means I'm focused more on strength training than cardio endurance so I'm needing more protein for sure.

    MK - ALF - Stiring (and any others in the armed forces family) Happy Veterans Day to you All! I appreciate all you and your families do for us. In my family the chuckle of the day is my baby brother who is a veteran is working but my older brother who works for the state has the day off - Go Figure:ohwell:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Veterans Day to all of us who benefit from the sacrifices veterans and their families have made over the years! THANKS to all of you vets!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I'm sorry!

    A big salute to all Veterans, past and present. We owe you a lot. Thank you for protecting what we enjoy most...our FREEDOM!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Just writing a quick note so I dont lose you all....

    Thanks Sing for starting the new thread.

    I will catch up as soon as I get more time.Welcome to all the new members!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    I'm back!:blushing: I've missed everyone and all the support. I'm in a different "space" than I was over the spring and summer and haven't felt the same drive and dedication. My eating has not been good, but I've kept up with the workouts, to an extent. I started Insanity after Labor Day but have not been consistent, so I'm way behind schedule. I do enjoy them, though. My fitness level has improved greatly. I think I let the concept of how hard this program is scare me into holding back on other exercises. I feel that now I'm ready to add back in some running. Because of my eating, I've lost ground, but I feel like I can get it back due to the commitment to Insanity.

    During the first part of this journey, I focused on how my body felt and looked, almost more than what the scale said. Now that I've lost ground, I notice the adverse changes. This, more that anything else, has led me back on track.

    Finally, on this Veteran's Day, everyone one in the military is in my thoughts and prayers!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    2BLean, great to see you in the thread! I hope you continue posting here. Don't be afraid of Insanity. I have no doubt you will be able to do it since you workout with Cathe. I'm just finishing my second week of the rotation, and I am having so much fun with it. I really don't think any other workout program would have inspired me to workout over the past couple of weeks given all that's going on the way Insanity has. I absolutely love it!

    TxMs, I'm so happy to hear about your brother-in-law. Like I said earlier, I imagine this holiday season, especially Thanksgiving, is going to be very special for he and his family.

    singfree, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Don't worry about food and exercise right now. Just do what you need to do to get better! :flowerforyou:

    duffy, just out of curiosity, how much protein are you trying to eat? I'm just interested in what works for people in terms of percentages of macronutrients. It is something I don't pay too much attention to, but think I probably should.

    mk, Happy Veteran's Day to you (a little late!) Congrats on getting back to Curves. Despite the scale/measurements, I'm sure it just felt good to get back to that routine.

    zebras, great to see you!! I've missed you. You just have to stop hiding! I think I could win some kind of award for stress eating right now, so don't be too upset about it. We all seem to suffer from that. Just do what you can do (like getting on the treadmill) when you can and that's good.

    bakergirl 62...welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your surgery, but as long as you watch what you eat, you shouldn't gain while you recuperate. Take care and I hope you keep checking in!

    Great to see you, aprilvet! I was wondering how you were doing with Insanity. It seems to be a trend among a few of us (alf and I are two) that we can keep up with the workouts when the eating goes bad. I totally agree with you about recognizing the adverse effects and gaining inspiration from that. That's kind of where I am right now. My poor eating is actually beginning to impact my workouts, and I feel I've worked too hard over the past year to allow that to happen. So back to clean eating for me.....soon. I've got to get through two pretty stressful events over the next couple of days, so I'm not promising anything about those right now. :blushing:

    I'm doing well. We got our first shipment of stuff today (550 pounds....so not much). But my coffee pot if back with me! :drinker: I actually hugged it when I took it out of the box. :laugh: It was a very busy day (Thursday for me) with putting that stuff away and such, but I managed to do Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I'm going to finish the week with Insanity Plyo tomorrow. I really am hoping to get back to cleaner eating soon. The good news is....I found ground turkey at the commissary today! :drinker: That made me feel so good and makes me believe a little more that, with a little work, I can eat like I was eating before we left California.

    The shipment also brought our scale. Tomorrow will be my first true weigh-in since October 20. I have a feeling I'll be like this :noway: ....and not in a good way. :ohwell:

    Tomorrow is also my first helicopter ride.....just one way back from Seoul. It comes at the end of our first social event with other military and the local community members. It should be an interesting evening to say the least. What a week this has been.....and that's putting it very mildly.

    Hope everybody has a great Thursday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    ....and the beat goes on. I guess I will have to go to the Dr. about this cold or whatever it is. The coughing is driving me mad, especially at night. I have no energy or ambition to exercise. I feel completely run down. It really makes me thankful for good health in general. Right now I need to concentrate on eating a healthy & balanced diet so that I can better fight the illness and maintain my weight going into the holiday season. I can't believe it is only 2 weeks 'till Turkey Day!!!

    It's so good to hear from some our friends here. April, we missed you! I thought of my fellow Pennsylvanian often. Don't give up on Insanity. It is by far the best fat blaster that I've ever used. Take breaks often, but just get through it. This is an advanced program, so there is room to grow.
    BTW- I already bought our tickets on Lufthansa to Germany and Austria for next May. Newark to Munich, non-stop. Can't wait!

    Stiring, I'm really glad that the move was not too traumatic for you. It seems like you are adjusting to the new environment very well. I can't live without ground turkey. We use it for a lot of recipes.

    I hope all is well with you, Alf!!! We miss your smiling face around here. :flowerforyou:

    I will check in later. Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning to all.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, my husband feels the same about his coffee. I can take it or leave it. Glad to see that all is working out for you.

    sing, How early do you get up? You seem to be posting in the middle of the night. Please do go to the doctor. Your cough is hanging around a bit too long.

    :flowerforyou: April, we have all done this. Just forget the past and go on with eating healthy and exercising. You may have even jump-started your weight lose by taking some time off.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, I get up for work at 4:45 am. I arrive at work at 5:45. The posting time looks like it is the middle of the night because this website originates in California, Pacific Time Zone. I have a Dr. appt at 3:45 pm today for my cold. The surgery center said that unless I was very sick with the flu, the procedure would continue. Thanks for your concern!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Thank you, all! It's good to be back! I'll keep you posted on my road back.

    sing- please see your dr! For someone like you to feel so run down for more than a day or 2 may indicate a real issue.

    stiring- I'm sure you'll get through this stress! It all sounds like a great adventure!

    swiss- thanks for the encouragement! I'm hopring that my body will respond quickly to better eating and a bump in exercise:smile: !

    Plan to re-start month 2 of Insanity today plus a mile or so on the treadmill. Dreary weather here.

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Sing: I'm glad you are going to get your cold seen to!

    Stiring: Glad to see you arrived in Korea. Helicopter ride sounds cool. I've never been in one. Glad to hear some of your stuff arrived too, I know you were wondering if it would actually show up.

    We are having our office Thanksgiving Dinner at lunch today. They put our food on those big oval chinette platters instead of plates. Even if you say a taste of this and a taste of that, you end up with mega amounts of food. It is the yummiest of their meals all year though! So, I'm planning to indulge myself a little. Pre-planning a small indulgence, should prevent me from turning it into a stress eating even (I HOPE!)
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome from all of you! Hope everyone had a nice Veterans Day yesterday and having a good week as well! :smile:

    Stiring: Thanks so much! That is so fabulous to hear about Insanity …. I know I am going to go for it! Thanks for your encouragement (as always). It will probably be when I finish up this rotation with STS and incorporate it into another one … kind of like we talked before! Hearing that it is fun really makes me feel excited about it. :happy:
    So glad to hear you are settling into your new home and found the Gr Turkey! That’s excellent – I’m sure once things get to feeling a little more settled it will all come together for you with the eating.

    Singfree: Hope all goes well at your Dr appt. today. :flowerforyou:

    Zebras: Thanks for the welcome – Enjoy your Thanksgiving potluck @ lunch today!

    Had a great cardio workout this a.m. and tomorrow will be a Back & Biceps workout along with Abs.
    I have incorporated A LOT more protein into my diet this week and it feels good. I thought I was eating quite a bit before but I needed to change it up and thought more protein would be a good choice. I don’t eat all of my exercise calories however so kind of playing around with that – may be a danger zone, I hope not.

    Happy Thursday everyone!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    April.... Good to have you back. I am also going through my own issues with motivation and food. I think I made the mistake of setting a goal for myself and now that I've reached it I have slacked off..... A LOT!!!! I am trying to find a way to re motivate myself. And I had better do it quick. At least I'm starting off smaller than I was when I first started so if I go full board like I did last time I can lose even more....

    Sing.... Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better.

    String... So happy that your stuff is finally getting there.... Once you get everything unpacked then the stress of moving should subside. You not really home until you have your belongings.

    How many calories are you all eating? MFP recommends me to eat 1200 calories but I find that so darn hard. Plus I dont seem to be losing very much at all. If I do lose its about 1 to 2 lbs a month and to me, that is VERY discouraging. If it were 1 to 2 lbs a week then I'd be happy
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Tron- I hear ya! As for your calorie intake, 1200 is your miniumum! You should eat some, if not all of your exercise calories. I find 1500-1600 cals much easier to manage and still lose weight. And don't get too impatient with the rate of loss. You're close to your ideal weight, where it is much harder to lose!

    Hang in there! Maybe we can challenge each other!:happy:

    Off to do Insanity.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I can't beleive I ate the whole thing. Let's just leave it at that!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Hey happy over 40 group. :laugh: I think I can get back into losing again. It seems so tough these days with age, time managment, and company all the time something is going on and I just need to focus on this weight loss issue once and for all. Hope we can motivate each other.:blushing:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    This is my Friday morning check-in......:sad: I'm thinking about calling the movers and seeing if they can take my scale back. :wink:

    Actually, I set a goal that I didn't want to gain more than five pounds in the move, and I didn't, so that is good. But I am up four pounds. I have a feeling some of that is water weight because I haven't gotten my drinking/eating on a routine yet. But it was a wake-up call that it's time to get back on track with my eating. At least my clothes are still fiting.

    I cooked my first dinner in our new home last night. Yay! We won't see the bulk of our household goods until January, so it is still a struggle to cook properly, but I'm going to try. Despite my weight gain, I'm actually really happy that we only ate out four times (not including social events, etc) throughout the move. That's pretty good for us. Planning ahead and having meals prepared in California for when we were living in a hotel really helped. I just wish I'd managed to keep my intake of sweets under control...which I definitely didn't. :ohwell:

    2BLean, let us know how more protein feels. The one thing I noticed when I lowered my protein levels after completing STS is that I had a harder time recovering from my workouts as a result. So I try to keep my protein levels up, especially when doing strength training, because I seem less tired and sore. I'm curious if you experience anything similar, especially since you are still doing STS.

    tron, I think 1200 calories is too low for you given you current weight. Like April, I would suggest something closer to 1500. That's what I was eating when I hit the weight you are at (we are the same height) and I found it much easier to handle. I think this is doubly important if you are going to start working out more because you will need the energy to do those workouts. At your weight, 1200 calories is too few (in my opinion) to give you enough energy to effectively exercise.

    zebras, sounds like you enjoyed a good Thanksgiving lunch!!

    njjswim, I hear you about how difficult it is to focus on weight loss/healthy eating when life gets busy. Boy, I feel like I've been the poster child for that recently! I hope you are able to start focusing on YOU again and not everything that is going on around you. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad you are seeing a doctor. You've been down with this for over a week, so it is time to get it checked out.

    Off to do Insanity Plyo and maybe P90X chest/shoulder/triceps. I'm feeling tired today and have that event tonight in Seoul so I don't want to overdo the exercise and then sleep through my dinner. :tongue: So I'll see how I feel after Insanity before deciding if I want to do anything else.

    I hope everybody enjoys the rest of their Thursday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    OK, I went to the Dr. after work yesterday. He said that this sickness of mine has been going on long enough. After an examination he wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic. Hopefully this will do the trick. It's odd that he did not give me anything for my cough. I guess I'll just take some OTC cough medicine. Thanks friends for your concern!

    On Sunday I begin my fast in prep for a colonoscopy on Monday. Only clear broth, jello, etc... until after the procedure which is at 9 am. Since I will be cleaning out my system with Osmo-Prep pills, I will use this as an opportunity to jumpstart my fat-weight loss going into the holidays.

    Being sick and busy at work, exercise and nutrition went out the window last week. I am up about 5 lbs according to the Dr. scale (the last time I weighed myself was in Sept.). Not too bad considering! I know I can shed a few of those lbs before T-day.

    Stiring, you and I seem to mirror one another with weight gains and losses. I still think you are a sister to me!! It's good that you are able to cook at least some of your meals at home. I love to go out to eat, but I usually overdo it a bit.

    Tron, I know it is hard to keep your calories higher, but give it a try. Hey, I kept my cals low for a while during the summer, exercised a LOT and did not get the results I was expecting. I am now a believer in having the cals a bit higher, eating clean, and regular exercise. For me, this is the ONLY thing that will work every time.

    Welcome to all of the new people on this thread! Friday is a reporting day for us. Please let us know how you did this week. As you can see, I was not totally successful in my endeavor to lose fat weight. Oh well, life happens. You know what? I'm not going to fret about it. I am already planning my strategy for the next few weeks leading up to Christmas. The most important thing is to set a goal, forget about the past, and look to a bright (and light) holiday season!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning all.

    sing, I am glad that you saw your doctor. Take it easy for awhile. If you do this then you should jump-start your weight lose.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I don't know how you kept your numbers of eating out so low with what all is going on in your life. Congratuations. My husband and I have been ordering appetizers and sharing them between us. Not only are we eating less calories but our bill is lower.:happy:

    njjswim, welcome !! I am sure that you will find encouragement and support in this thread.

    :flowerforyou: zebras, fess up !!!! I am so curious.

    I am down another pound this week. That makes a total of four pounds since I began my strength class.