40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Stiring: Thanks for the advice! It definitely helps to know what is realistic, otherwise, I might be aiming for an unacheivable goal.

    Alf: Feel Better soon!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone.... And welcome to all the new comers....:smile:

    I have been so busy this week. I have been leaving my house early and not getting home til 10 pm or later. Last night I didn't get home til 3am!!!! :noway: Oh my gosh, I have never wanted it to snow so bad in my life. Then I will be able to stay at home for a while. So much to do. I am having company for thanksgiving and my house is trashed.... And I mean trashed. Anyone with 3 teenage slobs should know what I am talking about...

    Moved my mom down from Nevada this week. I am happy to have her around but my step dad is another thing. He's suffering from PTSS and also Alzheimers so he's not only forgetful but can be quite violent too. He did come at me once while unloading their stuff from the truck so that was fun:grumble: :explode:
    I know this might sound mean but I wont put up with that. The first time he actually hits someone he's going in some sort of home that is properly trained to deal with that sort of stuff.:brokenheart:

    At least from moving my moms stuff I got some sort of exercise this week though. Hopefully enough to keep any extra weight off. I dont have the problem of over eating I have the problem of NOT eating anything all day then getting so hungry I grab a bag of chips to eat on the way home. Terrible I know:embarassed:

    Alf... Hope you are feeling better but I am excited for you that your getting your zumba classes up and going.

    String.... Sounds like your having quite an adventure there in Korea. Thats awesome. Even though I dont envy the moving around a lot I do envy how much of the world you are able to experience.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Is it Friday already??? Guress what, another Friday check-in has arrived!!

    This week has been a bit wierd for me. Early in the week I had to fast for the dreaded colonoscopy. When that was finished I promptly ate some junk food. My cals were not bad overall, but the nutritional value of them are questionable. I will do better this week, at least until Turkey Day. My exercise consisted of riding my bike a few times which was nice this late in the year. My weight is ok and I'd like to keep it that way or even lose a bit before Christmas.

    I've been busy with rehearsals in Harrisburg with the symphony. We are doing Haydn's "Creation" this weekend. A full orchestra, soloists and over 100 singers. We had a dress rehearsal last night and again tonight. The performances are tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon. It's a lot of fun, but the drive to Harrisburg nearly every day after work is a pain (60 miles each way).

    It's so nice to have everyone checking in. I do read every post, but sometimes I'm too busy to respond to each one...sorry!

    Alf, I think you will be ok to teach next Tuesday. Just don't overdo it 'til then. You need your energy to fight off the bug.

    Tron, put the "slobs" to work, or "No turkey for you" (Soup Nazi from Seinfeld).

    Stiring, I agree that getting back to clean eating will eliminate the "jiggles". It just goes to show "you are what you eat".

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, I am soooo jealous. I have always wanted to go on a cruise. My oldest son and his family went on one last month. Please let us know how the food is on the ship.

    :flowerforyou: tron, I do know what it is like to have three teenagers at home. One of mine will help out, though.

    sing, do you know how much weight you lost by cleaning yourself out for your colonoscopy? If it was a subtancial amount maybe I will have one done. :laugh:

    I donated blood last night so I probably lost one pound. Of course, it was in blood and not fat !!! <u Zumba class was cancelled last night because our instructor's daughter fell during gymnastic glass. She was doing something called a "giant" and fell onto concrete on her face. She then got dizzy. I am praying that she is alright.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!! Well, I have been able to maintain my weight pretty close to my desirable weight of 125lbs. I weighed 124.6 this morning. :laugh: If I can only stay here that would be great! I have been thinking about setting a new goal to lose 5lbs more but not sure...I just might once I start teaching and continue working out on my own.

    Swiss, the cruise is a 7 day to Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel on the Carnival Conquest. We did it about 3 yrs ago. It is fantastic. We are doing different shore excursions this time. I can't wait. Last time I brought my workout clothes but did not exercise not even one time! :noway: I will this time since it is my second time on this ship. The food is excellent and there is a huge variety of foods. You can eat very healthy or you can eat junk all day long. I just hope I can keep my son away from the 24hr pizza place. :noway: :laugh: I hope your Zumba Instructor's daughter is ok.

    Tron, take care of yourself. I am sorry to hear about your step father. All that matters is that everyone, including him, is safe. How does your mother feel about placing him in a home? I hope she is ok with it. Would medication reduce his aggresive behavior?

    Sing, my singing friend!!!! Those rehearsals sound like so much fun. It must be very exciting to participate in a performance like that. Are you on You Tube? I couldnt get up early this morning to do core syn, have no energy. I think it is best if I rest. I am going to practice my routine tonight but in moderation. I am taking a decongestant before bedtime and that helps me sleep. I am so stuffed up right now. :sick:

    Stiring, I want to hear about your Korean Rest experience!! MMM!!! Bulgogi, kimbap, kimchee, yummy!!! Did they put little dishes of veggies and a variety of kimchee all over the table. My husband says that our favorite Korean rest here is very authentic.

    Have a wonderful day!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday all! I haven't gone near the scale this week. Trying to get more in control of myself with all the stress going on. Got back into the workout mode this week though. As reported before, I'm trying to build up my abiilty to jog/run on the treadmill. Per Stiring's advice, I'm going to make my goal 5. mph. I can only jog for a minute or so at a time right now, so I am working to make my litle sprints longer and longer. It will keep me going back from more, and that's what I need right now incentive! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Ladies, here's a joke that perhaps you can relate to. Men really don't know how to buy gifts for women!! (Disclaimer: No, the joke is NOT about me).

    "My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds."

    I bought her a bathroom scale....

    ....and that's when the fight started!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Once again Sing you've got me laughing:laugh:

    The scale was up this morning but I'm trying not to fixate on it. I've had a very hormonal week and my eating has been terrible. I should just realize that when I'm busy and stressed it is even more important that I not skip meals. I really do much better when I eat every 3 hours. To get myself out of this funk - I splurged and ordered myself some books by Dr.Furhrman - The Eat to Live and Eat for Health.

    ALF: sorry to hear about your head cold - I'm a firm believer in EmergenC and plenty of fluids.

    STIRING: Congrats on the 2 days clean eating - I'm trying to jump back on that bandwagon because I know I'd feel much better.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Friday already?? :noway:

    a little too soon for my scale! Up a pound. I suppose I should expect that since I hadn't excerised in about 3 weeks!! Well That is changing. I have reset my goal to exercise 4 days of the week again. Totally doable now that I can get into a "normal" routine. I know to you fanatics :tongue: that doesn't sound too tough but a real step in the right direction for me. With all of you leading the way I'm at day 2/2 which included exercise! I have to reach 300 cals to count it for the day so I am going to have to spend a little time on the elliptical yet!

    Tron - Your life sounds crazy busy right now, The focus you have put into shaping up will really do you good for these days!:heart::heart: Same to you Alf, :heart: your recovery should be that much easier considering the way you have taken care of your self!! I took the EmergenC while caring for 5 out of 7 flu-infected kids around here and have so far escaped the bug!

    A little word to Sing :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Please when you look into the mirror - Love that man! All of those around you do.. you are taking care of everyone else and the time you put into caring for yourself should improve you self-image. Let's not do all this work so that we become more critical of ourselves. Everyone give that person in the mirror a high five:drinker: :drinker: when we are doing what we should and some words of encouragement when we need to get back on track! :flowerforyou: Do for your reflection what you do for each other! If it helps when we encourage each other why not for the person we are most responsible for -- ourselves!!!:happy: :happy:
    (my Sermonette!)

    The travel season begins in in the begiining of Jan for us so I hope to have this exercise habit firmly in place by then. I also figure that setting this goal during the holidays should help me to keep my focus!! What are YOUR Thanksgiving plans? Have a great weekend everyone!!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sing, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Duffy, thanks for the idea. Is that to be taken when the first symptoms occured? It started on Wed.
    I also do much better when I eat every 2-3 hrs. My daughter was in town yesterday so while waiting for her to go to lunch I did not eat for about 5 hrs and I ended up eating too much at Chili's :noway:

    Ok, so I signed up for the Surviving the Holidays challenge at my job. I weighed in at 129.4, a difference of 4.8 lbs from what I weighed at home this morning. Of course I know there are a lot of factors that will affect my weight. I made a note to myself of what I am wearing to wear the same when I go back after Jan 3. :laugh: I am very excited about this challenge because I do struggle every year with weight gain from Halloween to New Year's.

    Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hoosier, thanks for those kind words! I do (mostly) like what I see in the mirror, especially when I remember that I'm no longer a kid. Funny thing is that I still feel like one even though I have a 2 year old Grandson. For some, 55 is getting old. I refuse to subscribe to that mindset. I look at all of you fine ladies here and I know that we will all grow older gracefully and healthy.

    Alf, were you wearing a weighted vest for the weigh-in? :laugh: When I finally weigh myself at home it's "au natural"...not a pretty sight!! :grumble: I hope your cold goes away quickly. I've had a miserable time with mine. I am finally getting some relief after 2+ weeks. Your cruise sounds wonderful! I'm not sure if I can find anything on You Tube, but I will check the Harrisburg Symphony's website to see if there is anything to see or listen to.

    Duffy, I'm the same way with stress and being busy. I need to eat something healthy every few hours.

    Gotta go!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Just time for a quick Friday check-in....it's actually Saturday for me.

    I've lost nearly a pound after three days of cleaner eating (down to 102.2). I'm comfortable with the weight, but still feel like I need to firm things up a bit. Drinking extra water seems to help (it was hard for me to get all the water in I like during the move). I'm happy to be back on track. I'm supposed to take the day off working out today, but I'm going to do something because I have a feeling working out is going to be tough over the next week due to appointments and such I have. I'm going to try to get something in every day, but we'll see about that.

    alf, the restaurant I went to was like a buffet style where you cook your meat on your table. It was very good. Had all the Korean meats, kimchi, lots of veggies, great rice, and then things like spring rolls and other fried foods (which, of course, were cooked for us!) The sauces they provided for the meats were wonderful! I can't wait to try more.

    tron, take care of yourself. It sounds like you have so much going on right now. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, thanks for the laugh. :laugh:

    I must run! My husband is coming home today after being gone this week, and I've got a few things to do (like workout and clean!) before that happens. He and I met 21 years ago today. Who knew on that day that not only we'd be married but that we'd live the life we've lived. What a wild ride it has been.

    Hope everybody has a great weekend.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Just checking in before I leave for the day ~ TGIF everyone! :drinker:

    It has been a good eating week and workouts as well. I hope to get a good cardio workout in early tomorrow a.m. and then on Sunday a stretch + I play women’s volleyball league so will do that as well on Sunday.

    I have not weighed myself at all since starting STS program so don’t have a weigh in number to report :blushing: but I definitely feel like things are “tighter” so that is something I suppose. I don’t want to discourage myself with the number … that seems to get into my head faster than anything. I know soon enough I will need to have a new “gauge” to look at though. :noway:

    Hope everyone is doing great and have a nice weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone, I am injured. I believe it is my hip flexor. Don't want to spend 8 hrs in the er so will ice, rest, and take motrin until mon when I can try to schedule a same day appt. I'm very frustrated. Might have to postpone ny zumba classes until beginning of new year. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Take care
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Man I would love to stick with a plan I am such a nervous Nelly always thinking about what I am eating that by night time I am eating way too much...
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    alf, what happened?!!? I hope it isn't serious. Please let us know you are okay. Injuries are SO frustrating. {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} Don't let this get you down, alf. Just take care of yourself and you will be all right very soon. :flowerforyou:

    njjswim, I plan my meals a day in advance and log them into MFP....and stick to it. That way I'm not thinking about what I'm eating on the actual day I'm eating it. I plan my dinner meals weekly (in other words, I know on Saturday what I'm eating for the next week) and shop accordingly. I only buy what fits my menu for the week. That also keeps me from overeating. It takes some discipline at first to do things this way, but over time I have found this way easier than making daily decisions about food.

    I'm off to start my last week of the first month of Insanity. Four days of cleaner eating now. I'm feeling better because of it.....but my cravings are off-the-charts bad right now. :ohwell:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I just got home from the concert in Harrisburg (11:30 pm). Really good concert, but a long night for me! I'm not used to staying up this late.

    Alf...I am very sorry to hear about your hip. Can you tell us what happened? Hopefully it will be a minor injury and you will be good as new. My best wishes are going your way! :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, you seem to back in the groove. What are you craving?

    NJ, Stiring said it...plan your meals and stick to it. When left to your own devices, you will always choose the bad one or just plain overeat. Take it from a junk food junkie!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alf, let us know how you injured yourself. I twisted at the hip in a wrong way a few weeks ago and experienced some muscle spasms down my leg and up to my waist. I iced it and have been careful about how I walk since. I went to my Zumba class afterwards but I took it easy and didn't do any twisting.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you guys, you have lifted me up!! I am very frustrated. :cry: :cry: :cry: I was just now eating away crackers from the box until I read your posts. It feels a little better today but I cannot lift my knee without feeling pain in the area. You know how I've had a common head cold since last Wed so I have been taking it easy. Well, the temp yesterday was just perfect and my husband insisted we went out for a run. I told him I did not want to due to my cold but kept on insisting. I just felt something was telling me to stay home but I did not listen to the signs. I went out and started feeling a little pain in my left hip flexor muscles, nothing important I thought, "it will go away" type of feeling. I continued to run, on the way back the pain came back but really strong. I had to stop and even hurt walking. I told my husband to keep running back home to get the car and get me. I continued walking very slow and stopped for some stretches along the way. I have been resting since, icing and taking motrin 800. I am calling to schedule, hopefully, a same day appt tomorrow morning. If not available I am going to the ER. I want to get a diagnosis confirmed so I can start the healing process. Once I know I might need to postpone my zumba classes and everything else for a while. I just hope I can control my eating so I do not gain weight. You know how hard this can be and how frustrating it is when you cannot stay active. :grumble: :cry:

    Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I'm so sorry Alf!:cry: This is no fun at all! Sounds like you are doing the right things though. Please keep us posted. Eating healthy while you heal will make you feel better emotionally and physically. You might have to develop some new habits while you rest...
    Scrap Booking
    Writing a Short Novel
    Motivational speaking!

    Get healed up quick! :heart:
