intermittent fasting critis



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Who cares what we think LOL.just check out Greg palin the number one male fitness model in the world.and argue with him about it about how if does not work and how bad it is for him to do intermittent fasting lmaol.

    Did you read my post?

    You said pro bodybuilder not fitness model.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    And if intermittent fasting could be sold in a bottle it would be the best selling supplement. Pro bodybuilders don't use intermittent fasting cause they would have no one to sponsor them so they would have no money and the supplements companies.would go out.


    If you understand how many calories BIG guys require just to maintain weight let along gain you will also understand why IFing would be a stupid idea.

    And I am the creator of the IF group here remember :tongue: It's not for everyone!

    I do agree with Chris on this one. I don't know how the hell you could squeeze in 5k calories into 3 meals in 8 hours, that would be awful. I guess if they could pull it off it wouldn't be bad but that would be brutal on your stomach I would think. IF is cool but definitely not for everybody.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    And if intermittent fasting could be sold in a bottle it would be the best selling supplement. Pro bodybuilders don't use intermittent fasting cause they would have no one to sponsor them so they would have no money and the supplements companies.would go out.


    If you understand how many calories BIG guys require just to maintain weight let along gain you will also understand why IFing would be a stupid idea.

    And I am the creator of the IF group here remember :tongue: It's not for everyone!

    I do agree with Chris on this one. I don't know how the hell you could squeeze in 5k calories into 3 meals in 8 hours, that would be awful. I guess if they could pull it off it wouldn't be bad but that would be brutal on your stomach I would think. IF is cool but definitely not for everybody.

    I was thinking more like 8K :tongue:

    I averaged 3400cals/day for the last 2 months with 6-8hr eating window and hitting target macros. I think my highest day was about 4100. Much more than that and you just need more time! (unless you want to up the fats as they are generally low volume)

    I could have stopped IFing for a bulk but I'm in a routine and I'm still happy to eat massive meals. It was fun but did get tiresome by the end.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    And if intermittent fasting could be sold in a bottle it would be the best selling supplement. Pro bodybuilders don't use intermittent fasting cause they would have no one to sponsor them so they would have no money and the supplements companies.would go out.


    If you understand how many calories BIG guys require just to maintain weight let along gain you will also understand why IFing would be a stupid idea.

    And I am the creator of the IF group here remember :tongue: It's not for everyone!

    I do agree with Chris on this one. I don't know how the hell you could squeeze in 5k calories into 3 meals in 8 hours, that would be awful. I guess if they could pull it off it wouldn't be bad but that would be brutal on your stomach I would think. IF is cool but definitely not for everybody.

    I was thinking more like 8K :tongue:

    I averaged 3400cals/day for the last 2 months with 6-8hr eating window and hitting target macros. I think my highest day was about 4100. Much more than that and you just need more time! (unless you want to up the fats as they are generally low volume)

    I could have stopped IFing for a bulk but I'm in a routine and I'm still happy to eat massive meals. It was fun but did get tiresome by the end.

    Yeah, I guess the really big guys are sitting around 8k. I'm slowly working my way back up to 3k and I'm not thrilled about the huge meals. I have found that Chocolate Almond milk plus a good chocolate whey protein, and a little almond butter is the bomb and quick way to throw on some calories in a crunch.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    LOL I am done talking on here everyone have fun and do what you wanna do.
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    Wow! I love this post! Thanks Billy for mentioning it to me!

    I was trying to lose weight forever, but diets didn't work and the eating mini meals didn't work. I didn't lose at all. I was discouraged. I got tired of trying everything and started just listening to when I was hungry and eating then. Doing that meant me eating lunch and dinner and lying to anyone who asked that yes I had breakfast! LOL

    Well, the weight started coming off without all the trauma! Turns out I am a classic 16/8. It has been great. As I started to up my exercise, I found some days I wasn't hungry at all, so I would sometimes even skip a day.

    I was doing IF and didn't know it! I am a total IF advocate. I feel better than when I was trying to follow diets and my results...well... x big smile x

    OK! So here is my new question...
    Listening to my body tell me WHEN to eat helped a lot.
    I think I am starting to hear my body tell me WHAT I need to eat. Is that possible? Should I if I can stay within my calories?

    For example, there are days when I could eat half a bag of spinach and half a chicken by myself! Other days are just salad days. And some days, if I can't have a great big juicy steak and a sweet potato with butter, I get kinda upset. LOL!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I'm just gonna run in and run out with this. If you're prone to binge-type eating, and/or if you can ignore temporary hunger pangs, you'll probably love IF.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    What kind of results do you get from doing this? Time frames etc?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    What kind of results do you get from doing this? Time frames etc?

    Personally I'm only 3 weeks in but I've so far had two people see me without my shirt on and they're shocked at how much I've leaned out in just 3 weeks. They didn't know I was doing this either.