intermittent fasting critis



  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    And intermittent fasting has been around along time.its not New but when everyone starts getting amazing results.then its going to be a loss for all the supplement companies.:happy:

    I was amazed by the stall out and the 20hr daily fast.
    I bet lol
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
  • jjefferies7
    IF is pointless unless it suits your lifestyle because of work, you like eating big meals, ect. In terms of body composition and health your results would be the same eating those same calories/macros throughout the day so.. its not going to make a difference in that aspect if thats the only reason you are doing it.
  • lynzbug217
    lynzbug217 Posts: 6 Member
    I heard this isn't good for women.. is that true?
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    @ jjefferies7 I say it like i see it.of course if your on the juice that if is not your thing your only 19 and your built great kinda hard to look like that without juice at 19 years yea people if your on juice if is not your thing cause you need to eat as much as you can.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    IF is pointless unless it suits your lifestyle because of work, you like eating big meals, ect. In terms of body composition and health your results would be the same eating those same calories/macros throughout the day so.. its not going to make a difference in that aspect if thats the only reason you are doing it.

    ^ For what it's worth, I agree with this.

    Calorie and macronutrient sufficiency will dictate progress, not meal timing/frequency.

    And I do IF myself, for adherence/lifestyle/preferential reasons.

    EDIT: My money is on he's not juicing.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    I heard this isn't good for women.. is that true?
    that my dear can be true. that depends on your body. with all the test done more women had more problems with it then men.but then again lots of women have got great results from it.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    not really saying he is. but its a fact that your avarage everyday run of the mill 19 year old is not built like that.
    IF is pointless unless it suits your lifestyle because of work, you like eating big meals, ect. In terms of body composition and health your results would be the same eating those same calories/macros throughout the day so.. its not going to make a difference in that aspect if thats the only reason you are doing it.

    ^ For what it's worth, I agree with this.

    Calorie and macronutrient sufficiency will dictate progress, not meal timing/frequency.

    And I do IF myself, for adherence/lifestyle/preferential reasons.

    EDIT: My money is on he's not juicing.
  • jjefferies7
    Because obviously anyone with an above average physique = juicing. Im not juicing i just know what im doing. Thanks for the compliment though.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I heard this isn't good for women.. is that true?

    I read that it wasn't, however, most of the tests were done on lab rats & post-menopause women with little data on females that are younger. So, I decided to try it and be my own experiment to see if it'd work for me. 15 pounds down since Monday (most of it water weight) and I bicycle 27.75 miles every morning when the weather permits. I'm interested in seeing what happens over the next week because I'm .6 pounds from my plateau weight & 2 pounds away from my goal. After trying it for a full 2 weeks I'll decide what to do from there.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    Because obviously anyone with an above average physique = juicing. Im not juicing i just know what im doing. Thanks for the compliment though.
    no problem and that was a complement
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    I heard this isn't good for women.. is that true?
    intermittent fasting has helped many people women and men.few women find that with intermittent fasting comes sleeplessness, anxiety, and irregular periods, among a myriad of other symptoms hormone dysregulations. To each their own.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    @ jjefferies7 and I am not a expert.I do know that i do have my certifications with issa.but its a fact that you need hands on experience witch believe it or not is bro science so what i am saying is if I wanted to pack on 15 pounds of muscle I would get your advice cause you have been there and done it.opossed to some one who knows a lot but has never done it and is not in good shape.even If they went to school for years. I got amazing results from if and not even close to being done.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    What's my *****es? We're still having a pissing match behind the validity and in-validity (word?) of IF?? Seriously, if you don't like IF then get out you don't have to believe in it to support the results that plenty of research has already done. This isn't a debate behind the effectiveness, this is a support thread for those using it, the plan has been proven already. You can say and think what you want but it's not relevant because there are results for support. Nuff said about that...
    IF is pointless unless it suits your lifestyle because of work, you like eating big meals, ect. In terms of body composition and health your results would be the same eating those same calories/macros throughout the day so.. its not going to make a difference in that aspect if thats the only reason you are doing it.

    Actually if you read all the research behind it, there is added benefit to body composition with IF. Previously I worked with a pro-bodybuilder that also provides a nutrition service for 16-weeks and followed a small 6-day meal plan and lost the 10lbs I had plateaued trying to get past so there is validity in that method still as well. I will say this though, I feel more anabolic after I workout and eat my first meal, if that even makes sense have to experience it to understand it I guess, and even though the pounds aren't dropping as fast, though they are dropping, my body comp is rapidly improving. People can't believe how much I've changed in just two weeks. Keep in mind I wasn't that bad to begin with, bodyfat averaged around 11% before I started (10% - 12% was my typical range).
    I read that it wasn't, however, most of the tests were done on lab rats & post-menopause women with little data on females that are younger.

    One of the authors that co-wrote Dr. Berardi's free guide on Intermittent Fasting was female.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    @JNick, I have done IF for over a year, and not sissygains. I was doing 20hr fast with a 4hr eating window. I lost weight just as much as I would have on a standard 6 meal a day plan. I know guys who are between 5-8% body fat they also claim IF has no additional benefits. What it does do it helps you stick to your plan a bit easier. That's about it. I also tried the 8hr window(LG) for a few weeks as well. It just made me hungry(comparing 4hr eating window to 8hr window).

    One of my friend's was preparing for a competition, he stalled out on IF and went to 6 meals a day and dropped fat very rapidly.

    Again, not here to debate the effectiveness of IF; it's not a debateable topic because there's enough data available to support it. Now I will agree that everybody reacts differently to diet and exercise; there are few absolutes and few things that can be applied as law for everybody. What works for one may not work for you. However I do suspect that since your friends were already so lean that there is no benefit past where they were. The fact that your other friend stalled and changed his approach just proves that he probably lost the remaining fat due to a change in stimulus not that IF is bad or ineffective.

    Now, can we just try and use this thread as a support thread for those that want to use it. If you don't like it, think it's black-magic, whatever that's fine you have a right to your opinion, just keep it out of here because frankly we don't care.
  • christinafadia
    question please?

    when doing leangains 16/8 do you do cardio as well or only strength training while still fasting? and if both... are there specific days for each??

    thanks for your answers!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    question please?

    when doing leangains 16/8 do you do cardio as well or only strength training while still fasting? and if both... are there specific days for each??

    thanks for your answers!
    Holler! Finally a question for me!
    It depends on how much cardio you're doing. If it's short cardio, you might be ok doing it while fasted. I do endurance cardio, and glucose availability is an issue for the amount that I do. If you carb load, you could get away with doing some fasted endurance cardio- but personally, I'm not interested in carb-loading regularly. (If you've ever done it, it's actually kind of miserable and you feel SUPER bloated) SO the solution I've found is to do the cardio during my eating window. I do most of my runs in the evening, after I broke my fast at 2pm. It works out really well. Then when I'm done I get to power-eat!

    Sometimes my schedule makes it such that my cardio ends up finishing at 8pm or later, in which case I can't get all my calories in during the window. There are 2 solutions- 1) extend your window and do a 14/10 day or 2) cycle your net calories- so you go "over" the calories on the next day and you're under calories on cardio days.

    I suppose there's a 3rd solution which would be to do the cardio at the beginning of the fast and then go to bed without eating- but I haven't done it- just doesn't really appeal to me.

    edit to fix typo.
  • christinafadia
    Thanks Morebean :)
    how many days are u supposed to strength train? 3? may i add you as a friend?! you seem very knowledgeable about this and i'm very interested in changing body composition!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Thanks Morebean :)
    how many days are u supposed to strength train? 3? may i add you as a friend?! you seem very knowledgeable about this and i'm very interested in changing body composition!
    I personally do 2 a week, full body. My schedule is a 3 day cycle, allowing an extra rest or alternate workout day anywhere in the schedule once a week:
    Day 1: Run
    Day 2: Lift full body
    Day 3: Rest.

    Edit: I hate when I submit half-answers. smh. Anyway- I don't think there is a "right" schedule, and 3x a week can work, too. I personally do better with 2+ days rest between lifting since I lift all the muscle groups together. There are plenty of well designed programs that do 3-day a week lifting. It just depends on your program.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    @JNick77 your right this is a support not a debate.Lmaol