no carb diet



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Not no carb but low carb:

    If it works for you: cool beans. If you feel dreadful on it then for any extended length of time then ditch it. Don't let someone sell you the line that it is somehow your fault because you haven't given it long enough, become fat adapted etc, etc...
    And just as a point of interest, Lyle McDonald (who authored "The Ketogenic Diet", has this to say:

    "My opinion on ketogenic diets is this: ketogenic diets are one of many (ok, three) dietary approaches available. They have advantages and disadvantages (like all diets). They are appropriate under some circumstances, relatively neutral under others, and entirely inappropriate under still other circumstances. They are not magic but they work tremendously well for some people and absolutely horribly for other. There are still questions regarding their long-term effects."

    Link to the article is here:
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    If you are going to try no to low carb diets I really recommend you buy the books on the diets and read them first - they explain a lot more about HOW to do it instead of just reading a PDF and going for it. I actually read the books (Atkins and South Beach) and decided that no to low carb was not for me.

    Complex carbs: whole grains, beans, legumes, etc are excellent ways of eating healthy, getting lots of fiber and keeping you feeling full.

    The other side is the Rice Diet, where you start off Phase I eating only carbs (complex preferred) and fruit. Then adding veg and then fish or meat/alternatives into your diet.

    Basic math is actually what works the best - calories in and calories out. Then logic: the better and more healthy the food choices the more full you will feel and the better your body will function.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am starting to enjoy these types of threads. It helps weed out the *kitten* so that I can add them to my ignore list!

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    anyone have a sample menu for a no carb diet?

    Can't see any point for such a thing. If you're below about 30g of carbs you achieve the same state of "nutritional ketosis" as you would at zero grams so there's no motivation or need really.
  • Christinah5150
    Christinah5150 Posts: 73 Member
    you could also try South Beach Diet which teaches you to eat good carbs vs bad carbs.

    Kalyn's Kitchen is an excellent site that has all kinds of recipes that are South Beach friendly...and very tasty!

    I do south beach and I love Kalyn's Kitchen.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Your brain needs carbs to function. Try just limiting to small amounts early in the day, so your can burn before bed. Also stay away from processed foods. Stick to multigrain breads, brown or wild rice and sweet potatoes in stead of white. You get the idea.
  • gillz89
    gillz89 Posts: 81 Member
    Actually, it can be a sustainable diet. I have been doing low carb (eating less than 20 g net carbs daily) since February and I have no intention of stopping.

    Low carb can be sustainable (depending on the person) but it's not the same thing as no carb.

    Very true. I ignored the no carb part, sorry. No carb would not be a good idea or sustainable. Low carb is. Should have put that in my first post.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    interesting thread. I am a diabetic and eat no wheat products, I eat meat and veggies, small portions of brown rice and/or beans(1/3 a cup serving at a time) oatmeal, nuts and fruits and keep my carbs about 15-40 a meal. If I eat wheat products, with my meds I am hungry all the time. When I limit my carbs, and increase my protein, I'm not ready to eat the desk. Not everybody is the same, what works for some doesn't work for all. I wouldn't cut out all veggies and or fruit. Yes your brain runs on sugar which your body makes easiest from carbs, but everything turns into sugar. If I eat eggs, and then test my sugar goes up, not as much or as fast as with watermelon, but it does. Don't Fad diet, eat healthy and exercise. It's not a race, you didn't gain the weight overnight, you ain't gonna lose it overnight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What I am saying is that most of the time those that continue to fail at conventional diets, or whatever, are so tied to their carb laden franken foods that they won't even entertain the idea of giving them up, even if that means better health, weight loss, etc without them.

    These people you say come to you for help, and are really this addicted to carbs, do you suggest a moderate carb diet using whole grains, vegetables and fruit for the carbs? Or do you lead them to think that low carb is the only option?

    For those that are "addicted' to carbs or simply like them too much to be satisfied without them (I think true addition is fairly rare) this would seem the more sensible approach. Even if low carb / no grain is the ultimate goal, cold turkey is very hard for most people.. Even if they continue at a high carb diet, switching simple and processed carbs for whole can make a huge difference for health and would likely make weight loss easier for them.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    If you are eating meat and fat you are getting 0 carbs, there is no reason to quibble about the super minute amount that MIGHT be found in meat (as long as you are eating real, whole meat, and not store bought jerky or something).

    Yup. Some folk just lovez to quibble.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    <snip> If you are not taking vitamin supplements you'll likely need to eat some raw liver.

    You make that sound like a bad thing. :frown:
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Did you really mean "voracity" here? If so, I must be missing the context.

    vo·raci·ty (-rs-t), vo·racious·ness (-rshs-ns) n.
    Synonyms: voracious, gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous
    These adjectives mean having or marked by boundless greed: a voracious reader of history; a gluttonous consumer of fine foods; a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses; a politician ravenous for power.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Did you really mean "voracity" here? If so, I must be missing the context.

    vo·raci·ty (-rs-t), vo·racious·ness (-rshs-ns) n.
    Synonyms: voracious, gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous
    These adjectives mean having or marked by boundless greed: a voracious reader of history; a gluttonous consumer of fine foods; a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses; a politician ravenous for power.

    I did (sort of a frothing of the mouth image in my head), but I hadn't considered the irony of its nuances!! :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    <snip> If you are not taking vitamin supplements you'll likely need to eat some raw liver.

    You make that sound like a bad thing. :frown:

    Did I? It was just a statement. Though not being a fan of cooked liver I can't imagine I would care much for it raw either so there I won't deny the thought.
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    I am starting to enjoy these types of threads. It helps weed out the *kitten* so that I can add them to my ignore list!


  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    <snip> If you are not taking vitamin supplements you'll likely need to eat some raw liver.

    You make that sound like a bad thing. :frown:

    Did I? It was just a statement. Though not being a fan of cooked liver I can't imagine I would care much for it raw either so there I won't deny the thought.

    Just messin' with ya. I love beef liver. Raw, rare or as jerky. Hated it growing up because my mom would overcook it.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    This argument will never be won on either side, and MFP is always hostile to low carbers, but I still come here a lot, because damn it, I love you all in a very disfucntional family kind of way.

    Taking off the infini-quotes:

    I find this ironic considering the voracity of your responses!

    Did you really mean "voracity" here? If so, I must be missing the context.

    vo·raci·ty (-rs-t), vo·racious·ness (-rshs-ns) n.
    Synonyms: voracious, gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous
    These adjectives mean having or marked by boundless greed: a voracious reader of history; a gluttonous consumer of fine foods; a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses; a politician ravenous for power.

    I did (sort of a frothing of the mouth image in my head), but I hadn't considered the irony of its nuances!! :happy:

    This is a fun thread. Have a great weekend! :smile:
  • ksb0602
    ksb0602 Posts: 25 Member
    I am currently doing the Pink Method which eliminates carbs on the reset portion of the program (which can last anywhere from 3-14 days depending on your SW). Then adds the carbs back in slowly once the workout starts in Phase 1 of the program. So during reset for Breakfast I usually have a protein shake (Whey protein, fruit., I like bananas & blueberries, and almond milk) Then for lunch & dinner I have a light protein (baked fish, chicken, etc) and all the veggies I can eat all day. Because fruits have carbs you are only allowed whats in the shake in the morning.

    I have been 1 month on the program and have already lost 12 lbs (14 days on reset to jump start the weight loss & 16 days in phase 1)

    Hope this helps!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I know people who have done the 'hcg diet" im sure this is not liked here but they eat low carb, if you search recipes for phase 2 and 3 you could find some that way :)
  • Javelin3o4
    Javelin3o4 Posts: 17 Member
    My cousin does this we live together so I usually see him eating the following,

    Random types of Meats (roast, porkchops, hamburger)
    Chicken Breasts
    Green beans (in the skillet)
    Brocolli occasionally

    He's lost alot of weight but he doesnt really work out other than his walk home from work so his skin is kinda flappy.

    I will usually eat any of the meat he cooks, but I'm not as low carb as he is. I just try and stay away from sweets, and sodas. And watch my general amount of food im eating. My excercise usually consists of Softball and Bike Riding, mild weights lifting.